An Unexpected Relation

Hearts Will Never Change

“Let’s go shopping today,” Eunji suggested. It hadn’t been that long since Lila arrived back in Korea and she already made a new friend. Eunji lived in the same apartment building and was neighbors with her. They both managed to make a quick friendship with one another and soon enough, within the span of a week, they became best friends. Of course both girls didn’t spill out their deepest darkest secrets; they would both rather live in the moment than the past.

            “Why?” Lila whined. She didn’t feel like going out especially when some of the aftereffects of the jetlag were still in her system. Sure it had been a week and she somewhat caught up with her sleep, but there were some moments throughout the day when she just didn’t feel like going out or doing anything like actual normal people. However, Eunji was always bubbly and always wanted to go out and do something. She felt that the day was wasted if they just stayed in their separate apartments and did nothing.

            “Let’s just go, please?” she begged. In reality, Eunji wanted Lila to meet her boyfriend. They had been dating for about half a year so far and Eunji was always excited to show her boyfriend off to other people, but since Lila just moved back, Eunji hadn’t gotten a chance to show him. But if Eunji just told Lila straight out that she wanted her to meet her boyfriend, she knew that she would object. That’s why Eunji suggested that they go to the mall, so they would be able to just unexpectedly go there without Lila having a fit.

            Lila thought for a moment about Eunji’s request. Sure she was tired, but then again, she could always use some more clothes. She had to go through her closet to see what fit and what didn’t fit since she hadn’t done that in a while. “Fine,” Lila said sighing as she finally gave in to her best friend. “I’ll go shopping with you.”

            “Really?” Eunji asked shocked. “You’re really going to go?”

            “I already agreed,” Lila said sighing as she got up off of the seat. “Hurry up and get ready before I change my mind.”

            Without answering a word, Eunji ran upstairs to go get dressed in more appropriate clothes to visit her boyfriend, while Lila stayed downstairs. She wasn’t going to change her clothes because she thought that what she had on was suitable enough. Plus, Lila wasn’t the type of person to change her clothes just because she was going out. If she was going to get a boyfriend, then that boyfriend should like her for the way that she is rather than liking something that she’s not.

            “Okay, I’m ready,” Eunji said coming back downstairs after spending ten minutes to get ready.

            “Let’s go,” Lila said standing up off of the couch as she and Eunji made their way out the door.

            Lila and Eunji got into Eunji’s car, since she was the only one with a Korean drivers license. “Ah, I’m so excited,” Eunji exclaimed as she was driving.

            “Why?” Lila asked looking over at her. She found it strange that Eunji would be so excited about just finding clothes. Then again, she was exciting over everything, no matter what it was; Eunji would have a positive attitude about everything.

            “I just am, do I need an explanation? You’ve known me for a week already,” Eunji said with a smile.

            “Yeah, sure,” Lila said as she looked out the window as the scenery passed.

            Lila missed being in Korea. The two years in the United States was long, but long enough for her to get her life back and under her control. She learned to live without Sandeul, even if it was hard at first. Even if Eunji didn’t know about the terrible past relationship she had, she was comfortable with talking about it. However, there was always the pain that came with the memories no matter if Lila could accept what had happened or not.

            “So, tell me a little about your life in America,” Eunji said starting up the conversation before they got to the mall.

            “It was…normal,” Lila said shrugging her shoulders and looking at Eunji. She really didn’t know what else to say in this type of situation. Her life in America was really just normal. She went over there to study for two years, the remaining two years in her high school career. Now she’s a freshman in college along with Eunji.

            But Lila didn’t know what to tell Eunji about her time spent in America. She met some awesome people in her two years there and learned some English, although she wasn’t fluent, she could probably get her way through some simple conversation and a little more since it was two years that she spent over there. Basically, Lila knew enough to get her though school and conversations with friends.

            “C’mon, it had to be awesome,” Eunji said pressing Lila for more information. She wanted to know everything. She never got a chance to go overseas before and she wanted to know what it was like through Lila since she did live over there. “What did you do? Like did you go out on the weekends? Did you study? Are the schools just like the schools over here? What about colleges and universities?”

            The questions were coming at Lila too fast that she didn’t know what to do. “Whoa, whoa, slow down, one question at a time,” she said laughing.

            “Sorry,” Eunji apologized. “I just want to know everything and you’ve told me nothing so far.”

            “Okay, I’ll tell you stuff. It’s just that your questions were zooming at me I didn’t know what else to do.”

            “Sorry…once again,” Eunji said with a smile. “Okay, one question at a time. What did you do on the weekends and stuff like that?”

            “Normal things,” Lila said shrugging her shoulders. “Things that we would do over here, just going out with friends and being a teenager, although people are more open over there, but that doesn’t restrict or add to the amount of fun. Well, maybe it adds to the amount of fun. Oh look, we’re already at the mall.”

            “Darn, I wanted to hear more,” Eunji complained as she parked the car.

            “You can hear more,” Lila said laughing at her reaction. “So, you wanted to come shopping.”

            “Yup, you can help me choose some cute clothes and I’ll help you choose some, too.”

            “Who said I need cute clothes?” Lila asked looking down at her own appearance as she and Eunji got out of the car. “I’m perfectly comfortable in what I have.”

            “Didn’t you use to wear cute things before?” Eunji asked. “I mean, before you moved to America, or even during your stay in America.”

            It was true. Lila had worn cute clothes all of the time before she moved, but wearing cute clothes now made her think of Sandeul, someone she definitely didn’t want to think about anymore. She would always dress up especially for Sandeul when they had school and when they spent weekends together. However, since Lila went to the United States she toned down her style and stayed with simple shorts or jeans and a comfortable t-shirt. She had no idea why she would go to great lengths to impress a guy when other clothes were much more comfortable.

            “No,” Lila said lying to Eunji. She knew that Eunji wouldn’t know whether it was the truth or not since Lila had lost contact with everyone after she moved. She didn’t want to be reminded of anything and wanted the past to remain the past and to reinvent herself for the future.

            “Well, we should change your style, let’s go,” Eunji said locking her arms together with Lila and walking into the mall together.

            Eunji and Lila spent the whole day just walking around and shopping, more like Eunji was shopping and Lila was just following. Once in a while she would find something and buy it, but the majority of the time was spent with Eunji showing Lila clothes that she should wear, but Lila knew that she would probably never wear that stuff again in a million years.

            “I’m hungry, let’s grab some food,” Eunji whined as they sat on a bench with all of Eunji’s shopping bags surrounding them. Lila was helping to carry them since Eunji had bought a lot. Strangely, even some of the stuff was guy’s clothing for which Eunji said that she just felt like buying, but Lila didn’t understand why Eunji would need guy’s clothing if she lived alone and if she didn’t have a brother, that much Lila at least knew.

            “Okay,” Lila said getting up from her seat. Together, the two girls went to the food court. “I’m going to get a hamburger, you get what you want.”

            With that, Lila abandoned Eunji to go get her food. The line wasn’t long to get her food since it was a little after the supposed lunch rush and quickly, Lila grabbed her tray and sat down waiting for Eunji, who she spotted getting Chinese food.

            “It looks really good,” Eunji said looking at her own food as she met up with Lila.

           “Okay, I prefer mine,” Lila said before taking a big mouthful of her sandwich and began chewing it. “After this, are we just going to go back to the apartment? It’s tiring.”

            “Nope, I have something planned,” Eunji announced.

            “You have something planned? Is this why you wanted to take me to the mall today?” Lila asked staring at her.

            “Kind of?” Eunji asked innocently shrugging her shoulders.

            “Hey, Jung Eunji,” Lila said causing both of the girls to burst out laughing. “Where are we going?”

            “We’re going to see one of the rising stars in the idol world these days,” Eunji said. “Their name is B1A4 and they’re having a fansigning in this mall today. It happens in about two hours.”

            “B1A4?” Lila asked. She wasn’t caught up with everything happening in the idol world after living in the United States. She became more focused of the music over there and cared less about what happened in Korea.

            “Of course you don’t know then, but that’s why you should come with me because they’re awesome. After we eat we can put our stuff into the car and then come back and wait in line.”

            “You want me to wait in line?” Lila asked. “How long would the line be?”

            “Not that long,” Eunji said smiling with excitement.

            After finishing up their lunch, Lila and Eunji went back to Eunji’s car and put their shopping bags, mostly Eunji’s shopping bags, into the back before making their way back in, but Lila noticed the different direction that Eunji was taking her. “Eunji, are you sure you’re going the right way? People are lining up that way,” Lila said taking note of the line that was growing longer by the second.

            “I’m positive,” Eunji said with a smile.

            Suddenly, Lila and Eunji had walked into one of the hallways of the mall that had concrete walls and was the back entrance to some of the stores. “What is this place?” Lila asked as she looked around and read the signs on each of the doors for the stores that were inside the mall. “Is this like the way people get in? Are we even supposed to be back here? Why are we back here?”

            “We’re fine.”

            “But why are we back here?”

            “We’re going to see B1A4, of course.”

            “You mean like stalk them? That’s wrong, they should have their privacy,” Lila argued.

            “You’ll see when we get there,” Eunji said as she couldn’t contain her excitement.

            Lila didn’t know what Eunji meant. What did she mean when she said that Lila would understand when they got there? Was Eunji somehow working for these people or knew someone in the group and that was the reason she could get back there?

            After walking for a while, they arrived in an abandoned parking lot in the back of the mall as a van pulled right up. “Eunji!” someone called as the van opened and suddenly a body was thrown.

            “Gongchan, you’re always so happy to see me,” Eunji smiled and looked at him.

            “Who is this?” he asked pointing at Lila.

            “This is my best friend,” Eunji said locking her arms together with Lila once again. “She moved here from the United States a week ago and lives in the apartment building next to me. You guys should come by sometime.”

            “If Manager-hyung allows,” Gongchan said looking down. “Ah, I’m Gong Chanshik, the maknae of B1A4, but I prefer Gongchan,” he said sticking his hand out for Lila to shake.

            “Hello,” Lila politely said. “I’m Lila.”

            “And this,” Eunji said happily bouncing back over to Lila while she was introducing herself to Gongchan. “This is my boyfriend.” Lila turned to look at the boy standing next to Eunji as her eyes widened and so did his. “Lee Sandeul, I’d like for you to meet my best friend Lila.” Sandeul and Lila stared at each other. It had been two years since they last saw each other. Sensing the silence and slight awkwardness, Eunji started talking again. “Do you two already know each other?” she asked wondering why they were acting like that but figured it would be impossible since Lila lived in the United States and didn’t know who B1A4 were.

            “No,” Lila said, she was the first one to speak up. “I don’t know him. Lee Sandeul, how do you do?” she asked sticking her hand out for him to shake.


What will Sandeul's reaction about Lila not knowing him be like? Will Eunji ever find out about Sandeul and Lila's past?


Here is Chapter 1 of my newest fanfic. Hope you enjoyed :D

I kind of liked this first chapter, it was decent and I've had it saved on my computer for quite a while because I didn't have a title for it yet.

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Chapter 2: Oh mo Jinyoung has a feelings towards Lila. By the way i really like the story
Chapter 31: I like Lila a lot better now, because she had the guts to actually talk to him. I wonder Jinyoung should had talked to Gongchan, I mean hello, Jinchan , not to change the plot or anything
Ooooh I like this a lot
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 28: Don't make eunji sound bad !!!!!!!
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 11: I want sandeul and Lila back together but jiyoung and eunji together too
Chapter 28: I kinda want Sandeul and Lila back together..
I mean Lila already kissed him on the cheek after asking Jinyoung for a break so0o..
Chapter 28: I hate having Sanduel and Lila together I like having Jinyoung with Lila