Old Friends and New Experiences

Unheard Melody, Oblivious Love



Yesung cringed slightly at the bang that followed, before turning around to glare at the source of the noise.

“I honestly don’t care if you break your own keyboard, just don’t come running to use mine because you need to finish a paper last minute. Because I know you haven’t even started that essay that’s due Monday!”

“Hyunggg but I lost! I LOST because a stupid key on my stupid keyboard stuck right when that stupid—”

“Yeah yeah, I don’t care!” Yesung interrupted Kyuhyun’s rant with one of his own. “Besides, did you ever think that banging on it more might not be helping? Hmm? No? I didn’t think so. If you need to vent your anger about some dumb game then rant silently, can’t you tell I’m trying to focus here? But no, of course you didn’t notice, because you were too busy in that FANTASY world of yours!” Yesung threw down the shirt he had crumpled in his hands in frustration, before turning back to his closet.

Kyuhyun watched, confused, as Yesung rummaged through the closet aggressively, occasionally pulling items off the hangers, only to throw them onto the floor.

“But, uh, Jongwoon-hyung, what are you doing? You need silence to focus on cleaning your closet?”

Yesung turned around slowly to face Kyuhyun, a look of utter disbelief on his face.


“—your gig at the bar! OMO! I totally forgot!” Kyuhyun’s eyes widened as he finally remembered the importance of this particular Friday. “Ohhh, so that’s why you’re so touchy and acting like PMSing teenage girl! You’re nervous and you don’t know what to wear, right?” Kyuhyun smirked as Yesung immediately flushed red, knowing his words had hit the spot.

“What in the world are you talking about? I am NOT acting like a PMSing teenage girl! A-And I’m not nervous either!” Yesung stuttered, mentally face-palming at his horrible come-back.

“Sure you aren’t,” Kyuhyun mocked, jumping up from his comfortable chair. “Hyung, if you need help just ask.

“Who said I needed your help?” Yesung tried to deny, but Kyuhyun already stood in front of his closet, thumbing through the clothes with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“Hmmmm, try these.” Kyuhyun ignored Yesung’s protest completely, tossing him fitted black jeans, a navy blue, V-necked tee, and a thin gray scarf.

Yesung looked at the outfit skeptically. “Isn’t that a bit too plain? I mean—”

“You don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard, either,” Kyuhyun cut in lazily, glancing at the clock. “And didn’t you say we needed to leave at 8 pm? It’s already 7:50…”





Yesung sighed in relief as he pushed open the doors of Leeteuk’s bar, his watch reading 8:34. He ended up wearing what Kyuhyun had picked out for him, and had to admit it looked pretty good. Kyuhyun strolled in behind him, his face changing from indifference to excitement upon seeing the alcohol.

“When do you perform, hyung?” Kyuhyun asked, his eyes trained on bar counter.

“9:30, so there’s plenty of time. I had to come early to talk to Leeteuk-ssi about the details, and then I have to prepare. I’ll see you later, don’t drink too much, okay?”

“Don’t worry about me, hyung,” Kyuhyun expertly dodged making any sort of promise, smiling cheekily. “See ya, hyung! You’ll do great!” he called as he walked away.

Yesung sighed in resignation. Kyuhyun absolutely loved wine, which was why Yesung had all but banned it at their new apartment. While usually Kyuhyun knew his limit, Yesung had a feeling he’d be going all out tonight.

“Ah, Yesung-ssi?”

Yesung turned around and found him face to face with the bar owner, Leeteuk. He was good-looking man in his late-twenties, though you couldn’t tell by just looking at him. He had sandy brown hair with bangs that swept his caramel brown eyes that seemed to hold a mischievous glint. His most distinguishing feature, however, were his dimples.

“Oh, good, it is you!” Leeteuk smiled, causing Yesung to bow hastily.

“Ah, sorry, have you been waiting for me?” Yesung immediately apologized. “We were running a bit late.”

“No worries, you’re just fine,” Leeteuk reassured. “Let’s go back to my office, it’s a bit quieter there.”

Yesung nodded in agreement, following Leeteuk as they wove through the crowd and towards the back of the bar. Leeteuk opened a door that read “Staff Only”, and gestured to their left.

“That’s the backstage area where you can prepare. We actually do have a mini stage here that you can sing on. But first let’s go this way.”

Yesung nodded again, starting to feel more at ease. Leeteuk seemed to be a pretty nice and easy going person. Hopefully he was a good boss too.

“In here,” Leeteuk stopped at the end of the hallway, pushing open another door on their right. “Go ahead and sit down.”

It was a modest sized, normal looking office with a large desk situated in the middle and various shelves and cabinets lining the walls. Yesung sank into one of the office chairs.

“Here’s the contract I’ve written up. Basically you’ll sing every Friday for five weeks. After five weeks, we’ll review how it went, and renew or write up a new contract if everything went well. The pay we agreed to is on here too. Look it over and see if you have any concerns.” Leeteuk handed Yesung a stapled contract, which he quickly skimmed over.

“Looks fine to me,” Yesung said, reaching for a pen. “I just sign here, right?”

With Leeteuk’s nod of affirmation, Yesung quickly scrawled his real name, Kim Jongwoon, on the line, and handed it back to Leeteuk, who signed it also.

“I think we’re all set!” Leeteuk smiled. “It’s only 8:50 right now, so I suggest you go take a look around and familiarize yourself. Maybe get to know some of the other employees here. Just make sure you’re at that backstage area I showed you before at 9:10. That’ll give you twenty minutes.”

Yesung bowed again in thanks before walking back to the main bar area. He supposed he should check on Kyuhyun to make sure he didn’t get too drunk. He spotted him without much trouble, even making eye contact, and began walking towards him.

The bar had been modestly occupied when they arrived, but was now was started fill up quite rapidly. Yesung found himself being elbowed and jostled as he tried to get to his destination.


One second he was standing, the next thing he knew, he was on his way to kissing the floor. He flailed his arms in an attempt to steady himself, but it was too late. He kept his arms out, hoping he’d catch himself before doing an actual face-plant.

Suddenly, strong arms caught him around the waist, swiftly pulling him upright. Yesung’s eyes widened when he saw his savior’s face.

“Hyung, you’re just as clumsy as ever,” the mysterious man chuckled, letting go of Yesung and cocking his head sideways. He was tall and obviously well built, but also breathtakingly handsome.

“Siwon-ah?” Yesung asked in disbelief. When he was sure it truly was him, Yesung let out a hoot of laughter and tackled Siwon into a hug.

“I can’t belief it’s you, Siwon-ah! I haven’t seen you in forever! Why are you here? Why didn’t you call me to let me know you’ve come to Seoul? The last time I saw you was back in Cheonan! How have you been? Are you—”

“Woah, hyung, I didn’t know you missed me that much!” Siwon laughed as he pulled away from the hug. “I work here part-time. But I’ll answer your other question in a minute. There’s someone else you should see.” Grabbing Yesung’s arm, he pulled him towards the bar counter.

“Look who’s here, Kibum-ah!”

Yesung couldn’t believe it. Two of his closest friends from Cheonan, who he hadn’t seen for years, were here, in Seoul.

“It’s nice seeing you too, hyung!” Kibum grinned as Yesung almost hugged the life out of him. “Sorry we didn’t contact you right away when we decided to come here, we wanted to surprise you.”

“We were going to call you once we got here, but then we found out from Leeteuk that you were going to sing here, so we decided to wait a little longer and surprise you here.” Siwon explained as Yesung finally let go of Kibum.

“This is great!” Yesung exclaimed as he beamed at his two childhood friends. “But why did you guys come here?”

“That’s kind of a long story,” Siwon said, biting his lip. “But the main reason was, well…” Siwon’s eyes darted around, a light blush creeping up his neck.

“The main reason,” Kibum repeated as he smiled reassuringly at Siwon, throwing an arm around his shoulder, “is that…” he leaned closer to Yesung, whispering something in his ear.

Yesung stared at them uncomprehendingly for a few moments before the answer finally clicked.


“N-Neh, hyung,” Siwon stammered, looking at Yesung nervously. “You’ll still accept us, r-right?”

“Are you kidding me? Of course! You guys are my best friends! You guys are together? You guys are a couple?? Oh my gosh, I’m so happy for you guys!” Yesung practically gushed, hugging both of his dongsaengs tightly. “




Kyuhyun glared drunkenly at the scene in front of him, feeling irrationally angry and upset. He didn’t know why he was feeling this way, but for some reason Yesung hugging the two strangers didn’t sit well with him. Not at all.

When Yesung left to go talk to Leeteuk about the contract, Kyuhyun wasted no time in downing quite-a-few shots of not-very-weak alcohol. It’d been a while since he’d been able to drink freely, so he wasn’t planning on holding back at all tonight, no matter what Yesung said.

By the time Yesung had walked out of the “Staff Only” door, Kyuhyun had given up drinking like a gentleman; instead, he was now sipping directly out of the bottle itself. He was nowhere near drunk yet, but was most definitely starting to feel a bit buzzed and tipsy, his rationality slinking away.

He smiled when Yesung made eye contact with him and started to walk his way, but the smile immediately disappeared when Yesung slipped. Kyuhyun shot up from his seat in concern, even though he knew he was too far away to make it in time. Just as he thought his hyung was going to hit the floor, that stranger caught him.

Kyuhyun was relieved at first that someone had saved his clumsy hyung, but the second Yesung embraced his savior, Kyuhyun felt something unexplainable shoot through his veins. It was almost like fire as it seemed to cause his blood to boil, but surely he’d be dead if it was real fire. Before he knew it, he’d downed the entire bottle in his hand yelled for another one.

He watched, stunned, as the stranger dragged Yesung by the arm. Kyuhyun suddenly felt the urge to punch the man, except for the fact that Yesung was going along quite willingly. Kyuhyun’s bottle arrived, and he twisted off the cap fiercely.

Kyuhyun could only watch slack-jawed as Yesung hugged a second stranger, before hugging them both tightly again. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but the expression of joy on Yesung’s face was as plain as day. Throwing the cap aside, Kyuhyun chugged the entire contents of the bottle, wiping his mouth on his sleeve messily when he finished.

“That was pretty impressive. You sure can hold your alcohol, huh?”

At first Kyuhyun ignored the voice, not realizing the rhetorical question was directed at him.

“I’m talking to you, ya know,” the voice prodded as another bottle was set down in front of Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun looked up to see one of the bar tenders smirking down at him. He was young, probably in his early twenties. He had jet black hair, a smooth complexion, and a face girls would’ve called adorable.

“Shut up. None of your business,” Kyuhyun growled, snatching up the bottle. The man only smiled.

“You look like you have some stuff on your mind. Care to share?”

“I told you to shut up!” Kyuhyun snarled. “I’m perfectly dandy!”

“Oh really? Dandy? You don’t look that way. Talking about it might help.” The man didn’t give up. Instead, he only looked more intrigued.

“There’s nothing wrong!” Kyuhyun practically spat. “Get outta my face. Don’t you have anything better to do?”

The bar tender only shrugged. “Not really. We’ve got a lot of people working today. But fine. We can talk about something else. What’s your name? I’m Lee Sungmin. I’m 22, and I love rabbits. Oh, and I also do martial arts.” As he spoke, he vaulted over the counter gracefully, sitting down beside Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun glared at him for a few more moments, before sighing. “You’re not gonna leave me alone, are you? Fine. I’m Kyuhyun.” He decided to neglect mentioning his age, not wanting to bother with formalities.

“Nice to meet you!” Sungmin smiled brightly. “Like I said before, you sure can hold you’re alcohol! You like drinking, I bet.”

Kyuhyun shrugged. “I guess.”

“Well, what’s your favorite wine? Have you ever tried…”

Although slightly resistant at first, Kyuhyun found himself slowly becoming more relaxed as Sungmin continued to prattle about various wines. Wine had always been a passion of Kyuhyun’s, and maybe this petty conversion would get his mind off that strange feeling before. Although, it was probably just the alcohol causing it in the first place. At this point, Kyuhyun was feeling rather floaty, his words starting to slur.

“So, now you want to talk about what was bothering you?” Sungmin asked gently after five minutes of chatting about wine. Kyuhyun stiffened immediately, gulping down a few more mouthfuls from his umpteenth bottle.

“I told you nothing’s bothering me!” Kyuhyun insisted stubbornly, his words blurring together as he swayed slightly in his seat. He pressed a hand to his head. ‘Dammit’, he thought, ‘here comes the headache’.



There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me


Kyuhyun nearly dropped his bottle at the sound of Yesung’s voice. ‘Crap’, he thought to himself, ‘when did he start singing?’ He quickly looked up, an unconscious smile moving the corners of his mouth upward when he saw Yesung.


Your two warm hands gets cold when I’m cold
Your heart that used to be strong becomes sensitive when I’m hurt
Take my hands silently, hold me silently, I’m only wishing for such little comforts
You don’t know my heart that wanted to do more just for you


The tension, anger, and stress all seemed to leave Kyuhyun as he listened to Yesung sing. The familiar, warm, husky voice seemed to surround him, comfort him. Even his budding headache seemed to wither away. Without realizing it, Kyuhyun closed his eyes, mouthing the words along with Yesung. He knew this song. It was “No Other”, a cheerful love song.


Call out my heart, free my soul
It always felt like the first time, these remaining days are more than the time that I came to love you


Sungmin watched Kyuhyun carefully, his eyes flickering back and forth from him to singer on stage. A slight suspicion rose in him as he saw Kyuhyun’s smile widen and start singing softly.


There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you

How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for? A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me


Kyuhyun opened his eyes, his vision blurring slightly before connecting with Yesung’s brown orbs. He exhaled sharply before grinning broadly up at him, Yesung grinning right back.


When my greedy heart  gradually search to other directions
When my mind can’t handle whenever my greed grow even more
I know all those reasons that clearly says that you’re here, it’s the only one
I’m always thankful. I could do better as you do


As Yesung stood on that stage, he felt as if he was in heaven. This was his dream. Although he’d long since given up on being an idol singer, this was more than enough. He was singing his heart out, and his friends were there to support him. Kyuhyun’s smile almost took his breath away, but instead he only sang louder, stronger.


Call out my heart, free my soul
It always felt like the first time, these remaining days are more than the time that I came to love you


After watching Kyuhyun for a few moments longer, Sungmin smiled, and yanked on his arm. Kyuhyun looked at him questioningly.

“He’s your friend, right? You should go closer,” Sungmin suggested. Kyuhyun nodded, feeling slightly guilty that he hadn’t even noticed at first when Yesung got on the stage. He was supposed to be supporting him from the front, not way at the back.


There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me


The second Kyuhyun stood up, he felt a surge of light-headedness, the world spinning dangerously around him. He grabbed onto the closest thing in an attempt to steady himself, but in the end succumbed to gravity. Sungmin yelped as he was pulled down with Kyuhyun, the two crashing to the floor.


We arrived on the same road, we’re just the same, how surprising, how grateful, it’s love


Yesung watched horrified, as Kyuhyun crashed to the floor. But it wasn’t necessarily the fall that horrified him.

The bar tender had fallen on top of Kyuhyun, their lips crashed together.


There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me


As Yesung sang the last notes of the love song, he managed to keep the sweet smile on his face, but the words left a bitter taste in his mouth.












A/N: DUN DUN DUN... the drama starts! :O Anyways, I (lahdeedah000) wrote this chapter when I was sick (I still am, unfortunately xD), so I hope to get lots of comments! Hopefully this spices things up for those of you who were getting bored with the fluff. ^^ Thanks JayJayTeuk for your help again! :D

*Disclaimer: The italicized lyrics are from Super Junior's song "No Other", which we do not own at all.*


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 13: I really enjoyed this fic....hope you come back and finish it sometime.
Chapter 13: I hope you will still continue this fic,,,i wanna know what and how would things turn out.

Im guessing that jongwoon will accept that study thing in US..

Im really hoping for a happy kyusung and not a broken kyusung.

Kyuhyun and jongwoon they both need to sort out their feelings,,coz the more they behave like an idiot the more their hurting inside especially jongwoon.

Will wait for your update authornim...
Chapter 13: huffff and to think that I was really happy with how things were going between them esp at the gaming part ! it was so adorable but then again kyuhyun had to plan that stupid idea of returning sungmin - it was cute to be honest - ughh and what's up with yesung ? he is being a really moody person even more than me - can you believe that - he is acting silly tbh and that's going to make kyuhyun drift farther and farther from him so I take back what I said about him accepting that program and i want him man up and confess to kyuhyun ! I don't care if kyuhyun rejected him or began to hate him nor do I care for sungmin feelings he is a guy and behaving like that is such a cowardly thing to do and I'm fed up with this because honestly how would kyuhyun know his feelings if he keeps distancing him self from him by how he behaves ! he should just confess to make kyuhyun feelings mixed and to make him confused and realize that the brotherly crap he always say is crap as I said !

I really hope you update this cuz u want to know what is exactly going to happen and how Yesung will deal with this other than running from it also I really like this fic so please continue it - sobbing -
Chapter 12: I hope yesung would go to be honest because watching how kyuhyun behaved like he took him into granted made me realize upset and how Yesung accepted or rather forced to deny that program by kyuhyun made me more upset .. kyuhyun can be really dumb at times that's why I want yesung to leave even if it was hard for him but being and seeing kyuhyun with some one else hurts more you know it makes your heart ache .. but I hope kyuhyun will realize how Yesung is important to him if he wasn't around kyuhyun all the time and caring too much for him
Chapter 9: hahahaha omg you are so true I'm so frustrated with kyu min right now that I even began to curse Minnie - sorry my cute rappit I know you are happy with your cute wife hahaha - but the thing is I'm really really more frustrated with kyuhyun who can be a real stupid person thank you very much
Chapter 6: that idiot ! curse you and that brother thing choose kyuhyun huffff he is making me crazy but yeah it's typical for him to say that because that's what their relationship is a brotherly one .. BUT THAT'S GOING TO CHANGE CHO KYUHYUN OH HELL YEAH AND I MEAN IT I'M NOT GOING TO STAND HERE WATCHING MY BELOVED YESUNG GET HURT BY HOW STUPID YOU ARE UGHH
well I'm going to con8reading it's not like I can do anything but that - crossing her arms -
Chapter 5: I like when jealousy hit kyuhyun like it's the most natural thing when Yesung comes near someone because its priceless and so adorable ! but the end left a bittersweet feeling in me just like how it did to Yesung because from this point onwards his suffering will begin huff curse you alcohol and curse you choose kyuhyun for drinking it
Chapter 12: That's just being selfish Kyu.
KrystalSeijuro #9
Chapter 13: GEE could Kyu be more oblivious than ever.. Seriously i hate seeing Yesungie so heartbroken but its his fault , he wont confess to that brat.. I Hope Yeye will go to the program or whatever it is so that Kyuhyun would realize Yesungs more important than Sungmin, But author-nim , please update !! im a new reader and i want you to have an inspiration to continue this ...