Chapter 2

My Billion Dollar Man {HIATUS}

He opened his eyes blearily, putting the palm of his hand on his face. Myungsoo felt dead tired as he exhaled loudly

“Sungyeol, Sungjong let him breathe. Don’t crowd him, you two,” Myungsoo perked up as he listened to two people arguing right after the first person spoke

“Yeol-hyung you’re too close,”

“Who says? Dongwoo-hyung was referring to you,”

“No he wasn’t. He mentioned your name,”

“Hey, I said both of your names okay?”

“Yeah but you said Yeol-hyung’s name first,”

“Still, he…,”

“Okay, please both of you are going to kill the man if you don’t step aside right now!” it was a firm but gentle order but an instant later, Myungsoo felt he could breathe a little easier. He blinked repeatedly trying to make his vision clearer and came face to face with the blue-haired man who was watching him with a soft smile.

“Can you sit up?” he asked concernedly while holding out his hand, Myungsoo took it gladly. “My name is Jang Dongwoo…” the blue haired man introduced himself in cute English, “I’ am Sungjong’s twenty-second yoga instructor , nice to meet you, here, please drink this you will feel a lot better,” a bottle of water was given to him and with shaky hand Myungsoo chugged it down “oh, please drink slowly,” Myungsoo blinked again at the strangeness

“Dongwoo-hyung I think he is Japanese not English,” the young boy beside Dongwoo told him "...or maybe he's Korean,"

His eyes landed on the young boy sitting primly on the grass beside Dongwoo who upon noticing his gaze on him, he brightened up

“Hello, my name is Lee Sungjong,” he sweetly said to him, Myungsoo shook his head because he thought that something was off about the boy, aside from the obvious fact that he looked like a girl. A very beautiful girl.

“…and I’ am the devil’s twenty-seventh friend, Sungyeol…Lee Sungyeol,” Sungyeol on the other side of him said, pointing to Sungjong at the ‘devil’s’ part much to the latter’s dismay. Myungsoo turned to the red-haired, almost frowning at the weirdness of Dongwoo and Sungyeol’s introductions. “You fainted seven minutes ago by the way, what’s up? You look like you haven’t eaten for days,” Sungyeol asked curiously

In response, Myungsoo glared at him fiercely. Sungyeol’s eyes widened and he put his hands up

“Y-yah what did I ever do to you?” the red-haired man inquired quite nervous seeing the frightening gaze of Myungsoo who was still unnervingly silent.

“Okay, let’s not talk here, let’s go to the café near here, c’mon it’s my treat. You look like you’re about to pass out again if we don’t get in some food in you,” Dongwoo held out a hand to Myungsoo making the red-haired man pout

“Hyung, you never do that for me…I want!” he demanded, offering his hand to which Dongwoo only laughed and turned around to the café’s direction as soon as Myungsoo was up. Sungjong stood up to follow suit

“Jongieee cutie, please help your troubled hyung up,” Sungyeol was blinking rapidly and flirtatiously, using the most saccharine tone he could muster to convince Sungjong. The younger male raised an eyebrow haughtily, but seeing his hyung’s big puppy dog eyes almost-the key word was almost-made him gave in to the red-haired request. However, when he added “Pleaseeeeee Jongie,” and spread his smile wide, Sungjong had no choice but to comply. Who could resist the childlike charm of Lee Sungyeol anyway?

Myungsoo watched in concealed amusement at the two, Dongwoo on the other hand, did not bother to remain discrete. He guffawed loudly until everybody who was diligent enough to jog in the morning at the park to eye him oddly.

‘He really loves laughing, doesn’t he?’ Myungsoo noted

Six minutes later, Myungsoo was in heaven. Seriously

“Whoa, Dongwoo-hyung…I swear this buddy’s eyes twinkled. What’s your name again? Myungsoo?” Sungyeol gazed at Myungsoo who had a huge goofy smile on his face as he took in a deep breath and smelled the air inside the café. He clearly was floating on cloud nine.

Dongwoo, of course, as always chuckled and patted Myungsoo’s shoulder before gently tugging him to the direction of a booth where he let the boy slipped in first before sitting beside him. Sungjong and Sungyeol opted to sit opposite of them. Sungyeol twirled the pieces of his hair falling to the front of his face in boredom while Sungjong checked out the menu with little interest

“What do you want Myungsoo?” Dongwoo inquired kindly, the boy in question was utterly speechless. Anything would be good enough for him. His mouth watered just by reading the names of the food available on the menu. He pointed to some of them to Dongwoo, afraid to use his voice- he did not, absolutely never want his excitement and joy for finally having breakfast for free to be revealed-. Really, he felt like jumping up and down his seat, his expression totally gave him away though when Sungjong looked up from his own menu and commented

“You seem real happy, you were so deathly pale before but now you’re shining even brighter than the sun and that’s saying a lot seeing that it’s summer,”

“I like food,” the boy across him answered in a low tone

“Uhuh, you love food,” Sungyeol interjected, he then brought out his cell phone out from his pocket and dialed a number as a waiter came and asked for their order. Sungyeol told the waiter to come back for his and Sungjong’s order later

“Yah, why aren’t you here yet? What’s on today’s menu?”Sungyeol’s question to the person on the other side of the phone was peculiar enough to snap Myungsoo out of his blueberry cheese muffins and hot peanut butter pancakes daze. He frowned visibly, why would anyone call someone to ask their opinion on what food to order when really he could have just ask the people present with him.

He observed Dongwoo and Sungjong noticing that neither seemed to find this strange. For the first time since he met them, Myungsoo thought about the possibility of them being-you know, crazy or dangerous…or worse…both-. Also, he remembered the old advice ‘never talk with strangers’ and he was sure there was a saying:  ‘never accept free food from strangers too’. Then, Myungsoo firmly decided that if he were to die, might as well die happy and full so he shrugged the thoughts off.

When his orders arrived, Myungsoo was delightfully immersed into enjoying the food so much that he did not realize that everyone at the table with him plus another new stranger was staring at him in wonder. Sungyeol’s jaw dropped as he watched the man gobbled up everything in a few minutes flat. When he was done, Dongwoo pushed his plate of rhubarb cakes toward him figuring that he was still hungry. Myungsoo smiled sincerely at the man who nodded quite impressed at the young man.

“I’ve never seen anyone do that, well except for a senior I knew at college before. She could eat three large scoops of ice-cream in five minutes flat”

The voice held such an awestruck tone that Myungsoo looked up and finally saw the new stranger.

“Nam Woohyun,” he offered as everybody was awkwardly silent as they watched Myungsoo’s reaction “Jjongie’s eighth personal chef and flavourist,” he introduced with a winning smile. He was another one of Sungjong’s employee, it seemed.

‘Who exactly is Lee Sungjong?’ he inwardly questioned as he turned to the seemingly pure and innocent man sitting across from him and was apparently looking at him with knowing eyes

Woohyun, the attractive man took a seat beside Sungyeol much to the red-haired man’s dismay. “Yah, I can’t breathe hyung! Why don’t you just take an extra chair or something,” He complained, the older man ignored him, however and leaned over to talk to Sungjong. He did not care for Sungyeol’s panic stricken face as the red-haired was pressed flat against the booth wall.

“Jongie what do you feel like eating today?” Woohyun cooed at the young boy jovially “I think we can let you off with a few sugary breakfasts today, I’ve discussed with Hoya already,” the man excitedly continued. Myungsoo watched as Sungyeol rolled his eyes while Sungjong only nodded and half-heartedly picked something on the menu.

After calling for the waiter and placing their order, Woohyun turned to face Myungsoo interestedly.

“So, where did Dongwoo-hyung found you?”

Myungsoo gauged Dongwoo’s reaction to the question, the man was apparently waiting for him to answer as well

“The park,” he answered shortly. However, the others seemed to wait for more explanation. “I fainted,”

“Ohh, what happened?” Woohyun asked. Everyone perked up, Myungsoo was anxious as his pride prevented him from sharing his state of life, he tried to think about anything to worm his way out of the interrogation session. For once, his prayer was granted as the waiter came again bearing food. Sungyeol was immediately distracted while Woohyun was busy scrutinizing the food. True to his word, Woohyun even tasted Sungjong’s food first before he deemed it safe to be consumed by the younger boy. He let Sungjong have his food before eyeing Sungyeol’s plate which was full of tasty looking crepes. Sensing this Sungyeol bend forward moving his plate closer to him, narrowing his eyes suspiciously to the sheepish looking chef

“Sungyeollie…hyung is hungry,” Woohyun stated in a cute voice, Dongwoo laughed in response while Myungsoo finally knew where Sungyeol learned to make the puppy-dog eyes and syrupy voices because hands down Woohyun was a pro. The way he jutted out his lower lip just slightly, his eyes though not as big as Sungyeol could make it be but he managed to make them glassy and full of hopes that Myungsoo could hear Sungyeol’s defenses cracked and then shattered.

Sungyeol turned away and held his breath closing his eyes then pushed his plate towards Woohyun in defeat “You can have it, hyung,” the latter gleefully took the plate but he took one crepes, bit into it before asking Sungyeol to open his mouth

“Yeollie, eat with me,” came the sweet voice again, Sungyeol opened an eye and looked at the older man who was turning up his charm full blast. Really, Lee Sungyeol could never stand a chance against someone like Nam Woohyun.

“Sungyeol will always try hard to tune out Woohyun but usually it never works, that cheesy idiot is really magical with his charm. He can do that to almost anyone except for one…Lee Suyeon. If you’re lucky, you’d be able to meet her,” Dongwoo whispered to him with merriment

His attention was shifted after that to the quiet boy who he found out was younger than him on the way to the café. Instead of finishing his food, he was playing around with the muffins.

“You don’t like it?” Myungsoo inquired at the boy who looked kind of surprised that Myungsoo was paying attention to him.  He shook his head and sweetly smiled at him. Sungjong made to give him the food but Myungsoo refused because it seemed like the former barely eat his food but Dongwoo gently urged him to take it

“Jjongie doesn’t have much of an appetite, before it goes to waste, you better take them. If you’re full already, I’ll ask the waiter to wrap it up for you to take home,” Myungsoo stared at Dongwoo and prayed that God would bless the guy with those understanding heart.

Woohyun was enthusiastic as Dongwoo called over the waiter, before he sauntered over to their table

“The owner is very stingy but he has a thing for Jongie…,” Woohyun told Myungsoo with barely concealed glee

Hyung!” Sungjong interrupted in disbelief but Woohyun continued

“But, no one can resist NamStar,” he winked conspiratorially “not even the straightest guy,” he added

When the waiter arrived nonchalantly at their table, Woohyun was ready

“Wrap this one up please,” a tiny smirk on the chef’s face that made the waiter narrowed his eyes “oh, call Mr. Han. Just say Lee Sungjong is here,” Woohyun slapped away Sungjong’s hand-the boy was panicking-trying to stop his hyung from doing something crazy. The waiter was beginning to get annoyed, but just one look from Woohyun made him stomped angrily back to the kitchen with the tray of Sungjong’s breakfast in hands.

“Hyung, are you crazy?! You know I’m scared of Mr.Han! He looks at me weirdly” Sungjong was almost on the verge of tears it seemed, Myungsoo was beginning to pity the boy

“If it’s causing trouble, I don’t want it,” he told Woohyun who looked at him in awe as if to say ‘you’d give up free food for him?’

“Nahh, we’re here, no one’s going to do anything to Sungjong, don’t worry,” he reassured but Myungsoo  disliked the look on Sungjong’s face, even Dongwoo was showing signs of protesting, looking back and forth between Woohyun and the youngest boy face worriedly. Only Sungyeol was calm but one could see that he was leaning forward more, effectively shielding Sungjong from view.

“Hyung,” Sungyeol finally said grimly to the chef and his tone spoke volumes, Myungsoo felt goose bumps just listening to the red-haired. Woohyun raised an eyebrow

“You guys are overreacting. Mr.Han is practically harmless. Look at him,” everyone turned to the man who was walking towards them flagged by two waitresses carrying a tray of boxed meals each.

The man seemed to be in his early fifties, almost all his hair was white and sleeked back, he wore a severe look on his face that probably made him appeared several years older though he seemed fit with his long track pants and shirt tucked in. He gave the aura of a well-disciplined and very strict owner. Myungsoo wondered about Woohyun’s definition of harmless, Mr.Han looked like he could beat up a person or two even in his old age.

“Sungjong, you came,” Mr.Han immediately greeted the uncomfortable boy who was squirming in his seat. The boy only nodded meekly under Mr.Han’s intense stare. Myungsoo understood the reason Sungjong was afraid of the man. In his eyes, the others except Sungjong did not exist. Even though the others were still his costumers, he did not bother to even spare them a glance. “Hyuk Jun said you wanted to see me?” he asked

“Emm I just want-emm the food to be wrapped, my friend here loves the food you see,” and the way the young man explained was soft, even his expression was that of a shy and pure boy. He saw Sungyeol stiffened when Mr.Han moved closer to the table. Myungsoo wanted to do something for Sungjong too. He did not know why but he felt like…he felt like he wanted to protect him…the stranger he just met.

“Here’s an extra, come again next time. If you want to talk more, just ask for me,” the man stated, making it clear that he did not extend the invitation to anyone else. He motioned the waitresses to put down the trays before turning to address Woohyun

“Are you going to pay for all that?” he questioned in a very intimidating voice. Myungsoo jaw dropped, he thought for sure that the man was going to give them those extra foods for free. Nam Woohyun was sparkling as he nodded with the biggest goofy grin ever and thanked Mr.Han repeatedly. “When he pays, make sure you double the price,” he said to one of the waitress without batting an eyelash

After he was gone, Myungsoo felt the need to question “What’s the point of that? And he resisted your charm didn’t he? he asked you to pay

“Aish, among all of us, he noticed me, see my charm…get it? And by the way you’ll see,” Woohyun smiled “Hey, forgive me for taking up a few seconds of your time…,” he called to a passing waitress in a smooth tone

It turned out that he flirted with the female waitress with much ease that even Myungsoo was impressed. The girl ended up paying for all of them and even Dongwoo who was originally the one treating them ended up not paying.

“I feel guilty,” Dongwoo said sadly

“Told you I’ll take care of it! “ Woohyun patted Dongwoo’s shoulder as the man sighed “Now handsome boy here got extra food, you don’t have to pay and we get to eat for free. Tell me I’ am awesome. C’mon come on,” Woohyun was practically beaming proudly, dancing in the middle of the street, quite a distance away from the café.

“Why do you always go there if you don’t like the owner?” Myungsoo inquired at Sungjong who was walking fast to catch up with Sungyeol’s long strides. The red-haired seemed to radiate anger and it was safe to assume that it was directed at Woohyun who was lagging behind with Dongwoo.

“Oh, I…I can only eat Woohyun-hyung’s food and he’s a great cook but sometimes, we want to try something different and the only other food I can stomach are the ones Mr.Han personally cooked. I don’t know why,” the boy explained. Myungsoo took a deep breath, preparing to ask a question that had been in his mind since he was introduced to them.

Before he could even open his mouth, a man coming out of the dark alley they just passed  suddenly made a grab for Sungjong, a gun pointed to his head as he screamed for all of them not to move. Out of the corner of his eyes, Myungsoo saw Sungyeol whirled around in shock.

What do you want?” it was Woohyun, his tone dead serious; he lost the celebratory mood he was in just a few seconds ago replacing them with a darkened expression.

Myungsoo was frozen, contemplating his next moves as the man with scruffy hair and brown boots answered with

“I know who he is,” simple and cryptic.

Myungsoo watched Sungjong’s reaction. It was odd; the seemingly fragile younger man was not showing any signs of fright. A startling realization hit Myungsoo as he took a step back so everyone was in his peripheral vision

Yah, I told you not to move! Want me to kill this man?” he shouted, glaring at Myungsoo.

Everybody was strangely calm

Myungsoo eyed the gun, before meeting Sungjong’s eyes who was watching him in wonder. He knew what to do right then. He got ready, fist tight and charged at the man at the same time as Sungjong seized the gun at his forehead and socked his captivator right in the eye.

The man cursed as he struggled for the gun with Sungjong, Myungsoo jumped at the man making him lost his footing and Woohyun took hold of Sungjong as the gun fired, landing harshly and rolling on the ground with him. Myungsoo fought to release the gun from the man who was thrashing about violently, suddenly Dongwoo was there beside him, unmercifully twisting the hand of the man which was holding the gun. He heard the bone cracked and the man wailed in pain and released his tight grip on the gun.

Myungsoo pinned the guy with all his strength before Dongwoo pointed the gun at the man and asked Myungsoo to let him go. As he freed his hold of the man, Sungyeol pushed him aside and put his foot on the man’s chest with a murderous look on his face. Myungsoo stood rooted nervously as he thought the red-haired was going to kill the man.

Sungyeol!” Dongwoo warned “Let me take care of him,” he said as Sungyeol was putting pressure on the man’s chest causing tears to form in his eyes. The blue-haired man used a gentler tone this time, urging him to let the man go and make sure Sungjong was alright. Sungyeol finally relented, turning around and both Myungsoo and Dongwoo released a relieved sigh.

Out of the blue, Sungyeol spin around again and kicked the man’s head swiftly, knocking him out in an instant

What the , Sungyeol!” Woohyun exclaimed angrily. He had disappeared with Sungjong before and came back with a very tall man in crisp suit.  The man wore a solemn expression but he was clearly young and- very good-looking-but he had a commanding aura.

“Woohyun, take Sungyeol back, bring this man as well,” he referred to Myungsoo.  It was not an order but not a suggestion either; it seemed that Woohyun was treated with much reverence by the man. “Dongwoo-hyung and I will take care of the man,” oh so he was younger even than Dongwoo. Woohyun took Sungyeol forcefully by the arm and motioned for Myungsoo to follow them leaving the rest.


A/N: It's quite long :O who do you think the man in suit is?

Thank you for reading,subscribing and commenting everyone ^^

The story is pretty crazy I think and it's gonna get confusing but it will be explained later on...hopefully :D

Happy Eid for those celebrating it ^^

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Chapter 14: This is really good so far and cute!
redmarkify #2
Chapter 22: I'm very curious about Chanyeol's relation to Sungjong and I wonder how Myungsoo-Sungjong-Sungyeol-Woohyun love square will go:). Zelo and Sungjong is so cute and what does Zelo means by "will you help zelo?" what was the favor he asked sungjong? mhmm...
Chapter 22: Finally you're back! I miss it so much~
and... It's just me or the story is getting more complicated?
I mean, for Myungsoo-Sungjong-Sungyeol-Woohyun's love story, the secret has finally revealed!!
Honestly, I'm so confused and curious at the same time. What will Sungyeol do to solve this problem?
He loves Woohyun so much, but he is Sungjong's fiancee. Poor Woohyunnie~
Woohyunnie, you must feel so hurt right now.. Let me hug you :p
And what's the relationship between Chanyeol and Zelo?

Ok, let me wipe my tears first..
So, I'm concern at their feelings especially for Myungsoo and Woohyun. They must feel so hurt and betrayed right now, because it affects to me too :p
I even didn't know that Woohyun is a rich person, until I read this chapter..
And I think, it's getting more interesting, hahahahaha :D
Anyway, good luck for your exam.. Author-nim ^^
JuzzMee #4
Chapter 22: i miss this story sooooooooooo much
glad you decide to update
Chapter 22: Jello! Oh adorable Jello! So cute. Ok, I'll tell you this, I feel like killing myself, then being reborn and killing myself all over again. I can't believe Sungjong's fiancee is actually Sungyeol. I feel betrayed, ok Myungie should feel betrayed but in case he's incapable of the feeling, I'll feel betrayed for him. Sungjong shouldn't have led him on. Oh Sungjong, what have you done? Now your only escape is leaving everyone and everything and marrying me-yes, that's your only option.
Wait I'm confused about Chanyeol-where does he come in? Why does Chaneyol's ICU voyage remind Sungjong of Zelo?
Goku Gohan? Dragon Ball Z all the way! I wish you included Vegeta as well. Haha.
Back to feeling betrayed and miserable for Myungie. And the WooYeol mess-how did Sungyeol fall in love twice? Or maybe he doesn't love Sungjong?
Chapter 3: I saw MyungJong, YeolJong, MyungYeol, MyungJongYeol!
This is so much me~ my heartvwull explode! And I'm still on chapter 3! gawd! And I love the way how EXO is here~ tbh, I'm an EXOtic but when I saw INFINITE (yes, I'm a kind of new Inspirit), my attention was focused to them xD

Loving this, I swear, even though, no love and what not yet, I'm loving the pairings already~

Author-nim, my dear oenni, THIS. IS. REALLY. JJANG!
let me crey~
Chapter 2: Must refrain myself from going to chapter 3 TT TT
If I start reading it now I might not get any school work done again TT TT
Oenni! Why didn't you tell me that you have an awesome story? I could have read it over my holiday~ TT TT
School is pretty busy right now, tbh, I shouldn't be here xD
but, I just love fanfics xD

Anyways oenni! Jjang!! Gotta read this when I finish my work~
Chapter 20: I NEED SOME ANSWERS!!!!!!! LOL i cant wait to figure out what the hell is going on hehehehe usually i catch onto plots real fast and can perdict wats up but damn I'm do cunfuddled! (Lol my new word) with this story! i have a few explanations but aish! love the updates btw
Chapter 20: Two chapters in a row? You're the best!
I'll tell you what's a sin-not letting Myunsoo have quality time with Sungjong. Poor Myungsoo, how can he let Sungjong go? He has fallen so hard this time, I can tell...And Hoya-why do you torture him so much? Take your lips off Myungsoo's Sungjong right now! Go kiss your Gyubear.
Gyu wants to give Hobaby a present? Something purple I suggest. Ooooooh the drama!
Oh no my poor baby had a nightmare. What's up with Sungyeol though? Aaaargh you're killing me with the unanswered questions. If I die now authornim, I'll surely haunt you forever.
JuzzMee #10
Chapter 20: so much questions... what make Sungyeol really scare? who Sunggyu like? what really happened?
Your story really good!!!