You're Mine and Mine Only



"Okay that's a wrap everybody. Let's call it a day."

A huge wave of relief washed over me. Finally my photoshoot for Vogue magazine had finally ended and now I'll be given the chance to go home early to take some rest. I glanced around the people around and bowed 90 degrees as I muttered some thanks to them for their hard work.

My manager and well-trusted close friend of mine, Jay, walked over to me with a concerned look on his face. He handed me my water bottle and I quickly drank from it since I was already dehydrating from all the posing I've been doing.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him while handing him the water bottle. I wiped my mouth with a clean facetowel as I listened to his response.

"I've heard about what happened two days ago. You fired Hyoyeon?" He asked and I quickly sighed. I've just had a long day and I wouldn't want to talk about this topic again.

I walked to the other side of the studio and I knew he followed me. "Oh come on, it was no big deal. I had it all under my control." 

He folded his arms over his chest as he gave me another stern look. "Got it under your control? Tiff, Hyoyeon is only one of the best and most hard-working people I've ever met and I believe she has fulfilled her duties as your assistant pretty well. What kind of reason did you have to even fire someone like her?"

I rolled my eyes and scowled at his words. He always keeps on scolding and lecturing me about things that I should and shouldn't do and I am growing tired of it. He is my manager but that doesn't mean he gets control of my whole life. I have the right to do things on my own and I can make decisions without his permit. 

"I can fire anyone I want." My response caused him to groan. "And besides, did she even mention you the real reason why I sent her away? It's because she keeps on doing her job wrong. She even ruined my cocktail dress!"

"You're being unreasonable!" He suddenly yelled. I was slightly taken aback by his sudden outburst because never did once Jay raised his voice on me. We've been friends since college back at L.A. and since then he's always been an oppa to me. But we can never avoid the times that we argue about a certain topic and that topic is none other than my attitude towards others. Pssh.

"Unreasonable?! How?! I was right about firing her. She's clumsy and she's not using her head when she does her actions! That's why I told you I don't need assistants! They're just a waste of time, waste of money, and most importantly a waste of my voice whenever I scold them for the things they did wrong."

He sighed and placed a hand over my shoulder. I quickly yanked it away, my cheeks burning red from all the stress that is rushing through my veins. 

"Arasso arasso I get it. Now calm down, I don't want you to stress yourself too much. I'm sorry." He softly apologized, looking through my eyes in a sincere way. I scoffed and walked away. Apologies were never meant for me to accept but eventually me and Jay would be back on the same route anyway.

I packed up my things and headed outside of the building. Just in time my driver was there waiting for me. He opened the door of the limo and assisted me in hopping inside. When the door was closed and I was all alone inside the car, I screamed out a little to release the frustration that was boiling up inside of me.

Stress from work, stress from my manager, stress everywhere. How long will I still be able to live in this world?

Soon enough the my driver took me to my home which was a huge condominium building. It was owned by a good old friend of mine and the place was exclusively accepting celebrities or people with high standards as occupants of each and every condo unit. Mine was at the fifteenth floor and I just thank the person who invented the elevator.

Minutes later I was right outside of the door leading to my condo unit. I slipped my keycard and the door automatically opened, letting me enter inside. I felt so relieved when I inhaled the familiar scent of my place. Without even thinking any further I took off my sandals and threw them somewhere across the room, as if I cared. Then I lazily plopped myself on the couch.

"Home sweet home." I mumbled as I looked around the living room.

This is actually the first time that I've noticed how silent and empty my condo was. My condominium was beautifully decorated with expensive and luxurious furnitures, yet I'm not always home to see and appreciate it. Most of the time I'm outside being all busy with my career.

I sighed and leaned my chin on the palm of my hand. 

Sometimes it's normal for a celebrity like me to wish to have an ordinary life, right?

My body was getting rather numb and I wa beginning to feel some sores on my back. In order to relieve my stress I decided to head over the kitchen to get a bottle of red wine. Champaigne or whatever kind of liquor always gets my body to be at ease yet I don't know why.

I poured the red alcoholic beverage into a wine glass. I placed the tip of the glass against my lips and was about to gulp the drink down, until I heard the doorbell ring. 

Who could that be? I glanced at my wristwatch and it was only 7pm and I wasn't expecting any visitor to come. I quickly fixed myself before heading to the door to check who it was. I peeked through the peephole and was surprised to see an unfamiliar face popping out of nowhere.

I opened the door and met eyes with a short, dark brown haired girl who was looking back at me with her big round set of eyes.

"Who are you and why are you here?" I simply asked with an eyebrow raised up. 

She bowed with that suspiciously dorky smile pressed against her small round face. "Annyeonghasseyo, Kim Taeyeon imnida. I came here for you miss Tiffany Hwang."








"You did what now?! Yoona, how could you!!" 

I really can't explain everything about how I ended up being in this place. But all I can tell you is that I'm right here in the very place where a famous celebrity lives. The whole place was filled with her high-pitched voice that was screaming through the phone as she conversed with the person who sent me here in the first place.

You remember Im Yoona right?

Oh well, after our little encounter we became friends. It was unbelievable at first because I've never expected myself to be added to a celebrity's list of friends. It's just an amazing honor you know, being friends with a beautiful actress slash supermodel like Yoona. After getting to know each other a little, she offered me a job when I told her I don't have any. She said it will serve as a thank you for what I did for her back at the mini mart.

But it's quite strange though, she's acting way too nice towards me.

My thoughts were disrupted once that black haired woman appeared right in front of me, her face showing an expression of annoyance and grumpiness. I swallowed hard as she approached me. She looked as if she was going to rip my head off. I shifted on the couch as my eyes avoided to look at hers.

"Miss Kim Taeyeon." she called out as if she was ordering me to look at her. And I did. I lifted my chin and looked straight at her eyes. She had a pair of chocolate brown orbs that glimmered under the ray of the light on the ceiling.

"N-Neh?" I answered back a little nervously. Her stare was really making me feel unwelcomed.

"I think this was a big mistake. You have to go home." She told me.


"W-What? But I don't understand, miss Im Yoona sent me here telling me that you desperately needed a new personal assistant." I tried to explain. 

She rolled her eyes in a bratty manner. I swear Tiffany Hwang's beauty is like a goddesse's, but her attitude needs work.

"Desperately?" She repeated the word while chuckling to herself. Then her expression changed into a darker one once she laid her eyes upon me again. "I'm sorry but my friend was just making a fool out of you. You must go home since I am not hiring anybody to be my assistant. And besides, you look young. Are you on your first year of college or what?"

Oh darn it. She did not just ask that question to me.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked, trying to believe that I've just misheard her or something.

"How old are you kid? 17? 18? Or are you going twenty this year?" She continued to rash out these questions to me.

17? 18? And she even called me a kid? Thank the Heavens for making me a good person or else I would've strangled this woman already with her insults.

"Actually I'm 24 ma'am." 

She looked rather surprised with my answer as if she couldn't believe it. I smiled at her reaction. 

"I applied for this job miss Hwang. Miss Im already explained to me how you're in need of assistance and I'll be willing to do anything you order." I stated with full confidence.

"Ugh, are you deaf or something? Didn't I just tell you that I don't need an assistant? Don't you know the words N-O-T  H-I-R-I-N-G?" She asked as she crossed her arms. I swear to God she looks so adorably cute even with that angry expression on her face.

"But ma'am, I already promised miss Im that I would work for you." I explained, trying not to let her send me off. 

"I don't give a damn about what you promised her! Just get out of my house! Get out!" She began shooing me away, grabbing my shoulders as she continued to push me towards the door. I looked over my shoulder to see her face closer to mine.

"Just let me stay please! I promise to do my job digilently and I assure you that I won't let you down!" I tried to stop her from pushing me but this girl was just damn strong. She continued to push me away until I was right outside of her door. She tried closing the door but I used my foot to block it. 

"Leave me alone! You're crazy!" She yelled at me through gritted teeth. The only barrier between her and I was the door. 

"Only if you accept my application ma'am!" I told her with a smile. She furrowed her eyebrows as if she was thinking for a moment. Soon enough I felt my triumphant self once she gave out her answer.

"Fine! I'll accept you!" She exclaimed and I quickly took my foot off the door. I smiled at her but she glared at me. "Be here tomorrow at exactly 6am sharp. Once you're even a teensy weensy minute late, I'll be sure to fire you immediately!" 

I did a salute while throwing her a wink of mine. "You got it miss Hwang! I'll be here tomorrow exactly at 6 am! You can count on me!" I beamed at her. 

She shook her head miserably. As she entered her condo and slammed the door, I think I heard her muttering something like 'Abnormal dorky freak'. How was that suppose to make me feel?

When all coast was clear and I was all alone, I began dancing around while doing fist pumps. Finally! A new job wherein I'll be able to get paid with a higher salary. And bonus, I get to be with an amazingly gorgeous and popular celebrity 24/7! I can't wait to tell my sister the good news.

In the midst of my dancing and fist-pumping, I didn't notice the door of her condo open and out came Tiffany's head. 

I stopped my dancing once my eyes caught a glimpse of her. Talk about an embarassing moment. 

She just stared at me with an eyebrow of hers cocked at my direction. Without saying a word she handed me my handbag which I actually forgot inside her place. I took it from her and bowed as an apology. My cheeks were reddening but it didn't seem to catch her attention.

Strike one. It's a good thing she didn't fire me right there and then.

She rolled her eyes and slammed the door closed, leaving me all alone again. I sighed in relief while placing a hand over my chest. I promise never to do the fist pump in public ever again.









I was having the dream of my life until I felt someone poking my cheek. 

It's been days since I last got a long hour beauty sleep, and I wouldn't let anything ruin my deep slumber today. It was a saturday and my schedule for my beauty spa treatment won't be until later at 1pm in the afternoon. I tried to squeeze my eyes shut and lured myself back to dreamland but the poking continued.

"Ugggh.." I let out a little groan to warn that person not to disturb me at the moment.

Wait a second, there is another person in my house?

Before another second could pass, I bolted upright from my sleeping position with my eyes fully opened as if my eyeballs are going to pop out from its sockets. I looked around my bedroom to search for any intruder but all I saw was a short dark brown haired girl with big eyes looking straight at me.

I slammed my face against the pillow. "What the hell are you doing here?! It's so early in the morning for you to disturb my beauty sleep!" I cried against the fluffy object that my head was leaning against.

Kim Taeyeon stood by the edge of my bed and I could still feel her eyes staring at me. Hearing no response, I got up from the bed to give her a morning glare.

I crossed my arms. "What are you staring at?!" I snapped at her. Before she could open to answer, I noticed how red her face was getting. She looked kinda flustered but I couldn't understand why. When she was able to speak, I finally understood.

"M-Miss Hwang..Uh..Erm..Look below you." 

At first I didn't know what she meant by that but when my eyes trailed down to my body, my eyes widened in surprise to realize that I was wearing a see-through nightgown. Basically my bare body was exposed except for the lingerie that I was wearing.


I quickly covered myself with the thick bedsheets and glared at her once more. "What are you still doing here?! Get out of my room! OUT!" I shouted through gritted teeth, trying not to mind how badly I'm blushing right now.

That ert! If she already saw me in my undies, why didn't she leave quickly? She just stood there and kept staring at me weirdly. Ugh.

I quickly wore 'appropriate' clothes before heading out of my room to face with that midget. I saw her standing by the kitchen counter, probably waiting for no one but me. I stood before her and folded my arms. She looked at me from head to toe and it seemed that she sighed with relief once I had some proper clothing on.

"What are you doing here and how the heck did you get into my house? Did you break inside?!" 

She quickly shook her head in denial. "A-Aniyo ma'am. Miss Im let me borrow her duplicate keycard of your condo so that I could come inside. And last night you told me to come here at exactly 6 am. I arrived thirty minutes before so that I wouldn't be late and wouldn't get fired by you."

Her statement annoyed me as much as how I found her dorky smile really really IRRITATING.

"Fine, whatever." I said in defeat. Maybe it's not easy to find a way to fire this girl. "Go and make breakfast now." I ordered her and she quickly obeyed my words.

I heaved out a sigh while rubbing my temples. 

Just wait and see Kim Taeyeon. I'll find a way to fire you.







Will Tiffany even succeed on whatever she's planning? Tune in and find out in the next chapter.






to be continued






Author's Message to Readers:

Hey guys!! Aww, I feel so flattered that many of you have subscribed, commented, and are reading this fic! Thank you so much for supporting me and my story. Your comments and support are the ones boosting my confidence in writing this fic. I know I cannot thank you individually, but I hope this big KISS and HUG from me is enough to make you guys happy. Keke^^ 

Anyways enjoy the fic as much as you can! I'll put all my effort into making it enjoyable to read as possible! See you on the next chappie! ;-))))

















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EllaMarie_Aff34 #1
Chapter 4: Pls update author
Chapter 4: pls update author-nim....
Please update .. New reader btw ^^
neenataeyeon #4
Chapter 4: Author-nim..update juseyo
tae1810 #5
pls update...
Chapter 4: Please authorsshie, I'm drooling for another update. I really like where I think this is going.. Lol Keep it up! TAENY FOREVER!
taenyrockz #7
Chapter 4: Pls update soo! Love this story
gracee-ah #8
Author we miss you... :/
azlinamatsapar #9
Chapter 4: author, where are you? hope you are fine.... i'm waiting for your update....
Yoonhyun! (: