Let me be yours~

Jonghyun POV

 I was looking for MinJee in the whole school.


-"Minho do you know where MinJee is?" I shouted while running towards him.

-"Like I'd tell you. What doyou want from her anyways?" He asked.

-"I wanna talk to her." I answered.

-"About?" He raised an eyebrow.

-"Aish! I wanna apologize to her!" I got impatient and annoyed.

-"Gym." He said and left.

-"Thank you Min!" I shouted and ran to the gym.




In the gym


I was about to call MinJee's name but froze. She was dancing with Key and there was NO (!!!!!!!!!!) space between them!

Suddenly, the music stopped and Key pulled away.


-"Alright I have to go to class now MinMin. You too by the way. See ya there!" Key said and left.

-"Hey 'MinMin'." I said and smiled.

-"What do you want Jonghyun? And by the way only Key can call me like this." She said coldly.

-"I wanted to apologize for what I did in the past.." I said and walked towards her.


She backed away until her back hit the wall.


-"You ruined my childhood! You ripped my clothes,my toys,my teddy which I had since my birth!You dyed my hair blue when I slept! You humiliated me everyday of my life and NOW you seriously come here and tell me you want to apologize to me?!" She shouted.


I stood now right infront of her and looked in her eyes which were filled with hate.


-"Yes." I said and crashed my lips on hers.


She pushed me away immediately and ran away. 




MinJee POV


"! Why god WHY?!" I thought while I wiped my lips. Great, now all of my awful childhood memories come back! The laughers at the kindergarden and in the school,the crying everyday I came home, the humiliation everyday..

"No,please not now!" I thought as Iwas on the verge of tears. I couldnt stop them and I was mostly blind because of the tears. 

I wiped them as good as I could and finally reached the classroom. Kibum jumped up right away and pulled me into his arms.


-"Shh what happened sweetie?" He asked worried and hugged me tighter.

-"T-This kissed me a-and all of my m-memories came back at once!" I sobbed.


Kibum caressed my back and tried to calm me down. I saw Jonghyun staring at me from his seat and cried more,hiding my face in Kibums neck.


-"Oppa is here for you~" He sang and cuddles me tighter.

-"I know it's still break but I have some news for you!" The teacher shouted as he came in.


We all looked at him but Kibum didn't let go of me. He glanced at Jonghyun and held me even tighter, whispering 'gwenchana' (It's alright) in my ear.


-"So students! From today on, we'll have a new student!She'll introduce herself. Nicole,please come in." He said 


Then a, I have to say really pretty, girl came in and stood infront of us.


-"Annyeong haseyo, Nicole imnida!Lets be good friends!" She said with an eysmile and bowed.


All the boys were staring at her. I wanted to get Kibums attention so I started to sob again.


-"Relax MinMin." Kibum said and hugged me tighter.


Minho and Taemin were standing beside us and Minho was patting my back.


-"Noona do you want my bananamilk?" Taemin asked.


I just shook my head and continue to sob.

-"What's wrong?" Nicole came and asked worried.
-"Wrong? Oh nothing.Its nothing important anyways. Its okay jinjja!" Kibum said and let go of me right away,smiling at Nicole.
Nothing.Nothing important.It's okay." This kept repeating in my head. Now real tears were flowing down my cheeks. "How..?" I thought.
-"Hey Nicole.."
-"Kibum I--" I tried.
-"Not now MinJee.Do you need someone to show you around in the school?" He snapped at me and said friendly to her.
-"Of course! Komawo Kibum-shii!" She smiled.
Is he kidding?! Am I really this less important to him?!
-"But Kibum we wanted to dance today and--" I tried to stop my tears and talk normally.
-"No practise today. Can't you understand this?!"  He said trough gritted teeth and glared at me.
Minho and Taemin were clearly shocked at Kibums behaviour.
-"Noona.." Taemin said low.
-"Ki--" I tried once more.
-"Stop.talking.to.me.!!" He snapped.
I gasped and more tears fell down.
"This..no! I wont let him treat me like this!" 
-"You are an KEY!" I screamed and ran to the nurse office,crying badly.


Jonghyun POV

-"You are an KEY!" She screamed and ran away crying.
How can he?!
I stood up and walked over to Key.
-"What do you want?" He asked annoyed.
-"This!" I said and punched him hard in the face.
-"That was for MinJee!" I growled and ran after MinJee.
I looked in the canteen,the art room, empty rooms and the gym.
-"Where the hell is this girl?! Aish!" I talked to myself.
-"THE NURSE OFFICE!" I yelled and ran to it.
When I was infront of the door I heard her crying. 
"Poor girl.." I thought. 
I knocked softly on the door and walked in.
-"Hey Min." I said and looked at her.
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Jaebeol96 #1
Chapter 5: hey.. author.. xD (strange feeling, by calling you this..)
I don't know why but at some parts 'MinJee' reminds me of you.. xD
e.g.: I bit my lip and ran my hands down his front, almost drooling.

-"MinJee~~" Jonghyun sang.

I woke up from my trance and pulled my hand back.

-"Ehm yeah.. Be at my house at 6.30 pm kay? Kay." I said and left quickly.
Chapter 5: Key seems to be an , not a friend .-.
Chapter 4: xDD Ouh my. this is gonna be fun ! xD
x3susi3007x3 #4

x3susi3007x3 #5
Chapter 3: I hate Key in the Story but i love him xD Poor MinJee >.< can't wait for the next chapter~ saranghae <3