
`Find a way`

Sehun moved his feet rapidly on the hallways, sighing again and again as he thought about the conversation he had the previous night with his cousin and the one with his mother as well.



"Decide on your future already, child! We can't play too much with money and locations. We have already talked about this and Manhattan is every teenager’s dream, so don't tell me you still want to talk! It will be there, so stop arguing."

"I have strong reasons! I just need more time to think mother!"

"Fine, go and disappoint me like your sister did. Run away with some stranger just because you love him, go and spend your life with the love you always looked for! All of you are like this. Until love will bring you down and you will realize everything!"

"MOM! It's not like this. It's for the good of my music, I still need to stay."

"NO. You, unlike you sister, will not have a choice. Even if I have force you, you shall leave."



He huffed again, shaking the thought out of his head as he made his way towards the dance department. He was a little embarrassed after all that happened between them and the way he felt. He knew the other might suspect something, but he couldn't tell him. The only way was solving it himself. 

He went to the practice room, but no one was there and he was quite surprised. He wondered where he could be and exited the room, looking around the department and saw the one who Kai was rumored to spend most time with. He approached him shyly and bowed deeply knowing he was older.

"Excuse me, but do you have any idea where I could find Jongin?" he asked on a soft voice and smiled brightly as the other looked at him and smiled back. He could see the nice curved lips forming the wide smile, his eyes arching up as well and looking around on the hallway. 

"Kai? Well I've seen him earlier practicing, but nothing more, unfortunately. I am sorry." the other's gentle voice made it’s way to Sehun's ears, making him blush a little at the kindness the other showed, not pushing him away. "You are Sehun, right?"

The violinist kept on smiling and nodded slowly as the other dancer laughed softly and started walking with him on the hallway. 

"I'm Taemin, nice to meet you, Sehun." he reached his hand out, shaking the other's and sighed relieved, sinking his hands in his pockets afterwards. "I'll ask you a little favor. If you can keep it, it would be awesome. Never lie to Jongin, because it's the one thing he hates most in this world. If you really care for him, be true to him, no matter how ugly the truth is. He'd rather face everything with you, than know you hide something for his sake. It's just his mentality, got to deal with it. I had a lot of fights with him because of that as well, but yeah...Can't help it as guess."

Sehun hummed lowly as he took in everything, though he knew he had already taken a wrong step. Maybe Kai didn't need to ever know. What he doesn't know, can't hurt him, right? "I will do my best to protect him, hyung." he smiled as he felt a well-known presence approaching and he lifted his head, seeing the one he had looked for. Smiling widely, he wanted to say something, but Taemin was first to speak. 

" ‘Yo, Kai! You have people running around to look for you. Not nice at all!" they all laughed as they formed a little group and the dancers hugged, patting one another's back, then pulled back, an intense exchange of glances taking part between the musician and the tanned dancer.

"Nice to see you." Jongin whispered as he smirked and looked at his senior, bowing. "Excuse me, Tae, but I have work! For the contest, you know!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Have fun~" he laughed and faded in the crowd, while the dancer took Sehun's hand and pushed him towards his studio. 

"Did you solve that problem?"

"Yes! But I'd rather not talk about that." he smiled a little guilty as his eyes roamed over the wooden floor, Kai plopping in the middle and calling Sehun over. As the younger shifted closer, he sat down and opened his backpack, revealing two lunch boxes and placing them down, taking out two pairs of sealed chopsticks as well. With a light blush in his cheeks, he reached one of the pair of chopsticks to the other, grinning. "So, today for lunch we're having~" he chanted as he opened the boxes right after the dancer took the chopsticks. "Egg fried rice, rolled omelet with seaweed, pan-fried wieners sausages ,rolled ham with cheese and cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes along with -"

"Sehun, I can see, thank you." the older chuckled and ruffles the other's hair softly. "You really seem excited, but somehow I sense a tension in your voice and body. Is everything okay?"

The violinist smiled sadly and nodded. "Let's eat and we will talk after." he whispered barely audibly and took a piece of the eggroll, bringing it to his lips and munching slowly, keeping his head low. 

The dancer sighed lightly, moving his hand gently to the other's chin and pulled his face towards him, pecking his lips sweetly and smiled while their noses brushed against each other. "Hey, don't be sad, I don't want to see you like this...okay? I'm sure whatever it is bothering you, we can think of something, but for now we shall eat." he said on a low voice, yet lovingly as Sehun felt that affection in the way the other talked to him, making his heart flutter easily. 

"Okay...I'm sorry." he said and smiled as Kai's lips molded over his again, tasting them in a slow motion. Their bodies pulled themselves closer to each other, the sweetness of the kiss turning slightly hotter as Kai's fingers moved up the other's thigh.

"You owe me last night." he smirked as he pulled back from the kiss and landed his head on the other's lap, winking. "For that you shall feed me, Hunnie. Deal?"

Definitely a deal for Sehun, who grinned with the light blush still visible in his cheeks, being careful when feeding the other and loving the way he looked at him. It made the musician feel special, like never before in his live. It made him feel wanted and finally how it is to belong somewhere, with someone, in someone's heart, mind and soul...and how it is to have someone in those 3 places. But was that feeling enough to make him stay and go against everyone?

And Kai could see everything clearly in the other's eyes, the feeling of pain and regret behind that loving look, he knew something bad was happening, but he had the will to wait for the one he cared for so much even if they met only a couple of days ago. 

"My mother wants me to go to New York and study there. I've been wanting that ever since I was a child...ever since I received the violin and started learning the instrument, but I am not that sure anymore. We got into a fight last night because she already applied to the college instead of sorry." he said after the finished eating and they were lying on the wooden floor. Their fingers were laced together and Sehun felt slowly as the wood went through his body and grew more and more, the roots of an immense guilt being bore by his body, the ruthless side showing as his heart slowly felt a bitter sensation just like a black ink painting it with shades of blue. What was happening to him and why wasn't Kai reacting in any way? He was drowning slowly in that suicidal thought, in that blue thought painted by the ink of faith.

"What do you want me to do, Sehun? Sincerely."  the other asked on the same calm tone, his eyes closed as his hand slowly moved and laced his fingers better with Sehun's, smiling softly as he waited for an answer. 

"Sincerely...I don't know. I wish you won't get hurt by all that is happening because of me." the other replied on a low tone, feeling those roots growing bigger this time, but he didn't know why. 

"That means you want to leave, Sehun." the other said and opened his eyes slowly, turning his head to the musician who was now biting his lower lip and Jongin...the dancer couldn't do anything about it.  "I could fight for you. I could scream and yell and beg you not to leave me. I could tell you how much you mean to me and how important you are right now for me...I could do so many things for you, but I am not the type when I know you would leave me even if you knew I would get hurt." he said with a smile on his face and pulled his hand back, standing up, but he was surprised. 

Surprised and shocked when Sehun embraced him tightly and clenched his fists in his shirt, snuggling at his chest more. "No. Please...I don't want to leave. I don't want you to get hurt by my mother...she is crazy and would go to the extreme to make me go there. I am afraid she might hurt you, I want you, I want to be your partner in art and in life and in this studio, in your house, in my house and wherever else. I want this too...You mean a lot to me too, Jongin. You are...the one I've looked for all this time. This bond is stronger than anything else...Just....give me a chance?" he said as he hoped the other wouldn’t get up completely and leave him there.

"Sehun...but you said...I..." his expression slowly softened as he hugged him tightly and securely. "Don't worry, I will be here until you decide to leave. Thank you for telling me...Thank you for trusting me this much. I will support you and I will be here for you. If you want us to be as well, then we will be, because no one can come in between us...No one..." he whispered calmly at the other's ear, making him relax in his arms and snuggle more at the crook of his neck. 

"Thank you..." a low whisper travelled down Jongin’s back from the other’s throat, in a soft manner, yet Sehun’s soul, the one which talked for him seemed to be tortured…More tortured than ever before by all his thoughts, by the situation he was in, by all he had to go through and above all that Kai was now involved in that difficulty only he and his mother should have solved. Now it wasn’t only Sehun. It was Sehun and Jongin, both of their paths meeting and having to go the same way.

"...Don't worry about it anymore, I will be here no matter what happens. We shall stay together…here… in this place…where we were found and we discovered this strong liaison between us and music and between our souls. I feel blessed that I came across you..."

"Me too..."

Sehun said on the same tone and looked up at the other, but blinked his eyes shut when those plump, delicious lips took over his in a passionate, yet loving kiss, moving in clear, yet tender motions for a session of caressing and rediscovery of each's limits. "I will always be here for you." the dancer whispered before his tongue slipped through the other's already parted lips and their mouths fitted each other again, perfectly. So they kissed like the two mad lovers they were, while the passion and intensity pouring from the kiss filled the room along with Sehun's slightly frustrated moans caused by the hectic thoughts. Their tongues battled for dominance, but Sehun soon lost and Kai just went on massaging the hot muscle gently as the violinist enjoyed the feeling he got from the other's heated up cavern, muscle and lips. 



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dwiananing #1
Chapter 6: asfdghjkl finally you updated aaaa wth sehun's mom will do it to both of them :( it will more angst right? NOOO hahahaha but seriously i love this chapter because they're so sweet each other, enjoy the snow together ;AAAA; btw fighting yo, i'm quite busy now too hehehe thanks for the updated yo, can't wait for the next chapter <3
dwiananing #2
Chapter 5: finally an update from you hehe
i like this story so much
so beautiful
thanks dear....fighting for another update ok XD
Chapter 5: Yay an update~! <3
awhh i feel so bad for Jongin... And even worse for Sehun...
I can't even guess what's going to happen next. >.<
update soon~~
oh i love that video too! but i love all his/her videos tbh
especially the sekai one!
darksanctuary #5
Chapter 4: OMG seriously!!
This is well written..!
And why always kkamjongie who will get hurt. Sobs.
okay so... i hate sehun's mom -___-
Hi, new reader here! :D

'OMG'That's what I chanted over and over when I read this fic. This was really beautifully written! All the description and characterization harmonized perfectly and it's really enchanting for me.

The interaction between Kai and Sehun was my favorite. How they acted and complete each other always managed to warm my heart. And the kiss, your way of description of it opened my eyes to a different sight of the act of love. So, very, beautiful!

I can't wait for the next update!! Keep up the good work! :D
Omggg the kiss in the rain was beautiful ;A; the way you described everything was totally heavenly and just flat out magical~ *o* you have to continue this! Keep updating, pleeeaaaase!
I would be surprised if luhan didn't appear -___-; LOL, he's always there in the sekai fics OTL I wonder when we're going to see baekhyun OuO
Oh well, I'm waiting for Sehun to somehow get jealous of taemin too, or something like that~ I mean, it's not fair for Jongin to always get hurt ;o; and how can people actually bully Sehun! ;~~~;
Perfect perfect perfect. Pure Perfection TT_TT
darksanctuary #10
I can say that in AFF Lukai has BKBB so Sekai has this fict ‎​(>̯-̮<)‎​

I really love this...
I'll say it again, I LOVE THIS
