

 As the months went by, Dongho proved a major asset to Paran up to the point where he was now Jaeseop's trusted man. Dongho was learning so much from him. He was a genius with a very high business acumen. He brooked no insubordination, hardly suffered fools gladly, but rewarded hard work very generously. Paran was his baby, so he micromanaged so much, he sometimes drove his employees nuts. He who rarely explained his actions, if ever, explained to Dongho that he had invested too much in Paran to leave anything to chance. Hoon came by often for lunch and Dongho would sit in on their meetings. They were often of no consequence to Dongho so he hardly paid attention unless asked, until today when he heard a name and perked up. Hoon was saying to Jaeseop,
"For real AJ you really should reconsider getting this musician, Kevin. He is amazing"
"So is every pop sensation these days with a good synthesizer" he replied caustically. But Hoon was not deterred.
"No really AJ. He is amazing. You do not follow the pop scene",
"Because I think it's absolute rubbish" he interrupted but Hoon went on, "Yet, I can tell you he is no ordinary pop sensation. He holds a crowd enthralled with that mesmerizing voice of his and plays the piano and guitar", Hoon was obviously captivated but Jaeseop looked bored. Dongho was listening avidly as Hoon kept speaking.
" I am telling you AJ, if you want your promotion party to be a smash hit, get him there. He does not need to perform. Just be there and I guarantee you they will talk of your party for years to come". Hoon finally wore AJ down.
"Oh very well. Get me his contact and I will have Dongho arrange something".
At that point Dongho could have let them know who he was to Kevin. But he did not think it was appropriate or even professional to start dropping names.  So he kept quiet.
    That evening, Kevin came home late. He was bushed. Dongho had already set the table and as they ate, Kevin informed Dongho about a call he received.
"I got a call from your people today Dongho"
"Yeah, what about?"
"They want me to attend their president's bash. Apparently it is a very big deal and Soohyun threatened my life should I say no. It's your place, what do you think?"
Dongho put down his chopsticks carefully. His professional world was going to meet his personal world. "I think you should go. It will do your profile a lot of good. But I have a favour to ask of you"
"I don't want you to reveal our relationship to Jaeseop hyung because I am worried people would think I got my job through you or I will get special favours and it will be too much of a hassle for me". Dongho was getting so worked up Kevin had to grab his hand and reassure him.
"It's alright Dongho. I understand your need to  prove yourself and I will keep mum on it" Dongho let out a heartfelt sigh of relief "Thank you"
"But now you have made me really curious. Is your boss that hard nosed?"
"No no" But Dongho answered too quickly.
"There is no need to hide him for my sake Dongho. I am used to antifans by now. I can imagine what he said and how he felt. He did not want me there did he?"
Dongho squirmed in his seat "No. Actually it was his friend Hoon hyung who lobbied to get you"
"And I bet he had to lobby real hard eh? Never mind don't answer that. Will you be there though?"
"Yes. Although it is a party, Jaeseop hyung still plans to network"
Kevin was beginning to have a better idea of what this boss of Dongho's was like. A judgemental who probably followed a strict regimen and expected everyone else to do same. He shuddered at the thought. He and Dongho finished their dinner and went to bed.
      Dongho was later on informed at work that mega superstar Kevin would be attending Jaeseop hyung's party. The whole building was a flutter. Dongho was so glad his brother inspired so much and now he himself started feeling excited and looking foward to the party.

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This is one of my fav stories ever :3
BomShen #2
Fed my Jaevin feels. Kinda sad they didnt end up together aww
Gosh, your story is awesome! I like it!
It's so unpredictable, letting you wonder where it will lead to!
So.. Eventually, it's neither Jaeseop nor Kiseop, but Eli!!
The ending is so unexpected, yet satisfying..
And I also like Kevin's character here! Somehow, it fits him in real..