Starting point

Yes, My Lady.


C h a p t e r  4


“How did I let you drag me here?” Ryung groaned as Myungsoo pulled a seat for her at a table near a stall.


“Well we fought and made a bet.” He grinned.


“Aish. I shouldn’t have made a bet with you. Wipe that grin off of your face.” She made a face at him.


“Yes, My Lady.” He grinned again.


Ryung dropped her head on the table.


“You’re annoying and I can’t take it anymoooooree!” she said banging her head on the table.


“Young Mistress, you might get crazy if you keep doing that.” He smiled placing his hand on the table to cushion her head.


“I’ll order just one food and let you taste it. If you don’t like it, then you win, but if you like it, I win. No cheating My Lady.”


“I’m not a liar you bird brain.”


“But My Lady, does a bird have the intelligence like mine? And as handsome as I am?”


Ryung pretended to choke.


“Water My Lady?”


Ryung’s eyes twitched. He is really testing her patience with that sarcasm of his. Suddenly her phone ringed,


“Yes Unni? Chanyeol? Huh? What- your line is breaking, I can’t hear you--” the other line hanged up.


“Well that was weird.” She shrugged.


Myungsoo came back with a plate on his hand.


“The most delicious tukkboki I’ve ever tasted!” he proudly presented.


“So this is what the likes of you, eat?” she raise an eyebrow.


Myungsoo faked hurt as he put a hand on his chest.


“Likes of me My Lady?”


“Aish. Stop that sarcasm of yours. You’re really starting to get on my nerves Kim Myungsoo.”

“Just Myungsoo is enough.” He chuckled.




“Eat, My Lady.” He offered.


Ryung took a small bite. Myungsoo fidgeted on his seat, if she doesn’t like the food, then he will be her punching bag. However if she likes the food, she’ll grant him one wish.


Ryung stopped for a moment. She looked at Myungsoo, wiped her lips and stared at him.


“Okaaaay. So it isn’t that bad.” She said in a soft voice.


“Jinjja?! For real?!” he jumped from his seat.


Ryung just nodded rolling her eyes.


“Let’s go try some more! You’ll like it My Lady!” he said dragging her out.


She couldn’t believe the enthusiasm he’s showing, most of the guys around her acts composed (Chanyeol’s an exception) after all.


And so, they spent the whole day together eating random foods and laughing, making it harder for Myungsoo to understand his own feelings even more.


At the park…


“Soooo?” Myungsoo said happily.


“It’s fine. I guess.” She said swinging from the kiddie swing back and forth.


Her phone suddenly ringed again.


“Hm? Yoboseyo? Seohyun Unni? … What?! Chanyeollie?! I’ll be right there right away.” Ryung said as she abruptly stood up.


Myungsoo looked puzzled; he never knew she could worry like this.


“L-let’s go to the hospital. Chanyeol’s been in an accident.” She stuttered trying to keep calm as possible.


Myungsoo led her back to the car and drove to the hospital.


When they arrived…


“How is he? Is he okay?” Ryung asked Seohyun as she fidgeted nervously.


“The Doctors said he’ll be fine. Just some minor injuries and, a broken arm maybe?”


“What? Aish! That big idiot! Why was he even participating in that stupid game?! Horse racing?! Seriously? He couldn’t even walk without tripping!” she angrily said as she bursted through his room.


“Oh, hey Ryungie~” he sang.


Ryung approached him angrily pinching both his cheeks.


“Ow-ow-ow!” he cried.


“What the hell were you thinking?!”


“Well they were the one who started it first!” he reasoned.


“Those guys were saying bad things about the Seo Corporations.” Seohyun spilled making Chanyeol’s eyes wide open.


Ryung smacked his head.


“So that’s it?! You big idiot, look at you right now.”


Chanyeol tilted his head.


“I’m completely fine~” he tried to dance with his other arm, but failing miserably.


“Ooowww.” He whimpered.


Ryung softened; he was doing it for her, for the company. She ruffled his hair unconsciously.


“Next time, call me arrasso? I’m going to beat the living hell out of those guys.” She said.


Chanyeol saluted with his left hand.


“Sir, yes sir! And, anyways, I know you will take care of me Ryungie~” he grinned.


Myungsoo couldn’t help but sigh at the sight. She cared for him like that.


‘What the hell am I thinking?! Aish! Stop it Myungsoo! Think about the mission! The mission…’ he shook his head, while Seohyun watch him get frustrated.


‘Seems like my dongsaeng got some little decision to do in the future.’ She thought.



Here I am again with a new update!

I reaaaaaaaallly hope you like it !! :DD

I'll try to make Chanyeol appear more!  :))



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Chapter 4: OMG! looks like Seohhyun is sensing some love triangle in the future!
and I'm so glad you updated.
Myungsoo is confused and even forgetting what's his mission is all about.
hmm.. fallig for her already Ice Prince?
I love his sarcasm here.
Its just so sweet and cute to see her getting all worried and caring to CHanyeol.
ha, take that Myungsoo.. Her relationship with Chanyeol is really good, I love them too!
well, Myungsoo and CHanyeol are a tie when it comes to my Ultimate bias.
I can'teven choose between the two of them.
that makes me like this story more..
and pls. make CHanyeol appear more.. XD
Chapter 2: It's really funny how she play around with Myung...Anyway,please update!
Chapter 2: I'm loving the story.. HOpe you update soon,,
CAn't wait for Chanyeol to appear..
Aigoo...These two are so cold to each other!Anyways...Please update!^^
LOL!!! Update soon! this is so cute ^^!!!!!! and you said your not a good writer.. your even greater than me!!!