You're Mine and Mine Only



"Oh my God, how could you be so stupid?! Do you have an idea how expensive these dress is? Huh? I've just bought this three days ago from London and now look at what has happened to it! There's a visibly seen hole on it and the fabric is all wrinkly you idiotic woman!"

I have never felt so angry and infuriated in my whole life.

Looking at what's happening right now, I am raising my voice at a particular assistant of mine. She applied to work for me just a week ago and yet she already made the biggest mistake of her life. She ruined my red cocktil dress that cost me a whole lot of dollars to buy it from my trip to London. Yesterday I ordered her to wash it as carefully as she can, but she failed to do such a simple thing.

She ruined my dress. She literally destroyed it.

And now she's begging for my forgiveness? Oh puh-lease. If other people can give mercy out easily, well not me.

"J-Jeosongheyo miss Hwang. I-It wasn't of my i-intention to ruin your dress. I s-swear I was being careful-"

I quickly cut her off. I could not bear to hear any word coming out from a person who typically ruined my day. "Shut up. Do you really think you're apology could do something about this? Do you think you're capable of paying for the damage you've caused? Oh you must be really mad aren't you?!" My throat was on the verge of getting hoarse but I didn't care. This woman deserved some yelling.

She lowered her head and I could witness the tears that were threatening to escape from her eyes. Tears? Sorry but I am not interested for some dramas.

"P-Please ma'am, just give me another chance." She pleaded, her hands clasped together and she looked at me as though she was pleading for me to spare her life.

I closed my eyes and sighed loudly. Sometimes people really don't realize it when they've pushed their limits. 

"Don't waste you're energy begging me to let you stay. Don't make yourself look ridiculous. I have made my decision once and for all." I could notice the tension building up inside of her. If only she didn't ruin my dress, I won't have to act this way towards her. So basically, it's her fault. Not mine. 

"You're fired." The words slipped out of my mouth quickly. I said it without a single regret. 

She stared at me, hanging open as if she could not believe what she had just heard. Her tears managed to successfully pour out from her eyes.

"Didn't you hear me? Are you deaf? I said, YOU'RE FIRED." I said in a firmer and louder tone of my voice. She just stood in front of me for another second and soon enough she ended up running off the studio, leaving me with my victory smile.

As I sighed with relief, I noticed that the people around me were actually staring at me. I was at a studio because of a new commercial that I'm shooting, and apparently our shooting was interrupted because of my idiotic assistant that I've just fired. I looked at the crew and raised my eyebrow. 

"What are you all looking at? Back to work!" I hissed at them and they quickly obliged. I don't care if they witnessed my crucial attitude towards my assistant. Not a single soul here can oppose against me and if they do, they'll be quickly sent away with just a snap of my fingers.






"Tiff, you didn't have to be so rude."

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was having my free time outside. I hanged out in a small coffeeshop owned by my bestfriend's cousin. Fortunately there were very few people inside since i was only about 6 am in the morning and me and my companion are the only customers in that moment.

I took a sip of my cappuccino whilst the other beautiful girl sitting across me eyed my every move.

"Take that doe eyes of yours away from me Yoong. You know how I get all self-conscious whenever somebody's staring at me." I exclaimed, leaning back on my chair as I began reading the Vogue magazine I was holding in my hands.

I heard her sigh softly. "Fany I heard what happened between you and your assistant. What you did was wrong and I know that you know that." 

I slammed the magazine onto the small table and gave her a glare. But since Yoona was a very very close friend of mine and since we were also out in public, I managed to keep my cool and lowered down my temper. Never did once I raised my voice at Yoona because she's a person who's important to me and I've always been treating her like a dongsaeng.

But of course I can never avoid the times that I would snap at her.

"You don't have to meddle with my business. I've got everything under control that's why you don't have to worry about anything." I told her.

Yoona just shook her head miserably at my response. "That's the seventh assistant I hired for you this year. When are you going to be nice so that at least one person would stay with you for at least for the rest of the year?"

I just randomly shrugged my shoulders. This topic wasn't really important to me and having an assistant was never necessary for me. I know I'm a celebrity and I have tight schedules all the time but I can perfectly take care of myself. I don't need any help from another clumsy and idiotic naive girl who would just end up crying because I fired her for ruining my dress.


"What? I told you Yoona, I don't need any personal assistant. You know well that I'm very much independent and that I can take care of myself really well. I don't need someone following me around. So I advice you to just stop finding and hiring assistants for me. They're all stupid anyway."

I heard her sigh again. This usually comes out of her whenever my bad and mean self suddenly comes alive. I looked at her and this time it was my time to exhale air deeply. I place my hand over hers and gave it a little squeeze.

"Mianhe, I don't mean to act this way towards you. Sometimes my mouth is acting faster than my good-for-nothing brain. And I'm also terribly exhausted after doing a lot of activities these past few days so I hope you'll forgive me whenever I become all y or whatever." I sincerely apologized as I looked through her eyes.

A huge wave of relief overwhelmed in me as her lips curved upwards into a smile. She nodded silently and allowed me to return back to my reading business, whilst she called somebody on her iphone. 

I believe Yoona won't hire another assistant for me. But will she?








It was a hectic Monday and my head was spinning all around.

Whenever it's the first day of the week, tons of customers would attack our restaurant and I would running to and fro while serving the tables. It was such a difficult task to do but I was happy and satisfied with my job. Everywhere I could hear my name being called, other people telling me to do this and that. I could even sometimes trip over a foot that would almost send me crashing towards the floor but my reflexes are fast and I'm quick enough to manage my own body.

"Taeyeon! Take this tray to table number nine!"

Hearing a call from the kitchen, I quickly made my way towards the tray before dashing to wherever table ninth was. The restaurant company was smart enough to think of letting the waitresses wear rollerblades, and today I'm wearing a pair of them. It looked really lame and I almost looked like a clown but it made my job easier to do.

My eye caught a glimpse of table number nine and I quickly rolled my way towards it. But I didn't notice a puddle of water on the floor and it was very slippery. How did I know it was slippery? Well when my rollerblades went through it I got out of balance, slipped, and the tray of food was sent flying off across the room.

Silence filled the atmosphere. 

I landed on my and it terribly hurt, but a loud yell of frustration coming from a man rang inside my ears. Before I could even get up, a male customer approached me. He looked so mad and his head and his clothes looks like it got spilled by...soup?

"Grrrr, were you the one carrying the tray for table number nine?!" He asked through gritted teeth.

I swallowed back hard because I didn't know how to respond. I tried to stand up first, and the man was glaring at me murderously. The flash of events came into my mind and now I've realized what have happened and what I've done. The tray that I was holding earlier contained a bowl of mushroom soup intended for table nine but it was sent flying to the air and it eventually landed on a customer.

Yikes. Talk about major trouble.

But before I could open my mouth to apologize, the restaurant's manager came popping out of nowhere. He asked what was wrong and what has happened, and soon enough I was told to pack my things and to leave my work permanently.

Even though I'm a very optimistic person, sometimes ty things tend to happen in each person's life.

Now I've got no job, no salary, and now right words to explain to my sister why I lost my all-time favorite job. I was even hesitant to go home because I didn't want to dissappoint my little sister. How am I going to pay for her college tuition fees now if my pockets are all empty? How are we going to survive living in this cruel life if I have nothing to do to work for a living?

I sighed as I arrived right in front of the door of our apartment unit. My trembling hand took hold of the doorknob and was too weak to even twist it. 

What am I going to tell my sister?

"Taeyeon eonnie?"

I nearly jumped due to shock. I turned around and saw a figure behind me, a figure that belonged to none other than my beloved sister. She smiled even if I didn't respond, as if she already was a hundred percent sure that it was me standing before her.

"H-How'd you know it was me?" I asked her. Judging by the bagpack she's wearing over her shoulder, she'd just came home from school.

She grinned at me. "Oh eonnie, I have these strange powers that I've never told you about. I could have a strong sense and I sensed that my older sister who is my own flesh and blood is right in front of me. And besides, you're perfume scent is very much recognizable." I cracked a laugh at her own joke, totally forgetting about my new problem that I was planning of telling her about.

I inserted my key into the hole of the doorknob and the door slowly opened. I assisted Seohyun in entering ou small apartment, the little cozy and warm place we call our home. She sat on the couch whilst I settled my things on top of the dining table.

"You hungry? Want something to eat?" I asked as I began removing my coat.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes eonnie. I've been starving from all the studying we've been doing!" I laughed at her aegyo attitude today. I walked over to her and kissed the crown of her head. It's been a habit of mine kissing her forehead whenever I felt like it. It was a way of me showing my love for the only family member that I have in my life.

I then proceeded to enter the kitchen. Opening the fridge a frown flashed upon my face once I saw that it as empty. We were out of food and I forgot to do some grocery shopping. I facepalmed myself and let out a small groan of frustration.

"Eonnie, is everything alright in there?" I heard Seohyun calling out.

"Neh!" I answered back although I knew it was a lie. I sighed and trudged back into the living room, sitting down on the couch besides my sister. Maybe she sensed that something was wrong because she turned to face me with a worried expression on her face. 

"Eonnie, is everything okay? Why are you so quiet today?" She asked as she placed her warm hand on my bare arm. I smiled at her even though she can't see it. I want to tell her everything, about my daily problems in life but somehow I cannot bring myself to do it since I do not want to burden her with my personal life.

I got up from the couch and tried to sound as cheerful as possible. 

"Eonnie will be going out for a while to buy some ingredients for our dinner. You stay here and keep watch of our home okay?" I asked as I patted her head.

Seohyun made a face as she tried to feel my shoulder before smacking it with her fist. "Are you trying to insult me eonnie? You know I'm blind yet you're telling me to keep watch of the house? Aish jinjja." 

We both laughed at our silly antics. I once again kissed the top of her forehead and wore my coat over my shoulder.

"I'll be back soon okay? See you Hyunnie." It were the last words that came out of my mouth as I left our apartment.

The cold breeze quickly whipped my hair into my face. The wind was blowing a little too much today and it was because autumn was on the verge of ending while winter was about to come. I walked down the street with my hands stuffed into the pockets of my coat. Walking has been a habit of mine and also because I could never afford a car to use as a transportation.

The mini mart was becoming visible to my eyes. I began approaching it faster since the cold was really bothering me. There were very few people inside the grocery mart. I grabbed a basket and began roaming around the place to gather the ingredients that I need to make dinner for me and my sister.

As I finished shopping for the things that I needed, I headed over to the cash register in order to pay for the items that I got. Apparently there was a tall and a seemingly pretty woman paying on the counter right before me. She seems so familiar but I cannot see her face clearly because she was wearing a cap that almost covered half of her face. She was also wearing a huge coat that hid her mysterious figure.

But seriously, she looks so familiar.

I was waiting for my turn when suddenly I heard a commotion coming from the woman in front of me and the lady working behind the cash register. The woman seemed to have forgotten her wallet and she could not be able to pay for the things that she bought. The cash register lady was beginning to boil in irritation.

And here is an example of a situation wherein my good persona suddenly comes up to save the day.

I took out my small wallet from my coat and saw that I still have enough money to pay for my belongings. I then eyed the woman before me and she looked a hell lot of worried. I eventually felt sorry for her and my motto 'Put other people first before myself' came popping into my mind.

I hated the fact that my actions always comes first without my brain's approval.

"Here. I'll pay for it." Both the woman and the cahs register lady looked surprised once I laid on my cash on the counter. 

The woman looked at me with those familiar pair of doe eyes that I feel like I've seen before. "You don't have to. It's okay it's just a bottle of water and a pack of chewing gum."

The lady behind the cash register hesitated to take my money. "Are you sure ma'am?" She asked me and I nodded without a word. 

The woman was about to stop her but I just let the lady take my money in and then the items she bought were officially paid. The woman looked at me questioningly and I just threw a small smile at her way.

"Just trying to save you from the humiliation." I leaned in and whispered towards her ear. She didn't respond after that so after I paid for my own items, I exited the place and headed home.

Just when I was about to cross over the street, somebody seemed to be calling me from behind.

"Hey! Hey good Samaritan wait up!"

Good Samaritan? Seriously?

I turned around and saw that same woman rushing towards me. She was panting a lot and I could tell she's been chasing me. I raised an eyebrow at her, wondering why she even followed me.

"Is there something that I can help you with?" I asked her.

After she finished panting, she looked around our surroundings. I was about to question her weird actions until she suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me off somewhere what seemed to be a hidden alleyway. 

"Excuse me but I don't know what yo-"

I was suddenly cut off when the woman took off her cap, her flowing black hair waving down her shoulders. Her face was finally revealed and I felt so starstruck for the first time in my life. It's like the cat got my tongue and I couldn't push myself to speak.

That's why her doe eyes are so familiar.

She looked back at me, smiled as if she was sensing the shock I was having.

How could I not be shocked if there is a very beautiful supermodel slash celebrity standing right before me?

"I-Im Y-Yoona?" I stuttered, still half believing if I'm having a dream or not. How in the world will a celebrity follow you down the street and then pull you towards an alleyway to hide? That is not something a celebrity would do.

"Hi." She greeted as though we've known each other for a long time.










What exactly does Im Yoona want from Kim Taeyeon? Find out on the next chapter.



to be continued











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EllaMarie_Aff34 #1
Chapter 4: Pls update author
Chapter 4: pls update author-nim....
Please update .. New reader btw ^^
neenataeyeon #4
Chapter 4: Author-nim..update juseyo
tae1810 #5
pls update...
Chapter 4: Please authorsshie, I'm drooling for another update. I really like where I think this is going.. Lol Keep it up! TAENY FOREVER!
taenyrockz #7
Chapter 4: Pls update soo! Love this story
gracee-ah #8
Author we miss you... :/
azlinamatsapar #9
Chapter 4: author, where are you? hope you are fine.... i'm waiting for your update....
Yoonhyun! (: