The Drama Girl

Cinderella's Step Sister


2 Years Later


“Aigo~ Uri Yunhee really cute^^” said her step father as he pinch his daughter’s cheeks. “Today is your first day in kindergarter, right?” he said while combed his daughter’s hair.

“Ne! Appa will drive me to the school right??” she asked cheerfully.

Her appa shook his head. “Mianhae, today… appa will go to Seoul. We’ll prepare anything for your brother.”

“Mwo??? JINJJA???” Heechul who was enjoying his meal looked surprised.

“Yah, don’t talk when you eat your meal.” Said his step mother. “We’re agree to let you stay by yourself in Seoul since you got the best score in your school.”

“Umma! Appa! Gamsahaeyo!!!”

His mom nodded. “Yunhee-yah, you go with oppa today, okay?”

After heard what their mother said Yunhee and Heechul glared at each other.

“ANIYO!” said Yunhee and Heechul altogether.

“Aigo~ You guys really cute^^” said their appa.

“Umma, you go with Yunhee. I have to go earlier.” He asked his mother but she shook her head.

“You want to study in Seoul or not?” she asked Heechul.

He havo no choice. He really wants to leave Kangwondo and this is the only one way. “Okay then,”

“Yunhee-yah, kaja!” said Heechul as he pulled her hand. Just six months left… he won’t hear his sister yellingat him… anymore~


Eunjyeo Kindergarten



“Ok, Lee Yunhee, Here’s the rules. Start from now, don’t ever talk to stranger. Don’t follow stranger even he’s handsome. Don’t play with stranger. Don’t ever accept ice cream from stranger. And don’t ever talk to stranger who asks you to follow him to play and eat ice cream even he’s handsome as me, araseo??”

She pouted. “Araseo, Chullie can go now. Shooo~ go away~”

“Yah! Why you shoo me like that?? I just warn you! And… CALL ME OPPA!”

 “Don’t you see? My friends will thinking that I’m dating a bad guy!” Yunhee explained and it made Heechul laughed really loud.

“Yah! You are kindergarten student, why you talking about dating, huh?? You watch too much drama, yeo dongsaeng.”

“Chullie! Go! Go away!!!”

Suddenly a 5 years old girl approached Yunhee. “Yunhee-yah, is he your boyfriend?”

Her question made Heechul laugh. “Yunhee, you and your friend watch too much drama. Puhahahahaha! I’ll tell dad to not let you watch drama again.”

“He’s idiot.” Said Yunhee’s friend. “You’re not really dating him, right?”

“Namja chingu aniyeyo, he’s my slave. Kaja!” Yunhee explained as she went inside her school. Heechul dropped his jaw after heard what she said.

“Yah! I’ll kill you when we’re home!!”


Kim’s House.


“I’m home!”

Heechul entered his home and walked inside Yunhee’s room. “Yah! You… no one here? Yunhee! Don’t ever think to escape from me! You’ll be a dead meat for calling me idiot and slave!”


A minute… five minutes… no sign from Yunhee. Heechul tried to find her in the garage, but no one in their house. His sister must be at home since two hours ago.

“Aish! That rascal! Yunhee-yah! Eodiya???!!” Heechul ran outside his house and tried to find her. He tried to find her in their area. He asked his neighbors, but no one saw her. Suddenly he remembered that Yunhee wants a big lollipop that she saw when Yunhee and him buy jajangmyeon last night.

“She must be there!”

He ran to the store but before he reached that store, he saw a girl waiting outside a photo booth. He approached her. That girl looked like a lost girl. She tags along in the crowd… ah, that made Heechul pity on her.

“Yunhee-yah, why are you here??” asked Heechul.

“Keu oppa… I like him.”


Suddenly a high school couple came out of the photo booth. Heechul looked surprised to see them.

“Oh, Heechul-a!” they greeted Heechul.

“Ah, annyeong hyeong, noona.”

“What are you doing here?” one of his friends asked her. Heechul looked at Yunhee who kept pouting when she saw the couple. “I’m here to take some photos with Yunhee.” Heechul answered as he grabbed his sister’s hand. “Right, dongsaeng?”

Yunhee shook her head. “Oppa, geojitmal.”

Heechul gulped and glared at his step sister for a seconds. “ah, um.. I think I have to go.” Said Heechul as he piggybacked his sister. Then he ran as fast as he could.

Yunhee looked enjoy the piggyback. “Faster! Ma Chullie! YiiiHaaa!!!”

“Yah! Why you told them I lied?!” he yelled while kept running.

“You lied to the oppa that I like! Chullie shouldn’t lie to him!”

“Yah! The girl beside him was my crush!”

“Mianhae, I don’t know.” Said Yunhee. “Oppa let’s buy lollipop!”

“Ani,” said Heechul coldly.

“Then… buy me ice cream!”


“Ahh~ Chullie Jebaaaal~”

“No~ Way~”


“I’ll make you ramyeon when we get home,”

Yunhee pouted. “Aniyo! Umma said that ramyun isn’t good for health! She also said that I will get fat if I eat ramyun.” She said as she smacked Heechul’s head.

“Yah! That’s hurt!” he shouted. “Fine! I won’t make you ramyun!”

“Chullie,” Yunhee called him.

“Wae?” he asked her in his anger tone.

“Appa said that you will move to Seoul, is that true?”

“Hmm… yeah, cuz I got the best score. Wae? You won’t miss me, right?”

“Of course! Yunhee won’t miss Chullie. Umma said that I can sleep at Chullie’s room and own Chullie’s stuff when Chullie move. I won’t miss Chullie because Chullie always make me cry!”

Heechul pinched Yunhee’s left feet that made her shouted really loud. “Then don’t visit me in Seoul.”

“Nappeun!” she smacked Heechul’s head. “Yunhee will not visit Chullie!”

“But I’m your oppa!”

“Aniyo! My oppa is Kangta oppa. Kangta oppa is handsome! Chullie not handsome!”

“Yah! I’m kkotminam!”


“I am!”



Heechul heard an annoying sound from his sister’s tummy. He just smiled then asked his sister nicely. “So, what you want to eat?”

Yunhee smile brightly. “CHICKEN!!!”



new update here~ kekeke 

I won't update really soon since I have so a bunch of task to do. mianhae *bows*

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Chapter 3: I wonder what will her reaction be when she'll heard that he knows she's back.. xD
jam_9445 #2
THE STORY IS SO CUTE!Very cute that she calls him chullie!update soon cause i can't wait for more!:)