Day 5

One Week To Know You, One Week To Love You


Day 5
" Oppa..." you whispered. Minhyuk stirred in his sleep before opening his eyes and looking at you.
" Should I go?" you asked.
" Go where?" Minhyuk sat up straight and looked at you with his serious expression. You chuckled at his messy hair.
" Hospital. I believe this fainting thing would keep going on. What if I'm really sick?" you sighed.
" You don't need to see a doctor, I can help you see what's wrong." Minhyuk smirked.
You lightly wacked Minhyuk on his arms and said, " Yeah right."
" You know what major I'm in right?" Minhyuk asked.
" Same major as me. Who doesn't know that..." you gave him an annoyed look.
" We don't need to waste money and time going to the hospital when there's two reliable doctors to be here." Minhyuk smiled.
" Reliable? I think I'm the reliable one." you scoffed.
" If you are reliable, must as well check me. I am not feeling well." Minhyuk smirk.
" Didn't you say you were reliable? Go check yourself." you pouted.
" Do you want me to kiss you or what? Pouting just makes me feel like kissing you." Minhyuk joked.
" Idiot. Come on, at least don't make me stay at home." you begged.
" Anywhere but the hospital." Minhyuk ordered.
" I don't get why you are stopping me. It's just going to the hospital for a normal checkup." you crossed your arms and sat up.
" It's a waste of time and money. You know we don't have much time together." Minhyuk sighed as he ruffled your long wavy hair.
You pouted again before stopping Minhyuk from messing your hair futher.
" Then can we go out pleasssseee?" you begged.
" Araso. To where?" Minhyuk asked.
You hesistated but smiled mischieviously, " Follow me and you'll know. Quick!" 
" This is..." Minhyuk looked at the rink, stunned.
" Let's skate!!! I have been skating since I was 7, wanna compete?" you chuckled at your confidence.
" We could do something else you know." Minhyuk lightly nudged your hand.
" Come on!! Don't chicken out!" you poked Minhyuk's cheeks as you pushed him towards the counter.
" 2 adult package. This guy is paying." you stuck out your tongue at Minhyuk who was still stunned and walked towards the skates rental without him.
" You sure?" Minhyuk asked as you two started to put on your skates. In a jiffy, you got your skates on. As for Minhyuk, he was still having some difficulty.
" Let's go." you smiled at Minhyuk as you got on the rink with excitement. It has been a few years since you skated so the moment you got on the ice, you held onto Minhyuk. He wasn't any better.
" Are you okay?" you asked the moment you gotten the hang of it.
" You're the first girl I'm skating with so count yourself lucky." Minhyuk pouted.
" Araso. Come." you grabbed his hands as you skated backwards. People who were skating started to stare at the both of you. At times when Minhyuk loses his balance,  you would allow Minhyuk to hug you so that he could balance himself.
But you realized, he has been hugging you more often.
" Are you seriously this bad and need to hug me every few minutes?" you questioned.
Minhyuk smirked as he skated off perfectly without your help, it was obvious that he tricked you.
" LEE MINHYUK." you screamed as you started to chase after him. It was as if the whole rink belonged to you two.
" Y-you should have seen your face! Skated since 7? PUAHAHAHAHA." Minhyuk laughed so hard, he sat on the ice.
" Get. Up. Now." you glared at Minhyuk.
Minhyuk ignored you and continued laughing.
" Counting to 3. If you refuse to get up by then, you would regret it." you warned.
" How?" Minhyuk laughed again.
" 3." you waited. Minhyuk continued to laugh.
" 2."
" 1." you sighed as you skated off to this group of guys.
" Oppa~ " you said seductively.
" Are you talking to us?" one of them asked. From the corner of your eye, you could see Minhyuk giving you glares.
" Yes. If you could do this for me." you said in a husky voice.
" Yeah?" one of them asked almost immediately.
You bent forward, acting as if you were about to kiss the guy when you heard a loud low yell, " KIM JUN HAE! YOU BETTER COME HERE NOW."
A smile found it's way to your face as you skated towards Minhyuk. The group of guys just stared at you in shock.
" Sorry, boyfriend's calling!" you waved them goodbye before stopping in front of an angry Minhyuk.
" Would you mind?" Minhyuk snapped. You knew, a long lecture was about to come your way soon.
" You started it! I told you to stop laughing at me!" you scowled.
Minhyuk chuckled and smiled, " You know, you get seriously cute sometimes."
" Crazy guy." you pouted.
" Let's just skate a while before we go, okay? I want to bring you somewhere." Minhyuk said.
" Where?" you asked.
" Somewhere. Now, let's skate." Minhyuk smiled. You two held each others hands as you skated across the rink like nobody's business. Though your hands felt quite cold as you skated, Minhyuk would put your hand and his hand in his pocket.
" Close your eyes." Minhyuk ordered.
" Why?" you asked, suspicious of Minhyuk's actions.
" Just do it!" Minhyuk used his hands to cover your eyes as he lead you. You walked a whole long time before he said, " Here we go."
You blinked your eyes a few times to adjust to the sudden brightness.
It was a park. A brightly lighted park that contrasted against the dark night. You couldn't help but laugh when you noticed a trail of post-its.
" How on earth did you prepare this in such a short time?" You asked.
" I didn't. You just had to bring us to the rink nearby here. I guess it's fate." Minhyuk smiled as he led you towards a small platform. As you walked, you noticed that on all the post-its, there was another ' Love, LMH.' at the end. 
" What does this mean?" you laughed as you pointed at one of the post-its that said ' To my beautiful proud and annoying girl... I love you. Love, LMH.'
" It means that I love you no matter how annoying you are." Minhyuk winked. You blushed at those words.
" May I have a dance?" Minhyuk asked.
" A dance?" you repeated.
" Yes, a dance for me and you only." Minhyuk smiled.
" I can't dance!" you protested. Before you could resist Minhyuk, he grabbed your hand and led you into a romantic ballroom dance. Without music, both of you looked into each other with romantic looks and that, was sufficient for the night.
[ Today's update. Ending in 2 days? By right this story should have about 14 chapters. 7 chapters is about what happens in this week. And the next 7 is just... A mystery.XD comment and subscribe!!]
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Chibisakura #1
Chapter 7: Aarhhhh!!! So sad.... Now I need to read a happy story, darn it! Great job, though!
LeeHyeJung12 #3
Chapter 7: owww. tragedy?
Kiseop_KissMe4ever #4
Chapter 7: Omg why di. I cry at the first sentence T.T
OMG my whole body's shaking >.<
tears are coming out
this is so sadddd!!!

He asked her to marry him~~

So sad
Chapter 7: T.T I hate you author-nim T.T I hate sad ending T.T THIS STORY IS DAEBAK !
Chapter 7: Why Minhyuk stopped coming three days ago??
milkycouplesaranghae #8
Chapter 7: Wae....this is so sad, arghh regret not getting the tissues
juststory #9
Chapter 7: OMG!!! >.< author nim... why not give them a happy ending??? T.T it was great tho... but stil... so sad T______T