Hired or Fired?

Yes, My Lady.


C h a p t e r   1


She got up from her bed, checked her schedules for the day and went straight to the Company. Yesterday was a disaster...


"Hmm. My Princess is a beauty, huh?" Myungsoo said looking at Seohyun during the interview.

Seohyun quickly waved her hand.

"A-ani. She's your princess" Seohyun said pointing at Hae Ryung beside her.

"E-eh?! -- I mean-- aah!" he said almost face palming himself at the mistake.

Hae Ryung glared at him. Moments later, she stood up.

"I don't need a butler. I can manage myself" she said as she headed outside.

"R-ryung ah! Wait! Thank you for applying. I'm sorry but it seems you're not accepted Mr. Kim" she said as she bowed and went to chase after Hae Ryung.


Upon arriving, the staffs bowed and greeted the young lady.

"Young Mistress, your father is waiting at your office" her secretary bowed as she took a nod of recognition.

"Today will be a busy day, don't you think so?" she said.

The secretary just smiled at her and opened the door for her.

"Good Morning, Mr. Seo"

The man in the chair turned around.

"Late as always, anyway take a seat" he gestured for her to seat.

"You know I don't like waking up in the morning Appa." she sighed.

The man chuckled brightening up his wrinkled face.

“Well, do you expect to wake up at night?" he joked.

He then stood up from his seat and looked through the huge glass window.

"There's a spy in the company."

Hae Ryung leaned on her chair and took a deep breath.

"Do you have any suspicion?"

"Not yet."

"Appa, you can't trust everyone."

The old man sighed and looked at her.

"When did my sweet daughter learned all these? Have I really failed being a father?"

"You weren't. I did this to myself. After all, you said that we needed to stand up for ourselves. Don't worry; I'll take care of the spy."

The president's secretary knocked in.

"Mr. President, It's time"

Mr. Seo patted her daughter's head.

"Take care of yourself. I know you won't fail me. You're my daughter" he said as he walked outside the room.

After watching her father walk out, she sat on her chair and called on to her secretary.

"Get my car ready, I'm going out."

Her cell phone beeped, she saw her cousin's name appearing on the caller ID.


"Hae Ryung-ah! Won't you consider Kim Myungsoo as your butler? He's very capable at protecting you! And- he doesn't look like the type of guy who is--"

"Unni! We've talked about this. I'm on my way to your house. There's a job for me from Appa. I'll see you there, arasso?"

"Alright. We'll talk later so palli!"

She chuckled hanging up. As soon as she arrived inside of her car, a couple of men got inside of her car too. Her driver flinched but the man pulled out a gun and pointed it at his side.

"Drive" he said.

There were two more men on each side of her.

"Who are you?" she calmly said.

"Isn't it obvious? Were kidnappers!" the man on her right said.

"Do I look like a kid to you?" she snorted back.

Meanwhile, Myungsoo who was having his breakfast at the cafe in front of their company saw the whole incident. He quickly stuffed bread in his mouth and grabbed his keys.

"What a troublesome Young Lady" he muttered as he sped his car to catch up with them.

The guys laughed as they chatted on their victory. Hae Ryung crossed her legs and sat calmly. Being kidnapped a bunch of times, this isn’t something new. ‘Another bunch of idiots’ she thought as she crossed her arms.

They were led to an abandoned warehouse on the Far East of the city near the docks.

The driver was tied and was led inside first.

“And here I thought everything was going to mess up!” one of the men laughed.

“So pretty little miss, I can’t help but wonder why you were so quiet during the ride? Heh? Cat got your tongue?” one of the men said leaning in.

Automatically, her hand slapped him hard.

“Maybe you’re not as dumb as I thought. Stay away from me you old creep. I let you kidnap me since I’ll just waste my energy struggling.” She said with a tone of pride.

The man got angry and was ready to slap her, when Myungsoo threw a rock at his back. The man looked the opposite way angrily.

“Yah! Who the hell are you?!”

The other two men started surrounding him.

“The Knight in shining armor of the Young Mistress~” he smiled as he took a silly bow.

Hae Ryung raised an eyebrow up; she crossed her arms as she found the scene amusing. Myungsoo gave off an atmosphere that everything will be alright. She can’t help but wonder if this guy really is just a simple cocky guy?

The two men launched an attack; Myungsoo grabbed one’s fist and twisted it to his back. He then kicked the other; sending him in the air. The last man brought out his gun.

Myungsoo immediately raised his hands up in the air, but, with a smirk?

He pointed at the man’s back and-


He was knocked out with a flying kick by the young lady. Myungsoo then untied the driver’s hands.

“Not bad for the Young Mistress” he said.

“How did you know I was here?” she glared at him.

“What? You think I ordered these guys? Oh please, if I did then I’d hire someone who can do better. Anyways I followed your car, I saw the incident earlier”

“So you were stalking me?”

“What?! Oh—I mean, yes. I was worried for your safety young mistress.”

“You know the tone you use when speaking is like those who are my level: full of pride and arrogance. I admit it myself though”

“Well young mistress, my father taught me that you won’t survive if you don’t have any self-esteem.” He grinned foolishly.

He might get find out sooner than expected if his mouth keeps talking. Myungsoo self-noted to talk fewer. This mistake would erase his bad first impression on the girl; it might be good to use this opportunity to get his mission started.

“So-uhh? No ‘thank you’?”

“First of all, I don’t trust you. Second, I could have handled this by myself. And third, I hate you. I might have clearly shown you this the first time we met.”

Myungsoo scratched the back of his head. Seems like everything he says has a counter attack. This might be harder than what he had expected.

“But, since you look like a good bodyguard, I’ll hire you. 1 week to prove you’re a good butler. If not, then you know what happens.”

Oops. Scratch that. Everything is still going the right way. He his bottom lip. Piece of cake.

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Chapter 4: OMG! looks like Seohhyun is sensing some love triangle in the future!
and I'm so glad you updated.
Myungsoo is confused and even forgetting what's his mission is all about.
hmm.. fallig for her already Ice Prince?
I love his sarcasm here.
Its just so sweet and cute to see her getting all worried and caring to CHanyeol.
ha, take that Myungsoo.. Her relationship with Chanyeol is really good, I love them too!
well, Myungsoo and CHanyeol are a tie when it comes to my Ultimate bias.
I can'teven choose between the two of them.
that makes me like this story more..
and pls. make CHanyeol appear more.. XD
Chapter 2: It's really funny how she play around with Myung...Anyway,please update!
Chapter 2: I'm loving the story.. HOpe you update soon,,
CAn't wait for Chanyeol to appear..
Aigoo...These two are so cold to each other!Anyways...Please update!^^
LOL!!! Update soon! this is so cute ^^!!!!!! and you said your not a good writer.. your even greater than me!!!