
Out of My Head

Title: Idiot

Characters: Sungmin and Eunhyuk

Genre: random. >//<

Word Count: 938

Rated?: No.



Sungmin released a soft sigh as he continued to practice his moves in the empty practice room. He had his headphones on, but he was barely paying attention to the music that was gently hitting his eardrums as his mind was tangled up in thoughts that were nearly eight years in the making.

Lee Hyukjae, that idiot, had been one of Sungmin's closest friends for years; however, Kyuhyun was the friend that new Sungmin's biggest secret. Shaking his head, Sungmin restarted the song he was listening to and closed his eyes only to focus them seconds later on his footwork. This was the choreography that Eunhyuk had designed, and Sungmin wanted to get it just right. Stumbling slightly as he made a wrong step, Sungming bit his lower lip and closed his eyes once more as he tried to calm down.

What is wrong with me?

Sungmin gently clutched the hem of his shirt as he troed to get a grip of his emotions.

I should have avoided that idiot when I first recognized these feelings...

All of a sudden, Sungmin's ear phones had been removed and someone hugged him from behind. His eyes flickered open to stare into the mirror, he saw the other's image just as he spoke.

"Minnie-hyung, it took nearly an hour to find you!" Eunhyuk whined a bit, "You agreed to teach me tonight, remember?" The younger placed his chin on Sungmin's shoulder, unaware of how it was affecting him.

Why did I fall for you? "Sorry, I was just rehearsing for our upcoming performance." Sungmin hurriedly explained as he tried to remove himself from Eunhyuk's grasp.

"Really? Do you want to work on that tonight? You can always teach me how to defend against your fans later!" Eunhyuk teased with a small smirk on his lips, causing the elder to flick his nose.

"Idiot! You should never use any form of martial arts on another human unless they attack you first- even then, defend as much as possible." Sungmin explained in a  matter-of-fact tone.

"They're your crazy fans. If they do something to you, that is attacking me." Eunhyuk responded indignantly.

Sungmin stared at Eunhyuk in silence, his heart beating uncontrollably as he failed to come up with a response to the younger. How do you manage to keep me like this? After what felt like way too much silence to Eunhyuk, he smiled at Sungmin.

"Hyung, let's work on the dance tonight. I suddenly don't feel like learning..." he explained, but even Eunhyuk was keeping a secret from Sungmin. He did want to learn- but he had noticed something recently; whenever it was just Sungmin and him- his heart would start racing.

Sungmin smiled softly as he gave a slow nod, "If you're okay with that..."

"I am. I love to dance- and you want to be perfect, right?" Even though you already are in my eyes...

"Mmh..." Sungmin hummed softly as he crossed to the stereo to connect his mp3 player, praying the blush that had risen on his cheeks during their conversation had gone unnoticed.

The two started rehearsing the dance and as they took places for the fourth time, Donghae entered the room and glanced at Sungmin before crossing to Eunhyuk, "Anchovy, we need to talk." Donghae mumbled before grabbing Eunhyuk's wrist and pulling him into the hallway, leaving Sungmin to stare after them. Once the door was closed, Donghae faced Eunhyuk and took out a book he had hidden beneath his jacket.

"Donghae... please tell me you didn't rea-"

"I did, and you have to tell him!" Donghae cut him off before shoving Eunhyuk's journal at him, "I may not agree with all of that," he waved his hands dramatically, "But you can't keep it contained if it only leads to you crying alone at night!"

"He's my friend- our friend, Donghae. Saying something like that could destroy... everything..." Eunhyuk mumbled as he looked at the floor, his grip tightening on the pink leather journal Sungmin had given him as a teasing birthday present two years prior. The book was almost completely filled, and every page had something written about the one had gifted it to him.

"It won't, Eunhyuk, just trust yourself on this. This isn't just a high school crush for you. I sure as heck don't understand it, and I know you've been confused, but it's blaring clear as you read through those pages- you love him."

"I... I..." Eunhyuk gaped at Donghae, his cheeks bright red as he tried to explain himself away, but found himself unable to do so.

"Who does he love?" Sungmin interrupted with a practiced, calm demeanor- although internally his emotions were all over the place.

"You." Eunhyuk whispered as he looked up at Sungmin through his fringe, "B-but, I know that I'm the ugliest member, and that my singing isn't exactly top-notch, and..." Eunhyuk found the rest of his words caught in his throat as Sungmin flung his arms around the younger.

Donghae smiled to himself before silently pardoning himself from the scene as Sungmin buried his face against Eunhyuk's shoulder, "I was right- you are an idiot." He quietly mumbled before continuing, "You're handsome and your voice is perfect, not to mention you are an amazing dancer and that you captured my heart years ago, Lee Hyukjae."

Eunhyuk remained frozen, the back of his neck and tips of his ears quickly becoming the same shade of red as his cheeks as he hugged Sungmin back. He quickly realized in that moment that he was indeed an idiot- an idiot for his hyung and new boyfriend, Lee Sungmin.

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mangasanji12 #1
Chapter 1: Liked the jongho andthe taoris alot¡!¡
Chapter 7: Why do I feel like Jaeseop (AJ) is the other male? xD HAHAHA :))
SleepingSwallow #3
Chapter 7: My personal favorites were

"I Told You" and "Punishments and Rewards". I liked "I Told You" enough that I have decided on writing a story in which it has to deal with a dead character who committed suicide. OTL
my personal reviews:

I Told You: It was well-written in my opinion. Good description and the showing of how Sehun feels (in his crazed mind). I kinda didn't like the fact that you started with a first-person POV then switched to a third-person POV, but of course you couldn't continue first-person cause the main character was, well, dead. Otherwise, I did like the text message Sehun sent Kai, but I didn't think mentioning that Sehun was clearly dead was worth mentioning, it's assumed already by the text (and Kai's inference) and once they get to the room they go for Luhan. I'm contradicting myself completely because I know it was a good addition to just make it "abundantly clear" that Sehun was dead. asfghjkl I like it enough that I don't know what I think. LOL

Punishments and Rewards: well OH EM GEE. I LAAAAAAAAIKEEEEEEEE. It's so horrifying to think about just waking up like that and being reduced to a ___ toy like that oh my god. I personally didn't imagine one captor. I imagined Kevin was off his ____ and so it like, data-hazing (like that white glitchy screen but in black) between Hoon and Kiseop. I could imagine like a ily-creepy/cold/lustful voice coming out of them, and because I sometimes have trouble telling their voices apart, it works better for me. I personally think it's Hoon, but I like my double-haze thing XDDDD
P.S. yes I know it's spelled "like" XDD
Telissa #4

Can't Feel My Pain : Is it weird that I want to punch Key in the face, like, right now?! HE HURT THE DINO PUPPY! Key, you are my bias but YOU DO NOT HURT A PUPPY! *rages* ....what did I just say..

Punishments and Rewards : assdsalkhfha KEVINNNNNN! My inner (_______ed) fangirl is telling me Kiseop, even though that's HIGHLY unlikely.

Idiot : LOL OMG. This one made me go "What just happened?" I just don't really get the point of this one, I'm guessing it's just random? xD

Que Sera, Sera : OH DEAR GOD I'VE ALWAYS HATED THAT SONG. I WAS LIKE " KRIS SHUT THE EFF UP. JUST STAPHHH, NOWWWW" EXO, their all idiots, a bunch of idiots who become all hot and ugh when they perform. AND XIUCHEN DAYUMMMMM <3 AND THE MOAN MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD LOL. I imagined Luhan being all diva-like and reprimanding Kris and LMAO XD
Chapter 5: screaming.
I think my favorite part was Xiumin at the end and Luhan all "that was hard to play up"
butXiuminattheendthough. e u e
Chapter 3: HOON.
Chapter 1: are you nuts. Omg write a sequel OuO
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: AWWW poor Jonghyun!! Minho is so nice...gosh that as so sweet and so sad. poor guy...
Vannyy #9
Wow o__O this is sad..