
Forbidden Love.



Wake up, idiot, wake up! Wake up, idiot, wake up! Wake up idiot, wake up!

With a groan, Jinki sprawled out on his bedding, kicking away his sheets with anger. God damn that alarm… I’ll really smash it into pieces one morning… His eyes were still pressed in a thin line, closed and not willing to open, fearing the sunlight beaming at his face. The boy could feel the rays from his window beat onto his face; he would beat himself up later for not having closed the curtains for catching the lazytobia sickness last night.

Jinki’s best friend, Joon, had recorded that sound clip on his alarm himself, as a joke. The alarm clock was a figure of Bubbles from the animated Cartoon Network show, Powerpuff Girls. Bubbles had always been his favorite character, with her cute bubbly persona, yet her unpredictable violent nature deep within her cute self. Although he personally loved Lee Joon, that fit muscled idiot, he hated hearing his voice. It got old and annoying after a while. After every. Single. Morning.

As his friend’s playful voice filled the air, Jinki’s palm stretched out, wanting the find the source of ruckus. The lids of his eyes were still cloaking over his pupils, hair completely in a mess, as much as his bed’s sheeting and pillows. Hovering a hand around to finally grasp onto the head of Bubbles, he smacked at her blonde head, finding the snooze button within four smacks.

“Shut up, Lee Joon Bubbles… I’m about to kiss Beyonce… Lovely, gorgeous Beyonce…” He grudgingly muttered, pulling over the covers to shield himself from the sunlight. “I’ll get up in five more minutes… five more minutes…”  He knew this was a lie, because he had been struggling with Lazy Jinki for over eighteen years now, and still had not figured out how to overcome !lazyjinki. It was no surprise when he opened his eyes again, staring at the clock as it took him a while to read and figure out the time. His brain slowly processed the hands of the arrows and the numbers they pointed to. 7:03. His body got up in an instant, while his mind screamed one word.


And after his little sleepy adventure, it took him a full 15 minutes to get ready.
Three minutes to grab his uniform and pull it one himself.
Two minutes to brush his hair, satisfied with it: (Although there was just one lock of hair that wouldn’t stay down.)
Five minutes to shove everything into his bag, which was quite harder than it was called for, seeming his bookbag was exploding with papers stuffing every inch of it.
Three minutes to devour his left over bagel on the counter.
One minute to grab a stick of gum, not having time to brush his teeth.
And the last final minute to force shoes onto his huge feet.

Although Jinki was no good at sports except eating (if that was a sport, anyway,) nor was he an Olympic sports star – his run from his home to the school was pretty impressive. Even he had to give himself a pat on the back for it, arriving at the building. Classes started at 7:35, meaning he still had around four to five minutes to spare. Although, he knew that if he used the main entrance, he would definitely be late to class. First period was… English, was it? His class was in the building to the far right… making him need four more minutes. “Your math is only good when it comes to situations like these…” He murmured to himself, snorting slightly.

With his long bangs covering his eyes, he glanced around, only seeing the wall that fenced around the school ground laid in front of him. Could he make the jump? It was too high… but maybe if he climbed it, it’d be a different story.

Jinki pulled at a trash can nearby, placing it right next to the brick wall. He made an Olympic-style pose on the ground, rubbing his hands together. “You can do this, Lee Jinki…” While the words of encouragement were whispered to himself, he made a quick dash, a foot jumping onto the head of the trash can then propelling himself into the air. His hands were swift to grab onto the edges of the wall as he climbed the rest of it, jumping again to move to the other side of the wall, making a safe landing onto the grassy ground.

“YES!” A laugh and the word was exclaimed from his lips, doing a little victory dance. It was not long till he saw the two males underneath the maple tree. They were real close, not a centimeter of space separating between them. Most importantly, their lips were meeting together, meaning they were… kissing.

It was not long before his gaze was returned by the both of them. Jinki blinked, causing one of the other boys to blink as well. He took a short time to examine both of them, every inch of face he was exposed to. The physically bigger one, who also looked a few years older than the other boy, was slender, yet muscular. His body build looked like one of a complete athlete – which he was. Jinki recognized him, just from the way his figure was: he was the all star athlete the whole school admired. He held the largest eyes Jinki had ever seen or encountered, wondering if they would pop out at any moment. His hair was perfectly groomed, straight and slick, with his uniform much tidier than Jinki’s.

His eyes also were casted toward the other boy, the one that seemed much younger. The boy’s face was very small, his body petite to go along with the size of his skull. His hair was curly, in some sort of perm fashion, although Jinki could easily notice that his natural hair was straight. This boy held more of a feminine, pretty sort of face, rather than the other boy’s masculine, charismatic one. He was just simply, pretty, it seemed, and Jinki could not tear his eyes away from him.

Both of them were oddly… similar in some way though, some reason he could not pin his finger on.

As he finally realized there was an awkward moment of silence between them, Jinki quickly sought to break it, not liking silence much – except when he was trying to sleep, anyway. “It seems I’ve uh… interrupted you two’s date, I’m real sorry. I’ll just… get going, then.” He tried to act cool with his words, his feet quickly causing him to leave the scene. To his surprise, the two boys by the tree had not said anything, nor called him out. He couldn’t decide whether it was a good thing, or bad. With a shrug, he grabbed his bag, fixing his hair and his clothes, arriving in time to his first class.



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Double update!


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Chapter 7: *cries* I love this story, I just started reading it, I can't believe it's almost been a year since this has been updated *ugly sobbing* Please continue, this is perfect and I'm so so so curious... <3
airilla #2
Chapter 7: I love this chapter
airilla #3
Chapter 5: Death note yasssssz love it :)
airilla #4
Sounds like a good story
fairydust #5
Chapter 7: ooooh i love this! please update soon ;O;
SuDarkWind #6
Please update soon. It's really interesting <3
Chapter 7: This. Story. Is one of a kind. I mean.. AUTHOR SSI! It's good! Please update pretty pleaseeee? :) omg. 2MIN!!! I agree with @animaeholic
Onew, I suggest you don't try but if you don't then there would be no story I would fangirl about. Right author-nim? :> Make Taemin fall in love with you and make the giant man jealous. Uber jealous that he'd break up with Key. Ohohoho I'm mean.

@thepapergrill: Surprising, in a matter that Onew actually knew Taemin's hostage taker and proved Onew was no chicken, he was batman. :)) Humorous, just the way I like it. I'd really want 2min i-ncest to prevail no matter what! ... But Minho's treatment towards Taemin is still questionable. I don't know who he really loves and at this point I'll take a closer look at this. I'm hogging every wall you have. :))
vicvic123 #10
Wow , teamin and Minho brothers And people know their closer then brothers are a bit weird, but it's a good story, can't wait to see how onew would interfere :)