Her Comeback

Cinderella's Step Sister


Yunhee sat on her appa’s lap when she saw her brother was packing his things into his luggage. She was very curious about it so she approached Heechul. “Are you going somewhere Chullie?” Yunhee asked him. Heechul was too busy to handle his own things, so that he ignored Yunhee who was waiting for his answer.


Heechul stopped. He stared at Yunhee and approached her. “Look, I’ll never see you again, little evil.” Heechul smiled then he showed her his annoyed face. “Now leave me!”

Yunhee pouted. She kept following Heechul. “Aniyo, I’ll go with Chullie.”

Heechul snorted. He gave the little girl glare and threw things that were on his hands. “I’ve told you to leave me! Why you’re still here?! You know that I hate you, why you still following me?!”

Yunhee began to sob. She turned around and ran towards her mother. “Umma!! He hates meh!!” Yunhee cried. That poor little girl knew that today Heechul will moved out of the house. He will go to a prestigious highschool in Seoul. He told his father that he doesn’t like to live with a toddler like his step sister, so that he chose his own path.  He thought that this is the best choice to get rid of his evil sister.

“Jieun-ssi, Dad, I’ll go now.” Heechul said. His father ignored him. He chose to read his news paper rather than sent his son goes. Heechul peeked inside his step other room and found his little step sister crying in her mother’s arm. Deep inside his heart he likes the kid, but she disturbs him a lot when she’s around.  “I’ll go now, don’t miss me.”


Heechul gulped when he heard Yunhee’s voice. That little girl ran towards him and showed him her tongue. “I’ll go too and meet Papa. I hate Chullie!”

Heechul ignored her and brought his luggage outside the house. “I’ll go now, bye^^”


6 Months Later…



Heechul ran towards his father and step mother immediately when he saw them. He spent 6 months without the little evil and it made him realized that he missed his step sister. “Where’s that little evil?” Heechul asked his parents.

“New York.” His step mother answered.

Heechul stunned and dropped his jaw when he heard the answer. He suddenly felt guilty when he heard the news. He always told Yunhee that he hates her. He seldom acts nice towards her and he made her hates him.

“Why no one tell me about this matter?!!” Heechul screamed.

His father took a deep breath before he started to answer his son’s question. “Well, you told me that you don’t want to hear everything about her, so that I never told you about that. Don’t worry, she lives with her father and new mother.” His dad explained. Heechul took a deep breath and sat in a bench. He wants to apologize to Yunhee but she’s too far. “Can I call her?” he asked his parents.

His step mother shook her head. “She told me to not give you her number.”

Heechul sighed again. “When she will back to Korea?”

“No one knows.”


13 Years Later…


“Did you hear that? There’s a trainee who live next to our door!”

“She’s eighteen, right? But she got the body.”

“I heard that she got scholarship in Julliard but she refused it.”

“Is she that talented?”


Heechul was sleeping when he heard the noise. “YAH! I’m trying to sleep!” he shouted at the other member.  Last night he had to stay up late for a recording, he didn’t know about the new trainee because he’s too busy with his cat while the other members were checking out the new trainee.

“You can sleep at your own room Hyeong.” Ryeowook said. “Is she taller than me?” he asked the other member.

Eunhyuk and Donghae think a bit. “Yes…”

“Does she like shorter guy?” Ryeowook asked them again.

Eunhyuk and Donghae smiled at each other. “No…”

“Oh !” Ryeowook cursed and leave the living room. The other members were laughing at Ryeowook. They didn’t notice that it disturb someone’s sleep time.


Heechul got up and glared at the members who were there. Eunhyuk gulped when Heechul’s eyes were chasing his gaze. “Yah! Why you are so scared of me?” Heechul asked Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk shook his head and got up from his seat and headed to the kitchen just like Ryeowook. “What’s wrong with that boy?” Heechul asked the other members. They replied his question by shrugging.

Few minutes later they heard the bell was ringing. As the magnae, Kyuhyun got up from his seat to see who was there. “It’s her!!” he shouted.

“I can hear you.” The guest laughed.  Kyuhyun blushed and opened the door. “Annyeong haseyo^^” He greeted her. She bowed at him and gave him a huge cake. “I’ve just moving in. I’m living next door^^”

“Ah, keurae?” Kyuhyun asked her. He still felt embarrassed.

The guest gave a look into the apartment. She smiled when she saw her target then bowed at Kyuhyun. “I have to go now^^”

“Ah, ok^^”


Kyuhyun closed the door and back to the living room still with his blushed cheeks. “She gave us this”

Shindong ran towards him and stole the cake from Kyuhyun’s hand. “I’ll take care of this.”

“How was her?” Siwon asked Kyuhyun curiously. “Slim and slender body, Beautiful legs, pretty forehead, seducing eyes, pink lips, and super cool S line when you see her from some angles.” Kyuhyun explained as he sat on Siwon’s lap. “I should get her number! She’s new candidate for Kyuline member!”

Leeteuk glared at Kyuhyun. He seemed not happy to hear Magnae’s words. “She’ll join My Line!”

The other members were arguing about the new trainee. Heechul tried to get some rest so he got up from his place and headed back to his room in 12th floor. “You guys are too noisy!”

Heechul opened the 11th floor dorm’s door. He shocked when he saw a girl was standing in front of the door. “Yah!” He jumped in shock.

The girl smiled at him. However her face expression became dark when she caught Heechul’s face. Heechul felt the dark aura that surrounded him. “What’s wrong with this situation?” he mumbled.


Yunhee’s POV


It’s him… that stupid-old-nappeun guy Kim Heechul. Should I call him oppa since my mother still married to his father? Aish!!! I’m back to this country to take revenge. I still remember the last time I saw him. I was about to tell him that I will back to New York because of my father, but when I tried to approach him, he wanted me to go. I thought we were best friend, but… I was wrong. I know I was noisy, but I tried to be his friend. I still remember when my mother called me 13 years ago. She told me that Heechul felt guilty and wanted me to call him, but I refused. My mom called me again few years ago. She told me that Heechul involved in an accident. At that time I think I was possessed by a ghost. I took the first flight to Seoul just to see that bad guy. His condition was terrible. Mom told me that there was almost no chance for him to dance again. I knew that he’s a member of a boyband with a funny name. Look, at first I thought mom was joking about the name, but… I never thought that some of my friends are Heechul’s huge fan. Geez~ I cannot stand on them when they start to say stupid things about Heechul’s beauty. Ok, enough! Back to the main topic. At that time I told my mom that I could not stay until he’s awake because I had a very important cheerleader competition. Before I back to the state, I met Heechul’s friend. That guy was okay. Not so handsome or cool. Just a normal Chinese guy and his Korean was way better than me! He told me that his name was Hankyung and he told me that Heechul wanted him to buy some white chocolates. I accompanied that guy before I head back to JFK. 

“Chogiyo, why you look at me in that way?” he asked me.

I blinked for a few seconds and tried to act normal in front of him. “Ah, I’m sorry. But I forget to give you and your friends these cookies^^”

He took the cookies’ jar from my hand and bowed a bit at me. “Kamsahamnida.”

“Heyy~ sweetie^^”

I diverted my gaze towards Mike who suddenly appeared behind of me. He hugged my waist and kissed my shoulder. And the person who was standing in front of me was dropping his jaw. Ok, nice action Mike^^

“Hi there, I’m Mike Chang.” Mike said as he offered his hand to Heechul. Let’s see his reaction at Mike’s English. Hahaha! This guy won’t able to speak in English!

“I’m Cloud Kim. Nice to meet you.”

I stunned at Heechul’s dialect. I heard no Gangwon’s dialect or korish pronunciation. Dude! I saw him on a variety show and his English was !! I thought he’ll said those rubbish words, but… what happened to this cruel pabo evil Heechul?!

“Yunhee and I are living together, I hope we’ll make a good friend^^”

Mike kissed me on cheek as we headed back to our apartment. I don’t know why but it’s nice to see Kim Heechul made scowl expression. Heechul, I’m back.


Heechul’s POV

I saw a guy approached us. The girl was not aware of that guy. She looked shock when that guy hugged her waist and kissed her shoulder. I heard that she’s 18, but her attitude… ckckck~ another stupid teenager who sacrifice her life for her boyfriend.  ckckck~

“Hi there, I’m Mike Chang.”

That guy offered his hand. I bet he’s younger than me. ckckck~ your life save because you’re American, dude. If you’re Korean, and you don’t use honorifics when you talk to me, you’ll die.

“I’m Cloud Kim. Nice to meet you.”

I saw the girl raised her eyebrows when she heard my English skill. I might major at computer analysis, but I took English literature as minor. I’m done with stupid words that I used to use during ‘Full House’ filming back in 2006.

“Yunhee and I are living together, I hope we’ll make a good friend^^”

Wait… what did he says? Yunhee?

That girl smiled at me in a very scary way. Those eyes… that smile… She can’t be my evil stepsister Lee Yunhee! I mean… her mom won’t let her stay with a random guy she met at club!

I dialed my stepmother’s number to make sure that Yunhee is not here! “Mom!”

“Heechul!! Have you heard the news? Your stupid sister refused Julliard for SM Entertainment! Omonaa~ I’ve told her that Julliard is way better than SME! She lives in the same apartment with you actually. Her dad gave her that apartment.”

I can’t believe what I heard. SHE LET 18 YEARS OLD GIRL LIVE WITH A GUY?! “MOM! SHE LIVES WITH A GUY!!!” I yelled at my phone. Dude! I cannot believe what I heard earlier.

“Oh, Mike! Yess!! Don’t worry^^ Mike is a great guy! Your sister in the right hand^^”

Dude! What’s going on in her mind?! She let her only one daughter live with a guy! And she’s 18!! “She’s 18!!!”

“Heechul, she’s an adult now. Don’t worry.”

Adult?! ADULT?!!! “She’s a kid and I cannot believe all the things you told me! She’s 18; she’s too young to live with a guy!”

“She’s an American. She grows up with different culture.”

“But she lives in Korea now!” I yelled at my phone again.

“You should talk to her father if you disagree with her choice.”

She told me to talk to her father? Aish!! “Ara, I’ll talk to her.”

I hung up the phone and kicked the door to relive my anger. “Aish!!!” I cursed. It’s the first time after 13 year. And I cannot believe what I saw today! She’s a good girl when she was younger, but now… she lives with a guy! And I have to admit that the guy was hot. Ok, I sounded like a gay now. 

“Yah! Hyeong!”

I shocked when Donghae suddenly appeared in front of me. Geez! This punk!


He frowned at me. He knew something must be happened, but I don’t want him to know that I have a stepsister. He’ll tell the whole world about it.

“Ryeowook cooked us ramyeon, you want some?”


I entered the dorm with annoyed feeling. That brat is back… Lee Yunhee is back.


I’m backkk^^

Hehehe~ I had to focus on another fan fic,

Btw, I add Mike Chang of Glee here.

I hope you like it^^ 

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Chapter 3: I wonder what will her reaction be when she'll heard that he knows she's back.. xD
jam_9445 #2
THE STORY IS SO CUTE!Very cute that she calls him chullie!update soon cause i can't wait for more!:)