Jo KwangMin? Choi JunHong?


Eunjo POV-

                'You got a message'

            My phone rang as I walked out the house when I read it it said 'Hey EunJo will you hang out after school ;D' 


"EunJo-noona... how are you?" Zelo said dejectly

"Well bad now" I say with a hint of anger

"Wae? Nobody's messing with you right?"

"No, you just sound sad and I don't want you to be sad and why would anyone mess with me?" I say with a hint of anxiousness in my voice

"Sorry, just a bit tired and been thinking a lot..."

"Something I can help with Oppa?"

"I- no.. Hey! do you know KwangMin?"

I nod my head and say "Yeah, he was the one I was helping yesterday, wae?"

"No reason I was just wondering since he's in one of my classes." Afterwards we just walked in slience, it wasn't akward it was kind of comforting being near Zelo, being able to stand next to him without any worry.


I decided to check my phone and reply back to KwangMin 'I don't know I might just go home right after school' after I typed that I tuck my phone away and place my hands behind my back and hum to marshmellow. 


"EunJo where are we gonna meet up for practice?"

"The park."

"I'm guessing I'm picking you up from your house?" he said with a teasing tone.


I smile back and shake my head as I decided to check my phone 'OnO you no fun EunJo' I snorted and closed my phone and placed it into my

backpack and kept on talking with Zelo-Oppa.


"Hey EunJo what do you plan to do when you grow up?"

I tap my index finger against my chin "Become a kpop star." I say with a smile "What about you Zelo-Oppa?"


            "Me? I want to be a rapper when I grow up."

"Really! That's cool! So we're kind of shooting for the same goal huh?"

He nods as he puts his arms behind his neck.

I put my hands behind my back and skipped a little.

"Geez EunJo you seem kind of happy"

"I'm just happy I get to hang out with you this weekend." I said with a smile on my face but I realized I said that out loud and I felt my cheeks turn red like a cherry tomato as I cover my

mouth and advert my eyes. I felt tugging at my hand so he could see my face.

"Yah EunJo-Noona don't cover your face" I felt his face come near mine but we snap out of it when someone's phone started ringing

           "WHY DON’T YOU GET IT? BABY LET ME LOVE YA, LOVE YA, LOVE YA nae janpureul goro, i jumuneul goro, WE CAN BE SO PERFECT saesang modu jogi daenda haedo nani nandwae na animyon nandwae…BABY LET ME LOVE YA LOVE YA LOVE YA". 

           I heard him sigh as he pulls back and fishs his phone out of his pocket to answer it "Hey hyung what is it?" he asks, "I see... Let me finish something first and I'll be there." He sighs again and as he puts his phone away "Sorry EunJo, I got to go help my Hyungs with something, I text you when I get time alright?"

Now it was my turn to sigh and frown, when I did, I felt Zelo hug me so I decided to hug him back then I felt him kiss my cheek as he stopped hugging me. He winked at me as I turned red again.


He puts his arms together making a heart. "Sarangh-" he was cut short when he tripped and fell.

I cover my mouth as I gasped.

He got up again and wave at me while running "SARANGHAE NOONA!!!"

I laughed when he did his thumbs up. "Ah, my adorable dongsaeng." I say with a skip as I hurry to school with a smile on my face. " I can't wait to tell EunSook-Unnie!"


     Zelo's POV-

               Once EunJo was out of sight, I start running faster to make it in time of the meeting. When I made it to the TS Building I put my hands on my 
knees and started panting from all that running, I groan and say "I wish this building was much closer." After I got my breath back I walk into the building, when I step in the automatic doors swing in and I felt the warmth from the heaters surround me, I walked to the receptionist at the front desk.

              "Um... Miss... Where are they holding the meeting for B.A.P?"

"How do I know you're not a random fan?" I check my pockets for my wallet, when I couldn't find my wallet I give her a sheepish look and scratch the back of my head,  "I can't find it but I'm really Zelo."

She rolls her eyes at me. "Yeah. And I'm married to Taeyang."

I put my head down in defeat and sigh. 

              "No worries Ms. Lee, he's with me" I hear a deep voice say.

"U-Uh alright then go on then..."

I look up to see YongGuk-Hyung standing next to me. "Hey Hyung" I say cheerful even though I'm cringing on the inside.

"You left your wallet in the practice room Zelo." YongGuk-Hyung says.

"Oh, sorry about that Hyung."

YongGuk just sighs at me and keeps leading me towards the meeting room where the other memebers are sitting. I see Jong Up and decide to sit next to him since I know him the best. YoungJae sat next to DaeHyun or at least I think that's what his name was and Yong Guk sat next to HimChan. I look at all the members, a bit surprised when we all became blonde since we thought on;y one of us would have blonde hair. 

"Alright, so everyone's here right?" the manger asked.

I nodded at our manager as he started talking to us about our Debut in January. I play fingers a little since I'm nervous, not only am I worried about our debut date but also my relationship with EunJo, I still haven't asked her out or even told her I'm on my way to debut in January. I feel the pressure and it's barely the first of November. I groan inside my head as the meeting continues on.


EunJo's POV-

            When I reached my math class with still no sign of Zelo I frown. When I open the door I bumped into someone's chest


My eyes widen when I reconize the voice, I felt him push me away but with his hands on my shoulders. "KwangMin, I didn't know you were in my math class." 

"Well here I am EunJo, at least the school year doesn't look so bland anymore." he said with a smile.

I try to smile back at him but I was still dejective from not seeing EunSook, Jong Up or Zelo today.

"Is something wrong EunJo?"

Before I could reply, the bell rings and KwangMin takes my hand, leading me to the seat next to him. When we sat down he still held my hand, even as Ms. Song walked in.

           "Yah! What are you two staring at" she yelled at two random students.

           I look away so she wouldn't yell at me too. I felt KwangMin let go of my hand so I decided to pull out my stuff before it got akward. When I got it out my stuff and placed it on my desk, I felt our hands brush as we both reached for my pencil that was about to roll off the table. I sigh as I grab it and mumble "This is going to be a long class period." I groaned inside my head when I look at KwangMin from the cornor of my eye, seeing him smiling. 'Such a pretty smile...' I think then shake my head, 'Why am I thinking like this? I only like Zelo's smiles and he's overly blinking eyes.' I cracked a smile at the thought and turn a bit red as well. 



When lunch ended I saw EunSook playing with her phone so I ran up to her and ask "JongUppie isn't here today?" she just shakes her head, not bothering to look up. "What's wrong Unnie?" I ask.

"I just found out that KwangMin is the rapper for Boyfriend"

I look at her confused.

"Yes, the KwangMin you tought at dance"

I widen my eyes, "W-why is he here?"

She just shrugged at me.

"Yah! Why didn't he tell me?! I-I mean I can't! Nevermind!" I say as I start to squeal and fangirl as my feels came out. I hear EunSook laugh at me.

"Well did KwangMin beat Zelo?" she asks.

"Yah! No he didn't, Zelo is still winning." I say with a pout as a I cross my arms.

She just waves her hand at me. "Whatever puppy, you should tell Zelo you like him."

"Aniyo!" I blushed.


"Just Aniyo!"

"So stubbon, that's why you two aren't going out now." she says as she gets up and walks off to the school.

I just roll my eyes and stick out my tongue. "What a mean Unnie.Hm... I wish Zelo oppa was here..."


When I walked out of school I sigh, "Thank god it's Friday! I never expected- crap, I still have stuff to do tomorrow." I open my phone to check for any messages, well, any from Zelo. I pout when I don't see any. "Fine I'll just walk home by myself, I'm a big girl now." I pout as I march through the heart shaped leaves and head home. As soon as I went through the gate, some guy with blonde hair and pink lips that any girl would die from came up to me.

"Um... Excuse me, but have you seen JunHong?" the man said in a deep voice.

"U-uh wait does he look like?" I ask.

"Blonde with straight hair, and tall."

I look at him nervously. "Y-you mean Zelo?"

He nods and scatches the back of his head while smiling akwardly "Yes... No need to be nervous I'm not gonna do anything, I just wanted to know if you've seen him..." he mumbles.

I shake my head and shrug.

"Well thanks anyway, I'm Bang YongGuk. JunHong needs to be at practice and I thought he'd be here since he always comes here to see someone but it seems that I was wrong... So bye..." he pauses.

"EunJo." I bow.

"Yeah, EunJo." He turns around and waves at me from behind as I process the information.

"JunHong? Practice, blonde hair, missing class... Am I missing something? I need to talk to EunSook."

"Hey EunJo!" I hear someone say.

When I turn around and I see Zelo standing there with a goofy smile. "H-hey." I cursed myself for getting anxoius, I see his smile drop instantly and he walks over to me.

"Are you okay EunJo?" he asks.

I nod. "Sorry, this guy freaked me out with his voice... I think his name was YongGuk... He was looking for you... For practice..."

I see his eyes widen. "Crap, I forgot." he sighs, "I'm sorry I can't walk you home today but I'll get you tomorrow and I'll make it up alright?" he says.

I nod but stop short "What's your real name Zelo?"

"Choi JunHong, I forgot to tell you... Mianhae, I gotta go." He hugs me and runs off yet again.

I begin to head home, texting EunSook. "Unnie do you know who Bang YongGuk is?" I close my phone, not bothering to check again. First Jo KwangMin then Choi JunHong what's in store for me and I still have to get the dance down for Starship entertement as well ugh life for me' I think, pouting the rest of the way home.


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Sorry I've been busy with school, but I am getting back into writing this story :D penguin~ out


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Puff_Michelle #1
Chapter 2: Was the alarm from Kara's Mister?
Ne agi :)
Thank you Umma ∩(#´・ω・`)∩ ( つ◕▽◕)つ ┐(▰╹□╹▰)┌ ╮|・▽・#|╭
I love you baby :)