Fantasy or Reality

Beastly Heroes

"Um, Chosen... Six?" Doojoon asked confused.

All the boys stared at the girl, feeling nothing but confusion. They had been feeling more and more stressed by the minute. First they had experienced the worst pain in their entire lives from what seemed like an impossible headache. Next an earthquake nearly destroys their dorm and when they tried to escape from the wreckage, they meet a strange young woman and all find mysterious tattoos have magically appeared on their hands. Now they’re being told they were chosen for something. Chosen for what!

“Allow me to explain. My name is Yoonjae. I’ve been sent here because-”

"Wait, I get where this is going. “Yoseob said, chuckling.

The other members looked at him, completely oblivious to the boy’s train of thought. He got up from the couch, walking around their dorm with a semi-confident smirk.

"Alright, where are they?" He searched the dorm, behind every piece of furniture he could find.

"Who?" The girl asked.

"Don't play dumb. I know that you know where they are." Yoseob said crossing his arms.

Confusion was written all over Yoonjae’s face. None of the other members were quite able to pick up on Yoseob’s intentions either.

"The cameras! And what show is this for, huh?" Yoseob exclaimed, continuing to scan the room. "Are they in here?" He opened a door to the pantry of cleaning supplies.

"Has Yoseob lost it?" Dongwoon asked, turning toward Hyunseung.

"Yes." Hyunseung simply replied.

Yoseob continued searching for the "cameras" causing the young woman to become slightly irritated. She snapped her fingers, and in the blink of an eye, Yoseob was levitated above the ground and flipped upside-down.

The main vocal instantly began to panic as the other members watched in awe. "Y-Y-Yah!! Put me down!!" Yoseob shouted, obviously terrified. Yoonjae snapped her fingers and Yoseob fell, stopping just inches above the hard floor.

"O-OKAY!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!" The panicked boy shouted.

The other boys sat in silence, still in shock from the spectacle they had recently witnessed. “Why do I always deal with the idiots?” The girl snapped her fingers again and Yoseob was teleported back to the couch. “Sorry but I never like when I’m interrupted. I’ve been told I have anger management issues, so don’t piss me off." She approached Yoseob and extended her hand. "No hard feelings, right?" She asked, displaying puppy eyes and an adorable smile.

Yoseob hesitated at first but eventually took the girl's hand. “Yeah... all is forgiven.”

She nodded before continuing. "Now where were we?"

"Um, Ch-Chosen S-Six?" Doojoon managed to reply.

"Ah, yes. You see, your group has been chosen to protect the people of this realm from harm. We’ve monitored each of you since you were born and we’re sure that you six are the perfect vessels for the power and responsibility.”

“Why us?” Kikwang felt obligated to ask.

“We noticed, throughout you lives that you’ve always been willing to help people, even at cost your lives.”

Each of the boys took a moment to think about their lives. They tried to recall anything they had said or done that may have been considered as noble as Yoonjae was describing.

“Doojoon,” The girl interrupted the leader’s train of thought. “Do you remember back in high school, when you helped a girl escape from a burning building? You protected her, even though the flames severely burned your shoulder.”

Doojoon rubbed his left shoulder, remembering his small act of heroism. "Oh yeah... S-She was locked in her room when the fire started. I got her out through the window... But no one else was around until after I left. How’d-"

"And you, Hyunseung,” The girl interrupted.  “In middle school, you rescued that child in the crosswalk just before he was hit by that speeding car, right? Didn’t you sprain your ankle"

" I remember. I wasn’t allowed to dance for weeks."

"And Junhyung-"

"Yeah, yeah. No need to say it. You’ve been monitoring us our whole lives. So, what of it?" Junhyung spoke out in annoyed manner. Yoonjae narrowed her eyes and raised her hand to snap, immediately alerting the rapped of his mistake. He leaped up to grab her wrist before she could punish him for interrupting. "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry."

Yoonjae simply sighed pulling her hand from Junhyung. "Anyway, we’ve seen that you each have hearts of gold so we’d like for you to be part of our world. With such an honor, we’ve given each of you a unique ability. The tattoos on your hands symbolize the ability that you possess.”

The boys took another glance at their tattoo, trying to figure out just what kind of ability they possessed.

“So you’re saying you’ve given us superpowers.” Kikwang asked, glancing up from his tattoo.

“Well, in layman's terms.” She nodded. Yoseob leapt up from the couch running over the estranged girl.

“Cool! What power do I have, huh?” He smiled, bouncing on his heels as he anticipated the girl’s answer.

Yoonjae took a step back from the bouncing idol. “Well, I can't say. I’m not the one who gave them to you. You’ll just have to figure them out for yourself.”

Yoseob pouted as he returned to the couch. Yoonjae then smiled at the boys before yawning. “Well, it’s getting late. You should all turn in for the night.” She snapped her fingers and instantly switched positions with the Beast boys. As they boy stared at the girl on the couch, they were astounded to see that she had already put them in their pajamas.

“What the h-”

“Well, goodnight.” Yoonjae interrupted Kikwang as she made a large blanket appear on top of her.

“Wait! You’re staying here?!” Doojoon asked.

Yoonjae simply shooed the boys away before rolling over on the couch. They decided to leave her alone in fear that she’d “punish” them.

“Do you really think all the stuff she said is true? Do we really have super powers?” Dongwoon asks his Hyungs as they walked into the hall.  

“Hard to say.” The 4D prince answered, drifting off into thought. “We’ve seen some pretty unbelievable stuff today.”

“Well we’ve seen that girl’s powers today. What kind of powers do we possess?” Kikwang asked, opening the door to his and Junhyung’s bedroom.

Doojoon opened his door allowing Hyunseung to enter. “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”

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Finaly updated. I promise the next chapter wont take so long


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ILBYJH712 #1
please update it...
shujun #2
Chapter 5: Had to keep myself from laughing out loud ! Thats too much of a prank..haha~
Updte soon..hwaiting !!!
Hello there!
sorry to mess here,
check out my latest vampire love story
"Dear my Hara,don't come closer"
leave some comments as you wish,so i can improve :)
gomawo ^^
shujun #4
Chapter 4: What is he up to? Anyway, he's cute when he tries to troll least i think so..haha.. Please update soon.. Hwaiting !!!
uliyaa #5
Chapter 4: yah,what happen??please update
Chapter 4: Por fin!!!! You need to update this more frequently!
Chapter 4: Omg! You updated! x3 *impatiently waiting for your next update* hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 3: I guess how they want to figure out their own power in funny way... Kekeke.. Update soon!