Gurl, Chill~

Perfect Escape

Once Ella’s mom had dropped all of them onto the main entrance of the arena, the girls had to do a 30-minute line to get to their destination. They all sat on their corresponding chairs, chairs that clearly wouldn’t be used throughout the concert since they would be dancing nonstop all night. They were so near the stage. Literally on the first line. It was like a miracle. They had all only dreamed of being this close to their imaginary boyfriends. With all their excitement kept in, they waited for the concert to start.

Sam screamed loudly out of nowhere, “I CAN’T WAAAIT!”


They all turned around to stare at her. Even strangers were wondering what was wrong with that girl.


“Gurl, chill,” Mary said, breaking the silence.


“The concert must be starting soon,” Rhea declared looking down at her wrist watch.


“What if 2pm isn’t as friendly as they seem… I mean, we can’t set our hopes high, we don’t really know them… Even if we do know everything about them,” Jen said killing the mood.


“You make us sound like stalkers,” Liz whispered, her voice becoming faint with all the loud noises the other fans made.


Ella slightly bumped Jen’s shoulder, “Don’t think that way, they’ll be amazing.”


Jen sighed, “I hope.”


That’s when it all started. The lights went off unexpectedly, and the crowd went wild. Literally wild. It was as if they were all going to die, right there. In a matter of seconds 2pm was up on the stage singing their first scheduled song, Hot. The girls danced and sang along to all the songs, since they literally knew them all. 2pm sang about 20 amazing songs. Their dances, the lights, the audio, everything. It was wonderful. And most of the people were sad after the concert had ended, but obviously, the girls weren’t. It was finally time for the meet-and-greet.


“Where do we need to go again?” Liz asked for about the seventh time.


Rhea rolled her eyes, “We’re walking towards the security tent that’s across the stage, can’t you see it?”


“Oh, I can see it now.”


They all laughed at Liz. Not in a rude way, though.


“Who has the passes?” Ella asked.


“I do,” Sam affirmed.


“Good, cause we’re here,” Ella said pointing at the entrance to a dark, scary tunnel.


The girls fearlessly walked through it. It was all for 2pm, right? So it was worth the risk. They all just thought of what they’d find at the end of this darkness, and, evidently, the walked into back stage. There were people everywhere. Turning off switches, carrying sound equipment around, it was crazy. Two really tall, strong guys dressed in black firmly asked for their passes. After validating that they were authentic, they escorted them to 2pm’s changing room.


The girls got together in a circle and all squealed lowly. They were there. They were actually there. This wasn’t just a dream. They, indeed, were actually going to meet 2pm, their korean idols.


“Who opens the door?” Mary asked with a wide smile.


“You do,” Jen said motioning her view toward Rhea.


Rhea smiled and said, “Sure.” She seemed relaxed but her knees were visibly shaking.


The girls’ eyes got wider when they saw what was awaiting for them behind that dark-colored wooden door.

“Oh. My. GOD,” Sam shouted as she ran towards Nichkhun and unexpectedly hugged him.


Everyone, including the 2pm members, laughed.


“Hey,” Nichkhun said in a relaxed tone, locking eyes with Sam. You could see she was about to faint.


“So, you guys are here for the meet-and-greet?” Junsu asked.


“Y-yeah,” Rhea answered with an unstable voice.


“Then it’s really nice to meet you,” Junsu said offering each one of the girls his hand to shake.


Wooyoung appeared from behind of Junsu and asked, “What are your names?”


“Ella,” she said, giving him a shy wave.


“Liz, and they’re Mary, Jen, Rhea, and Sam,” Liza said, pointing at every single one of the girls.


“I’m Junho, and they’re-”


“We know,” Jen said cutting him off.


“Oh…” Junho said taking his words back.


Then, out of nowhere, all the lights went off and gun shots were heard from outside.

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jiyonglurver #1
Chapter 9: Please updateeee~~~
greentealover1315 #2
Chapter 7: Oh MY Gosh!! Don't Drown!!!
Chapter 6: Update! Update! Update! :)
update soon! ^_^
i like sam-khun and junho-liz the most here! :D
I'm expecting more and more updates from u! :D
Update soon~
I'll be updating soon. It's just I've been really, really busy. So sorry. Don't worry, there's a lot of SamxKhun and RheaxJunsu in this next chapter (:
I wanna know more about Khun and Sam.. As a Nichkhun biased I am :P
And others are also very cute!
but i don't know why Jen is ignoring such a hot guy like Taecyeon!
Anyways, plzzzz update soon! I beg u! :D
goofygal14 #8
please update..i want to know more^^and please do more rheajunsu moment^^
Ahh </3 Chansuuuuuung ; - ; baby