
It's A Love/Hate Relationship

I didn’t know how long I had been there, crying all alone in the dark park. Although it was a warm summer day, I was cold; cold and alone.

My tears had long since dried but I couldn’t bring myself to get up. What was the point? I didn’t feel the need to do anything anymore. Where was my motivation supposed to be?

“You really are a cry baby.” I didn’t respond as he sat down on the grass beside me. “Come here.”

He pulled me into his lap and I leaned my head against his chest.

“Why are you here?” I asked him.

“I don’t even know. Luhan called me and told me to come here as soon as possible.”

I chuckled bitterly. Luhan sent Jongin after me. Luhan my boyfr-...ex-boyfriend, the one who just took my heart and tore it into pieces, sent the one person who I single-handedly crushed the heart of, to console me.

“What’s so funny?” Jongin asked me.

“Nothing. It’s just so ironic.” I mumbled.

“What’s ironic?” I shook my head and forced a smile up at him to ease his confusion and worry.

“Nothing Jongin.” I put my head on his chest and relaxed. He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into an all too familiar position.

“Aren’t you going to ask me what’s wrong?”

“I told you this once, and I’ll tell it to you again. I won’t force you to tell me. You will when you want too.”

“What makes you think that I will?” I asked him.

He shrugged. “Fine, I guess if there’s nothing wrong, I’ll be going.” He began shaking me off of him but I held on, snuggling myself closer.

“He broke up with me.” I mumbled into his chest. He automatically stopped and pulled me close to him again.

“Are you okay?”

“Well....I can’t say I’m feeling the best. I’m tired from crying and I’ll probably feel worse tomorrow but...I think I’m feeling better.”

“Now that I’m here.”

I glared at him. He smirked at me.

I pouted. He smirked even more and then suddenly, he leaned down and kissed me. I gasped and pushed him away.

“What are you doing?”

“Well, you’re single now, so it should be fine right?”

I glared at him. “No! It’s not okay!”

He smiled and ruffled my hair, making me utterly confused. “See, that’s the Yoonae I know.”

I screamed slightly as he picked me up well above the ground and started walking away from the park.

“YAH! Put me down!” I yelled, earning a few stares from passerbys on the street.

“Don’t mind her. She ran away from home, I’m just bringing her back.” Jongin said as he continued walking. I continued struggling in his arms.

“If you keep squirming, I’ll drop you.” He threatened, dropping his arms slightly only to make me cling onto his neck in response.

“Don’t you dare.” I glared at him.

“It’s okay, I know you love me Yoonae, but you don’t need to cling onto me so much. I won’t leave you here or anything.” He continued, ignoring my remark.

“I hate you.”

“Love you too babe.”

I grumbled and gave up on him, instead, I just let him walk me home. Somewhere along the way, I had fallen asleep in his arms.

“YOU KNOW THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG. I KNOW THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG. YOU’RE JUST NOT TELLING ME.” I shouted at him. I sobbed a bit more before I was able to speak again. “Please just-”

“Yoonae, let’s break up.”

I froze, my eyes widening as I tried to understand what he had just said.

“Yoonae?” He called to me when I didn’t respond. “Yoonae, breathe.”

I didn’t know when it started but I began hyperventilating.

“Yoonae.” Luhan’s voice commanded. “Breathe, please.”

“W-Why?” I gasped. “Why are we b-breaking up?”

“Because I can’t do it anymore and you can’t do it anymore.”

“Do what?” I demanded. “Luhan I swear, if it’s about Jongin, I’ll stop. I’ll stay away from him. I won’t even talk to him anymore. I’ll quit my job. Just don’t leave me. Please Luhan, don’t leave me.”

“Yoonae, it’s not about-”

“Then what is it? Long distance? I’ll move there with you, I’ll follow you wherever you go.”

“That’s not-”

I couldn’t even see anymore as my tears continued falling, blinding me completely.

“Then why? Luhan, I don’t want to. I don’t want to let you go. You promised me. You said you would never let me go.” I grabbed his hand as he stood up. “Don’t leave me, you promised me you wouldn’t.”

“I lied.”

“Luhan...please don’t leave me. Don’t go. LUHAN!” I shot up in my bed, sweat rolling down my forehead, tears having already stained my face.

“Shhh, it’s okay. Don’t cry.” I relaxed as I felt a pair of arms wound around me, a soothing voice by my ear. He my hair as I continued to cry.

“You’re still here?”

“Shhh. Don’t cry.” He repeated again. “Of course I’m still here. I promised to be there for you no matter what right?”

“B-but, everyone leaves me. My mom left, Luhan left-”

“And I won’t leave. I promised you already, no matter what, I will always be by your side.”

“Don’t promise me anything Jongin.”

He paused for a while but didn’t question me.


“Yes?” He asked.

“Can you stay with me for the night?” He kissed my head.

“Anything for you.”

With that, I laid back on my bed, snuggling into his chest, before falling asleep for the night.


I woke up the next morning to the natural warmth of the sun shining through my window. It took me a while to remember what happened last night, and when I did, my heart dropped again.

Everything came back to me in flashes. The date, the fight, the break up, all felt like a dream. I felt tears pricking my eyes again as I realized it wasn’t a dream or any type of illusion for that matter, it really happened.

“Jongin.” My eyes widened as I frantically searched around me. Where did he go? The bed was empty around me and he was nowhere to be found in my room. I checked the nightstand in case he left a note or something but there was nothing.

I got out of bed, stumbling over my own feet a few times as I desperately made my way to the door. I ran around the house, checking the bathroom, guest room, living room, my vision highly impaired by the tears that were now cascading down my face. Honestly, I was so tired of crying but I just couldn’t stop.

I was just about to resign myself to my own misery when suddenly, something hit the sink in my kitchen. I shot up at the sound and began running again. When I rounded the corner to my kitchen and saw his figure there, I quickly wrapped my arms around him, not caring what he was doing at the moment.

“Oh! Yoonae, you’re up.”

I ignored his surprised greeting and clutched onto his shirt as I buried myself against his back.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, dropping everything to look at me. He turned around and I immediately began sobbing in his chest.

“I...I t-thought y-you left.” I stuttered.

“I said I wouldn’t leave, just trust me alright?” He sighed and pulled me away from him, tilting my chin up to meet his eyes. “Believe me when I say this Yoonae, I won’t leave you. Now go wash up and eat breakfast alright? It’s one of those rare occasions when I cooked so you better finish it all.”

I nodded. He kissed me on the forehead before letting me go. I quickly went through my morning routine and made my way back into the living room. For some reason, I half expected him to be gone when I got back.

He smiled at me despite my obviously hideous look from crying too much and having bloodshot and swollen eyes.

“Come, I made bacon and eggs.” I sat beside him and he reached over to feed me. I stared skeptically at the food for a while before I gave in.

“Not bad.” I told him after I swallowed.

He seemed surprised. “Really? I never usually cook but I did call up Kyungsoo-hyung to teach me over the phone this morning.”

I forced a small smile at him. “Yeah, it’s good.’s edible.”

He frowned. “You said it’s good.”

“It is good! It’s better than I can ever do so don’t worry.” I took another bite myself and smiled. “See? It’s good.”

He rolled his eyes and tried it himself. He automatically spit it back out too. “What are you talking about? This is horrible!”

He reached for my plate but I pulled it away from him. “Don’t take my breakfast away!”

“You can’t eat that! You’re going to get a stomach ache or something!” He insisted, reaching for the plate again.

I glared at him and turned around, stuffing the rest of the food into my mouth.

“Yah!” I heard him protesting, but I chewed and swallowed it all anyways.

“Too late.” I told him. “Hurry up and finish your portion, we have to go to work soon.”

“I’m not going to-”

“If you don’t finish it, I will.” He glared at me before turning back to the edible, but extremely tasteless and textureless food.

I smiled slightly before going off to my room to change and prepare for the long day ahead of me. Before I left, I made sure to grab a pair of sunglasses and put them on, the last thing I needed was an interrogation from the rest of the members.

“You ready?” He asked me. I threw him some of his spare clothes that I kept for the members in case of emergencies.

“Change. The neighbours are going to suspect something if you don’t.” He let out a reluctant huff before changing in my room.

As I waited for him in the changing room, the reality of things started to hit me. I had to work today which meant I had to face the other members, which meant Luhan will surely be there. I felt myself on the verge of tears again but I willed them away. I could no longer call him mine anymore. Anyone could have him now...just not me.


When we arrived on set, we were automatically rampaged by a bunch of members. They surrounded the two of us, instantly throwing questions in record time.

“What happened?”

“Are you alright?”

“Do you need a day off?”

“Did Jongin hurt you?” It was then that I heard Jongin scoff from behind me.

“I wasn’t the one that hurt her.” Before he could say anymore to the very confused members, I pushed him off to get changed since we were already late to the shoot.

I excused myself from the rest of the members and set myself to work on various tasks. It was about 10 minutes later, when one of the managers asked me if Jongin was ready for the shoot yet that I realized I hadn’t even touched his makeup or hair. In fact, I hadn’t seen him since I sent him to change.

Worriedly, I looked around the changing tents, finding no one there. I searched around where the other members were, all of them giving me negative replies when I asked them if they knew where he was. As I was about to enter the school to check if he had gone to the bathroom, I heard some shouting from around the corner.

“No...this isn’t happening.” I thought to myself as I recognized the voices immediately.

I ran to where the commotion was, and there stood my ex-boyfriend and bestfriend going at each other.

“WHO THE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” Jongin screamed as he lunged towards Luhan. Luhan didn’t say anything and just held still as Jongin grabbed his collar.

“What gives you the ing right to do that to her? Do you have any idea what she was like yesterday when I found her? Do you know how long it took me to stop her from crying? She shouldn’t even need to cry over a jerk like you. You aren’t even worth it!”

“WHY THE HELL DO YOU CARE?” Luhan shouted back, still not making the slightest move to put up a fight against the younger male.

“Excuse me?” Jongin exclaimed incredulously.

“You have no right to tell me what I can or can’t do especially in mine and Yoonae’s relationship. It has nothing to do with you!”

“It has a lot to do with me!”

“Really?! Are you the one that she’s dating?!” My eyes widened as I heard the words come out of Luhan’s mouth. He shouldn’t be saying that...

I turned to study Jongin’s expression, he looked furious. Suddenly something in his eyes snapped. Before I was able to comprehend what had happened, Luhan was on the ground, a hand wiping off the corner of his lip where blood had seeped out from.

Jongin grabbed him again and pulled him off the ground, sending another punch to Luhan across the face. I gasped when Luhan fell over, spitting out a bit of blood.

Jongin started approaching him again, but Luhan made no move to get up. Why wasn’t he fighting back? My eyes widened again as Jongin prepared for another attack. I ran over and pulled him back, wrapping my arms around his upper arms.

“Yoonae what the hell?!” Jongin screamed as he flailed and tried to get free. “Let me go at him!”


Everything seemed to stop then. Jongin went limp, Luhan looked up at me with confused eyes.

“Just stop it. What’s done is done.” I turned Jongin around to face me. “Stop. You know better than this. You shouldn’t have punched him.”

“WHAT?!” He growled furiously. “You’ve got to be kidding me! After what he did to you.”

“JONGIN!” He stopped again. “You two are both celebrities. You are adults, not children. You know better.”

My felt myself soften as he lowered his head in guilt. “Thank you though, go back to the shoot okay? Tell the other coordi to do your makeup, we’re already running late.”

“But I want you to-”

“I need to help Luhan.” I eyed the other and realized his cheek was already swelling up, a small gash was visible by his lower lip.

“Yoonae-” I gave Jongin a look and he sighed before getting up to leave.

I turned to the other and went over to him. I held my hand out for him to take but he ignored it and stood up on his own. I sighed and led him to one of the further makeup tents where I could tend to his injury in private.

I opened the first aid kit and cracked open the one-use icepack for him, commanding him to place it to his cheek immediately before it got any worse. Afterwards, I put a layer of the liquid, invisible bandaid over his cut on his lip.

I searched for the foundation and began applying it over his face. Usually, it was unnecessary for him but with the swollen cheek and possible bruise, it was the only way to cover it up for now.

I worked in silence, trying to even out everything and pretend as if nothing was wrong in the first place. He simply closed his eyes, not even bothering to say a single word.

After what seemed like hours, I declared it finished. It was the best I could do. Hopefully, they could get the filming finished before his cheek really flared up.

“Idiot, why didn’t stick up for yourself?” I mumbled, not expecting an answer.

“Thank you.” He said before he walked away. I held onto his wrist, effectively stopping him in his tracks.

“Luhan...why are we breaking up?” I asked him, my voice wavering.

“I don’t want to talk about this right now.” He said coldly.

“Tell me, please, I just need to know.”

“I grew out of it okay?”

“What?” I asked him in utter confusion.

“It didn’t feel the same after a while. Yoonae, I’m sorry, I never loved you. I mean, I liked you but I can’t do this.”

I just stood there, stunned as he continued to break my heart.

“I thought I liked you. I just wanted to try it out. It was fun you know? Always having someone to cater after you. Someone to kiss and hug when you felt like it. It was nice to have someone to open up to when you have to hide your private life from the rest of the world.”

“You’re lying.” I whispered.

He turned to face me, his once warm, loving gaze turning into a lifeless, sinister, cold glare.

“I don’t love you Yoonae, I never did. I mean come on, we met for like one time before I asked you out. Don’t you think that’s suspicious?”


“But what Yoonae? It’s called infatuation. I’m sure you’ve experienced it before. Don’t worry though, you’ll move on.” He leaned in and whispered into my ear. “You’ll move on and find someone better.”

“But I don’t want someone better-”

“Stop it.” He said. “Stop acting like a child and deal with it. I’m sick and tired of your whiny behaviour. You’re no longer a five year old. Grow up and deal with it. I’m not your parent Yoonae. It’s not my job to look over you.”

I flinched when he said that. He was right, he wasn’t my parent, no one was...not anymore. I have to stop relying on people. But I can’t just...

“It’s over Yoonae. We’re over.”

My grip completely dropped from him as he pulled away and walked out of my sight.

It’s over.



A/N: Hiiiiiiiiiiii everyone!

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter (and enjoyed Luhan being a total jerk and Jongin finally being the good guy.)

It's the first day of winter holidays for me...well now in the evening it is anyways, and in case I don't update within the next few days, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Also, many congrats to EXO and Kai baby. It's exactly a year since they released the first trailer; their first step towards their debut (and also my first time watching trailer 1 today... xD I wasn't kidding when I said in the first two chapters of the fanfic that I couldn't stand Kai and his ridiculous teasers. To this day, I still haven't watched all of them. Just the good ones: Baby Don't Cry, Two Moons, Time Control (for Luhan), and Chanyeol's (to write the story), and the one with Sehun and Kai back to back? The dumb jacket one gosh.)

Thanks for all the subs, comments, and readers. You guys are amazing and really motivate me to write more often.

-Ryeowook, Sungmin, Taemin, Kai, Luhan , Chen , Youngmin, Kwangmin, Sehun and Baekhyun's Wifey!

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Might or might not be plotting a to do, what to do?


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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 43: Ugh, Luhan your such a . I don't know what year this takes place exactly but why was do I feel Luhan is doing this cuz he's leaving? I'm sorry I skipped chapters so I don't know
coolestgirl #2
Chapter 15: It all happened so fast and I'm not "no! I'm not ready yet why!"
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 50: Whoaaaa indeed this is amazing. ..
Chapter 54: I love the idea of your and actually thats what I felt towards kai when he made his first appearance. why this boy received so many attention? his smirk.. dance.. people love everything about him. he's receiving too much attention tham the other members. heck.. half of their teaser are his. but then, as the time flies, I realize that uri jonginie is just a cute maknae that cant be resist by anyone. he's such a cutie! well thats why I subscribed this story at the first place. hahaha.. anyway, this story is jinja daebak! as much as I love kaiyoon couple, I also ship luyoon and baekyoon. teeheee. thanks for this amazing story! (:

*jump to the sequel
Chapter 53: it was amazing!!can't wait to read the sequel!fighting author-nim ^^
zyierra #6
Chapter 50: Kyaa...It was awesome...It has interesting plot and easy to understand...I like ur writing skil:) This story is daebak..Love the ending<3
exo_loving_derp4 #7
Chapter 50: reread this and i still understand why i love it, it's such a fun and easy read and easily hooks you on, especially with the different plot twists. one of the first few stories that i've stayed up til 2 in the morning reading :D
btw, i hope you don't mind me asking, but where did you get the picture of the girl on the story's poster? i feel like i've seen her before but i'm not sure what her name is or if she's an ulzzang :O
Oh my, it took me 3 days to finish this and was it worth it , yes, it was soooo good. Can't wait to read your next story ,if your going to write one.
foreverjonginjinri #9
Chapter 53: When I found this story, I never thought it would turn out to be AWESOME.. Omg, u're really successed to make me so into this story because of ur unpredictable plot seriously:'D and I'm glad to see the sequel because I hadn't get enough moment of those two xP
Chapter 47: i don't know why but i'm crying. what's wrong with me?!!