You're Mine and Mine Only



(Narrator's  POV)



After that so-called small 'bathroom' incident, Taeyeon ended up going home with an obviously seen red handprint on her cheek. It wasn't really of her intention for that incident to happen but Tiffany kept on raging about how a ert she is. But Taeyeon was relieved that she hasn't been fired for what had happened, but Tiffany was still pissed at her although she was not the one to blame.

Three days later Tiffany had an important commercial film shooting and it will take place at the beautiful island of Jeju. It will take them almost four days to stay there and of course Taeyeon had to tag along because of her job. Luckily for her she was able to ask her close friend to watch over Seohyun while she's gone.


"Holy mother of all cows."

Taeyeon could not help but stare at her surroundings with awe. As much as she can remember, the last time she has set a foot on Jeju island was when she was just about twelve years old. That was when their parents used to take them travelling around different places in South Korea. Ever since they passed away, Taeyeon hasn't been able to travel around like she used to.

Their were inside a five-star hotel, and the place was graciously filled with famous and wealthy people. The building was decorated with luxurious furnitures and every single thing that Taeyeon can see looks so expensive. The whole staff and employees of the place were all speaking in English that Taeyeon could not even manage to understand them.

While looking around the place with wonder, Taeyeon didn't notice someone watching her from a distance. And that someone turns out to be Tiffany. She couldn't understand why but from the very start Tiffany knew that Kim Taeyeon was cute. She was absolutely adorable in every way and in every angle. Especially with that short height and that child-like facial features, any person would mistaken Taeyeon for a ten-year-old from afar.

Tiffany muffled a giggle once she saw Taeyeon accidentally trip and almost bumped into an expensive-looking vase. Luckily Taeyeon had fast reflexes and she managed to catch the vase in her hands and placed it back onto the table before anyone could see. 

"Aish stop moving around to much. You might break something and then we'll have to pay for it." Tiffany hissed at Taeyeon once the kid-looking girl had approached her. "Just behave in the proper way and don't you dare do anything that would embarass me."

Taeyeon nodded silently in response as the elevator before them had opened. Tiffany already stepped inside and waited for Taeyeon to get in also, but the older girl was struggling a bit in carrying all of Tiffany's things and also hers. Tiffany shook her head in dissappointment as she watched Taeyeon to be able to carry all the bags with her inside the elevator. She then pressed the up button and then the number 12th floor.

The elevator was silent and mostly...awkward. Tiffany's bodyguards were downstairs at the lobby talking to her manager while these two are already heading for Tiffany's suite. Although she didn't show it through her face, Tiffany was very excited to get to her hotel room for a long and satisfying rest. 

At last the two girls arrived at their destination. Room 1246. Tiffany slipped her keycard and then the door automatically opened. The sound of Tiffany's heels clicking against the floor echoed through the empty place. Tiffany sat herself on the couch while Taeyeon landed their things on the ground with a tired sigh.

"Yah kid, go get me some water." Tiffany ordered as she waved her hand towards the direction of the kitchen. As tired as she was Taeyeon knew she had to oblige to her master's request. 

That's weird. I was the one who carried the bags all the way up here yet she's looking more of the tired one between us. - Taeyeon

Taeyeon opened the fridge and got some water. She then appeared into the living room and saw Tiffany laying her head back on the couch with her eyes kept closed. Taeyeon placed the glass of water onto the center table, before settling herself on the couch besides the younger girl. She could not help but to admire Tiffany's face. Although she is a celebrity, Taeyeon knew well that this girl did not take any plastic surgery. Her beauty was just natural and absolutely worth falling in love with.

Thinking that her master was probably asleep, Taeyeon slowly pushed herself to lean forward, her lips puckering a little bit as she was attempting to plant a kiss on the other girl's forehead. But just when she was about to do it, Tiffany's eyes fluttered open as she suddenly felt someone hovering above her.

"Yah! What are you doing?" Tiffany used her hands to quickly push Taeyeon away. Taeyeon who was having a difficulty in hiding her now tomato red cheeks, quickly looked away from the younger girl's questioning gaze.

"Y-You were d-dozing off. I-I got your water so I tried to w-wake you up." Taeyeon mentally cursed herself for stammering. 

Tiffany seemed to buy her reason because the latter just simply nodded her head in understanding. She then reached out for the water and placed the drinking glass against her plump lips. Taeyeon watched in amazement at how Tiffany drank the liquid down . But Tiffany slightly jerked her hand in accident, causing the water to spill a little on her chest.

Taeyeon swallowed hard as her eyes followed the cold liquid trailing down Tiffany's chin until it reached her slightly awakening cleavage. She quickly averted her eyes to another direction before Tiffany caught her staring or else she'll receive another slap on the face.

"Damn it." Tiffany muttered through her heavy breath. "Taeyeon get me a towel to wipe this thing off me." 

A few seconds later Taeyeon came back with a clean white towel in her hand. She handed it over to Tiffany who used it to wipe off the cold water that was spread all over her chest. She gave the towel back to Taeyeon who seemed to be spacing out. 

She's way too damn....hot. Look at the way she wiped her chest...So y! Wait, what am I even thinking?! - Taeyeon

"Uhh hello? Earth to the dork?" Tiffany began waving her hand frantically in front of Taeyeon's face. It was just then that Taeyeon woke up from her daydreaming and was greeted by Tiffany's annoyed expression. 

"O-Oh.. Jeosongheyo." Taeyeon aplogized as she took the towel from her and placed it on the table. Tiffany suddenly got up from the couch and stretched her back and her arms. She groaned a little as she could feel a little sore on her back and she figured it was because of all the dancing and performances she had been doing for the past few weeks. 

Her eyes then laid upon the innocent-looking assistant of hers and all of a sudden her brain had just hatched upon a bright idea. She smirked as she faced Taeyeon with a gentle smile that she has never shown to her before.

"Hey Taeyeon." Taeyeon's ears perked up at the sound of her name since this was the first time Tiffany had actually called out towards her in a sweet manner.

"Yes ma'am?" Taeyeon wondered, still not being able to recover from the cleavage thingy.

"I want you to do something for me." Tiffany's once gentle smile faded away and was now replaced with a devilish smirk that caused all of the hairs on Taeyeon's body to stand up. "I want you to give me a massage."

Taeyeon literally froze in that very moment. Her eyes widened a little as many kinds of thoughts came into her mind. "M-Massage?" She repeated, trying to make sure that she didn't misheard what her boss had just said.

Tiffany turned around and the smirk on her face grew even longer. "Come on, don't make me call you again. And Taeyeon, you better make sure that your massage would make me feel good~" She threw an extremely y wink at Taeyeon's way before dissappearing into her bedroom, leaving the child-like woman in pure dumbfoundedness.





Yoona arrived right outside of Taeyeon's apartment with a bunch of grocery bags she just bought from a mini mart earlier. Ever since they became friends, Yoona has really become fond of Taeyeon and she wanted to check if the latter was doing okay with her job. The doe-eyed girl was just wanted to make sure if Taeyeon wasn't giving up yet. 

After knocking on the door a few times, it eventually opened, revealing a pretty-looking innocent girl standing right on the other side of the door. Yoona was slightly taken aback by this girl's natural beauty but she managed to keep her cool as she flashed her signature smile at the girl.

"Uhm excuse me, is Taeyeon-shi in here?" 

Yoona wondered as to why this girl wasn't looking at her in the eye. "Who are you and how do you know my sister?"

The tall supermodel finally came into realization. This girl turns out to be Taeyeon's little dongsaeng that she has been talking to Yoona about. She was also informed of what happened to Taeyeon's sister and how she became blind. Honestly Yoona has been always curious to see how she looked like and now finally she's able to see the blind girl with her very eyes.

"Annyeong hasseyo, my name is Im Yoona. I'm a good friend of your eonnie." Yoona began. "I just came by to visit her today. Is she here?"

The younger girl shook her head with her lips slightly pouted. It was such a cute sight for Yoona. "Aniyo. Jeosongheyo but Taeyeon eonnie isn't here because she had to go away for four days due to her job." She explained with her shoulders dropping a little.

Taeyeon and Tiffany went away? How come Fany did not tell me about it? - Yoona

"Oh is that so? Too bad, I wanted to see her and give these grocery items that I bought for her and for you too. Do you mind taking them?" Yoona asked as she glanced at the two big heavy paper bags she was carrying in her slim but strong arms.

Slowly Seohyun's lips curved upwards into a small smile. "You didn't have to bother. Thank you very much for your kindness." The blind girl stated gratefully a she bowed in respect.

Yoona couldn't help but to laugh a little at the cute girl's antics in front of her. "Aigoo no need to be so formal. Since I'm your sister's friend, I guess we could consider ourselves as friends too." 

Seohyun always knew from the start that talking to strangers was never a good idea, but she had this certain good feeling towards this girl in front of her. Even though she cannot see her, Seohyun could imagine the girl's facial features just by listening to her angelic voice. 

"Would you like to come in for tea?" Seohyun offered, half-hoping that the girl would say yes.

Yoona then smiled endearingly, now feeling glad about meeting her new found friend. "Sure." She said as she entered their small apartment.

This girl has no idea who I am. That is great, since she doesn;t have to treat me so differently like what other people do. It's nice to meet someone like every once in a while. - Yoona

While Seohyun was inside the kitchen preparing the tea for her guest, Yoona waited inside the living room. She then got curious about how the other girl was doing, since she was blind. But once she got in the kitchen she was surprised at how Seohyun managed to make a cup of tea although she had a disability to see. Seohyun quickly spun around and bumped herself against Yoona who was actually standing right behind her.

The two stumbled a little at the hard impact but Yoona's strong arms managed to handle Seohyun's clumsiness. It went silent for a while but Seohyun's adorable giggle had broken the ice. 

"Sorry, clumsy me." Seohyun exclaimed in a high-pitched tone of her voice. 

Yoona stared at her alluring smile and softly muttered back, "Yeah..clumsy you."





The night was long and the evening was peaceful.

Taeyeon wanted to die right there and then. 

Right before her laid a beautiful woman laying flat on her stomach across the bed, her completely was shamelessly exposed under the innocent eyes that Taeyeon had owned. At first Taeyeon thought that it was just a joke when the younger girl asked for a massage, but here was Tiffany now, halfly as she waited for Taeyeon to knead her body like a peace of dough.

"Hey kid, stop testing my patience! Go and massage me already." Tiffany whined as she laid her head against a soft white pillow.

Taeyeon swallowed hard as she prepared herself, getting onto the bed besides Tiffany who was trying to hold back her smirk. She could sense Taeyeon's nervousness and she was so sure Taeyeon is drooling already upon seeing her precious body.

"What's wrong Taeyeon Kim? Afraid to do such a simple task such as massaging my body?" Tiffany questioned. "If you won't follow what I say I'm going to fire you."

No. I can't let her do this to me. I need this job and I'm going to fight for it until I can. - Taeyeon

Let's see if you get through this one. Hah, with a ert like her it'll surely be hard for her to control her hormones. - Tiffany

Tiffany suddenly felt Taeyeon's warm but trembling hands land against her skin. Soon enough Taeyeon's hand began doing it's magic, surprisingly touching and rubbing the right parts of Tiffany's back. Tiffany didn't expect it but she was slowly enjoying the way how Taeyeon is massaging her. She never knew this assistant of her would have a good job in this.

"Mmmmhh~ Yeah, that's the spot." Tiffany involuntarily moaned, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the blissful sensation.

Taeyeon gulped and felt her heart racing as she continued to do what she is being told. The further she massaged Tiffany, the more she received tempting moans coming from her. Taeyeon was always a pure and an innocent girl, but her body would always betray her innocence and would react in these kind of situations.

~ She's . What should I do?? Continue? - Taeyeon

Taeyeon abrupty stopped her hands. Tiffany opened her eyes as her masseuse had suddenly came to a stop. She turned her head to look at her assistant who was now completely staring into space. 

"What are you doing? Aren't you suppose to be massaging me?" Tiffany asked in an irritated manner of her voice.

No, I can't. She's seducing me! - Taeyeon

"J-Jeosongheyo, but I can't." Taeyeon mumbled as she lowered her head, afraid of how Tiffany was going to react after hearing her sentence. The younger girl sighed as she slowly sat up, covering her topless body with the thick sheets of the bed. She then gave Taeyeon a serious look.

"And why not?" 

Taeyeon bit her lower lip, hesitating if whether she should tell her or not. She just couldn't bring herself to tell her boss that she's beginning to develop a liking for her, cause she knows it will only lead her into getting kicked out of her job. Noticing how Taeyeon is too much drowned into her thoughts, Tiffany just asked a out of a world question in order to capture the older girl's attention.

"Kim Taeyeon, do you like me?" 

The kid assistant snapped her head up, as if that questioned out the soul out of her. She never knew she would come across this kind of question but now there was no way out. It was either she'd lie to Tiffany and continue with the massaging, or just tell her the truth and get fired from her job.

"I-I...You are attractive miss Hwang, and it's impossible for any person not to have a crush on you." Taeyeon admitted shyly, her embarassed face looking so cute for Tiffany.

"So do you have a crush on me?" Tiffany asked, but in a softer manner of her voice this time.

It's impossible. This girl will never have a crush on me especially on the way of how I treat her. -Tiffany

Just when Taeyeon was about to open to give Tiffany her anticipated answer, the doorbell suddenly rang, Tiffany was quite annoyed that their moment of truth was ruined, but she didn't dare show Taeyeon the upset look on her face. Knowing her cue, Taeyeon left the bedroom in order to greet that person outside the door.

When Taeyeon unlocked the door and swinged it open, she was surprised to see the visitor from outside. He wasn't that tall but he had an extremely good looks and he flashed a smile that was surely to be sweeping any girl off her feet. He was holding a boquet of roses in his hand and Taeyeon knew it wasn't for her and was for the other girl inside that suite.

Taeyeon eyed the man before her. She didn't have a good feeling about him.

"Annyeong hasseyo, I am here to see Tiffany Hwang. This is where she stays isn't it?" He asked.

Just in time Tiffany had come out of her bedroom wearing her proper clothes. But as soon as she saw the familiar guy that was standing in front of Taeyeon, her heart came to a stop. Nothing but anger filled within herself as she met eyes with that person whom she vowed never to see again.

"Lee Joon?"









Author's message:

y moments huh? Yeah, it's not yet time for TaeNy to confess to each other. And besides, Tiffany's inner feelings are still kept a mystery. In the next chapter many things will happen which will make Taeyeon sure of her feelings and will make Tiffany get confused as to what she really feels for her assistant.

And btw, YoonHyun moment? :))

See you in the next chappie guys! ^^ Gomawo to all those who are subscribing, commenting, and reading this fic!








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EllaMarie_Aff34 #1
Chapter 4: Pls update author
Chapter 4: pls update author-nim....
Please update .. New reader btw ^^
neenataeyeon #4
Chapter 4: Author-nim..update juseyo
tae1810 #5
pls update...
Chapter 4: Please authorsshie, I'm drooling for another update. I really like where I think this is going.. Lol Keep it up! TAENY FOREVER!
taenyrockz #7
Chapter 4: Pls update soo! Love this story
gracee-ah #8
Author we miss you... :/
azlinamatsapar #9
Chapter 4: author, where are you? hope you are fine.... i'm waiting for your update....
Yoonhyun! (: