
I am inlove with.. HER?

The big day arrived sooner than to their liking.

Since their first meeting one month ago, Minyoung and L have met for four times, reasons to know each other better, but each lasting less that thirthy minutes.

But even so, they still can't believe that their big day had arrive, but it did, of course. Even though Minyoung knew that this would happen, but it never felt as real as it did now when she was dressed in a white gown, standing outside the chruch. While she was waiting there, L was sitting alone at the park( at his own house) while holding his own phone.

*I wonder if Jiyeon gonna come today, since we had a little fought yesterday.* he thought desperately. Of course, he wanted Jiyeon to see him in tuxedo, but not with other woman though. 


"I can't believe you're going to marry her!" Jiyeon hissed. Damn, she's pissed. Someone she 'loves' gonna married soon. Well, love is not exactly a right word though.

"I'm sorry. I really didn't expect this coming. My mum didn't tell me anything about it." he explained. "Do something about it! Tell them you don't wanna marry her!" she shouted, gaining attention from everyone.

L quickly apologized to public and sighed. "They didn't listen. You know my parents, once they decided something, they won't change it." Jiyeon facepalmed herself. 

"You still want me to attend the freaking wedding?" L nodded. "You don't even think about my feelings, don't you? Do you know how it feels to see someone you love marry someone else?" she rolled her eyes.

L stared blankly at his feet. Jiyeon sighed.

"What's her name? she asked. L looked at her innocently.

"Choi Minyoung." he replied. Jiyeon nodded and stood up.

"Goodbye Kim Myungsoo."



She peeked inside the coloured glass windows and saw the whole chruch filled with guests, relatives and friends, all of them are here to see the married couple.

She herself was dressed in a beautiful white gown, with minimal makeup that still made her look angelic, and a cute veil on the top of her head. He father looked at her with tears filled in his eyes.

Mr Choi smiled at her warmly and Minyoung forced herself to smile. *You can do this Choi Minyoung. Think of your abeoji and omonim. You can. This is what they wanted, right?*

She plastered the most natural smile she could do on her face, glancing at the mirror to see her reflection. It showed a beautiful woman in a wedding dress, but the unhappy one.

The girls around her fussed over Minyoung's dress, shoes and makeup. "She's so beautiful! That L guy is totally right to choose her as his wife." they whispered.

But Naeun caught them and smiled. "You think he's lucky?" They nodded. *If only they know the truth, they wont think the same way anymore, right?*

Baekhyun looked over at Minyoung, and they met eyes, smiling. "It's finally your wedding, Minyoung" he blurted. Naeun nodded, "yeah." He patted Minyoung's shoulder comfortingly.

"You can do this, Minyoung." She took a deep breathe and smiled. "Yes Minyoung, you can do this." she talked to herself.



L looked through the crowded and spoted Jiyeon. She looked the most unhappy there. Jiyeon noticed L was looking at her and she looked away. *She came to my wedding.* he softly smiled. *Mianhae.*

Not longer after that, the doors opened. Standing by the altar, he thought he wouldn't have any feelings, but he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. It was his wedding afterall.

He once dreamt of getting married to his Mrs right, aka Park Jiyeon. Too bad the woman he's going to marry wasn't his Mrs Right. It wasn't until his eyes fell on his bride that his eyes widened and his jaw dropped, having to close it again to prevent himself looking like a fool.

*Damn. She's beautiful.* he thought as they met eyes.

Jiyeon herself couldn't denied that the girl his boyfriend going to marry is beautiful. Her eyes, nose, mouth are all perfect. Nothing wrong with her features. She glanced at L and noticed his jaw dropped when he looked at her. At that time, Jiyeon wanted to go to Minyoung's face and slap her, hard. She clencth her fists and looked at Minyoung once again.

*I'm going to make you regret, Choi Minyoung.*

While Jiyeon was busy cursing Minyoung, the crowded were murmurings and dumbfounded by Minyoung's beauty. She was really the most beautiful bride anyone had ever seen. L couldn't help but feel a little proud with his bride.

Baekhyun smiled when he heard people praising Minyoung. *That's right. She's the most beautiful. L is really lucky to have her as his wife.*

Infinite members were gaping at Minyoung while she walked past them.

Hoya swallowed hard. "And he said she's a little bit more than average. Bastard. He doesn't know the definition of beauty or something?" he muttered.

"She's beautiful, like an angel. I swear she's the prettiest." Woohyun whispered in awe. "Hey Sungjong, don't you think she's a lot more prettier than you?" woohyun teased.

Sungjong couldn't help but agree with it. Usually, he would denied it but now he thinks Minyoung is really a lot more prettier than her. "Maybe I finally found someone who is prettier than me. L hyung better treat him well." he giggled.

"What the hell Kim Myungsoo!" he cursed under his breath. "You said Jiyeon is prettier but you're sure lying! It isn't fait that you always get the hot one! Why do you get such a beautiful wife?!" he growled in envy.

They reached the altar and Mr Choi smiled at Minyoung softly. He took Minyoung's hand, placing it into L'sand holding both of their hands. "Take care of my daughter, Myungsoo." he said, holding his tears.

L nodded. "I will, Abeoji." he said quietly. He took a glanced at Minyoung and noticed that she was crying. She was looking at her father with a teary eyes, and it dawned on L that he wife won't get to see her parents often when they got married.

Suddenly, L felt guilty even though it wasn't his fault. He felt like he's the one who caused all this. He took her hand as they faced the priest, waiting to say their vows.

Minyoung stared at her feet blankly while the priest yakked away.

*I can't believe this is happenning. I can't see my parents that often anymore. And Byun Baekhyun...* she smiled at the thought of her bestfriend. *I hope he'll stay beside me and give me strength.*

A gentle squeeze on her hand make her looked up. L was looking at her and cocking his head slighty towards the priest. "Y-yes?" she said nervously.

"Will you, Choi Minyoung, take Kim Myungsoo as your husband?" the priest asked with a smile.

Minyoung returned the smile and whispered, "I do."

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife!" the priest said, sending the crowd into a fenzy of cheers. Jiyeon glared hard at Minyoung while Baekhyun looked at Minyoung with a teary eyes.

*Here we go, the woman I love for 10 years.*

Minyoung felt herself being turned by the shoulders to face L as he looked down at her, searching her eyes. Her eyes suddenly widened when she finally realized what they have to do. She completely forgot this part of the wedding, and also the highlight of the wedding.

The kiss.

Minyoung started panicking. She hadn't kissed any guy in her life, what was she supposed to do? He glanced at Baekhyun and he mouthed "do it" to her. What she doesn't know is, Baekhyun's heart was telling her to not do it. She sighed, she didn't know what to do. It's her first kiss, and she need to do it infront of public. 

L titled her head to look at him, and saw the fears in her eyes. He sighed and wiped those tears away from her cheeks tenderly, totally forgetting the fact that her girlfriend was watching him the whole time.

"Don't cry. It'll be over soon." he whispered.

With that, he pressed his lips lightly against Minyoung's. They came into contact for 3 seconds, but he couldn't help but notice how soft and kissable her lips were.

He pulled away and put on a smile as he waved to his family and his friends. Then only he noticed Jiyeon left the chruch already. *She left.*

L took Minyoung's hands again. leading her to the limo that would take them to their honeymoon. He sighed to himself. *It has begun, Kim Myungsoo.* 




Hi guys, its me, again. :)

Just want to ask your opinion, should I continue with the story?

I notice that this fic is not that successful...

Disappointed? Kind of. But I can't do anything about it.

Oh anyway chapter 4 is up :) Please tell me if I should continue, or not, okay?

Much love! <3

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Damaris #1
Chapter 6: It sounds interesting. Update soon.
Its very interesting!:) update soon? Hwaiting!!
Chapter 4: You should continue!! This story is great!
Chapter 2: Wahh.... This is very GOOD!
Please update soon~
okay? ^.^
wow I like this story update soon
first chappie is already interesting!!
can't wait for more~~