Forbidden Love.



Jinki quickly arrived at the sight, his body fighting the massive crowd of people that had formed around the elevator. He stared up at the four floors of the enormous plaza mall, murmurs and shouts of frantic, worried strangers around him.

“Someone help the poor student!”
“Has anyone called 911 yet?!”
“He might die in there! Someone call an elevator mechanic!”

He tried to calm down, continuously telling himself that panicking wouldn’t make anything better. Trying to assess the situation, he glanced around, first at the elevator then at the people. His eyes caught the flickering red lights that designated a number – the number two, meaning the elevator was stuck on level two. He wasn’t even sure if this student inside of this elevator was Taemin first of all – for all he knew, Taemin could have really just went home. But something, just something was telling him, that his friend, Choi Taemin was in there.

Getting an idea that he wasn’t sure would work, Jinki quickly grabbed five of the most strongest-looking men he could find, dragging them up the escalator, one floor above where it was – the third level. He arrived at the same elevator, his hands sliding over the metal of the elevator’s doors. There was just the slightest crack between them, as Jinki slipped his fingers between the two sliding doors. “Hey – all of you, help me get these doors open, don’t just stand there!” He grunted the words with a grind of his teeth. The men swiftly moved to help him, just barely, but gradually starting to open the doors of the elevator.

Having pried the doors open, Jinki stared down at the few meters separating where he was standing at the moment, down to the ceiling of the elevator. Just like he had seen in the movies, there was an escape window on the ceiling, a square big enough for just one person to fit through, in case of an emergency. With a deep intake of breath, he rubbed his hands together for no reason, taking a number of steps back away from the doors. Then, he suddenly sped up, jumping from the stable floor of the mall to suspend into the air for a moment, his hands quick to grasp onto the slick cable wires of the elevator. Jinki hissed a bit, feeling his hands tear with the rough material of the cable, deciding to quickly climb down it, breathing again when his feet had reached the ceiling of the elevator. “You should be a stunt actor, Lee Jinki… I’m impressed. Lee Jinki – Batman, protecting Seoul City.” He patted himself on the back with red, hardened palms. He now kneeled, tearing the firm lid over the escape door with strength, throwing it to the side for a moment, as he peered in.

“I’ll shoot him – don’t come any closer!”

Jinki blinked at the familiar scene, wondering if he was dreaming for the slightest second. It was all too similar to a scene right out of a movie, expect – his friend, Choi Taemin was completely head locked in the arms of a strange man with a cap covering his face, with a gun held to the side of his skull. His eyes also caught the eyes of Taemin’s who was completely… blank, for someone being held hostage. He was without emotion, which caused more frantic in Jinki then the gun to his head. It was almost as if Taemin wasn’t afraid of dying – actually, he looked like he was welcoming it.

“Why are you here? You’re not supposed to be the one saving me – you’re not supposed to be the one saving me!” The scream of Taemin caused Jinki to blink again, his words hurting more than they were supposed to.

“Shut up – shut up, you little girl – !” The mysterious robber shoved the metal gun a bit more tightly against his skull at his shouting, clasping a hand over his lips. Jinki honestly didn’t know what to do at this point – his plan had been to save Taemin, cracking open the elevator but… he hadn’t thought of what to carry on after all that.

Then suddenly, as Taemin struggled to loosen the arm around his neck, the robber’s cap was thrown off of him, displaying his face clearly. And to Jinki’s surprise, it was a familiar one – one of his own friends, whom he had always hung around with yet lost contact over moving around the city. Swallowing his saliva, he cleared his throat, slipping down into the elevator, meeting the eyes of his old friend. “Dong… Donghae?” He took a step closer, wanting to see if his eyes were fooling him.

The robber’s eyes lighted up, switching quickly from menacing hues to greeting emotions, dropping the gun to the floor and his grip on Taemin, opening his arms up with his words. “Yah, Lee Jinki! You’re Jinki, right?! Jesus Christ – it’s been so long!”

A foolish smile lit up on Jinki’s face as well, quick to embrace his long lost friend in his arms, holding him tight for a moment. “Of course it’s me – Buddha and Mohammad have mercy, Lee Donghae! Haha! To meet you again here – I mean… what the hell are you even doing?!” He gave him a questioning look, as the other shyly responded.

“Ah jeez, I can’t believe you’re seeing me like this. Time are hard and I’m just… you know. Doing what I can to eat and pay the bills.” His look was one of shame, casted down to the floor as Taemin stared at the strange scenery, not sure what to make of this. He had just been a hostage, with a gun at his head by this same guy – that was now embracing Jinki in his arms as if they were long lost brothers?

Jinki smiled still, shaking his head. “There must be something else though, this is – just…” As he had a hard time finding words to say, a crackle of machinery was heard, the elevator suddenly moving again.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“Taemin – Choi Taemin, you – you brat, getting into trouble and worrying the out of me…” Minho’s words trailed off, no tears in his eyes yet clear shame in his voice. Taemin’s skinny frame vanished in Minho’s arms, as Jinki watched from the side. He couldn’t help but to be confused about the relationship between the two brothers. They had just been clearly in negative emotions an hour ago – yet now they were inseparable.

Jinki leaned against the wall, hiding from the rays of the sun. As the two brothers reunited again, he just sighed often, looking around. His gaze caught the view of Kibum, who sat at a bench alone with tons of bags, causing Jinki to only step by him, sitting next to him. He opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted in speech by Kibum.

“It’s unfair, isn’t it?”

Turning his head, Jinki looked toward the other, who seemed to be staring off into the distance at the siblings who were now walking away from them, not having even said their goodbyes to the two students sitting on the bench. “What is… unfair?”

The diva moved his gaze to the horizon this time, clearly deep in thought, swinging his legs off of the bench. “Everything, about the two of them.”

“Minho and Taemin, you mean?”

Kibum scoffed, his head now turning toward the other. “Whom else?” He paused, directing his eyes toward the clear skies above them. “No matter how hard anyone tries… they’re stuck together, always. They’re just together. Every time I think I’ve done something right… every time I think I have him – he just runs back to him.”

“Every… time?” Jinki quietly questioned, wondering if he was intruding too much on what was clearly not his business – yet too curious about the topic to keep his lips from being completely silent.

“Every time.” He nodded, continuing on with a few sighs along the way. “I can’t do anything with him without his little bratty brother interrupting in somewhere, somehow. Taemin just won’t let go of him, it’s some possessive nature thing, I don’t even know. They’re not normal, the both of them. They’re just too close, always, never letting go of each other. He’s always leaving me suddenly because Taemin is sick, or in trouble or – something. I’m always left behind for Taemin, always second.” He laughed, although Jinki could clearly tell the pain in his voice. “I don’t even know why I’m still with that bastard – I guess, I’ve fallen too much for him.”

With a scratch of his head, Jinki seated himself a little closer, staring at him with focus. “But – Minho’s your boyfriend, I would think he would give you some attention.”

“I do get some. Just… not as much as him. I feel pathetic, hah. I feel like I’m always… in competition with that kid. No matter what I do, it’s just not enough to catch Minho’s attention more than that brat’s little tactics. You can’t get between them.”

“Well… what if I try?”




Authors Note: So up until here, I've always had a plan of where this story was going...
But right now, I really have no idea! So I'll just wing it from here, and hope you guys like it. ;_;
Thank you for sticking with this fic till here though!
Every one of your comments makes me smile and continue to write this horrible fic, thank you thank you.
Always leave a comment, suggestion or just what you thought of the current updated chapter for me. ♥







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Double update!


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Chapter 7: *cries* I love this story, I just started reading it, I can't believe it's almost been a year since this has been updated *ugly sobbing* Please continue, this is perfect and I'm so so so curious... <3
airilla #2
Chapter 7: I love this chapter
airilla #3
Chapter 5: Death note yasssssz love it :)
airilla #4
Sounds like a good story
fairydust #5
Chapter 7: ooooh i love this! please update soon ;O;
SuDarkWind #6
Please update soon. It's really interesting <3
Chapter 7: This. Story. Is one of a kind. I mean.. AUTHOR SSI! It's good! Please update pretty pleaseeee? :) omg. 2MIN!!! I agree with @animaeholic
Onew, I suggest you don't try but if you don't then there would be no story I would fangirl about. Right author-nim? :> Make Taemin fall in love with you and make the giant man jealous. Uber jealous that he'd break up with Key. Ohohoho I'm mean.

@thepapergrill: Surprising, in a matter that Onew actually knew Taemin's hostage taker and proved Onew was no chicken, he was batman. :)) Humorous, just the way I like it. I'd really want 2min i-ncest to prevail no matter what! ... But Minho's treatment towards Taemin is still questionable. I don't know who he really loves and at this point I'll take a closer look at this. I'm hogging every wall you have. :))
vicvic123 #10
Wow , teamin and Minho brothers And people know their closer then brothers are a bit weird, but it's a good story, can't wait to see how onew would interfere :)