The Great News

Perfect Escape

It was time. The winners of the contest must be online already and they couldn’t be more excited. All they had to do was log into Sam’s email and check for themselves. In anticipation, they had all walked back from school together and settled at Jen’s house. Though this certainly was no problem since they all lived in the same neighborhood and practically lived houses apart. Jen’s mom had prepared the most delicious of meals, Buldak with Bibimbop . After they had all vanished the food on their plates, the girls decided to gather around the computer and wait.


“Guys, I think it’s 2:00 pm already,” Mary announced as she tied her soft, honey brown hair in a bon.


Liz had her iPhone in her hand in a matter of seconds, and confirmed Mary’s statement with just a squeal.


“Oh my God, it’s time. Quick, let’s check for the email,” Bella said with a wide smile, passing the computer to Sam.



“   To: saman-smith@gmail .com

    From: no-reply@

    Subject: Winning Group


Congratulations, you have been chosen from our random roulette of members to

be the winner of 6 concert tickets for the 2pm concert nearest to you. Not to forget

you’ll also get 6 back stage passes to meet the boys after the show.


Thanks for participating,

                                                                             Staff from ”



“No, no… This can’t be happening,” Sam said shaking her head in denial and then announcing the great news. “WE GOT OURSELVES THE TICKETS!”


All that could be heard after those words were screams and OMG’s. The girls shouted with so much intensity that Jen’s mom came into the room asking if something was wrong.


“No, Mrs. Young. It’s the opposite of wrong,” Rhea announced, jumping up to hug Jen’s mom.


That’s when Jen’s mom knew something was truly wrong. Rhea giving hugs? Liz with tears in her eyes? And all of them getting together in a group hug seconds after? Yup, they had definitely gotten those tickets.








Two weeks after the great news had been recieved, the girls were getting ready for the concert... 6 hours before it was asigned to start. Yes, the girls were taking some extra time to get ready, but it was reasonable. I mean, they were going to meet their idols after all. They all had to look stunning. They had to leave a good impression and make those 5 minutes of meet-and-greet unforgettable for both them and 2pm.


Ella was wearing a blue, comfortable dress that had a red stripe around the upper waist and some red high heels. Sam had chosen a flowy, white, short dress with black boots. Though she wasn't wearing the outfit yet. Liz was wearing a flowery, puffy, cute dress she had borrowed from Rhea's closet, and Rhea was wearing a red, tight dress with some amazing black heels. Jen had her wavy hair up in a ponytail, so her reddish-brown hair looked even longer that it already was. She was wearing a strapless, black, simple dress that would only look that wonderful on her. Mary, on the other had, was wearing a white silk blouse tucked in on an aqua blue skirt. She looked beautiful. Actually, all of them did.


They all did their make up, and in a time spam of 5 hours, the girls were sitting on the black leather seats of Ella's mom's car.


"It's going to be great, I can sense it. Khun is totally going ot fall for me," Sam said covering her face with her hands.


"Oh, boy," was all Rhea could say, in a somewhat annoyed voice.


"Rhea, don't be mean," Ella instructed her.


"Seriously now, what are we going to say when we meet them?" Jen said a bit worried.


"Simple, we'll act normal," Liz said in a wise voice.


Rhea chuckled, "As if Sam will be able to do that."


"As if ANY of us will be able to do that," Mary corrected her.


They all laughed.


Ella passed around the cans of Coke she had picked out of her fridge a minute before they left. As they all opened their cans, Mary raised her Coke.


"Cheers," she said, "For the best night of our lives."


"Cheers," they all repeated after her.


But they had completely no idea what was truly awaiting for them at that concert.

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jiyonglurver #1
Chapter 9: Please updateeee~~~
greentealover1315 #2
Chapter 7: Oh MY Gosh!! Don't Drown!!!
Chapter 6: Update! Update! Update! :)
update soon! ^_^
i like sam-khun and junho-liz the most here! :D
I'm expecting more and more updates from u! :D
Update soon~
I'll be updating soon. It's just I've been really, really busy. So sorry. Don't worry, there's a lot of SamxKhun and RheaxJunsu in this next chapter (:
I wanna know more about Khun and Sam.. As a Nichkhun biased I am :P
And others are also very cute!
but i don't know why Jen is ignoring such a hot guy like Taecyeon!
Anyways, plzzzz update soon! I beg u! :D
goofygal14 #8
please update..i want to know more^^and please do more rheajunsu moment^^
Ahh </3 Chansuuuuuung ; - ; baby