The First Night~

Perfect Escape

As they all jumped out of the car, Sam ran onto the front porch and started searching for the keys that were sitting under one of the flower pots.

"I'm so getting in trouble for this," Sam said as moved the key into the keyport and moved it around until the door swinged open.

"Would you rather get in trouble or get sliced up by some assassins?" Rhea said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeaaah, I think we'd all rather get in trouble~" Ella said, jumping into the conversation out of nowhere.

That's when reality hit them. They were being chased by some lunatics that had assured that they would kill them.

Mary was visibly shaking, so she took a seat before she would collapse onto the floor.

"Sam, do you have any sugar? It'll help to keep Mary's shock down," Chansung said, wrapping his arm around the girl.

"I-I-I'll look for it," Sam said.

As soon as Sam had left the room, loud sobs were heard. Ella was crying so hard.

"What's wrong?" Wooyoung asked as Sam entered the room with not only a spoonful of sugar, but a whole cup of it.

"W-What if th-they actually DO get us?" Ella said sobbing even harder into a pillow she had grabbed off of the sofa.

Sam sighed, "This is outside of town. It's covered in bushes and trees and practically looks like an abandoned mansion. This is the last place they'd be looking for."

"Or Mexico... Mexico could be the last place they look for us," Liz said.

Everyone stared at Liz and literally mentally judged her.

"Liz, your ice breaks are horrible," Rhea said, facepalming.

If it would've been a normal day, everyone would've laughed at Rhea's answer. But it was just none of the girls felt like laughing at the moment.

"Had this... Ever happened to you?" Jen asked looking towards 2pm.

The guys exchanged looks, until Junsu finally answered, "Yeah, but not.. So.. Strong like this."

Mary looked down to the floor, "Maybe it's better if we don't walk about this now... Maybe it's better if we just forget about it until tomorrow. Yeah... Tomorrow we'll figure out what to do."

The house was truly amazing. All wooden-looking from the outside and with so many modern furniture in the inside. Trees and bushes covered the surroundings of the house, and right from the front porch you could see a beautiful, calm lake. It was the perfect place to go to for summer vacation... Or maybe it was the perfect place when you wanted to escape reality.

Chansung yawned loudly, "And where are we going to sleep?"

Wasn't it obvious? The boys were clearly tired. They had just given a concert full of dance moves. It was expected for them to be totally devastaded after it.

Sam's eyes got wide open as she whispered, "We only have 6 rooms... And each only has one bed."

That's when Liz took control and the pretending to forget what had happened earlier tonight begun. "Okay, so, Ella and Wooyoung, you sleep in that bedroom," She said pointing down at a hallway. "First door to the right."

Ella did a little dance and then grabbed Wooyoung by the arm and pulled him into the room.

"Rhea, you and Junsu will be sleeping together as well," she proceeded, "You'll be in the room beside Ella's."

Rhea smirked and kept walking, while Junsu followed quietly.

"Jen, you're getting the first room to the left, and you'll be with Taecyeon."

"This is going to be nice..." Taecyeon said with a wink, as Jen simply rolled her eyes.

"Mary, your room is the one next to Jen, and you'll be with Chansung."

"Good," Mary said with a huge smile.

"Sam, you'll be in your room, and you'll be with Nichkhun."

Sam squealed, "Omg, YES!~"

"God, what have I done to you?" Khun said as he walked staring at the floor.

"So it'll be you and me, Junho, and we'll be staying at Sam's mom's room."

"I'm glad," he said with a smile.



-Ella's and Wooyoung's Room-

A beautiful, princess-like chandelier was falling from the ceiling right on top of the bed. The fluffy, white comforters had a silver mattress on them and the bed had various layers of pillows agains the wall. From both sides of the bed stood two small, white tables with cute night lamps on them. The room looked impeccable.

Ella sat on the bed and starting bouncing up and down, "Wow, this is so comfortable."

"I guess..." Wooyoung said, standing by the door.

Ella stood up and pulled Wooyoung towards the bed, "Don't be shy, Wooyoung. It's not like we're going to be sleeping together. The bed is big enough and you'll sleep on your side and I'll sleep on mine. We won't touch. It'll be okay, I promise."

She had such a reassuring smile that all Wooyoung could do was hug her and agree.

"We're going to have a good time, okay?" Ella said.


"And maybe you could teach me some dance moves," she said again, trying to get more than only a word out of his lips.

"Well, you see, now that I can do," he said, flashing a smile toward Ella.



-Rhea's and Junsu's Room-

The modern-looking room had a handwritten letter printed all over one of the walls, making the room look somewhat vintage.  The bed had a skin-colored mattress and some pillows pushed onto the end of the bed. A chandelier fell from the ceiling with little crystals that looked like stars when the lights were off. Rhea and Junsu were actually already under the covers and very cozily arranged so no part of their bodies would touch.

"You know, I've had a crush on you since forever and now we're sleeping in the same room," Rhea chuckled into the silence.

"That's really sweet, you know?" Junsu answered.

Rhea replied in a dry voice, "Yes, it's as sweet as Sour Patch Kids."

Junsu turned around to stare at Rhea, "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you seem like a really nice person."

"That's because you don't know me," she said, her voice trailing off.

"Well, then maybe I'd like to know you," Junsu said, meaning every word.

Rhea felt butterflies all over her body.

"Maybe we should go to sleep," she suggested, laying back down.

"Whatever you'd like to do, Rhea," Junsu said getting back into his position.



-Jen's and Taecyeon's Room-

The floor of the room was covered in a gray, soft carpet and a flower was hanging above the bed. Righ after the foot of the bed, a sofa was located. Desk laps were placed at both sides of the bed, on top of some cute, small tables that also had little flower pots on them.

Jen looked at Taecyeon in the eyes, "Okay, so this is how it'll work. For as long as we're here, we'll take turns. You'll sleep on the bed while I'll sleep on the sofa, and I'll sleep on the bed while you sleep on the sofa. Because, if I'm sure about something, it is that I am SO not sleeping with you."

Taec raised his hands in defeat, "Whatever you say, grumpy woman."

Jen turned around sharply, "Wh-what did you just call me...?"

Taec could see anger building up behind Jen's eyes.

"All I said was that you, the beautiful girl called Jen, is the most wonderful girl I've ever met."

Jen smiled, "That sounds better."

But all Jen could think about was how and, more especifically, WHY was she treating the love of her life like this. She had had a platonic love on this 2pm member since her friend, Rhea, had introduced her to the band. So why exactly was she acting this way?

Lost in thinking, Jen said, "Goodnight, Taecyeon."



-Mary's and Chansung's Room-

This room had a back door facing some plants, but if you walked down the trail, you'll get dirrectly to the lake. Now, you'd ask, how did Mary and Chansung know that? Well, the first thing they had done once the had entered the room was to take a look outside of these walls.

"Is that a turtle?" Mary asked as she pointed into the moonlit lake.

"I think it is," Chansung said.

Mary looked down into the water, "I wonder if we can actually take a swim here..."

"Lets find out," Chansung said cupping his hands into the water a throwing the substance laying on his hands towards Mary.

"You did NOT just do that~" Mary answered taking a handful of water herself.

This went on until both of them were soaking wet and completely exhausted.

"Okay, okay! I give up~" Chansung said taking off his white shirt and using it as a peace flag.

Mary took the shirt and threw it back at him, "Put it on, Chansung, this is no lady's club," she winked.

"Fine, fine, let's go get some sleep," he said, giving up.



-Sam's and Nichkhun's Room-

There was seriously no room at a worse state that Sam's and Nichkhun's room. Especially since it wasn't just a guest room, it was Sam's real room. A ceiling fan was cooling off the room and a guitar was placed against a light purple wall. What Sam would've thought was perfect, turned out to be Nichkhun's worst nightmare.

"Am I supposed to sleep here?" Nichkhun said with a questioning look on his face.

"... Yeah," Sam said with a sad look on her face.

She could feel Khun didn't like her, but she'd rather not admit it to herself.

"What if I don't want to?" Khun said.

"Well, then maybe you could sleep outside," Sam said playing with one of her teddy bears and trying to cover her face with her hair so Khun wouldn't notice the few tears falling down her face.

"That sounds nice," Khun said, almost walking out the door.

"Please stay," Sam whispered.

"What?" Nichkhun asked, since he couldn't hear her voice clearly.

"Please. Stay." she said in a stronger voice.

"Alright," he said, sitting down on the bed.

After Khun had fallen asleep, Sam got up from the bed and grabbed her guitar and notepad and wrote down the best song she had ever written.


-Liz's and Junho's Room-

"This is pretty," Junho said, looking around the white-and-pink themed room.

"Yeah," Liz said sitting on her side of the bed.

Junho then sat beside her and handed her the rose he had taken from the huge vase of roses on the nightstand, "Look, just for you."

"Aww, you're so sweet," Liz said giving Junho a hug.

"You're welcome," Junho said, giving Liz a kiss on her blushed cheek.

"Do you want to go to sleep now?" Liz asked, curiously. She obviously had no intentions of going to sleep yet.

"No... Maybe we could watch some tv," Junho suggested, walking towards the 14-inched plasma and turning it on manually.

He grabbed the controller and they both got into bed.

After passing on many channels, they settled for a movie that had just started viewing, The Notebook.

"Oh my God, this is my all-time favorite," Liz said with a wide smile.

"Then let's keep watching," he said, moving a bit closer towards Liz.

The two of them ended up falling asleep right beside each other before the movie had ended.

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jiyonglurver #1
Chapter 9: Please updateeee~~~
greentealover1315 #2
Chapter 7: Oh MY Gosh!! Don't Drown!!!
Chapter 6: Update! Update! Update! :)
update soon! ^_^
i like sam-khun and junho-liz the most here! :D
I'm expecting more and more updates from u! :D
Update soon~
I'll be updating soon. It's just I've been really, really busy. So sorry. Don't worry, there's a lot of SamxKhun and RheaxJunsu in this next chapter (:
I wanna know more about Khun and Sam.. As a Nichkhun biased I am :P
And others are also very cute!
but i don't know why Jen is ignoring such a hot guy like Taecyeon!
Anyways, plzzzz update soon! I beg u! :D
goofygal14 #8
please update..i want to know more^^and please do more rheajunsu moment^^
Ahh </3 Chansuuuuuung ; - ; baby