Another Day With You

Hoji Oneshot.....Be mine


December, 13th 2012

1100 pm


      “Oppa....! Hoya oppa” I feel a soft hand tap my shoulder gently, and I heard someone called my name silently. Oh, only God knows how much I missed that voice. That beautiful voice of her. Mine.

      I quickly turned around my head, smiled sheepishly plastered in my face as I looked at her eyes smiled at me. And only God knows how much I missed that smile.

      She sits in front of me at this corner of a little cafe near our dorm. She wears that grey jumper and old jacket of her that she loved most. Such a tomboy girl of mine. No matter how much I nagged her about being more feminine, she usualy just looked down at me, squinted her eyes and said, “I don’t want to.. So?” and I will always lost my words at her simple remarks.

      We almost fought once before, when I don’t stop right there and continued my nag to have more girly and feminine girlfriend. But she completely shut my mouth in shock when she said, “Okay then, just look for some. Good luck Mr. Lee Howon.” And just left me in panic all by myself.

      Okay, it’s not fair. I am a hard headed Busan man. And all my friends know that I won’t just bent down to anyone. But here she is. A more strong headed Busan girl. And I’m completely bent down to her.

      Blame this stupid heart of mine. To completely being a fool in front of her. And I just can’t talked back or even get angry with her. No matter how much she make me frustrated. I just stupidly come back to her with stupid grin of mine if she simply just said sorry with those sparkled brown orbs of her.

      Good bye Mr.Lee Howon. A cool and charismatic Lee Hoya. In front of her, I’m just this fool that love her too much.

      Here she is. Grinned widely while emptying that glass of strawberry milkshake that I buy for her. Her favorite. Looking at her, I just sighed.

      The simple word “I miss you, oppa...”? Forget all of those sweet words. Thet ‘cheesy’ words is too cheesy for her, as she always said, that’s not suited her. She doesn’t know I’m dying to heard all those words from , with that sweet voice of her.

      And forget about the aegyo that all of Korean man loved to see in h=their girlfriend. She won’t do that. If I asked her to do something like that, she just looked at me with that are-you-kidding-me face and that’s the end of conversation.

      I looked at the sight of her in front of me. The one that I missed the most these days. But, wait there’s something different with her. “Eunji-a... Are you cut your hair?” I asked her. Her long and beautiful hair no where to be found, replaced by a shoulder length hair of her.

      Don’t take me wrongly. I’m not said that she’s lost her beauty with that. Not at all. For the truth, she’s indeed more beautiful like that. More mature? Yes, I guess that’s the right words to describe her appearance now (just her appearance, by the way). Mature. With accompliment of her jaw line that clearly seen now. Behind all of those stupid outfit, she must be lost so much fat now, until it shows in her face. Thanks to her crazy schedule.

      “Eoh? Yes... Is it weird, oppa?” she just nodded afer all the strawberry milkshake gulped down by her.

      “No...” I shake my head, and I mean it, “Not at all. You just looked different, that’s all.” I said to her and she just grin, not say much. I can see the black bag of her eyes, she must be so tired. Yes, I know it. She must be tired to death with all of those schedule, yet she squeezed her time to meet me. I know I’m that selfish, keep her in here on this time with me, when actually she should be get some rest. But I just missed her too much.

      So don’t blame me that much okay? It’s almost 5 weeks since the last time I get to see her. And we can’t go by phone or message that much. She just too busy to pick most of all my call. And when she called me, I’m the one that in practice with Dongwoo hyung to prepared our unit. And our end year practice. So how can I’m not frustrated out here. But I held it down, when I remember that I will meet her in those end year events. At least I can see her face, my personal dopping.

      I’m just about to talked to her about things, to catch up our life recently, when I heard her phone ringing. I look at her with question in my eyes. Who’s the one that call her in this late of the night. She look at her phone screen and mouthed, “Inguk oppa...” and pick her phone.

      What the...Alright, this hyung really bug me sometime. I mean... please. Our movie is already ended, and she’s not the “wife” of his anymore. And for God sake, she’s already have a boyfriend. Me.

      So, please you stop already. All the mention about her, all the love talked about her, all the phone called and how he always bug her. Damn I hate it so much. Yes, I have to admit. No one else beside our members knows about our relationship. But still...

      I swiftly moved closely beside her, put my ears in the other side of her phone. At first she try to avoid me and pushed my head away from her, but thanks to my tenacious, at last she just let a giggle left and let me be.

      “Eunji a...Busy?” I hear his voice clearly, aigoo this hyung. Aegyo? Please... I rolled my eyes annoyed.

      “Eoh? No, oppa. Why?”

      “You’ll attend that Melon Music Awards tomorrow right? You know we’ll have that award.”

      “Huh? Yes, of course oppa?”

      “You’ll go there with who, Eunji-a?” he asked her. Truthfully, I already can read where this conversation go. But I keep my mouth shut, hope that my guess will be just an empty guess.

      “Just with my manager oppa, why?”

      “Just the two of you?”


      “Do you want to go there with me?” That is. That’s the sentences that I’ve been nervously waiting for. Argh this hyung. Frantically I shakes my head, look at her face with a nervous that seems clearly readable in my face. She was about to say ‘no’, I know she was. But looking at me, I see her grins and say to Inguk hyung “Humm... are you going to pick me up, oppa?”

      What??? Aish... My God. This girl. Panickly I mouthed, “No... no... Don’t !”

      Can you imagine, when all the other girlfriend usualy do something that reasure their boyfriend. But no, she is never be some usual girl. She just flashed that stupid grin of her and said to Inguk hyung, “Okay, oppa. But I have to go to the beautyshop beforehand. I’ll called you when I’m ready.”

      I can imagine Inguk hyung’s smile sheepishly in the other line. “Really? Great then, I’ll come and pick you up okay. Can’t wait to see you, Eunji-a.”

      I just stared at her eyes that smile in disbelief. That naughty smile of her. I know she was playing with me, but I can’t help to just pouted. I want to grab her phone. (I can’t take this anymore, this hyung must have to know that this girl is off limit). But when I want to do that, she just giggled and back away from me, out of my reach. Looked at me pouted, she just laughed harder.
      “Eoh? No... nothing oppa” she told Inguk hyung. Maybe he asked her why suddenly she bursted in laugh. “No... it’s just this cute puppy of mine is so adorable.” My eyes rounder with shocked when I heard what she said. What? A cute puppy? Me? What the hell.

      I stared at her, but she just laughed again. What’s this. Am I sort of clown for her. Puppy? Lee Howon? A cute puppy? I looked at her with my are-you-kidding-me-I’m-mad-now-face.

      But then she cupped my face with her right hand. Yes, believe me, her sudden touch in my skin really frozen me for a while. “Omo...oppa!” I heard she said to Inguk hyung, “I almost forgot, truthfully I can’t go there with you tomorrow. I have to go somewhere else first. No... no... I can go there alone.” And she smile at me, “For my adorable puppy.” Hearing all the words from just make me immediately smiled, ear to ear. Who care that she called me puppy, as long I am her puppy. (Okay....go on and laughed at me...)

      “Okay, then. Thanks for offering oppa.” She just about to hang up her phone when I heard he talked about something else.  “What? Taxi? End year episode? Oh, yes. I heard that already. Yes... okay, see you then, oppa, bye.”

      My brow furrowed when I heard the last talked of her. What about that, taxi? Is it that variety show? “What?” I ask her curiously.

      “Eoh?” she put down her phone and try to reach my drink across her. Aigoo that short hand of her. I take my Americano and put it in front of her. “That talked earlier. What about taxi? Are you’ll going together with Inguk hyung?”

      “Eoh.” She nod and start to gulped down my dring. Bye my Americano. I guess I have to buy another one before I’ll go to my dynamic black stage practice. But then she just swallowed once and her face cringed. “Ugh. So bitter. I don’t unde3rstand why you like drink this.” She give it back to me. Okay, my Americano is safe now.

      “It’s taste good for me. Better than your favorite actually. Don’t you have to diet?” I asked her about her preference. Ouch, damn, I think I said the wrong thing. A really banned matter. Her face looked like she wants to swallow me rather than my Americano. Is she angry? But sometimes, I love her face when she pouted like this. She exactly looked like an andorable puppy. I smile and caress her puffed cheeks.

      “I just think you just looked so skinny now. No offense.” I raised both of my hands, don’t mean to angered her more. “It’s never matter for me whether you looked chubby or skinny. At all. And you looked beautiful in both way.” Okay, my last sentence seems calmed her. I gulped my nervousness along with my Americano.

      “Wait, what about taxi?” I almost forget about that, “Are you will record with him? Just the two of you?”

      “Yes, I think so...”, she nodded nonchalantly. “Just the two of you? In a taxi?”

      “Yes, I guess so. What’s the problem, oppa?” She tilted her head, looked at me with those puppy eyes.

      Damn, how can I let her alone with that hyung in 5-6 hour of recording, when I know what’s his real intention to her. Just the two of them? Yes, there are Gura hyung and Hyunmoo hyung. But... for Heaven sake, they’ll put them together in the passenger seat, right. And who knows what kind of rumours that they’ll started. My God, I feel dizzy.

      That’s why I hope that we can go public with this relationship. Oh, how much I want to tag her with “Don’t touch. Off limit. Lee Howon’s” and I’ll gladly tag myself as hers.

      But no, that hamster won’t let me. Not to mention our manager hyung. Our president, and moreover our fans. And she just have that amazing carier. If this scandal broke, I can’t imagine what kind of suffers that she’ll get.

      Scandal... is it funny how our love can named by that word.

      I just silently sip my Americano when I feel she stared at me. With that same grin in her eyes. “What?”, I asked. “No, it’s just, you’re so cute when you were jealous.”

      “What? Jealous?”, I huffed, “There’s nothing like that.”

      “No?”, she tilted her head again, but her eyes tell me more, she looked amused. “Okay, then.”

      Huh? Just that? No tease from her? Great... I huffed, with relieved this time. And suddenly I remember something. I grinned and turned my face before her, and try hard to control my face before I talked to her.

      “Ah, right, Eunji-a.”, I grin.

      “Huh?” she just looked at me with question in her eyes.

      “You know that I just make a CF right, with that actress Lee Yoo Bi?” I tried to hide my excitement and calmly sip my drink.

      “Eoh.” She just nodded.

      “They made us kissed, you know? It’s not like I want it or something. But... you know.” I turned my face and try to read her face. But... what? Is she just nodded, or what?

      “I know, oppa. Don’t worry about that.” She pat my shoulder to assured me. Assured me?? What the? “I think I want another milkshake. Do you want some?” she asked me? What that’s? Is she just offered me a stupid milkshake within this conversation?

      Nothing change in her face, in her eyes, or in her tone. There’s no a slight trace of jealousy in her. Is me kissed another woman doesn’t affect her at all? Taken aback I just shake my head at her question.

      What’s this. God knows how much commotion when I heard about her kiss scene. My panic and nervous state. And God knows how hard I try to supress my ego and not to punch Inguk hyung days after. I know those all just job. But still i hate that so much.

      Later she came with another cup of strawberry milkshake and a cake. God, how much calories of that? She must burn it later, when I clearly know how much she hate to exercise.

      I looked at her with disbelief face of mine. “What?”, she asked. I just pouted, but she just calmly digging her cake. “Do you want some, oppa?” and offer me a piece of cake. I just shake my head. Aish. Really can’t live.

      “Ya.... Jung Eunji!” at last I just yelled at her ignorance.

      “Huh?” she just looked at me with that innocent face of her, can you believe that. “What’s wrong, oppa? Do you want this one?” and give me her milkshake.

      God. This girl. She really make me crazy. I burst. “Are you not care about me? At all? Or at least you can pretend to be jealous for me?”

      “Jealous?” she doesn’t seem to  get what I mean. “For what? Ah.... for that kiss?” a little grin form in .

      Damn. She just grinned? I already throwed my pride away when I’m bursted. But she just looked don’t care. I don’t know anymore. I let a loud sigh, lost for words.

      “ oppa? Am I should be jealous about that mere kiss?” she cupped my cheeks and make me face her. And she kiss me. Yay... she kissed me. First in my lips, a small pecks, then at both of my cheeks. “I just can erased her kiss with this, right?” I just nod and grin.

      “By the way. I know that she just kissed you at cheek, oppa. Sunggyu oppa told me. So it’s not a big deal, right?” she cooly said while she continued to dig her cake.

      Oops, I forgot to mention that it’s just on cheek. Okay, not fooled you. I’m indeed not mentioned that one, purposedly. I just want to looked at her jealous reaction. There’s no wrong with that, right.

      But... Sunggyu hyung...!!

      Argh this hamster destroyed my plan. Let’s see when I’m arrived in dorm, you stupid hamster...!!!



Another HoJi one shot... ^^... Actually I already made this last year, but because one and another, I just can upload it now. So I'm sorry if the story is so last year.

Have a fun read, don't forget to comment


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snabilah50 #1
Chapter 4: Yup they move but don't worry bcuz apink also move..and they in the same place too..
Chapter 4: I keep re-reading your one-shot, never get bored of it. hehe. I hope you can upload some more. ^^
Jenicakrung #3
Chapter 4: I ship them so hard also . Please more hoji tnx author-nim
Jenicakrung #4
Pure fluff :D more for oneshots please . I do love them so much and so you too <3 keke
Chapter 2: adorbs omg omg they kissed *^*
Chapter 2: Aww this is so cute :3 Hoji forever!! Thanks for writing!
Chapter 2: Wow I really enjoyed this story :D
llAsianNerdll #8
Ahaha, awww this was cute ^.^ good job~