Almighty Date!

전능하신 선생님 - Almighty Teacher!


Jonghyun's eyes trailed across the teacher's bright face. He had mumbled and complained about the possibility of a heart attack as they both strutted out of campus, but seemed perfectly content now, stretching his limbs out across the table as they waited for their drinks.
"That's cute" Jonghyung half mumbled into the hand he rested his chin on as he realized how cat-like the younger was-- especially when yawning and stretching like a child.
Key was taken aback by the sudden comment  cheeks unexpectedly heating up as he fumbled across his mind for a reply to his cheeky student's comment.
"Thanks" He mumbled "For buying the drinks, that is, not for calling me cute or anything because that would be weird" he added quickly laughing nervously while refusing the urge  to facepalm himself for acting like a hormonal teenager on a date.
Jonghyun nodded setting both hands on the table as he smirked at the teacher, "It kind of feels like a date, huh?" he questioned a wider grin spreading across his face as he sees the blonde gape before fidgeting nervously in front of him.
Key puffed up his now pink tinted cheeks annoyed at the boy's constant taunts.
"Go get the drinks" he commanded with a subconscious pout that made Jonghyun more than happy to comply, getting up and making his way  to the counter to collect the two cups.
The teacher pouted towards the boy's back  wondering  why the hell he was the way he was. Even though most people wouldn't expect it due to his snappiness, Key considered himself a  shy person when it came to romance and even though he was aware Jonghyun was merely  joking it still embarrassed him to be  spoken to like that. Which was odd, because dispute the childish rumor that always surrounded him since puberty barley slapped him on the wrist, he was not gay and he knew Jonghyun, based on reputation, was as straight as an arrow.
He snapped away from his thoughts once Jonghyun returned to his seat sliding Key's caramel  cappuccino towards him as he happily sipped on his own- the only difference was the whipped cream overly coating the elders.
Key raised an eyebrow at his choice giggling when Jonghyun sets his drink down, whipped cream coating just above his upper lip. 
"What?" Jonghyun questions tilting his head slightly
The younger smiles finding his obliviousness kind of... enduring and his whip creamed face hilarious. Key leans over the wooden table out of mercy and slides the cream off with his thumb, automatically regretting his decision to do so as he sees Jonghyun's smirk return once he plonks back into his seat.
He grumbled internally once he saw the older's eyes trained on him as he wiped the whipped cream- that he  really wanted to taste- off on the napkin, in fear of it being too suggestive if he had it off  his thumb and knowing it was what Jonghyun wanted if not planned to happen.
"Why are you  so cautious around me?" The older asks 
"I'm not"  the younger answered only receiving a dissatisfied shrug from the student.
"Here, you wanna try?" Jonghyun  suddenly perks up again pointing towards the white foam.
Key nodded enthusiastically, the advertisement on the boards propagated their new improved cream, but he was spectacle about ordering it, not wanting to ruin his regular order. Jonghyun on the other hand, ordered it as soon as he saw the word "new". Key expected that from someone like him, he really did.
Jonghyun swiped the smooth cream onto his index finger and bluntly extended it to the younger boy across from him expectantly.
Key stiffened, "Y-you don't expect me to...?"
"Mhm" was the simple reply that made Key roll his eyes and return his attention to his own drink.
"Come'on" Jonghyun pouted "Just try it, you'll like it" he urged
"That's not the problem here though is it?" the teacher chuckled finding the Problem Child's antics more and more amusing.
Jonghyun pouted and rolled his eyes not expecting Key to be so touchy, or well, untouchy. 

"Fine" Key scoffs closing his mouth over the older's finger just as he was about to give up on feeding the boy. 
Jonghyun's eyes widened at the sudden action as Key's hot tongue quickly slid over the pad of his finger before detaching his mouth completely. He started at the boy for a while, who was now complacently nodding his approval at the new recipe. He scoffed realizing the slow turmoil that circled his lower lungs and the warmth seeping up to his cheeks.
"You're such a , Bummie" He joked as a smile, that he noticed kept returning around the boy, graced his features once Key riled up and started nagging at him in faux-offense.
The more time they spent in the cozy cafe the more he wondered how could the brat could ever have cause the heartless him to blush, but he liked it. Every smile he gained from the grumpy younger made him perk up instantaneously making him glad to have chosen to try to befriend him.




Minho squinted and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating when the baby Tae bursts through his dorm door chucking his duffel bag onto Jonghyun's still empty bag before turning to him.
"I'm staying here for a while" he huffs 
Minho shrugs shuffling his way back to bed before remembering an important question.
"Why's that?" he mumbles sleepily nearly throwing his clock out the window as he notices the glowing red figures mocking his tiredness with the numbers 1:46.
"I can't stand Onew-Hyung right now" he sighs feeling bad for leaving the older "I know he's practically guided me through my first year, but I'm not a child, I want to enjoy my time here! I want to get drunk, I want to get high" Taemin continues excitedly sitting down on Minho's bed as the older shuffles up "Go out of the room past curfew! Oh, that'd be wonderful wouldn't it? And ! I want to have !" he announces making Minho's eyes widen and eliminating his sleepiness with just the last five words.


A/N: Oh, Minnie, how you surprise us so. No 2min spam, sorry. I'm in college and paranoid enough about posting this. Sob. Sorry for the late update, I just got back to college and got my tongue peirced. And though the latter doesn't seem relevant it is! I'm grounded, you see. Hooray!
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Chapter 14: Heyyyyyy! First of all, grrreat job you've done here :"). Can you please recommend to me other fics which have this theme of TeacherXstudent? It's alright as long as the pair belong to SHINee. Please help me out
Chapter 18: I effing love this. :")
Chapter 18: I effing love this. :")
magicbananas #4
Chapter 20: I literally just re-read this whole fic until 3 am O.O
I don't know if I already said it the first time I read this, but I really love it! \(*0*)/
It's perfect~ <3<3<3
Chapter 20: hey~ I have re-read this story some time ago but didn't have a time so I'm here now to tell you that I liked it :) it's really good, you did great job~ thanks a lot for writing and sharing this with us^^
Chapter 20: Oh my goodness this story was sooooo cute and oh my gosh I loved it so much! It's been a long time since I've found a well written and well developed 2min or Jongkey fic and I just absolutely love them, so when I found this fic, I was like fangirl squealing! Good job and please keep writing! ^_^
eskulapka #7
Chapter 4: I like your writing and the characters are really cute, but it seems a bit unrealistic to me. I don't get the characters motivations from this story, so I can't really get into it. I'm sorry but I'm not going to finish reading this fix.
Chapter 20: I love this story. **
It's very funny and cute and sfvdcbgh
It's written well too.
You did a great job!! :D
Milielitre #9
Chapter 20: It was awesome from the first word to the last =)
lola8601 #10
Chapter 20: Loved it!!!!!!