When It All Starts To Crumble

Hearts Will Never Change

“What is this?” their CEO asked as he slammed the magazine down on the desk. “What in the world did you guys do? How in the world are we going to clean up this mess?”

            “I’m sorry, I’ll take all the blame,” Sandeul said as he bowed his head. “It was my incompetence to stay rational in a situation. I just didn’t want to lie anymore.”

            “Lie about what? What were we lying about?” he asked.

            “My first relationship,” Sandeul bravely said as he looked at their president who was standing right before them. “My first relationship was with Lila, not Eunji. I just think that the public should know that.”

            “And then I hear that you’re dating Lila?” he angrily asked. “When were you going to tell me?”

            “I was going to tell you when the time was right,” Jinyoung stated as he stared straight ahead, unmoving. “I didn’t think that our relationship as in a position to tell you.”

            “And then I hear that she’s in the hospital?”

            “Yes, she’s currently in the hospital,” Jinyoung said. Even though he looked calm on the outside, he was actually freaking out on the inside. He didn’t want to tell everyone while Lila was in the hospital, it was a promise he made to her, and he especially didn’t want to lie about it because the truth would come out sooner or later.

            “Okay,” the CEO said. Jinyoung was surprised that he just left it at that. Jinyoung was sure that he would ask more questions about why she was there, but he didn’t ask anything, he just let it go.

            “Anyway, you guys are dismissed, I just wanted to get the facts before we do anything.”

            “Yes,” the five boys said in unison before they left the office.

            “I didn’t think that I ever saw him that serious before,” Baro whispered as they went back to the van.

            “He seemed to be dead serious,” Gongchan said agreeing with Baro.

            “Hyung, could you drop me off at the hospital?” Sandeul asked their manager as soon as they got in.

            “Why?” their manager asked.

            “I just want to apologize to Lila. I feel bad about what I did, you know, revealing our relationship and all.”

            “Okay,” their manager said. “We’ll take a trip there.”

            “Could we…could we all stop in and say hi?” Gongchan hesitantly asked.

            “Only for a short time and then Sandeul can have his talk,” their manager said.

            “Okay,” they all said in agreement, but Jinyoung was silent.

            Ever since Sandeul had told the reporter that Lila was his first girlfriend, it seemed as though he was trying to win Lila back, but while Jinyoung wasn’t entirely sure, it wasn’t like he could just ignore the strange feeling that was brewing inside of him. However, he would let Sandeul apologize for what he had done and then just take it from there.

            “Hyung, but when we first met Lila, she pretended like she didn’t know you,” Gongchan said as they were on their way to the hospital. “I didn’t know that you and her dated once before.”

            “Yeah,” Sandeul awkwardly began.

            “Why did she do that?” Shinwoo asked.

            “I guess since I’m famous now and since Eunji was there she didn’t want to like reveal herself, I mean, her and Eunji are best friends…were best friends,” Sandeul said as he attempted to think of a good reason. The guys still didn’t know about the way that he and Lila broke up with one another and he wasn’t just going to reveal that to them.

            “I guess that’s a good reason. I wouldn’t want anyone to know if I dated Sandeul before,” Baro retorted.

            “Hey, I was a good boyfriend,” Sandeul said in an attempt to defend himself.

            “Then why did you break up?” Baro asked, but Sandeul didn’t answer, he just remained silent.

            Eventually the guys arrived at the hospital and there were some reporters waiting. “Should we make a run for it?” Shinwoo asked.

            “We’ll just walk,” Jinyoung said shrugging his shoulders. “What’s the worst that anyone could say?”

            “I guess…” Gongchan said as he thought about it.

            “Let’s go,” their manager said as he opened the door. The five members shuffled out of the van and quickly into the hospital where the reporters weren’t allowed. Many of the reporters figured that they were going to see Lila. It wasn’t as crazy as other happenings would be, but there was still a little hecticness involved when attempting to get into the hospital. Within time, the boys were successful in entering.

            “Do you know where Lila’s room is?” Baro asked.

            “Yeah, I do,” Sandeul said as he started going towards the elevator. “Follow me.”

            “Lila!” Gongchan exclaimed as he saw Lila in her room.

            “Huh?” she asked as she turned her head towards the door and saw the five boys standing in the doorway along with their manager. “What…what are you guys doing here?”

            “We just wanted to say hi,” Gongchan said as he went up to her bed first. “We hadn’t seen you in a long time and we were worried about you.”

            “Let me guess, Sandeul told you about me being in the hospital?” Lila asked as she looked at Jinyoung but then to Sandeul.

            “He mentioned it,” Baro awkwardly said.

            “Anyway, we just wanted to tell you hi and Sandeul-hyung wants to talk to you,” Gongchan said. “We’ll come to visit you lots when we don’t have anything to do.”

            “That’s nice and all, but you guys don’t have to force yourself,” Lila said. “I don’t want to be a distraction from other things that you have to do.”

            “You aren’t a distraction,” Shinwoo said with a gentle smile. “You’re a friend, and as a friend, we’ll do things like this for you.”

            “I’m thankful, but really, you guys don’t have to go out of your way,” Lila said. The only reason Lila didn’t want them in the hospital wasn’t only because she didn’t want them to discover the real reason why she was there, but she just didn’t want them to always go out of their way to go visit her. She hated being a nuisance to someone and by them always coming to visit her, she would feel as though she’s being a nuisance.

            “Anyway, Sandeul has something to tell you, so we’ll all be waiting out in the hallway,” Shinwoo said.

            “Don’t worry, we’ll close the door,” Baro said as he quickly sent a wink to Sandeul.

The remaining four boys left the room and it was only Sandeul and Lila left awkwardly in the room. “Um…so…I don’t know if you saw the news or not,” Sandeul awkwardly began as he took a seat in the chair that was next to Lila’s bed, the one that Jinyoung frequently used.

            “I…have,” Lila said with a sigh. It was no use lying to him anymore. “Why did you say that? Why did you tell everyone that I was your first girlfriend?”

            “Because you are,” Sandeul said as he looked at her. He hated seeing her in a hospital bed and he wanted to know the real reason why she was there, he wanted to know the real reason behind the testing, but it wasn’t time to be asking those types of questions. “I mean, what else was I supposed to say?”

            “You could’ve just said that I was your friend or something,” Lila attempted to reason.

            “But it said Junghwan and Lila forever,” Sandeul attempted to reason.

            “But you aren’t Junghwan anymore, you’re Sandeul, there’s a difference,” Lila said.

            “You think I’m someone different?” Sandeul softly asked as he looked at her. “You don’t think that I’m the same guy from before?”

            “Obviously there’s some difference,” Lila sighed.

            “But you make it seem like I’m two different people.”

            “Because maybe you are, I don’t know whether you are or not, but the Junghwan I know wasn’t like this. He wasn’t so…I don’t know.”

            “You don’t know what?”

            “I don’t know anymore, okay? My life, it’s just falling apart and I don’t know why.”

            “I understand,” Sandeul softly said as he stood up from the chair. “I’ll send your boyfriend in here and I guess I’ll see you later, goodbye Lila.”

            Quietly, Sandeul left the hospital room and told Jinyoung to go in. He also told the rest of the guys that they could probably go home since Jinyoung would probably stay a while. As soon as Jinyoung entered the hospital room, he saw Lila on the verge of tears.

            “What’s wrong?” Jinyoung immediately asked as he went over to Lila and hugged her. “Why are you crying?”

            “I don’t even know,” Lila said as she attempted to hold in her tears. “Why am I like this? Why does he still make me like this?’

            “Lila…could I ask something?” Jinyoung hesitantly asked.

            “What do you want to ask me?” Lila asked as she pulled herself away to look at Jinyoung.

            “Your…um…passcode on your…apartment,” Jinyoung said as he attempted to phrase the words right, but however he worded it, it made it seem awkward.

            “What about it?” Lila asked, she didn’t know what Jinyoung was getting at.

            “Why is it…Sandeul’s birthday?”

            “Hmm?” Lila asked, slightly surprised that she was being asked such a question.

            “Why is it Sandeul’s birthday?”

            “Oh…I just change it every so often, and that’s what it changed to. I have a list of things.”

            “Ah, I see,” Jinyoung said with a nod of his head.

            “I thought you liked him or something,” Jinyoung nervously chuckled.

            “I don’t like him anymore, he was the past,” Lila said.

            “Am I the future?”

            “I don’t know…are you?” Lila asked with a chuckle.

            “I’d like to be,” Jinyoung said as he gently kissed Lila.

            “Um excuse me,” Dr. Kim said as she knocked on the door.

            “Oh,” Jinyoung and Lila both said as they quickly pulled away from one another.

            “Sorry,” she said with a chuckle. “Lila, it’s time for your routine examination to see how well you’re holding up with the treatments.”

            “Alright,” Lila said with a nod of her head.

            “I’ll wait outside,” Jinyoung said as he got off of the bed and went towards the door to stand out in the hallway.

            “Ah, if I were only young again,” Dr. Kim said as soon as Jinyoung left, to which Lila hid her face from her. “Why are you embarrassed?”

            “It’s embarrassing,” Lila said with a chuckle.

            “You know you can trust me.”

            “I know, but still, it’s like you’re my mother coming in at the most awkward time.”

            “Hey, I have to watch out for my daughter,” Dr. Kim said with a smile. “Let’s see how well you’re doing, okay?”

            “Okay,” Lila said.


“Eunji, what are you doing here?” Baro asked as he saw Eunji waiting outside of their apartment.

            “Sandeul-oppa, is it okay to talk with you?” Eunji hesitantly asked as she looked at Sandeul.

            “I…I guess,” Sandeul said as he shoved his hands into his pockets. “But why do you want to talk with me?”

            “I just…I guess I just want to say some things,” Eunji said. “Would you like to take a walk with me?”

            “Go ahead, Sandeul,” Shinwoo said as he encouraged Sandeul to go on the walk.

            “Yeah, there’s probably things that you two need to say to each other,” Gongchan chimed in.

            “If manager-hyung comes back because we need to go somewhere, we’ll call you,” Baro said.

            “Alright,” Sandeul sighed as he looked at Eunji. “Let’s go.”

            Sandeul and Eunji slowly began their way. It was silent for a while, until Eunji started up the conversation. “How have you been?” she asked.

            “Good…how about you?” Sandeul asked back.

            “I’ve been as good as I’ve always been,” Sandeul said with a nod of his head. “I guess there’s nothing really different.”

            “Ah, really?” Eunji asked.

            “Yeah. I haven’t really seen you around the campus lately, what have you been doing?”

            “Just some small stuff, nothing you need to worry about. That’s not really the reason why I asked you to go on a walk with me.”

            “What was the reason then?” Sandeul curiously asked as he and Eunji stopped at a corner.

            “I heard that Lila’s in the hospital,” Eunji slowly began.

            “Yeah, and?” Sandeul asked not understanding where the conversation as being led to. “I already know she’s in the hospital.”

            “But you don’t know the reason why, right?”

            “Why should I know the reason? That’s her business,” Sandeul said still confused.

            “I was just wondering if maybe you want to know why she’s there.”

            Sandeul lingered for a moment as he looked at Eunji, but shook his head. “I don’t want to know,” he said as he turned and started walking away. As much as Sandeul wanted to know why Lila was in the hospital, he figured that it was her business and it was something that he shouldn’t try to figure out because if Lila wanted him to know, he would’ve learned.

            “She has cancer,” Eunji called out to Sandeul who stopped dead in his tracks, but he didn’t turn around. “She has leukemia.” Sandeul wanted to say something to Eunji, but the words weren’t forming themselves. He was too shocked to do anything, to even make a sound. “Do you want to know why she wasn’t at the school when you returned so many years ago? It was because she went to America for school and for treatment of her cancer. This is a relapse, it’s her second time.”

            “Who do you think you are?” Sandeul asked turning around to look at Eunji, he couldn’t take it anymore. “Who do you think you are, getting all of this information and telling me? It’s neither of our businesses to know what happened to Lila or what’s happening to her right now, it’s her business, so let’s just pretend like this talk never happened.”

            With that, Sandeul began to walk back to the dorm, but as he walked, his mind only wondered to what was happening with Lila. If Eunji was telling the truth, Sandeul couldn’t imagine the pain that Lila was going through, but he wasn’t going to say a word. Lila would tell him when she was ready, if she was ever ready to tell him. He was going to wait, and that would be final.


What will happen to Sandeul now that he knows the news? Will the rest of the guys figure out what's going on? Will Lila be able to get rid of her leukemia once and for all? Will Eunji attempt to get back with Sandeul? Will Sandeul attempt to fight Jinyoung for Lila?


Here's Chapter 23. Hope you enjoyed :D


And sorry that I'm not updating as frequent, but since summer break started, I should be updating at a nice pace. And I think I see the ending of this fic. Although I'm not entirely sure when, I think it's going to come soon. So be prepared.

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Chapter 2: Oh mo Jinyoung has a feelings towards Lila. By the way i really like the story
Chapter 31: I like Lila a lot better now, because she had the guts to actually talk to him. I wonder Jinyoung should had talked to Gongchan, I mean hello, Jinchan , not to change the plot or anything
Ooooh I like this a lot
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 28: Don't make eunji sound bad !!!!!!!
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 11: I want sandeul and Lila back together but jiyoung and eunji together too
Chapter 28: I kinda want Sandeul and Lila back together..
I mean Lila already kissed him on the cheek after asking Jinyoung for a break so0o..
Chapter 28: I hate having Sanduel and Lila together I like having Jinyoung with Lila