
Wind Beneath My Wings


Chapter I

The lights from the ambulance, people running back and forth, screams, desperate shouts, moans of pain coming from some of the members was all Donghae could remember.

He was currently sitting down on a hospital bed while a Dr. and some nurses examined him; to be sure he was alright. Sure, he had some injuries but he had been one of the lucky members, he got away with minor damage.

However he was extremely concerned for the other members that weren't as lucky and him. He was in shock and so couldn't answer to any nurse calling him, he couldn't answer to the doctor's questions, he could only stare blankly straight ahead, terrified.

The image of Eunhyuk's severely damaged body couldn't leave his mind.

-A week before—

Super Junior was at the top right now. The waiting for the sixth album had everyone aware of everything Super Junior did. And they were as happy as ever. Having Kangin back made everyone joyful, and even though Heechul couldn't participate in this album, everyone was excited; since it was the last album before Leeteuk's and Yesung's departure.

When all the recordings were made, and all they had to do was wait for the music video to be edited and uploaded; so the promotions could begin, they were granted a few days off so they could rest.

The members decided that a little trip to Busan would be a good way to spend these days off. Instead of going by plane, they decided to better drive there; since there weren't many opportunities to travel by car and that was an experience they were lacking.

So, next morning they were all ready to go.

After loading their luggage and getting into the car, Siwon –selected driver- started it off and they drove off to Busan.

They arrived after a few hours and went to check up at the hotel. Since they were tired by the trip they decided to relax at the hotel and agreed to meet up for dinner, meaning that every member could do whatever he wanted.

Eunhyuk and Donghae retreated to their room; this vacation was the perfect excuse to spend more time together. Their busy schedule of recording for the album made it hard for them to see each other in a non work environment, and once they were in their dorm all they really wanted was to sleep.

So they really appreciated having sometimes for themselves.

"What do you want to do?" Eunhyuk asked Donghae as he lay down in bed after leaving his suitcase in the closet.

"I don't know" Donghae answered as he; too, lay in bed next to Eunhyuk.

"We could… you know, stay here all day" Eunhyuk suggested, turning his head to stare at Donghae.

"It's such a beautiful day… it would be a shame to waste it in bed" Donghae answered, turning his head too, to meet Eunhyuk's gaze.

"So… want to go to the beach? Or to the pool maybe?" Eunhyuk asked, knowing just how much Donghae loved being in water.

"That sounds good… let's go to the beach Hyukkie!" Donghae said, energy suddenly filling his body.

"Right now?" Eunhyuk asked amused.

"Yes" Donghae replied sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"But Donghae~ I'm tired~" Eunhyuk whined in what he hoped was a cute way. Donghae just let out a fit of laughter.

"Come on" Donghae said pulling Eunhyuk's arm to get him to stand up.

"Can't it be later? We just arrived here" Eunhyuk answered lazily.

"But Hyukkie~" Donghae pouted cutely and turn on his puppy eyes. Now Eunhyuk could say no to anyone but Donghae.

"Fine, go change and then I will" he answered; still lazily, and Donghae smiled brightly and got up from bed, jumping across the room to his suitcase and taking out his swimming trunks and sunscreen lotion.

Eunhyuk closed his eyes and relaxed. He was almost falling asleep when Donghae came rushing out of the bathroom wearing only his swimming trunks.

"Hyukkie!" Donghae screamed while jumping on the bed above Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk let out a surprised scream to Donghae's action, while the latter doubled in laughter.

"Damn it Donghae, one of these days you'll give me a heart attack!" Eunhyuk yelled pushing the still laughing Donghae off from him. Eunhyuk narrowed his eyes at Donghae that was now rolling; still laughing, on the bed. Eunhyuk couldn't help but to smile at the contagious laughter from his boyfriend, but still he wanted revenge. "So you'll just laugh, huh?" he said, before trapping Donghae below him, putting each one of his knees on either side of Donghae. He then proceeded to tickle Donghae.

"NAWWW" Donghae laughed even harder, trying his best to tell Eunhyuk not to tickle him; but it wouldn't work, Eunhyuk just kept tickling him. "Pl-pl-e-ase…s-stop" Donghae said between fits of laughter.

"Say you're sorry" Eunhyuk demanded playfully while he continued to tickle Donghae.

"I-am… so-soorry" Donghae muttered out before exploding in laughter again, his eyes were watery and his stomach hurt from his laughter. Eunhyuk smiled and stop tickling Donghae. Donghae stop laughing and started tacking slow breaths to calm down.

"I'll go changing now" Eunhyuk said before leaning down to place a soft small kiss on Donghae's cheek before getting up from him and going to his own suitcase to take his swimming trunk. Eunhyuk changed and applied sunscreen lotion, getting out of the bathroom and taking it with him.

"Yah! Donghae, what are you doing?" Eunhyuk asked as he took in the image before him. Donghae was holding up his phone and taking a selca with it; showing his bare chest and winking at the camera.

"Nothing~" Donghae said cutely putting Eunhyuk's phone away. He then proceeded to blink cutely towards Eunhyuk.

"How can you be so cute when you have those abs?" Eunhyuk asked amusedly gaining a laugh from Donghae. "Turn around" Eunhyuk ordered Donghae.

"Why?" Donghae asked surprised.

"So I can apply sunscreen lotion on your back" Eunhyuk answered matter-of-factly.

"Cheesy" Donghae said grinning and turning his back to Eunhyuk.

"You prefer a burnt back, my love?" Eunhyuk asked laughing. Donghae turned his head slightly just to stick his tongue out towards Eunhyuk, gaining a laugh from the later.

Eunhyuk massaged Donghae's back softly as he applied the sunscreen lotion in said area. He also put some more in his arms; just in case. Then he motioned to Donghae to apply it to him. Donghae did so, being careful and loveable just like Eunhyuk had been with him.

Once they were finished Eunhyuk turned his front to Donghae and captured his lips in a sweet kiss.

"So… the beach?" Eunhyuk asked as they parted.

"Yeah… the beach" Donghae asked smiling.

They both left the hotel and went to the beach that was just below the hotel.

The amazing thing about their relationship was that even though they were boyfriends for over 2 years now they weren't like the couples that were either ually charged always or really lovey-dovey towards each other. The friendship they shared before becoming boyfriends still remain till today. Meaning that they didn't care about being "rude" with each other.

And that's why they were currently trying to drown the other, splashing water in each other face and tickling each other. Laughter was something they didn't lack, but love could be felt even if they were playing rather rude with each other. They would share passionate kisses every now and then, love glances all the time but if they expressed it with words the other would mock the one who talk making laughter appear again.

It was an amazing relationship. One of the best someone could have. Even the other members consider it; and though some of them were dating too, EunHae relationship was something they secretly envied. Because the two of them were so in love with each other, yet they still seemed like best friends more than boyfriends.

When time was up Eunhyuk pulled a complaining Donghae out of water and carried him –since Donghae still tried to go back to the ocean even though they spent more than 4 hours there- back to the room.

They took a shower together –that lasted longer than expected since Donghae kissed Eunhyuk, Eunhyuk answered and then they were all over each other- and then dressed up to meet the other for dinner.

Walking hand in hand they got out from their room and went directly to the restaurant. To say that people stared at them was saying the least. Is not that they recognized them; it was the fact a gay couple was holding hands in public. But they couldn't care less, they loved each other and they felt like walking hand in hand –something that didn't hurt anyone.

The members however did care about the stares.

"EunHae I know you love each other and all… but couldn't you be a little bit more subtle?" Leeteuk asked as they took their seats in the table.

"There's nothing wrong with holding hands" they both answered at the same time looking straight at their leader, showing they weren't scared of the looks.

"Yes… but you're gaining attention, is not our intention to make people notice us, ok?" Leeteuk answered back. "You know I got no problems with you showing off your love, just please not in public"

"Not in a public that aren't fan girls he means" Kyuhyun remarked taking a sip from his drink.

"Exactly" Leeteuk said signalizing that conversation was over.

The rest of the dinner went in peace; and once they were finished, all the members retreated to their respective rooms.

"Hyukkie" Donghae called out worriedly. He was currently sitting down on the edge of the bed his gaze at the floor.

"What's wrong Hae?" Eunhyuk asked sensing Donghae's change of mood. He had been quite the whole dinner and that made Eunhyuk uneasy. He took a sit next to Donghae and grabbed his hand in his'.

"Do you think it's wrong?" Donghae asked really quietly Eunhyuk almost didn't catch it.

"Do I think what is wrong?" he asked back.

"This" Donghae said motioning to their intertwined hands. Eunhyuk let out a heavy sigh.

"No it's not Donghae… it's the country… they still don't accept homoual couples like in other places… but it's ok Donghae, we're not hurting anyone by being together and showing our love." Eunhyuk answered back kissing Donghae's lip corner slightly pulling away quickly afterwards.

"You're right, you always have the right words" Donghae said smiling looking at Eunhyuk's eyes with nothing but love reflected in his'. Eunhyuk smiled again and they just stared at each other until their lips met in a soft kiss.

Until Eunhyuk started biting Donghae's bottom lip and Donghae let Eunhyuk's tongue enter his mouth and Eunhyuk took control over the kiss, his tongue exploring Donghae's mouth and playing with Donghae's, pressing his tongue down, Donghae fighting back trying to make Eunhyuk's tongue leave his mouth so he could enter his.

After an intense battle Eunhyuk left Donghae's mouth so Donghae's tongue could enter his. They separated later from lack of air, their lips swollen and red.

"So… want to recreate what happened in the shower?" Eunhyuk asked grinning and winking.

"I thought you'd never ask" Donghae said smugly laying down on the bed. Eunhyuk smirked before getting above Donghae and kissing his lips again.

They spend the rest of their free days like that, sometimes all the members would go somewhere together, but most times they were all by themselves. Of course EunHae never left each other, making this mini vacation unforgettable, not letting a single second go to waste.

Unfortunately the day to leave Busan arrived and all of them got their luggage ready and got in the car.

Eunhyuk always let Donghae have the window seat, because he knew Donghae preferred it, but this time Donghae had asked him if he would let him sit in the middle –in their van the backseats were of three people- and Eunhyuk agreed.

Being Super Junior their trip was full of laughter and games. They were near Seoul when something no one expected happened.

All of a sudden two cars –that were racing each other- came into their view and even though the car that was definitely going to crash into them tried his best to evade them, it was to no use.

Their car was sent off the road, all the members tried to hold onto something. Donghae hold onto Eunhyuk, while Eunhyuk did his best to protect Donghae from everything that could damage him, using his body as a shield for Donghae.

Everything went black for some members, since the car had fallen on the left side. Siwon, Eunhyuk and Sungmin were the most damaged ones; they lost conscience immediately after the crash. While the others tried to recover from the shock.

Donghae was panting breathlessly. He then turned horrified at his left, seeing Eunhyuk's body covered in blood. "HYUKJAE!" He let out a terrified screaming while he tried to grab Eunhyuk.

"Donghae no… you might hurt him if you move him" Shindong –that was sitting beside him- told him. Then Donghae turned to him, tears in his eyes, scared. And the hand that was trying to reach Eunhyuk came to his chest.

Leeteuk regained his energy too and opened his door, carefully –so he wouldn't fall over Siwon- he got out from the van. Once outside Leeteuk contacted the police and asked for ambulances to come.

Shindong followed Leeteuk, being extremely careful to not fall over Eunhyuk. Both of them motioned for Donghae to get out with their help, but Donghae look down at Eunhyuk. Yes it was uncomfortable; yes he had to get out, but getting out meant leaving Eunhyuk alone.

"Donghae, please he is passed out, he won't notice it" Leeteuk plead trying his best to remain calm. But he will- Donghae thought.

Nevertheless, carefully and with the help of Leeteuk and Shindong he was able to get out. Yesung that was in the last row together with Kyuhyun and Sungmin –Ryeowook wasn't able to come- was helped out too. Kyuhyun, though not unconscious, was severely hurt and didn't want to move in fear he might hurt Sungmin or himself more.

Ambulances arrived half an hour later and they immediately started trying to get the members out without hurting them.

Donghae was just staring blankly at the van, waiting to see when his lover was pulled out. Siwon was out and safely inside an ambulance together with Shindong that had left for Seoul. It was Eunhyuk's turn.

Carefully and slowly the paramedics got Eunhyuk's body out. Out of all of them he looked the more damaged, which made Donghae's heart clench. The seat Eunhyuk was in was his… Eunhyuk might be like him now and he would be the one damaged if it hadn't being for him.

Everyone was at a rush, trying to attend the members that were out and trying their best to get to the members that were trapped. But Donghae was just standing there. Not moving a single muscle until he saw Eunhyuk being dragged out of the van and putted on a stretcher. They lead Eunhyuk to an ambulance and he heard a paramedic asked who was riding with him, and Donghae was immediately at the ambulance.

He heard the paramedics going crazy about all the wounds Eunhyuk had. He heard the desperation in their voices as they told the driver to go faster. Or he wouldn't make it.

Eunhyuk wouldn't make it.


This is the real me people... I don't write fluffs xD I'm a really angsty writer... sorry :c

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seohae0707 #1
Chapter 4: I love angst!
I love that you break them up, make them suffer, cry and lalala~
/i seem so heartless x_x

But again, I hope they'll ended up together.. So go go go more angst! Hehehee

(What a ____ty comment -_-)
omg this story is just azertyuilkjhgfdfghjkj !!!!!!!!!! can't stop crying T-T please update soon <3
Chapter 4: omg what bshdjkkd
no hyukjae no, bad move >.>
Chapter 4: *burst out crying* I-I... t-t-they... w-why? Q_Q

[new reader]
Chapter 3: oh my :'(
hyuk, please let hae meets you. just talk to each other please? please? T-T
author nim you're so great~
rainbowed_grass #6
Chapter 3: Don't seperate eunhae please.. damn~ tearing while reading this..
Chapter 3: OMG sad
But their personalities are so similar in real life I think, so I can imagine it perfectly
It's just sad though with their condition -_-
Grecia #8
Chapter 2: i really like how the story is so far, pretty sad and the way you explain it makes us feel like we are actually looking at the situation in real life!! keep it up!
you know, the best thing of your story telling is.. you make it hard. I reaaaaally really appreciate it. you manage to describe the whole thing perfectly.. and those trouble, somehow it seems so real since you make all characters do their hardship to get things back to normal or better.. it's just, well, there's nothing easy in real life, right? that's why I say so. and please, I have to say that I "hate" angst story before - somehow I reject to read them at all - but after I read yours, I was like "woah, this isn't bad at all..! this is even perfect..!" so here I am, reading all your angst stories and love them even more. thank you so much *grin*
T____T So sad....but I love it. I seems so could have happened in their last accident, seeing how KyuHyun was hurt so badly, like EunHyuk in this fic *on the verge of crying*
Anyway, thanks a lot for your hard work! I love your 3 stories/one shot so much!! <3 Keep going!! I've subscribed to you, Author-nim, and I'm going to read all you post because you write so beautifully!!