Chapter 14

I'm In Love With Mr. Arrogant (Currently Hiatus)

Your POV



 I was silent during the whole ride since I don't want to answer any question regarding the tragedy that cause me this scar because it still hurts so much. We arrived at the derma clinic at exactly 9:50 a.m. Before we get out of the van Kris, Luhan and D.O wore their sunglasses, cap and mask to cover their faces. I gues they are pretty famous here. I don't really have that much knowledge about K-pops and showbusiness since I don't watch t.v that much.


Our appointment is exactly 10 a.m so they made us wait for a little while for them to prepare everything.We were waiting outside the room that I assumed to where they're going to do this laser thingy to erase this scar. The girl that was assigned to the front desk switched the t.v on. It was a music channel and I watch it since I was bored. After the first music video was done, the next is EXO's Wolf MV and I was very amazed.


"Wow! I can't believe the dragon(Kris) can now dance."  I said with full of amazement


"Of course I can dance!" Kris said arrogantly


"Oh really? Cause the last time you dance with me you almost broke all of my toes! Yeah! You sure know how to dance." i said sarcastically causing Luhan to laugh at my revealation while D.O just smirked.


"Yah! ________! That was before!" Kris said deffensively


"Oh my God! I can't believe you're that worse Kris! Hahahahahha!" Luhan laughed at Kris while Kris just shook his head


"Oh! And Luhan oppa! You're voice is pretty great too and you can obviouly dance well unlike Mr. Dragon here!" 


"Aigoo! Thanks ______-ah!" 


"Yah! Why do always pick on me _________? Can't you at least show some appreciation for me?" Kris said while pretending to cry




"Aigoo! Same old bratty ________-ah! I thought you forgive me for leaving you?" 


"On second thought, I don't. I still remembered you saying that you'll marry me when I turn 18 while I always reject you but you kept on promising me that you'll marry me and you'll always be by my side no matter what but one day as I woke up you're already gone. What a promise huh!" I said as I stuck my tongue out while Luhan just laughed again


"Ommo! ________! I won't bug you again just please shut up. It's embarrasing!" Kris pleaded


"Looks like your fiance is still mad at you Kris!" Luhan said playfully


"Ew! I swear I won't marry that giant over my dead body!" 


"Alright! You won't marry me so ______ please stop exposing my secrets. Please!" Kris pleaded again while D.O cleared his throat. It was the part where he sang a very high note already


"Ommo! Is that you D.O?" I asked innocently


"Who else could sing like that huh?" D.O said arrogantly


"Yeah! You may sing well but I like Luhan oppa's singing more!" I retorted while sticking my tongue out again at him and I smiled brightly at Luhan oppa


"Aish! This girl! She can't even call me oppa!" D.O said annoyingly


"I know what you feel bro!" Kris said while patting D.O's back


As the MV ended the girl that looks like the assisant of the doctor called me and lead me inside the room. Oh man! I have a bad feeling about this laser thingy!





Luhan's POV



As soon as ______ went inside the room my smile faded. I was worried about her.  _______'s scar is big and a keloid one. They said that blisters, burns or crusting are one of side effects of laser scar removals and redness and swelling of the treated skin is always expected and it is uncomfortable. I just hope _______ will be okay.






Kris's POV



I know why _______ chose to pick on me. I've seen her grow up and I know her enough to read her eyes. No matter how much she smile, loneliness and pain is still visible in her eyes. I know she's trying to be happy and forget about what had happened to her and I feel so bad about it. If only I have bid my goodbye properly to her before and gave her my phone number then she can have someone to talk to during the time when she really needed one but I was a coward. _________ is like my blood related sister and I can't afford to watch her cry during that time. It pains me. But now that ________ and I are close to each other again, I swear I'll protect her like before. She may be bratty but _______ is a very good person. I'm still very sorry for leaving her.









Okay, now that was embarrasing than Kris hyung! I mean I even make some effort to get ________'s attention! Yeah! I know I just cleared my throat during the part where I sing incredibly but it can be considered as effort to get her attention right since she was busy picking on Kris hyung. But all she can say is "Yeah! You may sing well but I like Luhan oppa's singing more!" I know Luhan hyung sings well too but I can sing better him! Aish! That baby face hyung! Now how can I get close to _______ when she can't even notice my presence but all her attention is on Luhan hyung and Kris hyung! She can't even call me oppa!




















A/N: Oh! Someone is worried. Another someone is feeling sorry and regretful. And another someone is jealous. Hehehehe. I'm sorry for the boring chapter guys. I swear it'll be romantic soon as the story goes on so please continue your support and don't forget to subscribe and comment! :)



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Chapter 17: update soon please~~ur story is good!!
Exonsyafiqa #2
Chapter 15: Update soon!!! I love the story *_*
Chapter 15: update soon :0
NanaUrBaby #4
Update soon eonnie-ah~ :)