
Yes, My Lady.


C h a p t e r  3


Myungsoo have attempted a few times to sneak on the young lady’s computer files, but to no luck, he had always failed.


“Aish! When can I get the sales of their company? I’m really sick of her endless whims! She made me wash a whole stack of clothes that wasn’t even hers, made me repeat my cooking for the seventh time and even asked me to go all the way to the mall just to get her a freaking bottled water! She didn’t even drink that!” Myungsoo complained on the phone to Woohyun.


Woohyun laughed on the other side, clearly enjoying the younger’s misfortune.


“That’s really unfortunate. But oh well, at least I’m the rebellious son in my family.” He laughed.


“Yah! You dare laugh at me?! When I get back you’re really dead hyung. Anyways, I need to go. Bye.” He said hanging up.


“It’s only been 3 days yet it feels like I’ve been in hell for years. Evil young mistress.” he muttered under his breath as he went up to serve her breakfast.


“Agashi, breakfast is served.”


“I want to eat ice cream. Palli.” Hae Ryung muttered on her pillows, drifting back to sleep.


Myungsoo ruffled his hair; he had enough of her tantrums.


“Aniyo. Agashi, this will be your breakfast. It’s not healthy to eat sweets in the morning.” He firmly stated.


Although he is clearly aware that he could be fired any minute.


Ryung sat up looked at him and smiled devilishly.


“You won’t buy me ice-cream?”








Ryung pouted.


“Tsk. Tsk. You’re fired.”


“You can’t fire me. Because I quit.” He smiled, making her jaw drop.


“Annyeong, Goodbye, Adios!”

Ryung gritted her teeth as he walked out.


“Kim Myungsoo. You just made the biggest mistake of your life.”



At last, Myungsoo finally got rid of her, even if he will have a lot of explaining to do later, he’s just finally glad to lose her.


He was out at the usual café, sipping his coffee and relaxing.


That was until he found the same event again. Why does she have to get taken away every single time?!


“Ignore it Myungsoo. She has a lot of bodyguards. They’ll know soon.” He kept repeating.


Until he bursted out, slamming the table and getting his car.


“You troublesome brat! How can I have a single day relaxing?! Aish! Damn it, Myungsoo, remind me to throw my conscience next time, arra?” he said to himself as he sped up.




Ryung pouted, why oh why does she have to be kidnapped every time at the same place? Especially when she already finished conniving her evil plans for Myungsoo.


“Yah! Ahjusshi! Drive faster.” She said.


The kidnappers looked at her in shock.


“Looks like the little princess has finally gone nuts!”


“Just get this over with, you filthy lowlife’s.” she muttered.


A few minutes later, they arrived at a shop and she was led to a basement. They tied her up and began making calculations. Myungsoo just arrived and immediately barged in.


“Why do you have to get kidnapped again?!” he shouted.


‘Who are you?!’


‘Get him!’


‘You punk!’


The guys launched at him as he swiftly dodged all their attacks.


“Why do you care?! You’re fired!” she shouted back, cutting the ropes with her hidden pocket knife.


“Well I’m going back to being your butler. The moment I take my eyes off you, you get into pretty messes!” he said, kicking the guy in front of him.

A guy who was thrown at the ground immediately shot up and thought of making her his hostage. Myungsoo noticed the knife and quickly tackled the man, earning a huge scratch on his arm.


“No one can touch her but me.” He fiercely said making the other cower in fear.


Ryung noticed the loud sirens.


“Seems like they already tracked me down.”


She then noticed the blood dripping from his arm.




Myungsoo looked at his arm.


‘Holy crap!’ he thought.


“Oh. This? It’s fine, it just stings a little.” He calmly said.


Ryung bit her lip, now she felt guilty for him saving her life again. She pulled out her handkerchief and gently wrapped it on his arm.


“I don’t think the cut is too deep, let’s get you treated.” She said looking everywhere but him. Myungsoo couldn’t help but smile at that.


The police then came catching the guys, while the two was sent to the hospital.


“Whether you like it or not, I’m going to be your butler.” He said while the nurse was bandaging his arm.


She looked away, totally ignoring him.


“And you’ll do everything I say.” He added.


“Yeah right. In your dreams. Just shut up and sit still, idiot.”


Chanyeol then came rushing to the Hospital.


“Ryungie! Are you hurt?! Why have you been kidnapped again?! I told you, you should have me by your side at all time!” he ranted on and on.


Ryung covered his mouth, tip toeing to reach his height.


“Shush. I’m fine, it’s not like it’s new. And, my new butler was the one who got hurt.” She explained before removing her hand away.


“Oh.” Was the only sound he made.


Myungsoo looked at him. He was far good looking than this Chanyeol. At least, that’s what he thought.

“Annyeonghaseyo. Park Chanyeol-imnida. I’m Ryungie’s fiancée. Nice to meet you. Thank you for saving her mister-?”


“Myungsoo. Kim Myungsoo. Nice to meet you too. What an unlucky husband.” He said whispering the last words, but unfortunately, was caught by her.


“Yes, Myungsoo. Thank you very much.” Chanyeol said giving a kind smile.


Before Myungsoo could reply again, he noticed the daggers being mentally sent on his whole body, making him shiver.


‘If looks could kill, I would have died a million times by now.” He thought to himself.



Annyeong! *sigh* It's been a while since I last update.

But, oh well! Here you have it! Chapter 3 of 'Yes, My Lady' :DD

what happened with all the silent subscribers? ;_;

Hehe, thank you for reading! Annyeong!


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Chapter 4: OMG! looks like Seohhyun is sensing some love triangle in the future!
and I'm so glad you updated.
Myungsoo is confused and even forgetting what's his mission is all about.
hmm.. fallig for her already Ice Prince?
I love his sarcasm here.
Its just so sweet and cute to see her getting all worried and caring to CHanyeol.
ha, take that Myungsoo.. Her relationship with Chanyeol is really good, I love them too!
well, Myungsoo and CHanyeol are a tie when it comes to my Ultimate bias.
I can'teven choose between the two of them.
that makes me like this story more..
and pls. make CHanyeol appear more.. XD
Chapter 2: It's really funny how she play around with Myung...Anyway,please update!
Chapter 2: I'm loving the story.. HOpe you update soon,,
CAn't wait for Chanyeol to appear..
Aigoo...These two are so cold to each other!Anyways...Please update!^^
LOL!!! Update soon! this is so cute ^^!!!!!! and you said your not a good writer.. your even greater than me!!!