A Week Before The Big Day!

Pictures In a Box

"Jinki! Calm yourself down!"

"I can't! I'm too nervous!"

Kibum sighed as Jinki paced the room with his head in his hands. Jonghyun, Taemin and Amara looked at him in amusement as he suddenly tripped and fell to the floor. At that point, Jonghyn and Taemin laughed and Amara rushed to help Jinki up. Kibum rolled his eyes but smile at the man's usual clumsiness. 

"Jinki oppa, you really have to stop tripping over air." Amara said with a pout as Jinki smiled, his cheeks a cute pink. "I know, it can't be helped though." The older man said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "It's true hyung." Jonghyun chimed in as he leaned against his sit, a grin on his face. "Don't wanna trip up the aisle right?"

Jinki's face paled at the thought and Kibum chucked a pillow in Jonghyun's direction.

"Jonghyun!" Kibum said angrily as Jonghyun narrowly dodged the incoming pillow. "What?" Jonghyun said, slightly annoyed by the attack. Taemin shook his head and pointed toward Jinki who now had his head buried in Amara's shoulder, the young girl his hair. "You shouldn't say thngs like that, hyung." Taemin said, shaking his head. "He's already nervous with the wedding just a week away."

"Exactly. I'm just saying there're somethings that he has to consider-" Jonghyun was about to continue before another pillow came his way and hit him in the face.


"Shut up then!" Kibum shouted back before looking towards Jinki and said" Don't worry, hyung. It's fine. The stupid dino doesn't know what he's saying." Jinki shook his head against Amara's shoulder before looking at Kibum with a sad smile. "Jonghyun's right, though." The whole room went silent as all heads turned towards Jinki.

"What if I do mess it up?" Jinki said, the smile slipping off his face. "What if I do trip on the aisle and land on my face? What if I can't say the vows right? What if the reception is a complete disaster and Minho sees the complete goof that I am?" The whole room looked at Jinki sympathically as Jonghyun looked down in slight shame and said" Hey, I'm sorry hyung. I didn't mean to make you feel that way...I was just joking."

Jinki smiled towards Jonghyun and said" Don't worry, Jjong. I know you were joking, it was just me who overreacted." Kibum shook his head and said" You didn't overreact. You're just nervous and Jonghyun didn't help-"

"I said I was sorry!"

"Shut up, I'm trying to be emotional!"

Jinki laughed at the two's antics as Amara and Taemin smiled. 

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted." Kibum gives Jonghyun a small glare which Jonghyun returned before continuing. "It's completely normal to have wedding jitters before hand so it's fine."

"Yeah and if you need some comforting but don't wanna face Minho, we're here." Taemin assured Jinki with a smile. "Same here. I understand if Minho can be a bit intimidating." Amara said as the room except Kibum nodded. 

"Frog eyes? Intimidating? Hahaha!" Kibum exploded with laughter as Jonghyun shook his head but smile lovingly at his husband.

"So we're here for you, okay?" Amara reassured Jinki one more time before the honeyed brown haired man nodded and was hugged by the two youngest who were soon joined by Kibum and Jonghyun.

"It will all turn out perfect especially with Kibum's planning." Jinki thought happily as he laughed with his best friends.

It will all be fine.

Yes, Kibum and Jonghyun are married. For you Jongkey fans.

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niezz15 #1
Chapter 10: Awww, can you update soon please ? XD
oconje #2
Chapter 9: Can't wait to read about the big day!!!
Bluecassy7 #3
Chapter 9: can't wait for the wedding day xD
oconje #4
Chapter 8: OMG, chaptered ty Onho fic please...with a side of romance and angst.
minhosflower #5
Chapter 1: this chapter is so cute
Chapter 7: so cute.. can't wait for a real baby, haha..
oconje #7
Chapter 7: Cute chapter!
bbonkey #8
Chapter 7: aww minki so cute >_<
Chapter 7: When I read the name i thought it was Ren from NU'EST cause his real name is Choi Minki...:)
Chapter 6: really sweet story. really sweet <3
i love it.
please keep writing, good OnHo authors like you are hard to find in the sea of 2min authors!!!