
30 Day Drabble Challenge


Day 2: Looks ft. Himchan, Yongguk ; 357

“Yongguk,” a husky voice called out, almost whining, from one side of the dorm. “I’m bored.”

The said male looked up from his papers, some crinkled up, not a hint of care in his expression. “And what am I supposed to do about it, Himchan?”

The black haired boy, Himchan, pouted slightly, then shook his head, trying to regain his more manly composure, not wanting to seem desperate. “Let’s play Truth or Dare, but only with dares,” a sly smile spread across his lips as he spoke.

Yongguk spun around in his chair to face his roommate, one brow cocked, making the other’s smile falter. “So a game with just dares?” He paused, contemplating the consequences, then nodded, knowing Himchan’s dares were harmless, and even lame at times.

The sly smile reappeared as Yongguk climb into his own bed, starting off with the first dare.

“Hey, did you hear about that purple-haired girl moving into the dorms for this year?” The low-voiced rapper questioned as Himchan slipped back into his white v-neck tee, careful not to mess up his spiked black hair.

“You mean Hyosung? Yeah, I heard about that. She’s moving in a few doors down from us, right?” Himchan had heard about the said girl around campus, knowing she’s friends with the infamous Kim Kibum, to-be senior acting major that was more than just popular. He’s had classes with her, but never thought to talk to, or approach, the female, besides polite greetings. Yongguk knew as little as he did.

The ulzzang fell backwards onto his bed, slightly panting from his last dare. Yongguk had dared him to take a lap around the building in just his boxers  while yelling.. things. Himchan let out a soft sigh, closing his eyes, just thinking about the ridiculous and childish dare made him want to roll his eyes.

“Actually, I think she’s right across from us.” If the black-haired male hadn’t turned to look at the other, he would have missed the mischievous plotting grin that came with that seemingly harmless sentence.

“What are you thinking, Guk.” It wasn’t really a question since the look on the brunette’s face said it all.

“You’ll see, Channie. Your turn,” he replied simply, the excited glint never leaving his eyes, lips stretching into a wider grin, showing off his infamous gummy smile.

Comments and constructive criticism are welcome. Thanks for reading ♥

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9.10.12 | LAKDJKLADAJD it's been a while sorry. I have ch 5 written but .. Needs editting and lost my muse sorry ; ;


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Chapter 4: Update soon <3
Chapter 3: BangHim could be stupid sometimes hahaha XD Key~~ I like how he's being over protective to hyosung =D
Chapter 1: I always think that hyosung will look good with key anyway :D
Chapter 4: omo this fic... ouo <3
Himchan ? wogh..
Why not key ? XDD
Update soon <3
oh i thought Hyosung-BYG...so Hyosung actually likes Himchan?? i bet Himchan feel the same way too...hehe
msawkward #7
@hasnida: Yep! Haha I thought it was just a guy thing.. But oh no! I was not very clear? I meant for Yongguk daring Himchan to stealing the .. My bad, but I'm glad you liked it!

@FeyFan_501: Haha that's right~ I hope you enjoy this update (:

@Kissing-joonsung: Yay! I'm glad I could make you laugh :D I hope you like this update!
Hahahaha! Laughing while reading! Update soon =)))
.... damn .... stupid boys -_-"
Update soon <3
looking forward to chapter 4 then...will hyosung mad at BYG for stealing her's...hahaha