Chapter 13

My Billion Dollar Man {HIATUS}

“There’s only coupons and wait for it this is epic…,” Daeryong’s eyes were glittering with excitement as he announced this “…and lucky draw slips! Ahah! What kind of rich men do that dude?” he patted Hoya’s backside much to the latter’s annoyance as he showed the pieces of papers from the inside of Hoya’s back jeans pocket “ohh there’s a checkbook…” he said as Hoya held up a book

Everybody turned to look incredulously at a flustered Myungsoo “Where in the world did you meet them?” Hoya raised an eyebrow as he let the twins go at last. The two rubbed their red wrists appreciatively and went over to give a half-armed hug to Myungsoo, Soryong on his left and Daeryong on his right. They were excited to have found him again.

“We thought the worst!” Daeryong told him, grinning from ear to ear

“Aye, you should’ve stick with us,” Soryong smiled, always a little more reserved and less boisterous than his older brother

Myungsoo groaned first then he silently admitted that he might just be missing them “what’s that I can’t hear you?” Daeryong said in a sing song tone, a teasing grin on his face.

“Shut up,” Myungsoo replied, face red hot with embarrassment. Three security guards came with another two policeme. Myungsoo looked worriedly at Hoya who nodded understandingly. He felt the twins tense for one second before they turned to Myungsoo

“I guess we need to part ways again little black sheep,” Daeryong had a kind of a wistful tone in when he informed him this, Myungsoo’s eyes widened ‘they’re not really going to …’ Soryong poked him once to get his attention and whispered.

“If you really miss us Myungie, you’ll know where to find us right? Visit soon,” he winked and Myungsoo didn’t want to let them go at first but as usual they gave him big fat kisses on his cheeks making him froze to the spot and in an instant they sprinted away in the opposite direction. The security guards and policemen ran faster to catch up with them before Hoya stopped them.

After about twenty minutes of explaining everything and dealing with the policemen, the group finally made their way into their cars. All of them were quite cranky especially Sungjong and Sunggyu- thank God he was in another car because Sungjong alone was a handful enough but dealing with another man in irritable mood would really test Myungsoo’s patience to the limit-. Sungjong had snapped at Sungyeol twice because the man was getting excited over Myungsoo’s story about the twins.

Are you hungry?” Myungsoo snapped as Sungjong glared at him “because what you said to him was rude and I don’t like it. No matter who he is, he’s still older than you and you ought to respect him,” Sungjong huffed and turned away from him. ‘Kids’ Myungsoo growled inwardly.

The atmosphere in the car was too tense and awkward “all right, let me treat you all ice-cream okay, Hoya-hyung stop at the usual,” Sungyeol offered. Hoya answered with a yes and Woohyun remained quiet, just as he was for the past three hours. 

When Hoya parked the car, just as soon as Sungyeol stepped out, Sungjong stormed out not even bothering to look back. Sungyeol stayed quiet and watched as Myungsoo kicked the back tire in frustration. “What’s with him?

“Don’t mind him, he’ll come around eventually. He’s just pissed because he can’t have ice-creams…,” Woohyun drawled and lazily walked away from the remaining three.

“You guys won’t leave me, will you? Sungyeol asked a tad bit sad, adjusting his sunglasses. Hoya smiled playfully and gave him a pat on his shoulder

“Nahhh, I want ice-cream!” Hoya said

Eating his cone, vanilla sprinkled with dark and white chocolate, he recounted how he came to meet the twins properly to the two eager listeners- well mostly Sungyeol who displayed giddy excitement, Hoya showed interest too but not as obvious as Sungyeol was-

They walked around the area, Myungsoo kicking small stones just because he could while regaling them with the tales of the Ryong twins.

“They’re well-known around the area I used to…live in,” Myungsoo faltered for a second, he didn’t like to mention his previous way of living to these guys yet.

Myungsoo was barely surviving…he cursed himself. He doesn’t know how to do anything else and he just got fired by his boss from his job as a waiter. It was because of his infamous temper but in Myungsoo’s opinion, he didn’t deserve that, the woman called him a ‘Stupid Worthless ’ for God’s sake. Well he didn’t mind the part on a normal day, he could even let the stupid part slide…but the woman just had to say worthless, the word he hated so much …on the very day. The day he loathed the most…and it was only for accidently spilling a bit of her orange juice on the table. It didn’t even stain anything of her possessions. Just the table, the in table.

So he got kicked out of his own apartment by the month’s end because he couldn’t pay his rent, wandered down the street and with the money left, he just checked in to a very cheap bed and breakfast motel.  The next day, he went out to look for a job. He was walking down a deserted looking alleyway when out of a sudden he felt a gust of winds on both sides and his eyes widened as he felt something got in his back jeans pocket.

He caught it and surprisingly he came in contact with skin, he gripped it hard and a yelp echoed throughout the place “Ahhhh Soryongie, run, run for your life, I got caught. Ahhh I’m gonna die, please let me say my last words…,” the man shouted dramatically, flailing his other free hand. He was on his knees, but Myungsoo still kept his hand wrapped tightly around the man’s wrist. He didn’t know why he did it but “Bang!” he pointed his pointer finger and curled the others closed “You’re dead” Myungsoo said. Oh well Myungsoo admitted that sometimes he acted without thinking.

The man froze, looked at him and burst out laughing. It went on for a long long time, cackling and clutching his stomach with one hand. The other one arrived by Myungsoo’s side and Myungsoo tensed warily. He looked saner than the one kneeling in front of him and had a darker aura too. “Let him go and I’ll give you back this,” he held up Myungsoo’s black leather wallet much to his surprise.

“Are you an idiot?!” the one who was laughing up till then apparently snapped back to his senses. His face dead serious and for one second, one measly second Myungsoo felt a prickle of worry. If both were to gang up on him, he’d be in trouble.

“Hyung, you’re the idiot! You just called my name! He could report us to the police and you knew how troublesome it was last time and by the way, can’t you just rip your hand away or something,” Soryong frowned as he scolded his brother

“Oh,” the older one said and immediately he yanked his hand and was free of Myungsoo’s grip “Ohh it worked! Why didn’t I think of that?” he said in wonder. He saw Soryong rolled his eyes and he grinned at Myungsoo “Hello, I’m Daeryong. I steal wallets, money, expensive rings and credit cards. Other things might be taken into considerations depending on their value. Nice day isn’t it? Want me to teach you the trick?”

Myungsoo gaped ‘did he just ask me if I wanted to…”

“What are you doing Hyung!” the younger one was demanded in disbelief

“Well we can’t very well let him go now can we?” he said

Myungsoo was embarrassed to say that he was mortified that Soryong took a peek into his wallet and his jaw dropped “You got one dollar only? I thought, I swear he is the same person…erghh hyung this is your fault. You were so slow I told you, you shouldn’t be lazy!”

“All the better, now you got no money, no nothing so how about you join us?”

He didn’t know what made him accept the offer, to be fair he didn’t actually verbally accept it. Daeryong just dragged him with them and his life with the twins began. He found out the twins place, just a small little house, stuff everywhere. They ran for practice and they were fast, stealthy and accurate. They were well-known around the area as noble thieves. They only stole from rich people who looked like “Filthy Blood- Gold Diggers” who pissed the hell out of them.

“Our idol is Robin Hood, you know that?” Daeryong told him one afternoon after they shared what little they have to some of the homeless locals sleeping along the streets

“It’s still wrong though right?” Myungsoo swallowed guiltily  

Daeryong stopped stuffing his mouth with buns and looked up to him, his expression turned sad and Myungsoo felt even guiltier. He cursed inwardly. “I-I guess you’re right. No..,” Daeryong looked down “no, you…You are right…Myungsoo...,”


“I’ve always wondered …how does it feel to be born rich?”

Myungsoo was startled when a loud scream was heard and he saw Sungjong running towards them “Hyuuuung,” Myungsoo was instantly alert, eyes scanning the area around them anxiously. “Did something happened?” he worriedly say when Sungjong was within hearing distance but when the younger one jumped into the arms of Sungyeol, his worry disappeared and he narrowed his eyes

“I’m sorry Hyung. Will you forgive me?” Sungjong cutely asked and hugged Sungyeol tightly

“Forgiven, under one condition…,” Sungyeol was already smiling as he loosened his hold on the younger one a bit so he could see his face. Sungjong stared up curiously, biting his lower lip and blinking innocently.

Sungyeol grinned wider and leaned in and Sungjong moved his head away just before their lips touch and shook his head “No!” Sungyeol pulled the younger one tighter and made several attempts while Sungjong resisted and writhed against the older one. Myungsoo was going to shout when he realized that Sungjong was only playing hard to get. He was laughing teasingly the whole time. Myungsoo balled his hands into fist and felt the anger again rearing its ugly head

A hand on his shoulder shocked the hell out of him and he saw Woohyun beside him, he didn’t even notice that the man was back with them as well “What’s up with you? You just destroyed your cone in case you missed it,” Myungsoo looked down at his hand in surprise as he saw the remnants of the cone in his hand, the ice-cream dripping down from his palm. “Tsk tsk…” and he didn’t like the way Woohyun smiled at him, like he knew something

“Yah Kim Myungsoo are you jealous?” Hoya raised an eyebrow as he asked

Myungsoo took a while before shaking his head “Is Sungyeol…interested in men?” he asked hesitantly

“Yes!” Sungyeol answered, apparently paying attention to the conversation as well “What are you interested in me?” he asked cheekily, Sungjong turned to him as well

“I’m just curious,” Myungsoo replied but as everyone else glanced pointedly to what was left of his ice-cream, he cleared his throat uncertainly before he tried defending himself “I-I’m not used to…seeing …uhh,”

“It’s understandable,” Woohyun patted him on the shoulder and glared at Sungyeol’s half-offended look “not everyone is used to PDA, you know,” and Sungyeol reverted back to his old smiling self

“Oh but to make yourself feel better though, they’re only practicing for the musical,” Hoya told Myungsoo and leaned in to whisper “in case you have any other reason,” making Myungsoo turned beet red

“Yep, just a peck on the lips…come on Jjongie. We haven’t practice a lot. See this…” Sungyeol pouted his lips “…they’re bruised and hurt…,” then he turned and glared at Woohyun “no thanks to him!...and I need you to kiss it and make it feel better…just one pleaseeee,” Sungyeol begged and Sungjong just raised his eyebrows but still fought against him though

Myungsoo then walked beside Sungjong -who was distracted-and Myungsoo caught Sungyeol’s eyes. He made a signal to him and Sungyeol grinned getting what he meant. He then turned to Hoya and made the same signal “Sungjong…,” Hoya called in response. Sungjong looked up.

Myungsoo nodded to Sungyeol and they both swooped down and planted a kiss on Sungjong’s cheek, making him froze. Sungyeol turned the still stunned Sungjong whose mouth was agape slightly and without further ado stole a kiss, once. When Sungjong still didn’t react, he kissed again and again and till finally he deepened the kiss.

“I-I can’t watch this…,” Woohyun stuttered “I-I have a-a headache…PDA m-makes me…,” he tried to explain but his stuttering worsen so he just fled the scene without further explanation.

“…look at him stutter…and he was the one who always teased Sunggyu about his lisp too,” Hoya commented, looking over his shoulder to the disappearing Woohyun before he pried Sungjong away from Sungyeol “Please stop molesting the boy, Sungyeol!” Sungyeol wiped his mouth and laughed while Sungjong pouted severely but he didn’t seem to mind much. Hoya turned back to Myungsoo and halted when he saw his expression

“Myungsoo? Are you okay?”


Myungsoo washed his sticky hands at the sink and wiped it on a nearby towel after he was done. They were back to the ice-cream parlor again because Sungjong begged to have ice-cream claiming that his lips were bruised and he wanted some ice on it- didn’t matter if he couldn’t taste the flavor- so Woohyun who joined them for the second time nodded, back to being quiet again.

He walked outside the parlor through the backdoor near the toilet he was in, needing the fresh air and there was Sungjong with his ice-cream, it while humming happily, back facing him. Myungsoo debated for a split second but Sungjong turned around before he could walk away “Oh Myungsoo hyung” he said cheerfully and dragged him out by the arms.

“There’s only an hour left before the musical practice, Hoya-hyung said we should have lunch. We’re going at Mr Han’s place again…” he made a face at this “since Woohyun-hyung couldn’t cook. Oh here…,” he held out his cone to Myungsoo who stayed quiet and only stared at Sungjong “Taste it and tell me how it’s like…,” he smiled expectantly…that naïve smile; he even had the wide eyed-childlike look on.

He didn’t know, wasn’t processing his thought clearly when he pushed Sungjong’s hand making the ice-cream fell on the ground and grabbed Sungjong who looked hurt harshly to him, roughly placing a searing hot kiss on the younger’s lips…and when Sungjong made a small surprised sound that sounded so so damn innocent, he deepened the kiss, intensely moving his mouth against the cool lips of the angel that made his hands shook and his head to spin, pulling him closer and firmly to him.

When Sungjong started to respond, he tore his mouth away and pushed him startling the younger one “Are you interested in men as well mr.Lee Sungjong?” Myungsoo mocked hoarsely wiping his mouth, Sungjong opened his mouth to answer but Myungsoo shook his head “You are really clever aren’t you? Playing the innocent one…,” Sungjong shut his mouth and assumed a colder expression. Myungsoo turned and walked away “and by the way, it tastes like frozen lemon curd with just a hint of strawberry, hmmm it makes my mouth water just thinking about it...”


A/N: Ahh just one chapter guys sorry...

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Chapter 14: This is really good so far and cute!
redmarkify #2
Chapter 22: I'm very curious about Chanyeol's relation to Sungjong and I wonder how Myungsoo-Sungjong-Sungyeol-Woohyun love square will go:). Zelo and Sungjong is so cute and what does Zelo means by "will you help zelo?" what was the favor he asked sungjong? mhmm...
Chapter 22: Finally you're back! I miss it so much~
and... It's just me or the story is getting more complicated?
I mean, for Myungsoo-Sungjong-Sungyeol-Woohyun's love story, the secret has finally revealed!!
Honestly, I'm so confused and curious at the same time. What will Sungyeol do to solve this problem?
He loves Woohyun so much, but he is Sungjong's fiancee. Poor Woohyunnie~
Woohyunnie, you must feel so hurt right now.. Let me hug you :p
And what's the relationship between Chanyeol and Zelo?

Ok, let me wipe my tears first..
So, I'm concern at their feelings especially for Myungsoo and Woohyun. They must feel so hurt and betrayed right now, because it affects to me too :p
I even didn't know that Woohyun is a rich person, until I read this chapter..
And I think, it's getting more interesting, hahahahaha :D
Anyway, good luck for your exam.. Author-nim ^^
JuzzMee #4
Chapter 22: i miss this story sooooooooooo much
glad you decide to update
Chapter 22: Jello! Oh adorable Jello! So cute. Ok, I'll tell you this, I feel like killing myself, then being reborn and killing myself all over again. I can't believe Sungjong's fiancee is actually Sungyeol. I feel betrayed, ok Myungie should feel betrayed but in case he's incapable of the feeling, I'll feel betrayed for him. Sungjong shouldn't have led him on. Oh Sungjong, what have you done? Now your only escape is leaving everyone and everything and marrying me-yes, that's your only option.
Wait I'm confused about Chanyeol-where does he come in? Why does Chaneyol's ICU voyage remind Sungjong of Zelo?
Goku Gohan? Dragon Ball Z all the way! I wish you included Vegeta as well. Haha.
Back to feeling betrayed and miserable for Myungie. And the WooYeol mess-how did Sungyeol fall in love twice? Or maybe he doesn't love Sungjong?
Chapter 3: I saw MyungJong, YeolJong, MyungYeol, MyungJongYeol!
This is so much me~ my heartvwull explode! And I'm still on chapter 3! gawd! And I love the way how EXO is here~ tbh, I'm an EXOtic but when I saw INFINITE (yes, I'm a kind of new Inspirit), my attention was focused to them xD

Loving this, I swear, even though, no love and what not yet, I'm loving the pairings already~

Author-nim, my dear oenni, THIS. IS. REALLY. JJANG!
let me crey~
Chapter 2: Must refrain myself from going to chapter 3 TT TT
If I start reading it now I might not get any school work done again TT TT
Oenni! Why didn't you tell me that you have an awesome story? I could have read it over my holiday~ TT TT
School is pretty busy right now, tbh, I shouldn't be here xD
but, I just love fanfics xD

Anyways oenni! Jjang!! Gotta read this when I finish my work~
Chapter 20: I NEED SOME ANSWERS!!!!!!! LOL i cant wait to figure out what the hell is going on hehehehe usually i catch onto plots real fast and can perdict wats up but damn I'm do cunfuddled! (Lol my new word) with this story! i have a few explanations but aish! love the updates btw
Chapter 20: Two chapters in a row? You're the best!
I'll tell you what's a sin-not letting Myunsoo have quality time with Sungjong. Poor Myungsoo, how can he let Sungjong go? He has fallen so hard this time, I can tell...And Hoya-why do you torture him so much? Take your lips off Myungsoo's Sungjong right now! Go kiss your Gyubear.
Gyu wants to give Hobaby a present? Something purple I suggest. Ooooooh the drama!
Oh no my poor baby had a nightmare. What's up with Sungyeol though? Aaaargh you're killing me with the unanswered questions. If I die now authornim, I'll surely haunt you forever.
JuzzMee #10
Chapter 20: so much questions... what make Sungyeol really scare? who Sunggyu like? what really happened?
Your story really good!!!