Que Sera, Sera

Out of My Head


Title: Que Sera, Sera

Characters: Kris, Tao, the rest of Exo-M

Genre: angsty-fluff with what the eff-ery~

Word Count: 1,321

Rated?: No... but it probably should be. (Seriously what did I just write?)




"Que sera, sera..." Kris mumbled to himself as he watched Tao slam the door to his bedroom.

"What was that?" Lay questioned, oblivious as to the thoughts that were truly pestering the other.

Smiling in a way that never reached his eyes, Kris forced the next line of an old song out in English, "Whatever will be, will be."

Luhan, who had just entered the kitchen, raised an eyebrow at the normally stoic male's words, "What are you talking about?"

Kris stood up from the chair he had been sitting in and pocketed his mobile phone, "The future's not ours, to see.  Que sera, sera." He half-sung, his eyes shining with an unreadable expression as he excused himself to his own room. He didn't feel like really talking to anyone at the moment, and its not like the other two understood what he was saying anyway- the song he was singing was from the late 1950's.

As they heard the bedroom door click into place, Luhan and Lay turned to each other, "What was he going on about?" Luhan asked while Lay countered with, "Do you think something is really bothering him?"

Out of curiosity Lay and Luhan sat in front of a laptop later that evening as they tried to type what Kris had said into the search engine. Nearly one hundred and fifty convoluted attempts later, they managed to find a song titled, "Que sera, sera (Whatever will be, will be)" as sung by Doris Day. Pulling up the English lyrics, they translated the song as well as they could, completely baffled as to why their friend was singing such an old song.

It was dinner time when they were all in the same room again, Chen and Xiumin included. Suddenly Lay brought up about the way Tao and Kris had acted earlier that afternoon. Tao's jaw seemed to be set in a firm frown as his gaze locked onto his plate of food, his back tensed as he waited for Kris to responded to their friend.

Releasing a soft sigh, Kris simply stated, "What will be, will be." His English response hanging in the thick silence of the room.

"Kris, no matter how much you quote Doris Day- it's not going to help you." Luhan responded as he watched Tao place his silverware down before mumbling an apology as he stood up and left the room, "See what I mean?"

Kris met Luhan's gaze with a saddened stare of his own, "Que sera, sera, Luhan."

"But we have every right, you see, we just need to fight for what's important to us." Luhan responded, fighting off the urge to use Kris' sing-song way of speaking back at him.

"We don't know what happened between the two of you, but obviously neither of you are taking it well." Lay interrupted. The conversation having picked up speed, Xiumin and Chen exchanged glances- how the heck were they supposed to keep up with the exchange of words when all they could hear was the "wo" and "ni" out of everything said?

"Whatever will-"

"Shut it! You're supposed to be the leader!" Luhan shouted at their friend, suddenly feeling angry, "Tao is seriously hurting! Stop blowing it under the rug with that accursed song!" He exclaimed, slamming his palms against the table as he stood up.

Wide-eyed, Lay stared at Luhan. Lay was getting frustrated as well, but not nearly as frustrated as Luhan had become, "L-Luhan…?"

Luhan didn't reply to Lay as he continued to glare at Kris, "Be a ing leader and stop hiding behind everything else. Fix the problem and take care of your precious group member." Luhan slowly stated, his voice quivering as he tried to hold back his anger. "If I had known you would be a coward like this, I would have requested the leader position." He challenged, attempting to push Kris over the edge.

Silence reigned in the dining area as Xiumin and Chen stared at the scene before them. Luhan was still standing, his glare boring holes into Kris' head; Lay had grabbed hold of Luhan's arm and was trying to calm the other down; and Kris was staring back at Luhan, his mind processing everything that had just occurred. The silence had become uncomfortable quickly as Chen and Xiumin moved in their chairs in attempt to alleviate some of the tension that had been built up in mere seconds.

"Shoot!" Kris exclaimed as he stood up, shoving the chair back hard enough that it fell, "I'm such an idiot!" He leaped over the fallen chair and ran down the hall, out of sight.

Smiling to himself, Luhan sunk back into his chair and leaned his head against Lay's shoulder, "That was way too difficult to play up, but I couldn't stand seeing them like that. Tao was hurting and Kris was nearly going insane." Luhan whined as he clung to Lay, causing the other to laugh.

"You idiot, next time think before you act."

"I think it's those two who should think more- then I wouldn't be forced to act without thinking!" Luhan countered Lay's statement with a giggle.

Chen suddenly turned to Xiumin after this exchange, "I don't think I want to share a room with Kris anymore..." he whispered to his friend in Korean.

"You don't have a choice!" Luhan taunted in flawless Korean from the other end of the table, his head still on Lay's shoulder.

Xiumin smiled weakly as he turned to Chen, "I just hope that Tao won't be practicing tonight, other wise I'm switching rooms with you and you won't have to worry about Kris anymore."

"He shouldn't be practicing tonight," Lay cut in this time, "Because Kris is going to take care of everything."

Nodding, Xiumin looked at the other two, "So what was the problem exactly?"

Luhan giggled before leaning across the table, "It was nothing more than a lovers spat."

Chen blushed at the other's statement, "S-so they're an item?"

"Again." Luhan confirmed with an overzealous nod.

"What do you mean again?" Xiumin countered.

"Tao had broken up with Kris because he felt like Kris wasn't putting enough effort into their relationship- I don't know all of the details regarding that, unfortunately; however, I do know that Kris had been trying to convince Tao that a break up was not the way to go- via text messages." Lay responded, causing Chen and Xiumin to gape.

"So what we just saw was...?" Chen prompted the other two.

"Kris making a real effort to show Tao that-" Luhan was interrupted by a sudden moan that filled the dorm, causing them all to blush, "He still loves him more than he can say." He finished, looking at his plate of unfinished food, "Although, I think Xiumin should probably stay in your room tonight, Chen." Luhan added as he grabbed his dishes and placed them in the sink, giving a nod to the two Korean members and a playful wink to Lay.

His blush deepening as he heard another moan echoing through the dorm, Lay jumped up and placed his own dishes in the sink, "Although I doubt any of us will be getting any real sleep." He shamelessly added as he followed Luhan's footsteps out of the room.

Blushing deeply, Chen stared at the table as the continued, he wasn't sure what to do next. "I think, we should make the best of this night." Xiumin's quiet voice broke Chen from his thoughts.


Xiumin smiled mischievously before sliding his fingertips along Chen's inner thigh, "We should make the best of this night." Xiumin repeated, a little more confidently, as his fingertips gently grazed Chen's growing bulge.

It was unintentional, at best, but it happened nonetheless. When the manager asked them the following day what had happened they all said the same thing:

"A fight, a problem solved, and a stupid song from the fifties."

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mangasanji12 #1
Chapter 1: Liked the jongho andthe taoris alot¡!¡
Chapter 7: Why do I feel like Jaeseop (AJ) is the other male? xD HAHAHA :))
SleepingSwallow #3
Chapter 7: My personal favorites were

"I Told You" and "Punishments and Rewards". I liked "I Told You" enough that I have decided on writing a story in which it has to deal with a dead character who committed suicide. OTL
my personal reviews:

I Told You: It was well-written in my opinion. Good description and the showing of how Sehun feels (in his crazed mind). I kinda didn't like the fact that you started with a first-person POV then switched to a third-person POV, but of course you couldn't continue first-person cause the main character was, well, dead. Otherwise, I did like the text message Sehun sent Kai, but I didn't think mentioning that Sehun was clearly dead was worth mentioning, it's assumed already by the text (and Kai's inference) and once they get to the room they go for Luhan. I'm contradicting myself completely because I know it was a good addition to just make it "abundantly clear" that Sehun was dead. asfghjkl I like it enough that I don't know what I think. LOL

Punishments and Rewards: well OH EM GEE. I LAAAAAAAAIKEEEEEEEE. It's so horrifying to think about just waking up like that and being reduced to a ___ toy like that oh my god. I personally didn't imagine one captor. I imagined Kevin was off his ____ and so it like, data-hazing (like that white glitchy screen but in black) between Hoon and Kiseop. I could imagine like a ily-creepy/cold/lustful voice coming out of them, and because I sometimes have trouble telling their voices apart, it works better for me. I personally think it's Hoon, but I like my double-haze thing XDDDD
P.S. yes I know it's spelled "like" XDD
Telissa #4

Can't Feel My Pain : Is it weird that I want to punch Key in the face, like, right now?! HE HURT THE DINO PUPPY! Key, you are my bias but YOU DO NOT HURT A PUPPY! *rages* ....what did I just say..

Punishments and Rewards : assdsalkhfha KEVINNNNNN! My inner (_______ed) fangirl is telling me Kiseop, even though that's HIGHLY unlikely.

Idiot : LOL OMG. This one made me go "What just happened?" I just don't really get the point of this one, I'm guessing it's just random? xD

Que Sera, Sera : OH DEAR GOD I'VE ALWAYS HATED THAT SONG. I WAS LIKE " KRIS SHUT THE EFF UP. JUST STAPHHH, NOWWWW" EXO, their all idiots, a bunch of idiots who become all hot and ugh when they perform. AND XIUCHEN DAYUMMMMM <3 AND THE MOAN MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD LOL. I imagined Luhan being all diva-like and reprimanding Kris and LMAO XD
Chapter 5: screaming.
I think my favorite part was Xiumin at the end and Luhan all "that was hard to play up"
butXiuminattheendthough. e u e
Chapter 3: HOON.
Chapter 1: are you nuts. Omg write a sequel OuO
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: AWWW poor Jonghyun!! Minho is so nice...gosh that as so sweet and so sad. poor guy...
Vannyy #9
Wow o__O this is sad..