Can't Feel My Pain

Out of My Head


Title: Can't Feel My Pain
Characters: Jonghyun, Minho, SHINee
Genre: , angst(?)

Word Count: 746
Rated?: not necessary~

A frustrated cry escaped Jonghyun's lips as he punched the door to his bedroom. No one else could see him, but there were tears present as they silently created streams along his cheeks. He could hear a few of the other group members running up the hall and he quickly flipped the lock on the door- he did not want anyone to see him like this.




The calls from the other three came through the door. They had no way of knowing what he was feeling right now, they were oblivious to what had happened between them. As group members it was always welcome to get some time away from the others, but there was one exception for him. One member he wanted to hold close and never let go; but that was no longer an option for him.

"Are you okay, hyung? Please, speak to me!"

Minho's voice made its way through Jonghyun's reverie. If he was honest, Jonghyun could see the look in the other's eyes. Minho didn't want to admit it- not that Jonghyun could blame him- but almost all of the members knew that Minho was harboring feelings for the older singer. It wasn't because of Minho he had ended up like this though. Actually, if it was Minho, he never would have had to feel this pain. The younger was too honest and kind-hearted to let someone he cared about go like this.

"Jonghyun-hyung! Did something happen?"

It was Taemin this time, the youngest one knew how to act to get a crowd of girls fawning over him, but in reality he was the sweetest and most childish member. He wouldn't know how to hurt someone the way Jonghyun was aching right now- not purposely, anyway. Jonghyun admired that in the youngest member.

"You have to the count of three, and then I'll be using the key to open this door Kim Jonghyun."

Onew, the caring and clumsy oldest member. The one Jonghyun looked to like an older brother. Even when he was completely forthright in handling a matter like this in such a brazen matter, Jonghyun still looked up to him a bit.


"Onew-hyung, please don't."


"Taemin, help me?"


The hallway outside of Jonghyun's room went silent as he stared at the door from his bed. He figured that Taemin and Minho had forced Onew away from the door, which was just fine by him. Should he face them? But what was he to say? That Kibum was the reason he was like this? What good would that do? After a minute or two of the never-ending questions battling his conscious, Jonghyun stood up, his eyes shining with anger and pain; as the sound of a key sliding into the lock reached his ears.

Staring at the door, he started to tremble as the younger came into view. The instant the other closed the door, Jonghyun found himself crossing the short distance between them and collapsing against the taller one. As fresh tears slid down his cheeks, he clutched at the jersey the younger wwas wearing.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here for you. What happened, hyung?"

"M-Minho... I-I..."

"It was Key-hyung, right?" Minho's voice was still gentle, but Jonghyun could hear the slightly upset undertone he was desperately trying to mask.

Giving a slight nod, Jonghyun continued, "T-tonight was our one m-month anniversary..." came the first choked sentence before he took a deep breath, "B-but, he broke up with me! H-he said that h-he really isn't into d-dating guys a-after all..."

Jonghyun's voice was weak and quiet in the room, but he relaxed against Minho as he cried himself into a stupor. The younger picked Jonghyun up and took him to the bed. Laying the elder on the bed, Minho waited until Jonghyun had calmed down and appeared to be sleeping before moving to leave.

As he was about to stand up, he felt a weak grasp on his hand, "Minho... d-don't leave me alone tonight... please?" Jonghyun whispered, his eyes screwed closed as tight as he could get them. He didn't like feeling so vulnerable, but he didn't want to face Kibum, just in case.

With a soft sigh, Minho nodded to himself befor silently getting in bed beside Jonghyun and hugging him once again. He wanted to make Jonghyun feel safe and comfortable; so he was grateful when he heard the elder's breathing even out just as he felt himself loosing consciousness.


Author's Note: This seemed a lot longer when I was half-asleep typing this up on my cell phone. lol~

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mangasanji12 #1
Chapter 1: Liked the jongho andthe taoris alot¡!¡
Chapter 7: Why do I feel like Jaeseop (AJ) is the other male? xD HAHAHA :))
SleepingSwallow #3
Chapter 7: My personal favorites were

"I Told You" and "Punishments and Rewards". I liked "I Told You" enough that I have decided on writing a story in which it has to deal with a dead character who committed suicide. OTL
my personal reviews:

I Told You: It was well-written in my opinion. Good description and the showing of how Sehun feels (in his crazed mind). I kinda didn't like the fact that you started with a first-person POV then switched to a third-person POV, but of course you couldn't continue first-person cause the main character was, well, dead. Otherwise, I did like the text message Sehun sent Kai, but I didn't think mentioning that Sehun was clearly dead was worth mentioning, it's assumed already by the text (and Kai's inference) and once they get to the room they go for Luhan. I'm contradicting myself completely because I know it was a good addition to just make it "abundantly clear" that Sehun was dead. asfghjkl I like it enough that I don't know what I think. LOL

Punishments and Rewards: well OH EM GEE. I LAAAAAAAAIKEEEEEEEE. It's so horrifying to think about just waking up like that and being reduced to a ___ toy like that oh my god. I personally didn't imagine one captor. I imagined Kevin was off his ____ and so it like, data-hazing (like that white glitchy screen but in black) between Hoon and Kiseop. I could imagine like a ily-creepy/cold/lustful voice coming out of them, and because I sometimes have trouble telling their voices apart, it works better for me. I personally think it's Hoon, but I like my double-haze thing XDDDD
P.S. yes I know it's spelled "like" XDD
Telissa #4

Can't Feel My Pain : Is it weird that I want to punch Key in the face, like, right now?! HE HURT THE DINO PUPPY! Key, you are my bias but YOU DO NOT HURT A PUPPY! *rages* ....what did I just say..

Punishments and Rewards : assdsalkhfha KEVINNNNNN! My inner (_______ed) fangirl is telling me Kiseop, even though that's HIGHLY unlikely.

Idiot : LOL OMG. This one made me go "What just happened?" I just don't really get the point of this one, I'm guessing it's just random? xD

Que Sera, Sera : OH DEAR GOD I'VE ALWAYS HATED THAT SONG. I WAS LIKE " KRIS SHUT THE EFF UP. JUST STAPHHH, NOWWWW" EXO, their all idiots, a bunch of idiots who become all hot and ugh when they perform. AND XIUCHEN DAYUMMMMM <3 AND THE MOAN MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD LOL. I imagined Luhan being all diva-like and reprimanding Kris and LMAO XD
Chapter 5: screaming.
I think my favorite part was Xiumin at the end and Luhan all "that was hard to play up"
butXiuminattheendthough. e u e
Chapter 3: HOON.
Chapter 1: are you nuts. Omg write a sequel OuO
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: AWWW poor Jonghyun!! Minho is so nice...gosh that as so sweet and so sad. poor guy...
Vannyy #9
Wow o__O this is sad..