You're Mine and Mine Only


(Kim Taeyeon's POV)



I've never thought having this job would be so difficult. It can't be compared to my previous job as a waitress back at the restaurant. And I'm telling you now that..

Tiffany is a beast.

She may look really really beautiful, but don't let her looks deceive you. My job as her assistant ain't no piece of cake and I swear she'll make you go through a living hell if she wants to. Yesterday in my first day of the job she made me do a general cleaning of her whole condominium. It was like a guy was living in that place because of all the dirt and the mess. And to make things worse, whenever I'm in the verge of finishing my chores, Tiffany would start messing up the place again. 

And don't make me start with her mean and sassy attitude.

But honestly, I just can't get myself to hate her. I don't know if it's because of my optimistic persona that always goes around which is why I think all the people around me are nice or maybe because Tiffany just gives me these certain vibes that I've never felt before.

It's like whenever she's around me, I get all nervous and uneasy. Sometimes I don't understand how the feelings inside of me flow but I am certain that my heart would skip a beat whenever she would glare at me or even make skin contacts with me by hitting the back of my head. No matter how much she yells or curses at my way, I would always give her a smile in return.

I know it won't be too soon but I know Tiffany would open up and be nicer to me someday. And if she does, I'm afraid I might have to fall for her.

Just kidding. Sort of.



After having another bloody day of being at Tiffany's for the last hours, she'd finally let me go home much to my relief and slight *cough* dissappointment. I rode the bus towards home while carrying a pack of gummy bears with me which I'll give to Seohyun since it's her favorite sweets. The bus stopped at my destination and along with the other passengers, I got off the public transportation.

The night was quiet and the wind was calm. It was a nice evening and multiple stars shone up at the dark sky. Looking at it, it quite reminded me of Tiffany's eyes. They sparkled under the light and they looked so beautiful when you gaze through them.

*Cough* Wait, I shouldn't be thinking about her. 

Due to the fact that I am too drowned in my thoughts, I didn't notice my foot tripping over a piece of rock on the street. I stumbled, lost my balance, and my eyes widened once I begin falling towards the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut expecting my face to collide with the cemented pavement but instead, I felt my body land into a pair of strong arms that caught me instantly.

"What the.." Before I could recover from my shock I looked up and met eyes with a familiar guy that I've known since I was seven.

"You really should watch out your steps Taengoo. You're a grown up woman now yet you still can't manage to change your clumsy self?" I heard his deep manly chuckle come out right after his sentence. I looked at him and slowly laughed along, recognizing him immediately since he's the only one who calls me by my nickname.

"Yeol, what are you doing here?" He's much more taller than I could remember. We last met back at our college graduation and since then, we haven't seen much of each other. He went to Canada to pursue his studies but he never failed to make communication with me. 

"Could there possibly be any more reason why I am here at Seoul right now? Oh wait, I think the reason is because I missed a girl who goes with the name Kim Taeyeon." He stated with a cheeky smile on his face. I chuckled while giving him a good smack on the arm. 

Meet Park Chanyeol. He's been my best buddy ever since we were kids. We grew up on the same neighborhood and our parents used to be good friends and business partners. We event attended the same university in our highschool and college days. Those were the times that me and him were simply inseperable and we did almost everything together.

Everything became quiet once we arrived at my apartment. I opened the door but the house was seemingly quiet. All of a sudden Seohyun appeared from nowhere and she was in her sergeant keroro pajamas. 

"Eonnie?" She called out as she walked with the help of her stick.

I moved towards her and held her arms. "Hyunnie. Taeyeon eonnie is home and I've brought a friend with me." I whispered to her. My eyes shifted over to Chanyeol who was standing by with a wide smile on his face.

Seohyun blinked her eyes as a cute curious expression crept upon her face. "Friend? Who? Is is Yuri eonnie?"

"Aniyo," I told her, my eyes still glued at Chanyeol. "Do you remember eonnie's best buddy?" As I asked that question, Chanyeol walked towards Seohyun and placed his hands over her shoulder. 

"Annyeong Seohyunnie. Your favorite oppa is here." 

Slowly Seohyun's eyes widened in realization as she finally recognized whoever the guy was in front of her. In a blink of an eye she had him in her arms as she engulfed him in one tight embrace. 

"Yeollie oppa!" Seohyun squeeled in delight as she buried her face against his chest. I laughed at how the two looked like and Chanyeol glanced at my way and he gave me a smile. I smiled back at him feeling glad to see how happy my sister is right now.

But as much as I want to watch these two cuddle all through the night, sometimes my duty calls. Just like now. My phone suddenly vibrated so I took it out of my pocket. I got a new text message coming from Tiffany and it seemed urgent.

From: Boss Hwang^^

Kim Taeyeon come over here at my place A.S.A.P. now! There's a bit of a trouble and I need you! If you won't be here within fifteen minutes, YOU'RE FIRED!

I heaved out a sigh as I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. Noticing my reaction Chanyeol, who is now free from Seohyun's arms, looked at me as if he was asking me what's wrong. 

"Sorry guys but I really have to go right now. My boss needs me and there is an urgent emergency I have to attend to." I told them and the smile on Chanyeol's face dissappeared. 

"What's wrong Taeyeon eonnie?" Seohyun asked. "Do you really have to go now?" Chanyeol whined like a little kid. I patted both of their heads while nodding my own. 

"Mianheyo, I'll be back in a jiffy. Chanyeol, please watch out my sister for me will you?" I asked him and he just stared at me like an idiot. Without waiting for his answer I grabbed my coat and dashed out of the apartment, my mind going through a lot of thinking as to whatever had happened to Tiffany. I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins because of the worried feeling I'm having.

Whatever it is, I hope Tiffany is okay.






(Tiffany Hwang's POV)



I don't know what to do anymore. I'm all alone and I'm so scared. It was raining pretty hard outside and I could hear the thunder growling and even the lightning flashed. I don't know why but the electricity just suddenly went off and according to the electrician of this building whom I called, they'll be working on the main powerhouse of the electricity and it would take them about an hour or so to fix the problem.

My screams and shrieks filled the entire condominium. I bet my voice can be heard even at the ground floor of this building. But how could I help it? Everything was completely dark around me and a few minutes ago I just saw a rat crawl under the sofa. I HATE RATS, BUGS, OR WHATEVER KIND OF THINGS THAT CRAWLS OR HAS WINGS.

I was inside my bedroom, curled up into a ball at the corner. I swear I might look like a scaredy fool right now but it's better than to be outside where it is beyond creepy. My hand tightened its gripped on my phone and I just counted the seconds that passed by slowly doubting if Kim Taeyeon would ever come.

Honestly, I didn't know why she's the one I contacted first. 

I wanted to call Yoona but she's at Busan filming for her new drama. I couldn't call my manager too since his home is too faraway and he had a wife and a daughter to take care of. I don't really have that much of friends so I had no other choice but to call the last person on my list.

Kim Taeyeon. The abnormal dork. She's my assistant anyway so it's her duty to do whatever I tell her to do. 

I'm counting the minutes now. Damn, if that woman doesn't appear the next five minutes I swear to God I am going to kick her off her job. I don't need a personal assistant like her in my life anyway.

Minutes later I heard a loud thud coming from outside. My head snapped up and I couldn't help but feel myself going all scared again. Who could that person be outside? Is it Kim Taeyeon?

I slowly gathered up enough courage to stand up, my feet slowly dragging me towards the door. Who knows what kind of person or creature it is out there and if I open my bedroom door it might barge into my room and start eating me up. Ugh. 

My trembling hand grabbed hold of the doorknob and as slowly and quietly as I can, I pushed the door open only to get surprised by a loud 'thud' sound. It took me moment to realize that the door actually hit something or someone when I pushed it open. 

I gasped when I saw a petite figure laying on the floor. I knelt down besides it and examined the person's face. Then it was confirmed; it was Kim Taeyeon. I grabbed her shoulders and began shaking her, trying to make sure that she isn't unconscious or anything. It was quite difficult for me to see her face since everything was pitch black dark and the only source of light we had was the light passing through the glass windows. 

"Kim Taeyeon, are you okay?!" Weird. I sounded too worried. 

She let out a little groan while struggling to get herself up. "Ugh, what happened?" She began rubbing the side of her head which was most likely the one that got hit by the door.

We both got up from the ground. "How can you be so stupid? Why did you crash youself against that door!" It wasn't much of a yelling, but my voice was naturally loud everytime I speak. 

Even though I couldn't see it, she sent me a short glare. "How could you blame me for what happened? You're the one who opened the door carelessly in the first place." I heard her say. Now it was my turn to glare at her.

"Are you talking back to me now? Don't you know I can fire you already for what you're doing?" I told her and she seemed pretty scared of my threat. That will shut her up.

"Jeosongheyo." She mumbled quietly in apology. "But ma'am, are you okay? Are you even hurt? What happened?" I don't know why but she sounds so convincingly worried about me right now. How could this girl still worry about me after I just hit her head with a door and yell at her face?

"I called you over because I needed someone to accompany me here. The electricity's out and who knows some evil-minded person might break in and I won't be able to defend myself alone." I explained although the truth was that I'm just really afraid of the dark and ghosts. But I can't tell her that, she might laugh at me and think that I'm weak and vulnerable. 

Taeyeon nodded grimly in reply and I noticed that she was still rubbing the side of her head. Was she really that hurt? 

"If your head it still aching there is a first aid kit at the bathroom. Go get it and use it to heal that wound of yours." I hissed at her so that it won't sound as if I'm concerned about her. I left and headed over to the living room where I sat comfortably on the couch. Everything was still dark and I became afraid thinking that the electricians might not be able to fix that powerhouse thingy until tomorrow morning.

Eventually Taeyeon appeared in the living room and settled on the couch besides me. She then paused to look at me for a while.

"What?" I cocked an eyebrow at her.

"You don't mind if I sit here besides you?" She asked in a soft voice. I'd say she rather looked cute right there and then, but I dismissed that thought away.

"Whatever. Go and do what you want but don't leave me until the electricity goes back on." I said to her in a cold manner as I looked away from her gaze. In the corner of my eye I think I saw her smiling but maybe it was just a part of my imagination. 

Minutes of silence and none of us said a word. The clock hanging on the wall struck at 8pm and I was beginning to feel bored and hungry. My stomach was dying to survive and now I desperately needed food to live.

I felt my eyes moving its way towards Kim Taeyeon's direction. I looked at her and saw that she was finished placing a band-aid on top of the bruise on her head. For that brief moment I couldn't help but feel a little guilty inside because it was indeed my fault that she had that stupid wound. But I couldn't bear to blame myself. Just blame the stupid and ridiculously hard door if you want.

"Have you eaten dinner Kim Taeyeon?" I asked her. I'm calling her by her full name because if I call her by her first name, she might think that I'm getting attached to her.

"N-Neh ma'am." I heard her response but it was soon followed by the low grumbling of her stomach. I cupped my hand over my mouth to prevent any giggles to escape from it. She really is an annoying dork.

"Go make dinner for us then." I ordered her once my laughter died down and I finally gained my right composure. 

"W-What? Make dinner when it is still dark?" Wow she sounded so suprised. "B-But I can't see anything without the lights ma'am." 

I gave her a look. "Why? Is there a problem with that?" She didn't answer and this time I knew she will do what I say. I got up and led her to the kitchen. 

"There are candles inside the cupboards. Go get it and use it to enlighten the kitchen so that you'll be able to cook properly. Once the food does not taste good, I'll immediately fire you." I told her in a firm voice before walking away, leaving her alone in her work. 

Huh, let's see how you'll take this challenge now Kim Taeyeon. Let's find out how long you'll be able to stay under my wrath.





(Kim Taeyeon's POV)


I already told you, she's a beast.

After I've successfully finished cooking, I've laid the newly prepared meals on the dining table. The whole place used to be dark minutes ago but now it was enlightened by a bunch of candles that I put on. It looked wonderful and it seemed like Tiffany and I are out on a fancy dinner with candles all around the table making it look so romantic.

Wait, here I go daydreaming again.

Tiffany sat down on the table and grabbed her chopsticks. I prepared her my specialties; black bean noodles, rice cakes, and Korean chicken stew. I learned cooking when I was still young at age and I believed that it will be useful someday. Like right now.

She took a taste of the chicken soup before plopping some rice cakes into . I watched as she chewed on the food and after she swallowed it down , the pair of icy cold eyes which belonged to her had settled upon me.

Oh well, here goes my judgement.

"Kim Taeyeon.." She began as she wiped the corner of her lips with a table napkin. "This is absolutely...delicious. Where did you learn cooking all these?" She asked wonderingly. 

I smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of my neck. Tiffany Hwang actually appreciated my cooking. I felt my heart pounding hard in that very moment and the way Tiffany's eyes are looking at me aren't actually helping at all.

"I've been taught by my mother when I was twelve." I explained to her but she nodded without interest. 

She got up from the chair. "Okay then, I guess I won't be able to fire you. You did well so now you can eat and afterwards you have to wash the dishes."





Sigh, my hands are already feeling all numb and sore after all of the dishwashing that I've been doing. I wiped my hands with a clean cloth before removing the pink apron that I was wearing. The electricity's still out and unless it comes back on, I can't go home yet. I'm getting a little worried of how things are going back at the apartment with Seohyun and Chanyeol.

I left the kitchen but saw no trace of Tiffany Hwang. She wasn't in the living room nor the bedroom either. Shrugging my shoulders, I've decided to go to the bathroom since I really had to pee. The bathroom door was slightly opened and since it was dark I didn't realize that someone was already inside. I got in and closed the door behind me.

All of a sudden a loud shriek came from behind me. I was so startled that I tripped over the toilet and my body collided against another person and we were both sent off landing towards the bathtub. Everything happened so fast that I wasn't able to catch up. 

That's when I felt something soft and utterly sweet against my lips. Whatever could that be?

Pure shock overwhelmed in me once the lights again and I came into realization that my lips were sealed with Tiffany's. 

Oh my God. 








Whatever is going on? Did they just kiss? Is Taeyeon already having a crush on her celebrity boss? And is Tiffany beginning to soften towards Taeyeon or does she want that midget to get out of her life already?




to be continued





Author's message to readers:

I'm sorry guys, I guess this chapter is a little TOO long. :DD Anyways I welcome Chanyeol's appearance and I know many of you are thinking that he is one of the people that will get in the way of Tiffany and Taeyeon's blooming relationship. 


Please look forward to the next chapter because it will be a much better one. The next chapter holds an exciting event so you better read it! ^^

Guys thank you for all the support that you're giving me. :))) I really appreciate those who subscribed, commented, and even the ones who are silently reading out there. <3 You boost my confidence in writing this fic!

And to the NEW READERS, hello to you and welcome to my fic! *waves*

See you guys on the next chappie. ;-)













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EllaMarie_Aff34 #1
Chapter 4: Pls update author
Chapter 4: pls update author-nim....
Please update .. New reader btw ^^
neenataeyeon #4
Chapter 4: Author-nim..update juseyo
tae1810 #5
pls update...
Chapter 4: Please authorsshie, I'm drooling for another update. I really like where I think this is going.. Lol Keep it up! TAENY FOREVER!
taenyrockz #7
Chapter 4: Pls update soo! Love this story
gracee-ah #8
Author we miss you... :/
azlinamatsapar #9
Chapter 4: author, where are you? hope you are fine.... i'm waiting for your update....
Yoonhyun! (: