Chapter 21

My Billion Dollar Man {HIATUS}

Hi, long time no update T.T Well I bring two chapters here and the next one is longer than this one. I'm really sorry. Thank you, I hope you'll read this :)

When they didn’t answer Myungsoo wanted to repeat again until someone finally caved in but the look on Hoya’s and Sunggyu’s face made him stop.

Instead he held out the glass of already half-empty water and muttered a half- apology because he was of course irritated- who liked being the only one who didn’t know anything- before taking a seat on the bed and just watched Sungjong carefully taking a sip “Let him sleep with me tonight,” Sunggyu offered. Hoya raised an eyebrow

“No, he’s staying with me here,” he argued. Sunggyu frowned ready to bicker with Hoya on the matter.

“I’m going to stay with Sungyeol-hyung,” Sungjong cut in and stood up. No one said anything; Myungsoo followed him leaving the two older men looking at each other puzzled.

Once outside the room, Myungsoo pulled the younger man’s hand and wrapped his arms around his waist, back-hugging him “Just stay with me,” he whispered unknowingly causing Sungjong’s eyes to widen.

“You’re sharing the room with Hoya-hyung,” Sungjong answered carefully. Resting his chin on Sungjong’s shoulder, Myungsoo tightened the hug replying that there were many other rooms that the other man could use.

“I owe you a secret remember? I’ll tell you only if you stay with me…,”

“That’s unfair,”

Yes or no?” Sungjong twisted around, watching him with seriousness, clearly thinking the best course of action.

However before he could hear the answer, Woohyun appeared quite surprised seeing them. He got in between them and shook his head to Myungsoo, a warning glare in his eyes. Taking the hand of the youngest among them and hauling him downstairs. Myungsoo was about to blow up when Hoya came out of Sungjong’s room and put his arm around him

“There’s no one on your side, Myungsoo yah. Just give up, okay?” Myungsoo really wanted to punch the smirk right off Hoya’s face but he held in, only gritting his teeth and giving Hoya death glares. The man shook his head “I know you want to hate me, but please you’ll thank me someday for this,”

Myungsoo opted to sleep on the huge sofa in the living room instead of going back to the room he shared with Hoya.

“Never thought I’d see the gloomy days of Lee Sungyeol again. He’s been locked up in his room for a week,” Hoya remarked over coffee that morning after yet another day of not seeing him

“It’s his way of coping with all the stress,” Sunggyu answered while reading the newspaper.

Myungsoo was as usual stuffing his mouth with food and staying quiet in general. He had a few worries of his own. Recently, he was shocked to discover that the maids had apparently taken a liking to him – ehem his looks- they’ve been trying to get his attentions lately and normally he wouldn’t pay them any mind but it was getting to the point where he felt slightly harassed. He didn’t feel safe sleeping on the sofa anymore after three nights.

So he’d taken refuge in Woohyun’s room for one night before realizing that Woohyun couldn’t sleep well, he’d be pacing around the room for hours after skyping with his parents.He’d asked for a guestroom after that and made sure that he’d locked the door.

Sungjong wasn’t faring any better, he had dark circles under his eyes and most of the time he would be gloomy and temperamental. Just then Dongwoo entered the house “Yah, today’s bright and sunshiney. Let’s go out and do yoga,” no one responded. He bounded over to Hoya who only hmmed, then to Myungsoo who only gave a nod. Feeling dejected, he pulled a chair beside Sunggyu and waited.

They ended up going to the park, Sunggyu dragging a sleepy Sungyeol around because he was sick seeing the man looking so lifeless “I think you need to stop being depressed. Can’t be good for your health,” When the taller man protested, Sunggyu kneeled and demanded much to everyone’s – well only Myungsoo’s- surprise asked him to get on. Sungyeol, without any complaints climbed on Sunggyu’s back and rested his head on the older man’s shoulder.

Dongwoo came up beside them and patted Sungyeol’s head. Myungsoo blinked. “That’s daddy Gyu and mommy Dongwoo. Hoya-hyung is the oldest son, Sungyeollie-hyung is the middle son and I’m the youngest…Woohyun-hyung is a nobody,” he teased Woohyun who glared at him “or he can be Sungyeollie-hyung’s wife…and Myungsoo-hyung can be mine,”

Both shouted a loud “NO!” causing everybody to burst into laughter.

“If I marry you, you’re going to have to settle being my wife,” Myungsoo corrected. Woohyun nodded in agreement, rubbing his throat and wincing in pain. “You shouldn’t have yelled,” Myungsoo remarked.

“I haven’t heard you laugh in awhile,” Sungyeol mumbled, glancing at Woohyun. Woohyun’s smile dropped and he suddenly found his shoes much more interesting. Sunggyu sighed as Sungyeol laid his head down on his shoulder again.

The sun was shining brightly and all of a sudden a familiar looking taxi arrived in front of them, making them squint.  Yongguk rolled down the window and said “Mrs Lee demands that Sungyeol and Sungjong come back to the main house. The rest are welcomed if they want to except for…,” he motioned to Woohyun. “She said that she’ll be willing to help in regard of the matter you have consulted her with a few days ago, Sungjong. She doesn’t actually like doing this because she wants to help your friend too but she said she knows you’re going to be difficult. Straight to the point though, if you aren’t home by tomorrow with Sungyeol, she’ll have to refuse. So what’ll be?”

Sungjong was stomping on the floor frustrated and shaking his head. Myungsoo watched him amused, he opened his arms wide and called “Our Sungjongie needs a hug?” he smirked as Sungjong glanced up at him, looked to his other hyungs hesitantly then jumped in his arms, complaining to Myungsoo about the unfairness of the world.

“There, there baby maknae,” Dongwoo teased as he did a three-way hug with them, squishing Sungjong in the middle. Hoya ran to them, Sunggyu turned and let Sungyeol down before lastly Woohyun completed the seven way hug.

“I feel so loved,” Sungjong commented

“…am I supposed to feel this jealous?” Yongguk interrupted causing everyone to turn and grinned at him.

“Everyone let’s hug Yongguk!” Hoya said and they all rushed to Yongguk and gave him hugs

“God, I know how you feel now Sungjong,” he smiled widely. He then drove away after Sungjong promised he’d wait for him later.

The park was actually very close by and it succeeded in lifting everyone’s mood. The numbers of teddy-bears and many other plushies were piling up in Sungjong’s arm because every time each of them played something, they dumped the toys they won to the boy “since we don’t have any girls in our midst, Sungjong is as good as any,” There was even a lucky draw and most of them were excited when they heard about it.

“You can buy most of the stuff yourself…,” Myungsoo commented

“If you live like you have all the money in the world, it’s gonna be the most boring life ever,” Sungjong answered

“…but you can have anything you want…,”

 Sungjong turned to him then and shook his head “I’m happy like this,”

There was also a moment at one of the playground they passed by where one man was eating ice-cream on the swing, he looked all innocent and harmless but suddenly the children in front of him was fighting. The bigger ones were tag-teaming and threatening the smaller ones. Myungsoo saw that Woohyun was about to intervene when an ice-cream flew out of nowhere and hit one of the bullies right on his forehead. Everybody went silent.

“I bet he’s born in 1993 or 1994.Devils but he’s hot,” Sungyeol commented. He walked up to the guy in the swing who was his lips in annoyance at having to waste such a good dessert. “I’m Sungyeol, nice aim,”

The other man gave him the once over and deciding that Sungyeol was harmless “Suho” he replied casually-revealing his endearing lisp. Sungyeol was about to say something when another guy arrived

“Yah Oh Sehun, I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” the other shorter man said causing Sehun to narrow his eyes at the man

“Shut up hyung! You have the worst sense of timing in the whole world. I hate you,” and he walked away fuming causing the other guy to sputter and ran after him after bowing multiple times to Sungyeol.

“O-okay, a fail attempt but no matter I’ll find someone else soon enough,” Sungyeol muttered. Hoya shook his head and patted his shoulder as Woohyun looked away.

“You could be happy you know but I don’t know why you keep torturing yourself,” Hoya said to him causing Sungyeol to roll his eyes

“Keep it. I don’t want to be lectured today. It’s bad enough I have to go back home soon. Mrs Lee won’t let me have anyone over,”

“…and I thank God for that every day,”

In the middle of enjoying their lunch by the river under a tree, Sungyeol scooted over to where Myungsoo and Sungjong were- they were sitting a bit farther away from the others- and whispered “Did you notice Gyu lately?” both shrugged, Myungsoo continuing to feed Sungjong pieces of sandwiches “The other day, in the kitchen, he actually prepared food for Woohyun.Do you know how serious the situation is?”

 Myungsoo and Sungjong looked at each other before ignoring him again “I mean it’s lazy Gyu gee gee we’re talking about here!” again the two continued not minding him

“Oh, let’s try this one…it tastes really rich,” Myungsoo fed another piece. Sungyeol groaned and slapped his forehead

Yah you two! Really?! Really?!” Sungyeol cried “Sunggyu sang! for God’s sake, Sungjong! He’s singing!” this caught the attention of the two finally. Sungjong’s eyes widened and he tried swallowing his food without choking.

“Oh.My.God… he didn’t,” Sungjong gasped. Myungsoo watched interestedly.

“Yes he did!” Sungyeol exclaimed. He began filing them in with the situation in urgent whispers “…I’m pretty sure Sunggyu and Woohyun are secretly dating,” he concluded.

Myungsoo and Sungjong looked at each other again and burst into hysterical laughter like Sungyeol had never seen before-well not lately-. They were cackling until tears were rolling down their faces, hands slapping the ground repeatedly and clutching their stomachs. The only thing Sungyeol could do was gape at them.

“That…is the best joke ever!” Sungjong remarked, Myungsoo wiped off the tears from the younger’s cheeks while Sungjong stuck out his tongue to Myungsoo playfully.

Sungyeol’s mood darkened- he was having a crisis and no one seemed to understand his feelings-in fact, he shouldn’t have joined the two sickening lovey-dovey lovebirds in their picnic whatsoever! He was about to stand up and walk away when Myungsoo pulled him back and smiled, asking him to sit back down.

Both of them stated that they didn’t believe the two was dating. Sungyeol refused to believe it “I bet you thirty dollars,”

“I bet you fifty dollars it’s Hoya,” Sungjong giddily added. Both turned to Myungsoo who held up his hands

“I have no money to bet with but I’m going to say…it’s Dongwoo,”

Dongwoo entered the house “Yah, today’s bright and sunshiney. Let’s go out and do yoga,” no one responded. He bounded over to Hoya who only hmmed, then to Myungsoo who only gave a nod. Feeling dejected, he pulled a chair beside Sunggyu and waited.

He tilted his head to the side “Hyuuuung,” he called. Sunggyu remained unaffected, he bit his lower lip “hyuuuung,” again Sunggyu ignored him but a little smile was already tugging down his lips. Dongwoo being the random person he was, went under the newspaper and hugged Sunggyu tightly “I won’t let you go until you say yes!” he cried.

“Try harder” Sunggyu shot back, raising an eyebrow

“You’ll die!”

“Are you sure?” Myungsoo was suspicious with the way Sunggyu was wriggling his eyebrows and Dongwoo laughing in a way that was less than normal

The two stared at him “What? Is it so unbelievable?” Myungsoo asked “I’d date him if it weren’t for...,” Myungsoo stopped himself in time; he almost blurted out Sungjong’s name. The two men in front of him raised an eyebrow. Sungyeol was about to pester him but he’d caught something in the corner of his eyes.

“Come on, let’s go over there,” he crawled on all fours while his underlings-for the time being- copied him

“I feel like a stalker,” Myungsoo commented after awhile as they hide behind a bush spying on Sunggyu. Both men beside him shushed him.

Sunggyu was currently teaching Dongwoo how to properly prepare a peanut butter and sandwich as well as how to properly eat it. Before that there was also an incident where Sunggyu was about to eat a chip and Hoya unceremoniously swooped down and ate it right off Sunggyu’s finger. There was also the moment when Woohyun laid his head on Sunggyu’s thigh waiting for food like a baby bird waiting for its mother to feed them worms.

“I never realized how much of a player our old grandpa is!” Sungyeol remarked as Dongwoo’s laughter echoed again. The pair was being silly, what with the oldest among them humouring Dongwoo.

Sunggyu was trying to stop Dongwoo from laughing too much. He put the sandwich down and grabbed Dongwoo’s shoulder, seeing that didn’t do much, he put his hands on the blue-haired man’s head and pressed their foreheads together “You’ll choke and die,” Sunggyu’s tone was solemn but he had a little smirk tugging down his lips as he said it to Dongwoo who had calmed down but not by much. Dongwoo still had a big, goofy smile on his face.

ohhh, new hobby I assume,” the voice whispering near them made all three froze and turned around to see…

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Chapter 14: This is really good so far and cute!
redmarkify #2
Chapter 22: I'm very curious about Chanyeol's relation to Sungjong and I wonder how Myungsoo-Sungjong-Sungyeol-Woohyun love square will go:). Zelo and Sungjong is so cute and what does Zelo means by "will you help zelo?" what was the favor he asked sungjong? mhmm...
Chapter 22: Finally you're back! I miss it so much~
and... It's just me or the story is getting more complicated?
I mean, for Myungsoo-Sungjong-Sungyeol-Woohyun's love story, the secret has finally revealed!!
Honestly, I'm so confused and curious at the same time. What will Sungyeol do to solve this problem?
He loves Woohyun so much, but he is Sungjong's fiancee. Poor Woohyunnie~
Woohyunnie, you must feel so hurt right now.. Let me hug you :p
And what's the relationship between Chanyeol and Zelo?

Ok, let me wipe my tears first..
So, I'm concern at their feelings especially for Myungsoo and Woohyun. They must feel so hurt and betrayed right now, because it affects to me too :p
I even didn't know that Woohyun is a rich person, until I read this chapter..
And I think, it's getting more interesting, hahahahaha :D
Anyway, good luck for your exam.. Author-nim ^^
JuzzMee #4
Chapter 22: i miss this story sooooooooooo much
glad you decide to update
Chapter 22: Jello! Oh adorable Jello! So cute. Ok, I'll tell you this, I feel like killing myself, then being reborn and killing myself all over again. I can't believe Sungjong's fiancee is actually Sungyeol. I feel betrayed, ok Myungie should feel betrayed but in case he's incapable of the feeling, I'll feel betrayed for him. Sungjong shouldn't have led him on. Oh Sungjong, what have you done? Now your only escape is leaving everyone and everything and marrying me-yes, that's your only option.
Wait I'm confused about Chanyeol-where does he come in? Why does Chaneyol's ICU voyage remind Sungjong of Zelo?
Goku Gohan? Dragon Ball Z all the way! I wish you included Vegeta as well. Haha.
Back to feeling betrayed and miserable for Myungie. And the WooYeol mess-how did Sungyeol fall in love twice? Or maybe he doesn't love Sungjong?
Chapter 3: I saw MyungJong, YeolJong, MyungYeol, MyungJongYeol!
This is so much me~ my heartvwull explode! And I'm still on chapter 3! gawd! And I love the way how EXO is here~ tbh, I'm an EXOtic but when I saw INFINITE (yes, I'm a kind of new Inspirit), my attention was focused to them xD

Loving this, I swear, even though, no love and what not yet, I'm loving the pairings already~

Author-nim, my dear oenni, THIS. IS. REALLY. JJANG!
let me crey~
Chapter 2: Must refrain myself from going to chapter 3 TT TT
If I start reading it now I might not get any school work done again TT TT
Oenni! Why didn't you tell me that you have an awesome story? I could have read it over my holiday~ TT TT
School is pretty busy right now, tbh, I shouldn't be here xD
but, I just love fanfics xD

Anyways oenni! Jjang!! Gotta read this when I finish my work~
Chapter 20: I NEED SOME ANSWERS!!!!!!! LOL i cant wait to figure out what the hell is going on hehehehe usually i catch onto plots real fast and can perdict wats up but damn I'm do cunfuddled! (Lol my new word) with this story! i have a few explanations but aish! love the updates btw
Chapter 20: Two chapters in a row? You're the best!
I'll tell you what's a sin-not letting Myunsoo have quality time with Sungjong. Poor Myungsoo, how can he let Sungjong go? He has fallen so hard this time, I can tell...And Hoya-why do you torture him so much? Take your lips off Myungsoo's Sungjong right now! Go kiss your Gyubear.
Gyu wants to give Hobaby a present? Something purple I suggest. Ooooooh the drama!
Oh no my poor baby had a nightmare. What's up with Sungyeol though? Aaaargh you're killing me with the unanswered questions. If I die now authornim, I'll surely haunt you forever.
JuzzMee #10
Chapter 20: so much questions... what make Sungyeol really scare? who Sunggyu like? what really happened?
Your story really good!!!