Amnesiac Named Kai


Hello. My name is Sehun, of EXO-K. Eight hundred years ago, I was known by the name of Ares, the Greek god of war. Now I am exiled to become a lesser god. Eight hundred years ago, I attempted to create war among all the gods during the Trojan War but failed. I will revenge the brother that stopped me and I will rule this world again by raising a creator. My name is Sehun, and I am the villainous mastermind of this world. 


EXO, referred as "the exiled ones" by the creators.

In the past, there was just "M" and "K". M always being the lesser exiled gods, and K ruling the world as the more known greater gods. Ever since the Trojan War, which was created by one of the members of K, the greater gods were exiled, and became known as EXO. 

Greece used to be the power of all countries. 

Now South Korea dominates the modern culture of music. EXO has appears in South Korea as they please, and lets their clones act in their place. 

They say history repeats itself, but if the gods are immortal, then does history infinitely replay? 


Hello readers! This will become the prequel/sequel of my oneshot "One Shouldn't Wander" because I personally am curious to find what would happen next. The main character and shipped pair in this story is Sehun and Kai, so I hope you enjoy it. Sorry but EXO-M really isn't focused on, until I can really think about their roles. In the meantime await new updates please :) 

coming up soooonn


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Guardian-Angel #1
They are so cute together,your story is awesome,please update soon....
Chapter 4: What the- Thehun....that's so messed up. Lol. But imagine if that REALLY happened to Kris XDDD
Waaaah! Thehunnie, why are you sho evil! >.<