
Yes, My Lady.


C h a p t e r  2


Myungsoo was panting hard here and there.


“Yah! Palli!” Ryung said as she went into more shops, while Myungsoo suffered with almost 20 bags on his arms. He quickly followed the Young Mistress as she scanned another shop. For the nth time.


“I’ve never been slaved like this! Not even my father ordered me around! Aish. I’d be glad to find out more about the Seo Corporations! Better get this mission over fast!” he thought as he tried to balance all the bags on his arms which made him look quite goofy.


Truth to be told, she doesn’t shop much. She just wanted to play around with the new butler, and Oh, little did she know, he knew it very well. Myungsoo had made several researches even before applying so that he wouldn’t fail, and he knew, that she was playing around with him.


Ryung tried to hold back her giggle at the scene, it has been a while since she actually felt laughing, most of it was faked after all.


“Young Mistress! I think you—still have some appointment with--”


“Oooh. Hold this for me will ya? I’ll just change and you go back to the car, we’ll be going in a minute.” She smiled as she threw one last bag of clothes on him.


15 minutes later…


“She sure is taking her time, huh.” He sighed as he sat relaxing his back at the driver’s seat. Suddenly, a girl knocked through his window.


He slowly slid down the glass and saw a pretty normal girl with a white t-shirt, skinny jeans, black converse and big brown sunglasses.


“How may I help you Ma’am?” he asked politely.


“Unlock the door you moron.”


“Young Mistress?—yes!”


He unlocked the door and she sat at the back taking a look at him before dozing into a deep sleep. He can’t believe how a girl can even be prettier without make-up. ‘Girls don’t need make up at all’. He thought as he continued driving to the mansion.


He decided to take her in first without waking her up since she’ll be mad as hell when woken up. He saw the television open, a girl with big puffy cheeks was watching! Someone then came from the kitchen with popcorns.


“Yo! Ryung-ah, I just borrowed some popcorn from the fridge!” the boy said.


The one watching the television turned around.


“That’s a new face.” She tilted her head.



“May I ask who you are? What are you doing in my master--”


Ryung woke up. She quickly jumped off from his arms.


“Yah! What the hec--”


 She quickly turned around sensing 2 pair of eyes on her. She then glared at Myungsoo.


“Who told you to let them in?” she asked.


“We let ourselves in” the boy said.


“I’m sorry My Lady; would you want me to call the guards?”


“Oh. So he’s new.” The other said.


“Aish. I’ll be up in my room if anything comes up. I’m busy”


“New butler! Were Ryung’s friends so don’t worry. She’s naturally like that. I’m Ahn Sohee by the way.”


“Yo. Amber Liu here. I’m Ryung’s boyfriend so try anything funny and I’ll kill you”



Myungsoo’s brows knitted. He never knew about her having a boyfriend except for her fiancée.


“She’s joking.” Sohee said.


“She?” he unconsciously said.


“SHE.” Sohee repeated.



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Chapter 4: OMG! looks like Seohhyun is sensing some love triangle in the future!
and I'm so glad you updated.
Myungsoo is confused and even forgetting what's his mission is all about.
hmm.. fallig for her already Ice Prince?
I love his sarcasm here.
Its just so sweet and cute to see her getting all worried and caring to CHanyeol.
ha, take that Myungsoo.. Her relationship with Chanyeol is really good, I love them too!
well, Myungsoo and CHanyeol are a tie when it comes to my Ultimate bias.
I can'teven choose between the two of them.
that makes me like this story more..
and pls. make CHanyeol appear more.. XD
Chapter 2: It's really funny how she play around with Myung...Anyway,please update!
Chapter 2: I'm loving the story.. HOpe you update soon,,
CAn't wait for Chanyeol to appear..
Aigoo...These two are so cold to each other!Anyways...Please update!^^
LOL!!! Update soon! this is so cute ^^!!!!!! and you said your not a good writer.. your even greater than me!!!