Once Again...

Pictures In a Box

It had been a week since anybody had touched the picture box.

They had all seemed to have forgotten about it because they had work to do, school to attend and mainly other things which don't involve looking at a box full of pictures.

As nice as that would be.

So that's why Jinki almost throws the box away before Minho stopped him. "Jinki, what are doing?" He questioned as he saw Jinki place the box over the bin. "Oh, I'm just throwing this box away...It's been there for ages." Jinki repiled as Minho walked over to him and took the box out of his hands. "Jinx...this is our picture box...full of our memories." Jinki gave him a confused look before his eyes widened in realization. "Ah, the picture box!" he shouted as he took the box from Minho and hugged it to his chest. Minho smiled at the action as Jinki apologized to the inanimate object. "I almost threw this away! This is what I get when I don't look at stuff for about a week. I tend to..." 

"Forget. I know." Minho finished as he kissed the top of Jinki's head and smiled at the shorter man. Jinki smiled back before opening the box and siffed through the pictures, laughing at some of them and smiling brightly at others. Minho had wrapped an arm around Jinki's waist and joined him, pointing at pictures that brought back strong memories.

"Aw...Look at this one." Jinki said, smiling softly as he picked up a familiar photo and showed to Minho. Minho examined it before smiling and said" This was the day when we first met." Jinki nodded as he looked at the picture once more. The photo contained Minho and himself, smiling brightly at each other as Key whipped out his trusted camera.

"It was certainly a day to remember..." Minho trailed off as he remembered.

"Oh ! I'm gonna be late!" Minho said fustrated as he rushed through the crowded streets of Seoul. He was going to be late and he was never late! Perfect attendance record to uphold here! But this day wasn't going his way. First, his alarm clock was broken so he woke up 30 minutes late, his car wouldn't start so he had to take the bus which he missed and he hadn't eaten breakfast so he was straving! "I swear,someone has it out for me today..." He grumbled as he neared the office building which was a good sign. But all of sudden, he was sidetracked.

You want to know how?

The classic ' Oh I bumped into someone' happened and Minho just went bonkers.

'Oh for the love of...COULD YOU WATCH WHERE YOU'RE...going?"

His voice seemed to die down as a pair of beautiful honey brown eyes looked up at him and furious blush appeared on the man's cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" the man apologized, embarassed as he looked up at him. Quickly, Minho's hand shot out in offer to help him up. The man took it and Minho had to stop himself from marveling at how soft his hands were. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped like that." Minho apologized as he felt embarassment rush through him. The man smiled brightly causing Minho's heart to strangely thump harder and said" Oh don't worry, happenes all the time. I'm a clutz!" Minho couldn't help but smile at that and said " Well, I can definetly tell." Both of them laughed and suddenly entered conversation.

In that entire 10 mintues, Minho had learned that this man was Lee Jinki and he was 23 making him his hyung. Minho was quite shocked when he learned he was twenty three, the man looked like he was 20! He had also learned that this man was beautiful, had a unique sense of humour but was adorable and worked in a bakery.

"Well it was nice talking to you, Minho ssi. I hope we can meet again sometime." Jinki said with his sunshine smile and Minho smiled back caringly. " I hope so too, Jinki ssi."


Both of them turned around to see a satifised Kibum looking at the photo. "Yep, this is going in favourites!" Kibum announced happily. Jinki and Minho blushed before Jinki shouted "Kibum-ah! Could you not do that?" Kibum rolled his eyes and said" Oh it up hyung! Now we have to go so say goodbye to your tall friend." Jinki did his own eye roll as Minho chuckled at the two. "Bye, Minho ssi! Oh and here..." Jinki took out a pen and paper then quickly jotted down something. Minho took the paper once he had finished and it read " Call me soon! ^^" and below it was a number.

When he looked back up, Jinki and Kibum had disappeared.

With a goofy smile on his face, Minho made his way towards the tall building.

That day Minho didn't care if he was late for work at all.

"Oi Minho!" 

Minho snapped out of his trance and blinked quickly before focusing on the present time Jinki. "Are you okay? You kinda spaced out for a minute." Jinki asked slightly worried. While looking at him, Minho realized something. Cupping both of Jinki's cheeks, he leaned down and pressed his lips against Jink's. Jinki was a little bit shocked at the sudden affection but melted into it as placed his hands in his partner's chest.

Somehow, they both knew that...

This is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

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niezz15 #1
Chapter 10: Awww, can you update soon please ? XD
oconje #2
Chapter 9: Can't wait to read about the big day!!!
Bluecassy7 #3
Chapter 9: can't wait for the wedding day xD
oconje #4
Chapter 8: OMG, chaptered ty Onho fic please...with a side of romance and angst.
minhosflower #5
Chapter 1: this chapter is so cute
Chapter 7: so cute.. can't wait for a real baby, haha..
oconje #7
Chapter 7: Cute chapter!
bbonkey #8
Chapter 7: aww minki so cute >_<
Chapter 7: When I read the name i thought it was Ren from NU'EST cause his real name is Choi Minki...:)
Chapter 6: really sweet story. really sweet <3
i love it.
please keep writing, good OnHo authors like you are hard to find in the sea of 2min authors!!!