My Passion, Your Passion


Meet Taeri. 21 years old, professional photographer and graphic designer based in Southern California. 

Meet Minhyuk. 22 years old, drummer of the world famous South Korean rock band CNBLUE. 

6 years ago, as teenagers, they met each other by chance in Everland, South Korea. 

Now as adults, all has changed. All has changed except for their underlying passion in what they do. 


Note to readers: 

This is a fanfiction dedicated to my favorite Korean band, CNBLUE, and my personal bias Minhyuk. Because they are my favorite band, I plan to use their names and images respectively. This is by no means intending to falsely create a past for Minhyuk or any other CNBLUE member. I am merely using these beloved members and their gifts to tell a tale that the BOICE fandom would enjoy. 

In my fanfictions, I try to stick to true facts about CNBLUE and make their character as realistic as the person is. 

Please enjoy my interpretation of Taeri (the fictional female character). I have attempted to make her character similar to my own personality, and our interests are also the same. 


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Chapter 3: wow, just found this story of yours, its really great!!!!! lately i love to read cnblue with oc's so i can freely imagine them in my head. kekekek.

i hope you'll update soon. its getting interesting as i read it chapter by chapter.

and michael!!! seriously, you are really funny. kekeke.

minhyuku, you are the type of persistent, huh? cant wait for next chapter!!!!