A Couple Of Times, I've Seen You

Shinyoung Drabbles

The first time Shinwoo sees the ginger fox, he's having a sandwich made from stale bread and cold ham with his friends. Jinyoung is sweet-talking the lunch ladies into cooking him a special lunch and they were falling for his sugar coated words that flowed like honey. Absolutely diabetic. 

Shinwoo is amused. His friends, not so.

"Hey, have you seen that transfer? He screams trouble. Plus, he's a downright douche."

"He's dumb yet he gets all the girls. Girls these days are too easy."

"True. The transfer looks like the type that goes for one night stands anyways. Perfect for the in this school."

Shinwoo doesn't join in their mundane conversation. He's too busy admiring Jinyoung. 

"Guys, I'm just gonna get something else from the lunch lady. I'm not in the mood for a rotten sandwich today." Shinwoo murmurs to no one because his friends are too preoccupied with their conversation about mixing something deadly up in Chemistry to murder Jinyoung. 

Shinwoo gets even more nervous when he's a foot away from Jinyoung who's admiring his reflection. Shinwoo taps the bell to alert the lunch ladies that there's a student but they choose to ignore him. 

Shinwoo tries again and one finally comes. "What do you want you little brat?"

"I was just wondering whether you had something fresher than this sandwich."

"Eat it up because that's all you're going to get. We're not your chefs."

The rude woman was about to walk away when Jinyoung interrupts. 

"Dear kind lady, couldn't you be a darling and cook up something nice for him too? You'd be a real doll if you could."

"A-ah yes! I'll get something on the stove right away.". The woman turns to face Shinwoo, a strained apologetic smile on her face. "I apologize for my rude behaviour.". Shinwoo just smiles awkwardly and bows his head.

"Aren't you going to thank me? I just got that lady to make you something nice and apologize."

Shinwoo thinks he's dreaming because Jinyoung was talking to him. And was that a whine he heard? What happened to the douche-Jinyoung he'd heard about.

"Thanks?" Shinwoo offers, his lips pursed into a straight line.

"Now that's more like it. I'm Jung Jinyoung, I just transferred in."

"I know. I'm Shinwoo. Shin Dongwoo, senior."

"I know."



The second time Shinwoo sees Jinyoung, he's wiping the window panes because it's his duty. Shinwoo notices that Jinyoung has a lit cigarette between his lips and his eyebrows are furrowed.

"You do know that smoking is bad for you right?"

"What are you? My mom?"

"Sorry, I just wanted to see whether I could help." Shinwoo mumbles, resuming his vigorous scrubbing of the window panes. Jinyoung is silent but Shinwoo can see form the corner of his eye that he was taking a seat next to him. Shinwoo doesn't miss the tattoo hidden by Jinyoung's hip, barely hidden by his shirt. 

Shinwoo also notices the amount of piercings Jinyoung has just on his left ear. "Did it hurt?"

"Did what hurt?"

"Did it hurt when you got those?" Shinwoo asks as he points at Jinyoung's accessorised ear. 

"Nah. Only the first hurt like a . The rest were nothing." Jinyoung says smugly, running a finger over the numerous ear studs. "Why? Are you thinking of getting your's pierced?"

"I never really thought about it."

"Well, I think you would actually look pretty good with a couple piercings Shinwoo."



The third time Shinwoo sees Jinyoung, they're not at school. Shinwoo's with Junghwan, Sunwoo and Chansik again but Jinyoung is all alone. "Isn't that Mr Douchebag from our school?" Sunwoo smirks. Shinwoo knows that he isn't the only one who realises what Jinyoung is actually doing. His friends know too.

Shinwoo swallows the lump in his throat when he sees a lady that resembled a cat curl her arm around Jinyoung's waist. The woman hands Jinyoung a couple fifty dollar bills and kisses him hard before leaving in her BMW with a flirtatious smile. 

The quartet watch as Jinyoung dials someone's number and listens in.

"Hi, mom, are you there? You don't have to worry mom. I got myself a job and I got paid on the first day!". Shinwoo thinks that Jinyoung doesn't sound genuinely happy. He sounds like he's going to burst into tears instead. "Mom, we'll be able to manage. I'll be home in about two hours. Bye mom. I love you."

"Now isn't that a surprise? The infamous Jung Jinyoung is selling his body to earn some cheap cash. I knew he was the type to anyone but he's a complete ." Junghwan mocks.

Shinwoo resists the urge to punch Junghwan's throat. He sees the three about to approach Jinyoung and rushes to pull them away.

"Let's not waste our time! The arcade is calling us." Shinwoo grins and drags his friends away from Jinyoung.

He playes a couple of games with them before telling them that he had to feed his non-existent cat before it starves. The three are too involved in their game to care and he walks away unscathed. 

Shinwoo quickens his footsteps till he reaches the place they saw Jinyoung. He hadn't expected to actually see the ginger again but there he is. Shinwoo sighs when he sees the red marks littering Jinyoung's neck. His wrists are slightly bruised and he looks wasted. Shinwoo's close enough to hear Jinyoung's tummy make a painful noise and the male sighs.

Shinwoo doesn't know what goes through him but he steps forward and taps Jinyoung's shoulder.

"Jinyoung? What a coincidence. What are you doing here?"

Shinwoo takes note of how uncomfortable Jinyoung looks.

"O-oh I was just meeting a friend for a bit. He just left." Jinyoung lets out an awkward laugh.

"Jinyoung, do you want to join me for a burger? I'm really hungry but I have no one to eat with."

"But I don't have enough money."

"It's my treat so don't worry."



The fourth time Shinwoo sees Jinyoung, it's during study hall and he notices that Jinyoung has just gotten a new tattoo. It reads '하늘'. "Sky?" Shinwoo whispers to himself as he admires the word written in black behind Jinyoung's ear. Shinwoo sees that there's a blue cloud above the word.

"Cute." Shinwoo giggles to himself and continues his work.

Shinwoo gets a couple of word problems down before he's interrupted by a figure standing in front of him.

He tilts his head back and he his eyebrow when he sees that it's actually Jinyoung.

"May I help?"

Shinwoo watches as Jinyoung reaches for something in his bag. He looks amused when Jinyoung pulls out a swiss roll from his bag, followed by a bag of carp bread.

"I want to thank you for the other day. I enjoyed the burger very much." Jinyoung smiles shyly and pushes the treats onto Shinwoo's table. "I didn't know what you liked so I got you some of my favourites. It's a vanilla swiss roll so I hope you like it."

Shinwoo doesn't manage to slip in a thanks because Jinyoung is already out of the classroom. He writes a note on his workbook to do so when he sees him next.



The fifth time Shinwoo sees Jinyoung, he's curled up on the toilet floor and puking into the toilet bowl. Shinwoo winces when he sees traces of blood in Jinyoung's vomit. He crouches beside Jinyoung and rubs his back to ease his pain.

Jinyoung tries to thank him but he starts coughing violently instead. Shinwoo shushes him and lets him vomit to his heart's content before pulling him up with him. Jinyoung rinses his mouth and gets rid of his vomit breath by eating a mint. "Sorry for the inconvenience."

"It's not problem. I offered help." Shinwoo smiles sadly. Jinyoung looks miserable.

"Are you fine Jinyoung?"

Jinyoung shakes his head and runs a hand through his shaggy hair. He frowns when he checks his watch and sees that it's already nine at night and he's still at school. 

"Come on, I'll send you home.". Jinyoung doesn't object and lets Shinwoo carry his bagpack. Jinyoung has a small smile on his face when they walk side by side along the trees. Shinwoo seems to know where his house without him even telling him but he doesn't question it. 

Shinwoo's free hand is around his shoulder and it burns his skin in a good way. 

They reach his house soon enough and Shinwoo grimaces to himself when he sees the state of Jinyoung's apartment. It's run down and has graffiti everywhere. Jinyoung's heart drops when he notices Shinwoo's face. He looked like he was judging his home.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Jinyoung spits and speed walks towards the entrance. 

He's stopped when he feels Shinwoo's palm on his. 

"Take care of yourself Jinyoung." Shinwoo whispers and pulls Jinyoung into a hug.

Both of them stay silent till Shinwoo pulls away and lets his lips graze against Jinyoung's cheek.



The sixth time Shinwoo sees Jinyoung, he's in a public again but he's alone and Jinyoung isn't. Shinwoo watches from the cafe he's in as the man Jinyoung's with tries to make out with Jinyoung in the middle of the path. 

Jinyoung looks uncomfortable and like he wants to get away from the guy. Shinwoo wonders why Jinyoung doesn't punch the guy across the face when he has the capability to do it but then he remembers that Jinyoung needs the money. The path doesn't have many streetlights and there aren't too many people but the ones who do walk pass scowl at the sight of Jinyoung submitting himself to the man.

Shinwoo feels his insides burn and he throws a couple of bills on the table. Shinwoo doesn't care that people are starting to watch. 

He pulls the scrawny creep away from Jinyoung. Shinwoo gulps when he notices that Jinyoung is crying silently.

Shinwoo doesn't take long to beat up the freak and he's back at Jinyoung's side in a jiffy.

"Don't ever touch him again or else you'll get worse?"

"Who are you to say that to me?!" The man manages to yell.

"I'm his boyfriend." 

Shinwoo surprises himself and Jinyoung's expression isn't too far from his.

"That has a boyfriend?"

Shinwoo doesn't know what comes over him but he socks the man in the face till he's passed out.

The crowd has dispersed and Shinwoo's only focus was on the trembling male.

"Do you want to come over to my place? I stay alone. You can get washed up and I'll make you some hot chocolate. You can sleep over too."

"I'd love too."


The seventh time Shinwoo sees Jinyoung, he's in the library with his friends. They couldn't care about Jinyoung anymore after cursing at him for the first month. Jinyoung's scanning through his work with the help of his teacher. It doesn't take long for Jinyoung to notice that he looks much better after the incident. 

Jinyoung's cheeks were fuller and if Shinwoo wasn't in his right mind, he would have said that Jinyoung was glowing. Shinwoo grins everytime Jinyoung gets a question right, loving the blush dusting his cheeks because his teacher had praised him.

Shinwoo ignores when his friends bid him farewell after packing up. Shinwoo perks up when Jinyoung's teacher leaves too and notices that they're the only two left in the library. Jinyoung's struggling with a translation exercise for his english class.

"Hey, need help?"

"Nah. I want to do this on my own. My teacher wants to see where I stand."

Shinwoo doesn't speak and just sits next to him to read his book. 

Jinyoung's done with his worksheet in a matter of minutes and Shinwoo can tell that he's guessed the blanks that he didn't know because his english was atrocious.

"Don't judge. I know I need to brush up my english."

"I never said anything.

"I can see it in your eyes."


There's a pregnant pause before Jinyoung speaks up again.

"Shinwoo? Do you want to maybe go out for a movie tonight?"

"Okay. What movie?"

"I don't know. It's up to you."



The eight time Shinwoo sees Jinyoung, they're together in his apartment watching The Grudge because it's the only movie Shinwoo actually owns. Jinyoung is visibly terrified but Shinwoo doesn't think much about it. 

Jinyoung's curled up next to him and his head is buried in Shinwoo's chest. "Of all movies you have, you have The ing Grudge."

Shinwoo just laughs and pulls Jinyoung closer. "Just hold onto my hand." Shinwoo grins and lets Jinyoung hold his hand in a death grip.

Shinwoo tries to distract Jinyoung by talking.

"Jinyoung, can I say something?"


"A couple of times, I've seen you and now I think I like you."

"I like you too."

"That's good. Now stop being a wimp and watch the movie."


a/n: sobs I actually like this a lot. Comment and stuff <3 love you guys


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Hey guys ^.^ a new chapter is underway but I'm not sure when it's going to be up because Hari Raya is the day after tomorrow and I need to help my mom.


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ar972pm #1
Chapter 9: Hi i really enjoyed reading your one shots hope you can write about miragre contrant between shinyoung
Chapter 11: Ok, I'd want to request something about Jinyoung and Cnu trying to compose something together and from this point they start falling for each other, but then Cnu is forced by the management to get a girlfriend, Jinyoung is really jealous... And the ending is up to you. Do you think you could write something like this?
By the way, your writting skills are amazing ._. <3
Chapter 1: shinyoung is so cute:33
irmayama #4
Chapter 12: cute and sweet ^^ huhu love this chappie :)
Chapter 12: "...because Jinyoung hadn't updated his relationship status on facebook yet." LMAO. Idk but that sounds totally Junghwan to me. Hahahaha.
Request: Shinwoo planning Jinyoung's birthday party. At first everything is a disaster and he's really stressed out. But in the end it turns out that all the mistakes he made actually helped make the party better.
Chapter 11: Can I request a cute a d y story of how jinyoung keeps teasing and annoying CNU to get his attention. Then shinwoo blows out XD please?
redtunafish #8
Chapter 10: i swear these drabbles are AMAZING
keep it up authornim!!