Bulletproof heart


Chanyeol wakes up a bit lost, now that theres no sound or people in the house. where could they have gone? and why didnt they wake Chanyeol up? maybe it was just a dream, maybe he just imagine them. loneless can do this to you.

Either way Chanyeol gets up and walks around the empty house, nothing old nothing new. theres a mess, should this could mean that yesterday was real, or it cant. Chanyeol gets out of the house and the sun is shining, but it didnt warm Chanyeol not one bit. if robots could cry he be crying right now, he probably be begging Kris too.

Chanyeol shakes his head he didnt want to think of him, that was history and history doesnt repeat. Chanyeol keeps walking, he wants to check the other house maybe everyone is there, but should he go? whats the possibility that Yixing is there?

Chanyeol knocks but no one answers, he opens the door as he sticks his head in. again empty, not a single soul was there, well not a single robot is there "come in" Chanyeol hears someone say not to far away from where his standing "wheres everyone?" Chanyeol starts to walk in the livingroom, trying to find the other voice "oh they went out, to find old...." Yixing stops himself as he sees Chanyeol. the possibility of Yixing being there is 90%

"im sorry, i shouldnt have come" Chanyeol walks to the door slowly hoping Yixing would change his mind, to be honest Chanyeol doesnt like to be alone. because everytime his alone Kris comes to mind, and that makes Chanyeol very sad, that makes him want to cry. shed tears when he knows he cant.

"no, stay" Chanyeol turns around to face Yixing trying so hard not to smile "yesterday we had a talk, and they said i was a bit rude. so" Yixing is trying to say the word but he just cant, is like vomit your trying to throw up but you know is disgusting "no, is okay. you dont have to say anything" Yixing gives him a short smile and nods "so where are they?" Yixing looks at Chanyeol totally lost "oh" Yixing chuckles showing for his first time his dimples

"they go around to find old metal, im trying to fix them" Chanyeol nods "that means your not a robot" Yixing chuckles making Chanyeol smile this is good. he made Yixing chuckle, twice maybe by the third time they would be friends "no, im the one who made them when i was working for this company" Chanyeol nods he wants to ask the reason why Yixing doesnt work there, but that would be alittle to much.

"oh hey, would you mind if i examine you?" Chanyeol shakes his head "no, of course not" Yixing makes a sign for him to follow, they go to the basement. as Chanyeol gets down he sees computers all around. also a big table and wires and alot of televisions "okay come" Chanyeol looks around before he walks to Yixing "wow, this is amazing" Yixing smiles "i built myself"

Yixing presses a buttom and the table stands up "okay let me put you this" Yixing grabs Chanyeol and tides him "dont worry im not gonna do anything bad, i just want to make sure you wouldnt move around" Chanyeol smiles "dont worry, i trust you" Yixing looks at Chanyeol for a moment, he recognize that face but he tries to erase it from his mind "okay im gonna stuck this cable inside your ear okay? it wouldnt hurt" Chanyeol again smiles and waits for Yixing to do what he has to do.

Yixing sticks the cable in Chanyeol ear, and claps as soon as his done, making Chanyeol chuckle alittle "okay lets see" Yixing hits the keyboard of the computer "wow, your heart. is..." Chanyeol looks at Yixing alittle worry "is what?" Yixing hits the keyboard again, he goes to the big tv and connects something. ones everything is okay he moves the tv so Chanyeol can see "look your heart is a blue crystal" Chanyeol looks how the blue crystal beats, and beats "your the first robot to have a beating heart"

Chanyeol is amaze even when he didnt understand, he thought all robots were the same. why is he different? he hears Yixing doing some clicking and moving around from one computer screen to another "lets check your brain" Chanyeol waits for Yixing to show him, would his brain be different too? "oh oh no no" Yixing gasp as he puts his hands in his mouth "is something wrong?" Chanyeol ask as he tries to move around "no, no of course not" Yixing hits enter and shows Chanyeol his brain in the big screen.

"your brain, is a human brain! your the first robot to have a human brain!" Chanyeol's eyes are glue to that screen, he didnt even believe it. his sees it and yet he cant believe it "see most robots have a fake brain, they have this switch. everytime they doing something wrong they get this little shock" Chanyeol nods "i guess you know what to do everytime the other robots do something wrong" Yixing laughs "lame joke" Chanyeol smiles "sorry"

Yixing stops laughing and stands there in fear, Chanyeol has never seen this emotion so he doesnt understand why is Yixing in fear. did he said something he shouldnt? or maybe Yixing realize he said a secret. whatever it is, Yixing is in fear right now "you know i only know one person who plan....." Yixing looks at Chanyeol and he still has fear in his eyes, Chanyeol didnt like it. he didnt like it one bit

Yixing slowly walks to Chanyeol, his feet are barely moving "what...what did you said your name was?" Chanyeol didnt want to tell him, would this cause him more fear? but is just silly to think that his name would cause this kind of emotion "my name is Chanyeol" a tear falls in Yixing eye, he runs to Chanyeol and touches his face, it feels real but Yixing knows its not.

"Chanyeol do you remember me? do you know who iam?" Chanyeol shakes his head "no, this is my first time seen you" Yixing takes the cable out and unties him "im Yixing, your friend! remember i used to work with Kris!" Chanyeol feels broken by the sound of Kris name, he didnt need to hear his name. he thinks of him all the time but it was only him, is different when someone says his name out loud.

"i dont remember"

"you dont remember the accident?"

accident? no one said anything about an accident, Chanyeol grabs Yixing arms "what accident? Yixing tell me!" Yixing looks down, and Chanyeol knows is something bad, something that it cause Yixing pain "it was the day of the anniversary, exactly two months ago" Chanyeol shakes Yixing "tell me! tell me!" Yixing looks at Chanyeol "i went to pick you up, because Kris was in a meeting and he couldnt make it to the date" Yixing tries to relax before tears come out "so i went to pick you up, so you at least see him"



"thanks Lay for doing this" Chanyeol says as he gets inside the black mercedes "no problem, i bet Kris would like this surprise" Lay smiles as he starts the car "so how long has it been?" Chanyeol blushes by the question as he starts to count with his fingers "five years" Lay chuckles "five! wow i wonder when his gonna ask you to marry him"

Chanyeol hits playfully Lays shoulder "why does he have to ask me? im a men too!" Lay looks at Chanyeol then back at the road as a smile appears "you gonna ask him to marry you arent you?" Chanyeol blushes even more "yes" Lay laughs "oh his gonna like that"

but as Lay drives, a car who wasnt paying attention, is driving really fast. the other car does a U turn but he doesnt notice Lays car "Lay watch out!" Chanyeol yells and everything turns dark for both of them.




"Kris couldnt see my face, so he fire me. trust me i felt so horrible, i still do" Chanyeol slowly lets go of Yixing "they couldnt save you, you were in coma, for awhile but your heart stop, and they couldnt bring you back to life" Chanyeol tries to remember but he doesnt, he doesnt remember at all "Kris went crazy, he found the ring, and i think that killed him even more"

"Kris!" Chanyeol whispers and runs, he starts to run. the wind hits his face as Chanyeol runs, he knows where his going. he promise himself not to go back to that place, but this promise needs to be broken, because Kris feels pain. it wasnt because Kris didnt love him, is because Kris feels pain to see his face. Kris push Chanyeol away, so he can at least be happy.

but did it work? is Kris smiling right now? the same way he remembers? the sparking eyes, his dorky laugh is he back to normal?

Chanyeol opens the door and finds Kris in a dark livingroom, just sitting there


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Chapter 6: Rereading bc i need my Krisyeol supplement
Chapter 6: beautiful ;;
anazmawar #3
Chapter 6: I like reading your story , krisyeol story..
This story really sad, I like can feel what they feel in this story.
Hope you will always make story can touch heart your reader.....
I came back just to upvote this. Just read my comment I made months ago. HAHAHAHAHA it's so embarrassing but I meant every word ... I love this. The best krisyeol fic ever
Two words: I cried.


I love how Kris and Chen were human while the remaining members were robots.
I love how Kris was so determined to have Chanyeol back even if it wasn't the same Chanyeol anymore.
I love how the robot Chanyeol considered Kris's feelings.
I love how the new born Chanyeol became human.
And most of all,
I love you for writing this.
(I super super super love KrisYeol <3)
Nicely done :DDD
funnygirl #6
Chapter 6: Kris' decision was noble...but sometimes noble idiocy is a pain...but I guess for Chanyeol the robot/real boy this is the best option to build his own life instead of being a replacement.
Chapter 6: *SITTING HERE CRYING* I was really sad when I saw [complete] on the fanfic but as I read I thought 'waaaa~' this is an amazing ending!! I was so sad when you said chanyeol was dying and then when kris came I was all 'YESSS KRISYEOLLL' and then when you said chanyeol was a real boy I was like 'excuse me while I cry in the corner' and then when chanyeol didn't know kris I was all WAEEEE!!! AUTHOR-NIM!!' and when Kris remembered I was like 'my heart is breaking' but then when you said 'a happy kind of sad' I accepted kris' decision - BUT OMIGOSH AUTHOR-NIM WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME ---- MORE KRISYEOL FANFICS PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE!!!
-cries- robot chanyeol has feelings too omg, n he loves kris, kris should give him a chance.
Right noW I'm having the same reaction as Kris, author-nim!! I understand that kris is hurt and he really wants chanyeol back. And I understand that although he brought chanyeol back it's not the same since he is now a robot and chanyeol doesn't feel the same anymore because he's a metal-made robot - I get it all and it's emotional for me as a reader BUT WHY MUST KRIS NOT WANT ROBOT CHANYEOL WHEN ROBOT CHANYEOL WANTS HIM - maybe it's just me but why can't chanyeol do some serious 'get kris' heart thing' why must chanyeol want himself disarmed (sorry for the long comment and great update!!)