Love types Part 1

Yuki's Oneshot Request Shop [still accepting buyers/applicants]

MinJung blew the stray hair that fell on her face as she tried to appear interested at the topic their Math professor is discussing. It doesn’t help that their teacher’s voice seems to lull them to sleep more… plus the fact that the girls in front are openly flirting with him, trying to get his attention. Sighing, she let her gaze wander and it automatically fell on the tallest boy in class who is seriously taking notes…

“Staring at Changmin again, MinJungie?”

MinJung reddened terribly and she spoke in a loud voice, “u-uh… of course not!”

The teacher fixed his glasses and glared at the row where MinJung was sitting on, “Is there a problem Ms. Kwon? Ms. Park? Would you like to share them with the class? ”

Yu Aerin smiled brightly at the stern professor, “Oh it’s nothing Choi Sonsaengnim. We were just discussing about a shorter way to solve the problems on the board. If you would replace the x with a multiple of 5, it gives the same answer. It takes longer to compute for x with the formula on the board. ”

The Math teacher chuckled, “ah… that is correct Ms. Park… you two were the only ones who found me out. Plus five points to MinJung Kwon and Yu Aerin Park.”

He continued the lesson after that small incident then the bell rang signaling the end of the class…”finish the exercises on page 65 and we’ll discuss tomorrow. Have fun kids.”

MinJung sighed as they walked out of the room “you shouldn’t do that Yu Ae… we almost got in trouble with the Siwon Choi! Are you out of your mind?!”

“But we didn’t and we got plus points too, don’t worry about it. So to continue our discussion earlier…” *wiggles eyebrows*

MinJung rolled her eyes at her best friend, “that’s only because you are smart and cute, you’ll get away with it. If he gets angry at me, I’ll be killed by him first and then by his fangirls. And stop wiggling your eyebrow! You look like your brother in all his greasiness.”

*chuckle* “I’m not cute, you are... and you do know you’re lucky my brother isn’t here to hear that statement. Anyway about Changmin…”

“Look Yu Ae… I do like him but I don’t think he would like me back…so let’s just drop this conversation.”

Yu Aerin gave a small smile as she patted her best friend’s shoulder, “Y’know, I’ve never seen him that awkward with anybody and we practically grew up together. That says a lot...”

“What do you mean, Yu Ae?”

Before Yu Aerin could answer, MinJung was suddenly tackled, “MinJungie!”

Her eyes widened as she accepted the hand offering to pull her up, “Junsu oppa! What are you doing here?!”

“I study in this school too… just at the next building cause the higher years are there.”

MinJung glared and Junsu chuckled, “no need to bare your fangs, kiwibear… we are here to pick up Yu Ae and Changmin for the student ouncil meeting and Jaejoong hyung wanted to bully Changmin while we are at it so here we are.”

MinJung saw from the corner of her eyes that Changmin and Jaejoong were indeed having their ‘one-touches’… and her chest tightened, “I wish he can be as comfortable with me as Jaejoong oppa… argh… now I’m getting jealous of even Jaejoong oppa. This is not good at all.”

“MinJung? Kwon MinJung, are you listening to me?”

“Oh… um… sorry Susu oppa… I zone out for a bit there. What was that again?”

Junsu knowingly smiled but did not mention anything as he told his story, “Kangin hid Donghae’s fish plushie and there was a huge roar cause Donghae was teary eyed and HyukJae almost went crazy looking for it everywhere! You should have seen them.”

The Parks were watching the interaction and Yu Aerin sighed, “I want to do something for my best friend… but I don’t know what.”

Yoochun shook his head, “Relationships are not to be messed with Yu Ae… let things happen as they should.”

“I know oppa… ”

The older Park smiled sadly and patted his sister’s wavy hair, “We have a meeting for the student council today, you are coming right?”

Yu Aerin exhaled deeply and nodded before Yoochun turned to Jaejoong who was still in a playful fight with Changmin.

“Jae hyung, we agreed to meet with YunHo hyung at the Student Council room. We’ll be late if we don’t go ahead. The other officers might be there by now. Hey evil one, are you coming with us?”

“I appreciate the compliment and even though I know you will miss my presence… I need to be somewhere. I’ll be at the next council meeting though, say hi to YunHo hyung for me.”

Jaejoong nodded, “all right… go straight home after whatever that business is done, Min. Don’t talk to strangers and if you feel threatened, you know mine and YunHo’s number… call either of us. If a noona tries to pick you up again, look for a police officer.”

Changmin blushed as he hit Jaejoong not so lightly on the stomach, “don’t treat me like I’m 6 hyung.”

MinJung rushed over to Jaejoong who doubled over just as Changmin stomped away blushing hard, “Haha… he’s so cute when he’s embarrassed. Not a sight we see everyday…”

“Hyung… are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay… just our one touch treatment. Ah, I swear that kid is getting stronger by the day! Ow.”

Junsu sighed and helped Jaejoong up, “Why you two always love hurting each other is beyond me. I’ll call YunHo hyung to let him know we are running late, they can’t do anything without the higher officers anyway. Let’s go Park times two… bye MinJungie! Take care on your way home!”

Yu Aerin pouted and hugged her best friend, “sometimes I hate the council duties…we’ll talk later okay? Take care on your way home and if anything happens… call me.”

*chuckle*”You sound an awful like Jaejoong oppa…”

*rolling eyes* “First I was compared to my greasy brother now to a naggy umma… what’s next?”

“Shoo, beautiful sister of mine… let me say goodbye to MinJungie”, Yoochun lightly pushed his sister away and ruffled MinJung’s hair. Jaejoong did the same only to be swatted by then pissed MinJung and they separated ways.

MinJung followed the group with her eyes and sighed, “I wonder how an average girl like me gets acquainted with extraordinary people like them… mou…. I should get that out of my head or Yu Ae will eat me alive. Kwon MinJung, time to go home!”


“Machi amugeotdo moreuneun airo geureoke

Dashi taeeonan sungan gachi

Jamshi kkumilkkabwa han beon deo nun gamatda tteo boni

Yeokshi neomu ganjeolhaetdeon ne ape gidohadeut seo isseo”

MinJung sang softly as she listened to EXO’s Angel from her IPOD while walking around town. It was her routine to window shop with her teddy bear designed headphones on her head and humming to the sound of her favorite singers just like today.

“Oh… teddy bear designed sneakers! Jeremy Scott is the best! I need to talk to Yu Ae about this! We’ll get couple shoes!”

She excitedly turned around and in her haste she bumped into someone, “Hey!!!”

“Oh I’m sorry… I didn’t know you were there...”

A guy with hair which reminds Minjung of her neighbor’s pet parrot grabbed her roughly by the arm, “how dare you hit my awesome self?”

MinJung yanked her arm from the guy’s grasp, wary of the guys who are suddenly surrounding her with weird smiles on their faces, “I said I’m sorry okay? It’s not like there was any damage anyway.”

The stranger’s face reddened and raised his hand to slap, “Why you little!?”

One… two… three… Minjung waited for the hit with closed eyes but nothing came. She chanced a peek and she was faced with s guy’s strong looking back, “she already apologized… is there a need to hit her?”

The stranger chuckled evilly as he yanked his hand away from Changmin who stood calm, “What? Are you going to fight me and my crew, boy?”

Changmin crossed his arms and stared coolly at the parrot haired man, “it depends… are you giving me a reason to?”

She can never mistake that voice for it belonged to someone she had been watching since the freshman orientation. Her heart fluttered and she managed a small, “C-Changmin?”

Changmin handed a few bags to her, voice an octave lower… “Hold these and stay back.”


“Shut up! I’m trying to save you here!”

MinJung flinched at the loud order and she hugged the bags Changmin handed her. A slightly shorter man launched a punch at Changmin’s left, hitting him perfectly on the jaw.


Changmin raised a hand to stop MinJung from running to him and then he straightened as he wiped the blood from his lips…”remember…I didn’t start this fight. I was merely requesting you to stop from harassing her but you didn’t listen. Now, what I’m about to do is legal self defense.”

The three guys paled and the guy with hair the color of a parrot gulped, “don’t make us laugh… there are four of us… against one…you.”

As soon as he said that, the three thugs rushed towards Changmin who was still looking calm. He grabbed the fists of two thugs and smashed them together before landing punches on both their faces. He sidestepped to welcome the third thug with a kick in the gut and another hit to the back of the head.

The parrot hair colored guy gasped and he took out a knife from his pocket, “you sonofa…”

Changmin however seemed unfazed by the weapon in the enemy guy’s hand… he stood as still as he can and when the parrot hair colored guy charged, he managed to do a little turn and hit the enemy’s arm. An arm twist followed and the knife rolled on the floor close to MinJung’s feet and she instinctively walked backwards…

“Get lost… parrot man.”

The high school student threw the man towards his group and they hurriedly ran away…”idiots, tch! Are you alright, MinJung?”

MinJung can feel her hands shaking as she handed the bags to Changmin, “y-yes…”

“Let’s go quickly before anyone sees us here. We are wearing our uniforms so we might be reported.”

She looked at the men then at Changmin, “Is your home close by?”


Changmin scratched his cheek and looked away, “I’ll walk you there…“

“Uh? W-what?”

“Ah geez… if you don’t want me to walk you there then just say no!”

Changmin walked ahead and MinJung (who just understood what Changmin said) followed as fast as she can… cheeks dusted with hints of pink and a soft smile on her face. That night Park Yu Aerin received a mobile message, “I’m going to confess. ♥♥♥”

The next day MinJung woke up with a happy heart, she went to school early (letter safe in her bag)… skipping as she went and humming her favorite song. When asked by everyone of the reason why, she would just smile and say… “I had the sweetest dream last night”.

Her classmates didn’t believe her answer but no one asked partly because MinJung looked so happy and partly because Yu Ae was ready to attack anyone who would ruin her best bud’s smile.

“I’m sorry for making you help out with Student Council stuff, MinJungie.”

MinJung shook her head and smiled, “its okay Yu Ae… besides, we rarely get to spend time together so the hard work is worth it.”

The student council vice president chuckled as he took the books the girls were carrying and placed them in boxes, “if I didn’t know the two of you and overhear this conversation… I’ll misinterpret.”

Yu Aerin rolled her eyes, “YunHo oppa… we are not even half as sweet as you and Joongie oppa.”

MinJung nodded and YunHo laughed, “Point taken… speaking of that guy, can you go fetch him for me, Aerin? He is slacking off again.”

*huff* “that’s because you spoil him too much… ”

YunHo stopped what he was doing as he pouted at Yu Aerin,”do you think I don’t try to resist? Every day of my life, I try to resist him but in the end…I still lose.”

*chuckle*“And that statement itself…is a landmine. But I suppose my brother will be elated to hear that. I should have recorded it. Tch.”

MinJung chuckled, “I’ll go instead YunHo oppa. I can run faster than Yu Ae anyway… where can I find him?”

YunHo grinned and ruffled MinJung’s hair, “thank you Kiwibear… he should be at the rooftop. That’s where he usually is at this hour. If he’s not there, he should be with Yoochun or Junsu. Aerin, do you know where your brother is?”

*nods* “My brother is in the music room and Junsu oppa is with him today. Brother made a composition that he wants Junsu oppa to sing. Just knock two times… oppa will think the one knocking is me and open the door fast. Are you sure though? You need to go somewhere today right?”

“It’s okay Yu Ae. I can do what I have to while I’m searching for Jaejoong oppa.” MinJung stood and dusted her skirt, “okay I’m off…”

She hummed while she walked to the rooftop, skipping every now and then… almost at the top she heard some people talking, “ah that should be Jaejoong oppa…”

“…how was the game I lent you, ShimChang?”

Moving closer to the crack of the door without much of a noise, MinJung finally made out who those in the rooftop are…”Kyuline! 2-A’s Cho Kyuhyun and Shim Changmin, class 2-B’s Lee Jonghyun and freshman soccer varsity Choi Minho… I shouldn’t be here.”

Changmin raised his head from the manga that he was reading, “I’ve started playing but I couldn’t concentrate on it yet since the Council is busy.”

Jonghyun didn’t stop tuning his guitar as he spoke, “this was why I didn’t join the council… too hectic.”

MinHo threw the soccer ball in the air and caught it before he spoke with a smile on his face, “isn’t it because the council only allows smart people in their group, Jonghyun hyung?”

“Shut up you cheeky brat! I don’t see you in the council either!”

The handsome freshman hugged the soccer ball and held his chin with a free hand, “I was invited together with JinKi hyung… but I declined because I cannot attend meetings and practice at the same time.”

Jonghyun glared at the smirking soccer prodigy and MinJung decided it was time for her to leave… she needs to find Jaejoong fast because YunHo and Yu Aerin are waiting.

“Hyung… Key umma said he saw you with Kwon MinJung dating at the downtown… is that true?”

MinJung stopped in her tracks and she slowly returned to her former position behind the small crack of the rooftop door… “If they are going to talk about me then might as well stay and listen, Yu Ae will understand.” she reasoned to herself.

Changmin reddened and coughed awkwardly, “I never knew you were into gossip, MinHo… what did Key say?”

MinHo shrugged, “I’m not hyung… that’s all I know. Key umma waltzed out and said JinKi hyung needs him before I can ask more.”

Kyuhyun paused his game and joined the discussion, “Interesting…why haven’t heard anything about this, Shimchang?”

“Ohoho… the great Kyuhyun pausing his game for you! You must feel lucky Shim…”

Changmin chuckled (trying to divert the conversation), “aw… you love me this much Kyu?”

Jonghyun and MinHo snickered making Kyuhyun blush and snap, “shuddup! Just tell me the damn deal already so I can go back to my game!”

“I was out buying new books yesterday when I saw MinJung cornered by thugs. I just thought I should help since she is a treasured dongsaeng of my hyungs. Not to mention she is Yu Aerin’s best friend.”

Kyuhyun leaned on the railing and smirked, “is that the only reason ShimChang?”

Changmin pouted and leaned on the railing, “what do you want me to say Kyu?”

MinHo and Jonghyun’s eyes became interested at the turn the conversation is taking. Kyuhyun placed his psp down and regarded the boy across him seriously, “you like her don’t you?”

MinJung felt her face flush and she suddenly felt disappointed that she cannot see Changmin’s face to know what he was thinking at the moment, “Oh my God… does Kyuhyun-ssi meant me?”

After a fat pause, MinJung heard Changmin’s awkward laughter ring in the air…”Yu Aerin, that scary girl? Of course I don’t! She’s scarier than my mom! Besides I’m not going to take my best friend’s secret love.”

“Someone likes my Yu Ae…”

Kyuhyun blushed and he pointed the psp towards his bestfriend, “you very well know who I am talking about ShimChang… and don’t drag my princess in this talk.”

Changmin blushed a deep red, “I-uh… I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Jonghyun hugged his guitar and smiled, “Changmin hyung… Kyuhyun is talking about a certain Kwon MinJung… name rings a bell?”

“I-I uh… what does she have to do with this? I rescued her… that’s all. Am I supposed to just leave her alone in that situation? Besides you guys know my type, don’t you? ”

MinHo grinned, “Changmin hyung… types changes… besides types are just borders of you who you want your fantasy person to be...but who your heart will belong to is something that only your heart could decide.”

Jonghyun strummed his guitar and chuckled, “spoken like the old man that you are MinHo… he is right though. Who knew this handsome maknae of ours would eventually fall in love with a cute guy?”

“True… I never thought MinHo will turn gay.”

MinHo placed his soccer ball down and exhaled deeply,”I’m not gay hyung… just… Taemin-ual… why are we talking about me anyway? We’ve gone over this for a hundred times already. I’m in love with Taemin and I’m willing to wait till he falls in love with me. Now let’s go back to Changmin hyung’s love life.”

Kyuhyun chuckled and paused his game again, “maknae is right so where are we? Oh right… about MinJung-ssi…”

”Let’s say… she proposes to you right now, ShimChang… what would you do? Of course this is just hypothetical and she really isn’t going to hear us and all…”

Kyuhyun glanced at the direction of the door and Minjung’s eyes widened, “oh crap!Does he know I’m here?”

Changmin can feel the pressure coming from three different directions and he reddened even more, “oh come on guys, cut the crap! I don’t like her okay? How can I fall in love with a girl who acts manlier than I do yet have this weird obsession with teddy bears?”

MinJung placed a hand on to stop her from crying out loud and she ran away from the rooftop, salty tears streaming down her cheeks.

On her way down, she almost collided with Yu Aerin who was supposed to fetch her from the rooftop,”Minjungie? Honey, are you crying? What happened?”

“Yu Ae…I’m giving up...”

Yu Aerin blinked once… twice…”you mean Shim Changmin? Why? Did he-?”

MinJung shook her head several times and Yu Aerin sighed as she saw the now crumpled letter still in the pocket of their uniform vest.

“Come along MinJungie… do you want to stay with me today? Yoochun oppa has somewhere to go to so I’ll be alone at home.” “I wonder what happened…”

“I’m going to be okay Yu Ae… I’ll just go home…” *sniff*

“All right…but if you need to talk to someone, I’m just a phone call away.”

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gomen ne... its been a hellish few weeks..


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Oh you're welcome... ^^ and I'm glad I didn't corrupt any minor. I had to remove and change some words around. :)
Chapter 9: and dont worry im 18
Chapter 9: I enjoyed it very much! thank you! :D
I'm done with third fic... aigoo... I'd have to tag hers as matured though so I hope the requestor isn't a minor. ^___^
Chapter 6: I am glad you liked it. ^^
It was supposed to be done earlier but I was distracted... lolz.
You're welcome.^_^
I'm glad you liked it.
Mairee #8
sankyuuu author-shi! I esp like the petname 'KiwiBear'! wooo. and I even got my Dream brother Jiyong! and of course my prince! Changmin! thank you for making this great oneshot! <3 <3 <3