Dancing In The Rain...


A collection of drabbles that I have nothing else to do with, some are idol/idol, idol/oc, oc/oc, some are , some het! and some maybe even yuri, you never know. They are all things that come to my mind, but I don't write enough of them to be full stories.


Disclaimer, I do not own anything but the writing.

This is a collection of drabbles that I write when I am brainstorming or have a plot bunny that I can't turn into a full story, often they could be made into full stories and if I ever do do that then they will be removed

Pairings and members are likely to be my bias groups, biases and bias otps. 


Chapter 1 - The Duke... Jinyoung/Gongchan. AUworld where Jinyoung is a duke. Rated for language. 

Chapter 2 - His Best Friend... Myungsoo/OC. Sungyeol/OC. Angst. Rated for language

Chapter 3 - Lies... Daehyun/OC, mention of broken DaeJae, hint at BangHim. . Rated for . 

Chapter 4 - Secrets... Baro/OC, secret relationship

Chapter 5 - The Question... BangHim. theme of surrogacy

Chapter 6 - Cheer Up.. broken CAP/OC. 

Chapter 7 - Moonlight... DaeJae, nonAu, Rated for implications


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Yuki0710 #1
Yeh!! JinChan, end together je, je
Chapter three is .... so mean~!!! But I liked it though. By mean, I meant in a good way