Chapter Four

Because You're By My Side


Hey guys~  I kinda updated early this time.  And this is a very loooooong chapter so please be patient with me, okay? And before anything else... I'm already apologizing in advance. Don't hate on me, okay? ^^



Yixing slowly opened his eyes as he felt something shifted on his bedside. The sunlight slowly entering his room as the first sign of daylight greeted him. However, he did not dare get up. Yixing turned to his side and saw the person beside him dressing up, yet he did not say anything and pretended to be asleep once again. He only opened his eyes when he heard the door of his room close. He lazily got up and sat on his bedside, while a sudden pain shot up on his backside. He heaved a sigh and buried his face in his hands. He squeezed his eyes shot as he realizes the mistake that unfolded the previous night. How did things end up this way?

How did things end up this way?

From the moment he opened his door.

The moment when the President suddenly entered his apartment.

How the President forcefully pushed him against the wall.

Their distance becoming closer and closer.

He could smell the alcohol reeking from the man in front of him.

And Yixing knows.

He knows why he was here.

He saw the news earlier.

He knows he’s just being used.

To make the President forget.

He knows it was a mistake.

He knows.

He knows that the next morning, everything would mean nothing.

And everything will go back to normal.

Just like earlier when they saw each other in the office.

This thing between them would mean nothing.


And yet Yixing did not do anything.

He did not stop Kris from taking him.

He tried with all his might to stop his tears as he felt the pain.

He tried to be numb.

He tried to not feel anything.


Because nothing.

Because it does not mean anything.



Yixing picked up his phone from the bedside table. He contemplated for a few moments, and then dialed Baekhyun’s number. He held his breath as he waited for the answer of his manager from the other line. A familiar wave of relief came to him as he heard Baekhyun’s voice.

“Hello? Baekhyun-ah?” Yixing tried to be as cheerful. “Can I come to the company a little late today? I’m not feeling well.”

“What?!” Baekhyun’s panicked voice came from the other line. “Yixing-ah, do you need anything? Do you want me to bring you some medicines? I could drop by later! You don’t have to come to the company later if you can’t!”

Yixing could not help but smile. “You don’t have to bother, Baekhyun-ah. I can take care of myself.”

“Are you sure?” Baekhyun’s voice was uncertain. “Maybe you should not come today.”

“But Baekhyun-ah…” But he was cut off by Baekhyun.

“No. That’s final.” Baekhyun said firmly. “If I see you here today, I swear I’m going to cut your hair.”

“Fine.” Yixing snorted. “Sometimes, you’re really scary, Baekhyun-ah.”

“I know.” Baekhyun said. “Just get well soon, okay?”

“I will thanks.” Yixing said and hung up the phone.

Yixing looked around his apartment. He somehow felt alienated by his surroundings.

He needed to get out.



“Appa! I’m leaving!!” Kyungsoo shouted as he finished putting on his shoes.

He was about to leave the house when he heard the hurried steps of his father catching up to him.

“Kyungsoo, wait!” His father called. He was catching up his breath as he tried to stop his son.

“Appa.” Kyungsoo shook his head. “You should not run. You’re not getting any younger, you know.”

“Aish, this kid.” His father held up a huge paper bag on his face. “Here, take this.”

“What is this?” Kyungsoo said as he reached out for the package.

“Bread.” His father gave him a heartwarming smile.

“What?!” Kyungsoo gasped. “This many? But appa, you already made my lunch this morning, didn’t you?”

“Who said it’s for you?” His father frowned. “It’s for Jongin!”

“But,” Kyungsoo said worriedly. “He ate a whole bunch last Saturday, and I’m pretty sure he ate five trays yesterday!! He might get tired of them, appa!”

“No, he won’t.” His father said. “He actually texted me last night and told me he can’t wait to go to eat my bread again!”

“He texted you?!” Kyungsoo shouted, his eyes growing wide by the second. “Aish, that guy…”

“Yes.” His father nodded approvingly. “I’m surprised he likes bread that much! He even ate more than what Minseok can eat!”

“But, appa,” Kyungsoo said. “I can’t bring him this.”

“Why not?” His father looked at him.

“Because…” Kyungsoo hesitated. “It’s from me.”

“What nonsense is that?” His father furrowed his eyebrows. “You two are friends, aren’t you?”

“B-but…” Kyungsoo said, but his father intervened.

“You think too much, son.” His father smiled. “Jongin’s a good kid. Now, you better hurry up, or you’ll be late!” He patted his son’s shoulder and went back inside the house.

Kyungsoo sighed as he looked at the huge paper bag in front of him. If anything, he did not know how he would give this to Jongin. He walked slowly to school. He knows that what happened during the weekend would be a lot different now that school started again. Aside from tutoring last Saturday, Jongin stayed the whole Sunday in Kyungsoo’s house as well. Kyungsoo could not believe his luck, and if he had the ability, he would make every day weekend. But now, it is Monday, and he had to head to school once again. That only means one thing: He and Jongin would be back to their old relationship. They are gonna act like they did not know each other once again. For the first time in his life, he was not looking forward to his lessons.

Oh my God, I’m turning into a delinquent!!! He thought.

He sighed as he entered the school gates, and he lazily walked up the stairs to their classroom. When he entered the room, he saw that Jongin was already there, and he was sleeping as usual. Kyungsoo assumed he just came back from his morning practice. He awkwardly made his way to his seat beside the sleeping boy. He mustered up all his courage to act normal, and he hit the paper bag on Jongin’s head. At least, at some point, he is already an expert on annoying Jongin.

“Ow!” Jongin was jerked awake. “What the… What the hell are you doing?”

“Bread.” Kyungsoo said as plainly as he could. “From my appa.”

Jongin, who was still feeling a bit sleepy, tried to comprehend what was happening. He scratched his head while he yawned.

“Bread… Bread?” he mumbled sleepily. “Bread! From Appa!!” He gasped happily as he opened the bag full of bread and started eating.

“Yah, didn’t you have enough last weekend?” Kyungsoo said as he watched the boy beside him ate happily.

“Nope!” Jongin said with his mouth full. “Appa’s bread is delicious!”

“I swear you’re going to get fat…” Kyungsoo warned.

“Hmph,” Jongin pouted. “I’m not gonna! I play sports!”

“Whatever you say…” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. “That bread has a lot of carbohydrates. I’m just saying.”

“Why are you so mean to Appa’s breads?” Jongin scowled at Kyungsoo as he attempted to cover the paper bag. “They could hear you.”

Kyungsoo tried to suppress a laugh. “You’re acting strange.”

“What are talking about?” Jongin resumed eating the bread.

“We’re supposed to act like we don’t know each other, right?” Kyungsoo smiled bitterly.

“Oh… That.” Jongin suddenly stopped eating. “I was hoping you wouldn’t bring that up.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. He tried not to expect anything.  “Why?”

“Maybe we could try to be Fri…” Jongin said, but someone called him.

“Jongin!” one of their classmates called. “There’s a girl who wants to confess to you outside!!”

An embarrassed squeak was heard from outside. Jongin ruffled his hair annoyingly and headed outside. Kyungsoo sat in a daze. If he had heard and assumed correctly, Jongin would want to be friends with him even at school. He could not help but to feel annoyed at the girl who interrupted them. He waited in his seat patiently. However, when Jongin came back, their teacher entered the classroom as well. There won’t be any chance to talk anymore

“Stupid interruption.” Jongin hissed while he sat down and he turned and whispered to Kyungsoo. “Hey Kyungsoo, wait for me after the practice this afternoon, okay?”

Kyungsoo could only nod.



Tao was feeling bored. The teacher just went on and on with the lesson. He does not even understand anything the teacher was saying anymore. He did not even bother trying. He knows he can ace any exam without even studying. As much as he wants to cut his classes, he knew he cannot get into trouble or else he would not heat the end of it from his Baekhyun-hyung. He decided to distract himself from feeling bored, but to no avail. He started looking around, and he smiled when he saw a familiar person at the corner chair at the back of the classroom. His grin grew wider as Minseok furrowed his eyebrows more as he tried to understand what the teacher was saying. He looked frustrated.

Tao chuckled as he tears a sheet from his notebook and wrote something on it. He crumpled the paper, and waited for the right timing when the teacher turns around and wrote something on the blackboard. Tao expertly threw the piece of paper ball to Minseok. Meanwhile, Minseok who had his full attention on the lesson was suddenly hit by the paper ball on the cheek. He let out a tiny gasp as he picked up the crumpled paper on his table and looked angrily around. He immediately looked around and saw Tao sniggering in his seat. Feeling annoyed, Minseok opened up the paper, and it said:

“Don’t look so stressed. It’s bad for your skin.”

Tao observed Minseok as he read his message. He had to contain his laughter as he saw a scowl formed on Minseok’s face as he read the paper. Tao saw Minseok grabbed his pen and wrote something on the paper as well. Tao immediately straightened up in his seat and looked innocently at the teacher, like he would never hurt a fly. When the teacher turned around once more, he suddenly felt something soft hit the top of his head. He eagerly opened the paper, and read what is written on it:

“Why do you like throwing things at me?? STOP BOTHERING MEEEEEEEE!!!”

Tao looked back at Minseok. He was back to concentrating on the teacher once again. Tao scowled as he watched Minseok diverts his attention from him, so he wrote another note on the paper and threw it back to Minseok. Tao watched as Minseok picked up the paper once again. This time, Minseok definitely looked pissed off. He read what Tao wrote on the paper once again:

“I like seeing things bounce off your cheek. Besides, I’m soooooo bored!”

Tao felt happy when he saw Minseok scribbling on the paper once again. When he looked back to smile at Minseok, he saw a paper zooming at him and hitting him straight in the face. He swears he saw Minseok laughing silently at the back. But still, he opened the paper happily:

“I’m trying to listen to the teacher here. /ignore”

Tao scowled when he read the message and looked at Minseok, who looked really serious right now. He wrote another message and threw it back to Minseok. However, Minseok just picked up the paper and ignored it. He went on to taking notes once again. Tao feeling frustrated once again, threw another piece of paper ball to Minseok, but he was ignored once again. He threw another paper. Ignored. He threw another one, and he was still ignored. He threw again and again, but he was ignored. Tao tried one last time, and this instance, Minseok finally looked at him, and wrote something on the paper and threw it back. Tao almost jumped from his seat and caught the paper. He read:

“You are turning me into a trash can! And you’re wasting paper! That’s bad for the environment!!!”

Tao was about to write another note on the paper, but he was interrupted by the school bell. The whole class gave a collective cheer when they learned it was lunch time already and headed out immediately. Tao looked around to talk to Minseok, but the smaller boy was nowhere to be found. Sighing sadly, Tao went out of the classroom to head to the cafeteria. He was about to turn a corner when he heard some girls gossiping.

“Did you see Tao-oppa and Minseok earlier?”

“Omo! I did! They were passing notes!”

“That Minseok! How dare he…”

“He was all smiles when he went out of our classroom earlier.”

“Ugh, I can’t believe Tao-oppa wants to hang out with a scum like that.”

“We have to teach him a lesson, so that he’ll know his place.”

“Yeah, and after that, we can have Tao-oppa to ourselves once again!”

Tao felt really mad. How dare those girls insult Minseok? He was gonna go and punch those girls when the other students headed out to lunch as well. Tao was not able to identify the girls from earlier. He stood uncomfortably as he decided to keep a close watch on Minseok.



Baekhyun sighed to himself. He was feeling worried, because of all the things happening. And now, Yixing was sick. Feeling like he needed to go out once more before he heads to the office, he went to his favorite café.  He sat near the counter. One of the waiters approached him to take his order. While waiting, he looked around for the person that pulled him away the last time he went in here. He was not sure if he should approach him, and Baekhyun could not see Joonmyun there either. It did not take long for Baekhyun to see the guy from before. He observed carefully as the tall guy waited tables and other stuff. He waited for the right timing to talk to him. He was so distracted that he did not even notice that his order already came. He was about to approach the guy, when another customer walked up to him and scolded him. Baekhyun watched as the guy was cursed by the customer. He could not take what he was seeing, and the last straw was when he saw that the customer was gonna hit the waiter. Baekhyun furiously walked in between them when…


Baekhyun was the one punched instead. This was the first time someone punched him, and the pain was unbearable. His vision was starting to be hazy and he was stumbled backward. He felt someone caught him. He heard some footsteps around him.

“Sir,” he heard someone say. “I think you had caused enough trouble. Get out or I’ll call the police.”

Baekhyun tried to open his eyes but it hurts.

“Joonmyun-ah,” he heard the person who was holding him say. “Get the first aid kit, he’s bleeding.” Baekhyun heard the footsteps going away from them.

“Chanyeol,” someone said. “Bring him inside. You can fix him up in there.”

“But Joonmyun-ah… It’s my fault.” the person said once again. “I’ll talk to the manager.”

“No, you won’t,” Joonmyun answered. “Trust me. I’ll be okay. Hurry up, Baekhyun-ah’s hurt.”

Baekhyun felt that he was being carried somewhere else. Once he was settled down. He opened his eyes halfway, and he saw the tall guy looking at him.

“What you did was really stupid.” Chanyeol said to Baekhyun. He touched his face causing Baekhyun to flinch.

“I was only trying to help.” Baekhyun said quietly.

Chanyeol chuckled. “That was unnecessary and you got punched in the face. What a troublesome person. And now, I might get fired.”

“What?!” Baekhyun gasped. “They can’t fire you! That guy was totally harassing you! He was totally cursing you and all! He was gonna hit you!”

“Yeah, well.” Chanyeol shrugged. “I caused harm and commotion back there. And someone got hurt.”

Baekhyun stared guiltily at the guy. He was pretty sure he had seen him before. He was just not sure where or when.

“Chanyeol!” someone shouted.  They looked at the direction where the sound came from. “Is Baekhyun alright?”

“Yup” Chanyeol answered. “I’m just fixing him up. What did the manager say? Am I fired now?”

“I’ll tell you later.” Joonmyun answered sat beside his best friend.

Chanyeol wanted to push the topic further, but decided against it.

Chanyeol began to clean Baekhyun’s wounds. Baekhyun looked at the two curiously.

“You’re lucky the cut was not that deep. Seriously, do you really want to die that bad?” Chanyeol said nonchalantly as he treated Baekhyun.

“What do you mean?” Baekhyun’s eyebrows were furrowed. “What are you also saying about dying?”

“You don’t remember?” Joonmyun asked.

“What?” Baekhyun answered.

“It’s okay.” Chanyeol said smirking. “Even I don’t want to remember if I drank a whole bottle of champagne or if I threw up on someone.”

The memories suddenly flooded back to Baekhyun, and he immediately stood up.  “You! You were the guy from the rooftop!”

Joonmyun laughed out loud, but Chanyeol did not say anything. He forced Baekhyun to sit back down. Another waiter came in.

“Joonmyun!” he called. “Come back here outside. The manager wants to talk to you!”

Joonmyun groaned. “Okay!” he stood up. “As much as I want to witness this little reunion, I need to go.”

Baekhyun was still feeling embarrassed about what happened. He avoided looking at Chanyeol.

“I’m sorry,” Baekhyun said. “For the other night, I mean. I must have been a total mess.”

“It’s okay.” Chanyeol answered. “Why did you come here anyway?”

“I just wanted to eat lunch, okay?” Baekhyun said defensively.

“Right.” Chanyeol answered.

Chanyeol stopped what he was doing and looked at him. His face looked like he realized something.

“Look,” Chanyeol suddenly said. “I’m sorry about the other day, when I suddenly snatched you away.”

“Oh, that.” Baekhyun nodded. “It’s alright I guess.”

“You looked like you were really freaked out back there.” Chanyeol sighed.

“Well, I was starting to think I was being kidnapped.” Baekhyun said innocently.

“But I was serious about what I said back there.” Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun intently. “I won’t let anybody hurt Joonmyun.”

“And I was serious too.” Baekhyun responded with an intense glare as well. “I won’t do anything to hurt him.”

“Joonmyun,” Chanyeol cut him off. “Even though he looked cheerful every time, he was probably one of the saddest person I know. And if anyone tries to get rid of his smile, I swear he’s dead meat.

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol. He could see the concern on his face. “Okay. I understand”

Chanyeol put a band aid on Baekhyun’s cheeks. “There, you’re done.”

“Thanks.” Baekhyun touched the band aid. “I owe you a lot.” He stood up.

“Just be careful next time.” Chanyeol stood up as well.

“I think I should go.” Baekhyun said. This was the first time that he and Chanyeol had eye contact for a long time. Baekhyun did not realize that he was staring at him.

“Okay.” Chanyeol finally broke the awkward silence and he pinched Baekhyun’s cheeks.

“Hey!” Baekhyun complained. “What was that for?”

“You’re weird.” Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun glared at him and he headed towards the exit. He got out of the place when…

“Baekhyun!” Chanyeol called.

Baekhyun turned around. Chanyeol chuckled. “Nothing, just checking if you’ll turn around.”

“How did you…?” Baekhyun asked his voice fading away.

“Nevermind.” Chanyeol answered. He waved Baekhyun goodbye and went back inside.

Baekhyun looked as the café’s door slowly closing. He just realized how fast his heart was beating. He took a deep breath. He realized how his breathing stopped when Chanyeol called his name. As he slowly walked back to his car, he unconsciously touched the band aid on his face.



Jongdae walked back to his dressing room. His schedule had been packed since he announced his comeback. It was just the middle of the day, and he just came from his seventh interview. Not that he was complaining. Of course not. This is what he wanted all along, yet he was not feeling really happy at the moment.

“Do I still have any schedules today?”  He asked his manager.

“Yes, Jongdae-ssi.” His manager answered him.

“What are they?” Jongdae asked.

“Well,” his manager checked his planner. “You still have four remaining interviews, and a guesting tonight.”

“Where are we going now?” Jongdae kept on asking.

“We’re going to a meeting with one of the music producers next.” His manager said.

“Oh.” Jongdae said simply. “Is it about the comeback album?”

“Yes.” His manager replied. “I think we should go soon. He is gonna meet us soon. I don’t want us to be late. The car is waiting for us outside. Come on!”

Jongdae sighed as he followed his manager. As they walked to the car, he saw a lot of fans waiting for him outside. He waved happily at them. Somehow their presence makes everything lighter, but he doubted if he was giving his most genuine smile to them. That was the main purpose why he wanted this dream in the first place; to make people around him happy.

As he rode the car in silence, he thought back about those days from many years ago. When he was only just a dreamer. When everything was just simple. Where he could dream of the things without any boundaries. Throughout the years, he realized that as he came closer to his goal, that sometimes it was better to just keep on hoping. It might seem awfully selfish on his part, but he hoped that people would just hate him now. He had sacrifice a lot of important things in his life just to get here, and he had always felt like something was missing. He knew a big part of him was taken away from him. He had not handled things well, and ended messing up with everything else.

Jongdae’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard his manager telling him that they have arrived in their destination. He got out from the car, and as usual, he saw a bunch of his fans waiting for him. He greeted them politely as he followed his manager inside the company’s building.

Everything in the building looked strangely unfamiliar. Jongdae felt like he would never ever feel at home in this place. His surroundings seemed so bizarre him, and an alienated feeling was starting to grow inside him like he was trapped. He needed to feel at ease. As they waited inside the meeting room, Jongdae tried his best to compose himself. The music producer came a few minutes later.

“Jongdae-ssi,” the music producer held up his hand. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

Jongdae shook the music producer’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you too.”

“The album’s coming nicely.” The music producer started. “Recording can start as soon as possible.”

“That’s good.” Jongdae nodded his head approvingly.

“Do you want to hear the samples?” The music producers asked. “The title track’s really good.”

“No, it’s okay.” Jongdae said. “However, I just want to make a change about the title track.”

The music producer gaped at him, but did not say anything. He knew that no one would ever refuse Kim Jongdae.

“I want the title track to be a duet.” Jongdae said.

The music producer looked at him uncomfortably. “Jongdae-ssi, the title track is not supposed to be a duet.”

“I know.” Jongdae said coolly. “Make it a duet.”

“But,” the music producer asked cautiously. “Who’s gonna do the duet with you?”

“I already know who.” Jongdae said calmly. “Just get to work with the title track, thank you.” And he went out.

He went out of the meeting room immediately. His calm composure slowly crumbling down. His breath becoming more labored as he searched his pockets for his phone and dialed a number. He waited patiently as he hoped with all his heart that someone would be answering from the other line. He could not believe it when he heard a click.

Jongdae calmed down immediately as he heard the familiar voice. “Let’s meet, please. I need to talk to you.”



“I’m so sorry, Director-nim, but I can’t take this anymore!” the stylist screamed. “Me and my team have had enough! We’re leaving now.”

Sehun could only heave a sigh. He was shooting a CM, but the actress starring on it was being a total brat. If he had any choice, he would also leave the set. But the shoot was postponed lots of times before, and he could not afford to waste anymore time. He needed to find a replacement for the stylist pronto, because the stylist brought all of the wardrobes with them. Feeling desperate already, he decided to call Baekhyun for help. Thankfully, Baekhyun had Yixing’s stylist on call and told him that he will be fine. Sehun finally breathed out in relief. He decided to go out of the set after telling the crew that they can take a break while they wait for the new stylist.

Sehun felt so stressed. He decided to call Luhan.

“Hello? Sehunnie?” Sehun smiled widely when he heard Luhan’s voice.

“Luhannie~” Sehun tried to sound as cute as possible. “I need you~”

“You’re so cute, Sehunnie.” Luhan giggled from the other line. “Are you trying to trick me or something?”

“I want to see you, Luhannie.” Sehun smiled. “Are you free now?”

“I’m so sorry, Sehunnie.” Luhan sounded sad. “I’m on my way to work. My boss might get mad at me.”

“Aww…” Sehun cooed. “Don’t overwork yourself, okay?”

“That depends on my boss.” Luhan paused for a second. “I didn’t think you’re the type who worried too much. You’re babying me.”

“I’m just worried for you.” Sehun tried to sound hurt. “And you look like a baby, I can’t help it.”

“I think it’s cute that you’re worried.” Luhan laughed. “I want to pinch your cheeks, Sehunnie.”

“Luhannie~” Sehun said. “I told you I want to see you, but you didn’t say you want to see me.”

Sehun heard Luhan giggled. “I want to see you too, Sehunnie.”

“Let’s see each other soon~” Sehun said. “I miss you~”

“Stop it,” Luhan said. “We’re getting too cheesy.”

“When can we meet?” Sehun asked. “I want it to be soon…”

“I wouldn’t worry about that.” Luhan said. “I’m already here.”

“What do you mean?” Sehun furrowed his eyebrows.

“Sehun!” Luhan called while running to him.

Sehun widened his eyes in shock as Luhan jumped up to his arms. “Luhan! What are you doing here?”

Luhan pulled away from the hug. “Well, Baekhyun-ah said you needed help here, so I immediately came to your aid!”

“You are Yixing’s stylist?!” Sehun gasped. “I didn’t know!”

Luhan pouted. “Honestly, Sehunnie, you did not even know my job. What a bad boyfriend.” Luhan crossed his arms and started walking away.

“But you didn’t tell me!” Sehun tried to catch up to Luhan, but he was too fast for him.

“Well you did not ask in the first place.” Luhan turned around and pouted even more.

“It didn’t occur to me.” Sehun replied.

“You’re being too honest right now.” Luhan said as he stopped walking. “Where did all those mushy stuff you were telling me go?

Sehun cannot help but smile at the cute guy in front of him. “You are so adorable, you know that?”

“I know I am.” Luhan smiled as well. He approached Sehun and pinched his cheeks. “But you are the most adorable.”

Sehun was about to lean down to kiss Luhan, but the smaller boy stopped him.

 “But we haven’t had our first kiss yet!” Sehun complained.

“I know,” Luhan said. “But we’re both at work. Don’t you think that’s unethical?”

Sehun scowled. “Fine.”

“Now come with me,” Luhan pulled Sehun to his car. “I need help bringing the outfits inside the set!”



Minseok smiled as he listened to Kyungsoo telling him about the events that happened over the weekend. He was happy for his friend. The both of them were sitting in the Home Economics room. He laughed at how excited Kyungsoo was while telling the story, however, when Kyungsoo mentioned Tao in the story, Minseok felt the need to intervene.

“Hyung,” Kyungsoo said at first. “I could not believe it, but Tao-hyung’s really nice to me. The rumors about him are not true!”

“Kyungsoo,” Minseok said putting up a hand to halt his friend from talking. “About that guy, you need to tell me something.”

Kyungsoo tilted his head in confusion. “What is it, hyung?”

“About my job in the amusement park.” Minseok noticed Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. “You were the only person I’ve told about that, but last weekend, a certain ‘someone’ came by. Do you have any idea how that happened?”

“I-I’m so sorry, hyung!” Kyungsoo stammered. “But Tao-hyung did not stop asking me until I told him your whereabouts. Why hyung? Did he do something wrong with you?!”

“Well, no.” Minseok shook his head. “It’s okay, actually. He behaved himself.”

“Oh, thank God!” Kyungsoo sighed in relief. “Tao-hyung really likes you, doesn’t he?”

Minseok scowled. “He does not! What are you saying?!”

“Oh nothing,” Kyungsoo said. “I mean, he took great efforts just to be close to you, hyung.”

Minseok fidgeted in his seat. “If what you mean is that he takes great efforts to annoy me, then I think you’re right, Soo-ah.”

Kyungsoo smiled at him knowingly. “But you like him too, hyung?”

Minseok stared at Kyungsoo. He did not even know what to say. Luckily, he heard his cell phone alarm. Minseok breathed out in relief because he was saved by the bell.

“I’m sorry, Kyungsoo-ah.” Minseok said happily. “I have to go! I have to go to this meeting! See you!”

Minseok sighed as he went out of the Home Economics Room. It bothered him so much that he was not able to answer Kyungsoo’s question. He decided to go back to the classroom to fetch his bag. When he entered the room, no one was inside. He assumed that everyone was in their club activities. When he picked up his bag, he heard the doors of the classroom closed behind him. When he turned around, he saw four girl classmates were standing behind him.

“What do you think…?” Minseok was suddenly pushed roughly by one of them. He knocked some tables behind him. The other girls started ganging up on him, and pushed him until he fell on the ground. The girls started to slap and kick the life out of him. Minseok tried to fight them, but one of the girls used both her knees to pin him to the ground. Minseok gasped in pain.

“Why are doing this to me?” Minseok gasped as he felt another strong kick.

“So that you’ll know you’re place!”

“Stay away from Tao-oppa!”

“Tao-oppa doesn’t need some nobody like you!”

“Give him back to us!”

Minseok tried his best to stop the tears from falling, but the pain he was experiencing too much. He felt blood flowing from face already. He wanted everything to stop, yet he does not have any strength to fight anymore. Everything, the voices, his vision started to blur. He cannot take it any further. Minseok slowly closed his eyes. He tried calling out for help, but the only thing he could whimper one word.


Suddenly, there was a loud crash that came out of nowhere. Minseok tried to open his eyes, but everything was out of focus. He saw a tall figure pushing violently the girls away. He was shouting something, but he could not comprehend. The figure immediately went to him. He felt a gentle touch on his face. Minseok opened his eyes and saw Tao’s face looking worriedly at him.

“You know,” Tao his cheek lightly, careful not to hurt him. “You really walk fast. I suddenly lost you when you left the Home Ec room. It almost drove me crazy…”

“I’m sorry!” Minseok whimpered as he broke down.

“Why are you apologizing?” Tao looked at him intently. “I should be the one who’s suppose to say sorry.”

Minseok shook his head. “I don’t know.”

“Listen,” Tao said. “I’m going to bring you to the nurse’s office. I’ll carry you okay?”

Minseok nodded his head weakly. He suddenly felt himself being carried off the ground. When he looked around, he saw the girls who hurt him looking helplessly at Tao. They tried desperately to plead to Tao, but he rejected them.

“Don’t touch me!” Tao shouted angrily. “I told you, and I’ll say it again. If anyone of you ever comes near Minseok again, I swear I will kill you!”

Minseok felt afraid of Tao’s tone. He subconsciously recoiled in fear. Tao must have felt it, because he tightened his grip on the smaller boy.

“Don’t worry,” Tao told him as he carried Minseok out of the classroom. “I won’t let anybody hurt you ever again.”

Minseok could not explain, but he felt a great wave of relief as he heard Tao’s words. He knows that he is finally safe.



“Okay, that’s it for today!” The captain shouted when they finished practicing. “I need you guys to arrive early tomorrow! I don’t want to waste anymore time! Basketball season is gone start soon! We need to train harder than ever! Do you guys understand?!”

“Yes captain!” The whole team answered and unison.

The team then headed to the showers. Jongin laughed as his team mates played around. He was happy, because after this, he would meet up with Kyungsoo, and he was really looking to it.  When he got out of the shower to dress up, one of his teammates approached him.

“Yo, Jongin!” he slung an arm on Jongin. “Are you free after this?”

“No,” Jongin immediately answered. “Why?”

Some of his team mates joined in. “We have this group date with some seniors.”

“Yes, and they are hot!”

“You have to come, Jongin!”

“We already told them you will come!”

“I think that’s the only reason those seniors agreed to come with us!”

“Sorry guys,” Jongin apologized. “I have something to do later.”

One of his teammates teased. “Oh, is it a date?!”

“Jongin will finally go on a date?!” Another of his team mates added. “That’s a first!”

“It’s not a date!” Jongin said defensively. “I’m just meeting a friend.”

“A special friend?!” The team laughed out loud.

“No!” Jongin denied. “Stop it!”

“Fine,” one of them said. “We’ll let you of this time, because there’s a great chance that you’ll get laid tonight. We’ll allow it.”

Jongin finished dressing up, and got ready to go. “I told you guys it’s not a date. I’m going!”

“Make sure you tell us all about it tomorrow!”

“Yeah! Every explicit detail!”

“Shut up!” Jongin shouted as he left the locker room.

He made his way to the entrance of the gymnasium. He can see Kyungsoo already standing outside, waiting for him. Jongin was about to run to him, when his team mates caught up with him. He wanted so much to get away from them, but they just stayed with him. When they reached the exit, Kyungsoo noticed them.

“Jongin!” Kyungsoo greeted them. “Over here!”

One of his team mates looked from Kyungsoo to Jongin. “Who is that guy, Jongin?”

“Is he the one you’re gonna meet today?” another one asked.

Jongin looked at them uncomfortably, while Kyungsoo stood in front of them looking vulnerable. “No, of course not.”

“Then why did he greet you?”

“I don’t know.” Jongin answered quickly. “He’s just a classmate.”

“Oh,” one of his teammates laughed. “For a second there, I thought…”

“What the hell,” Jongin laughed awkwardly. “Did you really think…? With this guy? Are you nuts?”

“I’m just kidding, Jongin.”

“Come on,” Jongin said cheerfully. “We don’t want to be late for our dates!”

Jongin laughed along with his team mates, but deep inside he felt really horrible. As he walked away with his team mates, he avoided Kyungsoo’s gaze. He wanted to let Kyungsoo know how sorry he was for what happened that everything just went out of hand. However, he did not have any courage to do it. He was ashamed of what he had done. And he knows. He knows that he just hurt Kyungsoo. When they were at a safe distance, Jongin looked back and he saw that he is still there. Kyungsoo is still rooted in his spot, not daring to move.



When Kris entered the restaurant, a million thoughts came into his mind. He wondered if he had made a mistake of agreeing to this. He knows that there were a lot of things needed to be discussed and fixed, yet he is not sure if he was ready for it. He felt like it was too soon. However, when he got the call, he was not able to refuse to say yes. And now here he is walking towards that table. As Kris sat down in front of him, there was a significant silence that wrapped the two of them.

“I never thought you would agree to meet with me.” Jongdae broke the silence.

“Honestly,” Kris said. “I never thought I would too.”

Jongdae smiled, yet he looked hesitant. “I’m really glad you came.”

“So what do you want to talk about with me?” Kris tried to sound as civil as possible.

“Oh, about that,” Jongdae started. “This might sound sudden, but I want to ask you for a favor.”

“A favor?” Kris raised his eyebrows. “You’re right, that is sudden.”

“Yes, I know.” Jongdae said. “And it’s taking a lot of my pride to ask this, but…”

But Kris interrupted him. “Just tell me what you want.”

Jongdae paused for a second. “I want Yixing.”

Kris frowned at Jongdae. “Yixing? You want Yixing for what?”

‘Relax,” Jongdae held a hand up. “Don’t worry; I will take care of him.”

“What do you mean?” Kris asked.

“I want him to sing with me for my title track.” Jongdae explained.

Kris laughed sarcastically. “And you think I would say yes?”

“Well,” Jongdae said. “I know Baekhyun does not have the power to approve these kinds of things. If he could, I would prefer to just go to him.”

“Oh,” Kris said. “So that’s what this is all about.”

“So is that a yes or what?” Jongdae sound hopeful.

“What’s the use of refusing?” Kris shrugged. “I know that you will always find a way to get what you want.”

Jongdae smiled. “You know me too much.”

Kris looked at Jongdae. He felt the strange familiarity that the both of them lost for years, yet Kris was feeling that something would take this feeling away from him. The two of them were like inside a dream, and Kris felt like soon it would finally end.

“So is that it?” Kris asked. “That’s why you want to meet up with me?”

Jongdae stared at him. “Well not really. There’s just this thing.”

“What is it?” Kris asked.

“I want to fix things up between us.” Jongdae smiled ruefully.

“I don’t think we can…” Kris said, but Jongdae cut him off.

“No, no! Not getting back together.” Jongdae shook his head. “That’s not what I mean.”

Kris did not say anything, so Jongdae continued.

“I think we should finally let go of each other.”

Kris was speechless. Of all the things that went through his mind at that moment, this was not what he expected. Well, Jongdae had always took him by surprise.

“I think,” Jongdae explained further. “We should go back to square one, and start over as friends. What do you say?”

Jongdae held up his hand. Kris thought of refusing, but he ended up shaking Jongdae’s hand. Friends. He does not even know if he could do that, but what the hell, maybe, just maybe, it would make things better between the two of them.

That is when Kris realized: The dream has finally ended.



Luhan observed carefully as he watched Sehun directed the whole commercial. It was strange. In Luhan’s point of view, Sehun transforms into a different person when he directs. He was so focused and driven. Luhan smiled to himself as he remembered the childish flirt who was clinging to him earlier. That person is miles away from this guy. The way Sehun’s gaze pierce through everyone, and the passion he have for what he does is amazing. There was not a doubt in Luhan’s mind that Sehun is the reason why everyone in this production decided to stay even if there had been a lot of troubles lately. When Sehun finally wrapped up the shoot, Luhan was waited for him to finish.

“You were amazing back there.” Luhan said as Sehun helped him bring the outfits back to his car.

Sehun did not say anything, but continued to put the clothes inside.

“Hey,” Luhan touched Sehun’s arm. “Are you ignoring me?”

Sehun scoffed, which Luhan took as a yes.

“Yah!” Luhan made Sehun look at him. “What’s the problem?”

“Nothing.” Sehun said plainly.

‘Oh Sehun,” Luhan said warningly. “Tell me why you’re being a child right now.”

“I told you it’s nothing.” Sehun turned away from Luhan.

Luhan frowned, and then he finally realized what this is about and laughed. “Is this because I did not let you kiss me earlier?”

Sehun pouted. Childish Sehun is back. Luhan thought as he smiled to himself.

“Aigoo…” Luhan cooed. “Is that what all the silent treatment was about?”

Sehun hesitantly nodded, not even looking at Luhan.

“Sehunnie, you’re so cute!” Luhan wrapped his arms around Sehun’s neck.

Sehun chuckled finally. “You’re always saying I’m cute, when you’re the one that looks like a kid.”

Luhan playfully hit Sehun’s chest.  “I don’t look like a kid. I’m an adult!”

“Well,” Sehun teased. “If you’re an adult, then kiss me.”

“I don’t wanna…” Luhan pretended to push Sehun away, but Sehun had his arms wrapped around Luhan’s waist.

“Why~?” Sehun complained. “Do I not look good today?”

“You look more handsome than ever.” Luhan smiled.

“Then why?” Sehun asked.

“I want the first to be spontaneous, okay?” Luhan said suddenly.

“Oh.” Sehun gave him a weird look. “I knew you were a gooey romantic, Luhannie.”

“I’m not!” Luhan protested. “I just…”

But whatever Luhan wanted to say, he was not able to finish. He was interrupted when Sehun gently pressed his lips against his. The smaller boy was caught by surprised at first, but he immediately kissed Sehun back. Luhan felt Sehun smiled. After a few moments, Sehun pulled back.

“There,” Sehun looked down on Luhan. “It can’t get any more spontaneous than that.”

“You cheater,” Luhan said helplessly as he was catching his breath. “You can’t just do that!”

Sehun pulled Luhan closer if that was still possible. He held Luhan’s cheek and it gently. “Do you want me to stop, Luhannie?”

Luhan glowered. “Oh, shut up and just kiss me.”

Luhan saw Sehun smiled and kissed him again. Luhan hugged Sehun tightly.

What are you trying to do to me, Oh Sehun? He thought.



Chanyeol looked around his surroundings. He did not even know what came to his mind when he thought of going to this place. First, he does not belong here, second, it will be incredibly shameless of him and lastly (and yes this is the most important reason), it was stupid. He was in the middle of contemplating on how to attempt to escape from the building when the secretary told him that he could finally go in. At that moment, Chanyeol just wanted to do a facepalm and just melt in the ground. He awkwardly made his way inside the office.

When Chanyeol went inside, he could not believe but to feel awed. I can’t believe that it’s that little guy’s office. He thought suddenly as he scanned the walls of the room. Chanyeol waited patiently as he watched Baekhyun end his conversation on the phone.”

“Sit wherever you want, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun looked up at him innocently as Chanyeol made his way to sit in one of the chairs beside Baekhyun’s table.

“What brought you here?” Baekhyun asked him. It was also obvious in Baekhyun’s expression that he was surprised that Chanyeol came to him.

“Uhm,” Chanyeol was hesitating. If anything, he would ask a huge favor to Baekhyun. But desperate times call for desperate measures. But still… “You know what; I think I made a mistake coming down here. I’ll just go.” And he made his way to the door.

“Sit down.” Baekhyun said firmly. “You already spent time going here, don’t put it to waste.”

Chanyeol sat back down and stared at Baekhyun.

“What?” Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol curiously. “Just say it already.”

“Please help Joonmyun.” Chanyeol said rather quickly.

Baekhyun’s eyes widened and his voice full of panic. “Oh my God! Did something happen to him?!”

Chanyeol immediately shook his head. “No! I didn’t mean to make it sound like that! I just… Well, Joonmyun got fired this morning, because of me!”

“He was what?!” Baekhyun gasped. “How did that happen?!”

“Well, he took the blame about what happened this morning.” Chanyeol explained. “I tried explaining to the manager, but Joonmyun did not budge. And the manager said his decision is final.”

“That’s just wrong.” Baekhyun said. “Where is Joonmyun now?”

“He’s looking for a new job, I think.” Chanyeol replied. “I know it’s my fault, and I know he only did that to protect me. But I don’t know what to do! You’re the only one that I know who could help him. I tried everything to help him land a new job, and believe me I would not have come here if I’m not desperate already. Besides, Joonmyun’s gonna kill me if he ever finds out I asked for your help”

Baekhyun watched at Chanyeol for a few moments, before he opened his mouth. “That’s crazy talk. Why didn’t you come over to me right away?”

Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun. “Well, I assumed you had a lot to do so…”

“Joonmyun’s a friend of mine.” Baekhyun interjected. “And I won’t ever hesitate on helping him.”

“You won’t?” Chanyeol blinked a few times.

“Of course I won’t” Baekhyun answered.

Maybe Baekhyun is alright after all.



Joonmyun sighed for the nth time. He had been searching for work all afternoon, but unfortunately, he could not find any. He felt tired already. He looked at his watch: 7pm. He must have walked for hours.  He walked a little more until he reached a familiar park. Memories of his childhood flooded back in his mind as he walked around the stone pathway. It was deserted. The kids must have gone home to eat their dinner. He smiled at the thought. As he entered the playground, he saw someone sitting on one of the swings. Joonmyun slowly approached him as he recognized the oddly familiar figure.

“Yixing-ah!” Joonmyun gasped as he looked at the sitting man in front of him. “What are you doing here by yourself?!”

“Joonmyun-ah…” Yixing stood up weakly. Joonmyun had to hold him for support him because Yixing was clearly wasted. Yixing suddenly pulled Joonmyun into a frail embrace. He leaned his head on Joonmyun’s shoulder.

“You finally came for me, Joonmyun-ah…” Yixing nuzzled into Joonmyun’s neck.

Joonmyun was frozen on his spot. “Yixing-ah, you’re drunk.”

“I’m not.” Yixing whined. “I’m not drunk. You’re here, Joonmyun-ah. This is not a dream is it?”

Joonmyun sighed. “No, Yixing-ah. It’s not a dream.” He tightened his grip on Yixing to stop the latter from falling down.

“That’s good.” Yixing said. “I’m glad you’re here, Joonmyun-ah…”

“We need to get you home, Yixing.” Joonmyun said to the wasted guy in front of him.

“I don’t want to.” Yixing shook his head. “If you bring me home, you might not be there when I wake up, Joonmyun-ah.”

Joonmyun smiled sadly. Yixing was only saying these things because of the alcohol, “I’ll still be there when you wake up, Yixing-ah.”

“You promise?” Yixing asked desperately.

“I promise.” Joonmyun replied.

“That’s good.” Yixing said. “Let’s go home.”

It took a lot of effort, but Joonmyun was able to drag Yixing out of the park. He also managed to hail a taxi. Yixing was still conscious enough to tell the driver his address. Fortunately, Yixing was wearing a cap and a hoodie or else he might get recognized by others. Joonmyun looked at the passing buildings. As they sat silently in the cab, Joonmyun felt Yixing leaned his head his sighed shoulders as the drunk boy slept peacefully.

Joonmyun used all his strength to support Yixing when they finally arrived at his place. It did not even help that it started raining really hard. Joonmyun made sure that Yixing would not get wet as he half carried Yixing inside the building. When they entered the apartment, Joonmyun immediately brought his friend to his bedroom and laid him on the bed gently. He was about to go out of the room when Yixing reached for his hand.

“Don’t go, Joonmyun-ah.” Yixing said softly.

“I’m just gonna go outside the room, Yixing-ah.” Joonmyun said.

“But it’s raining,” Yixing said. “There’s lightning and thunder. You might get scared, Joonmyun-ah.”

As if on cue, the sound of thunder was heard. Joonmyun felt Yixing’s grip tightening on his hand.

“Stay with me, Joonmyun-ah.” Joonmyun took a few moments and laid down beside Yixing.

“Are you okay?” Yixing asked him.

“Yes.” Joonmyun replied.

Another sound of thunder. “Are you scared?”

“No.” But his expression told otherwise.

“Cover your ears, Joonmyun-ah.”

Joonmyun obliged. After he did that, Yixing immediately put both of his hands to cover Joonmyun’s ears as well.

“Everything will be okay, Joonmyun-ah.” Yixing said as he finally closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

When they were kids, this will be the time when Joonmyun would stop crying. However, at this moment, silent tears fell from Joonmyun’s eyes as he watched Yixing. Joonmyun could not sleep. It felt like hours, but when the rain finally stopped. He slowly got up, so that he would not wake up Yixing. He was about to leave the room when he saw a familiar photo on the bedside table. It was from the time before they were kids. The last photo that was taken before they were both adopted. Joonmyun smiled as he looked at it. When he flipped the picture, he saw Yixing’s handwriting written on it.

“I still remember my promise.

About the dream we had.

One day, we’ll meet in that place.

I will always wait for you.”

Tears welled up in his eyes as he put back the photo on the bedside table. Joonmyun looked back at the sleeping guy on the bed. As he looked at him, he noticed the unhappiness on Yixing’s face. He realized how Yixing had stayed strong all along, and in contrast, how weak he was. He needed to be like Yixing, isn’t he? Joonmyun went out of the bedroom. He could not sleep, so he just sat patiently in the kitchen until sunlight entered the apartment once again. He decided to make coffee, because Yixing might want one when he wakes up. He had just finished making a cup, when he heard the bedroom door open. Joonmyun jumped up in surprise.

“I-I’m s-sorry, Yixing-ah.” Joonmyun stuttered. “I used your things. I just want to make coffee.”

Yixing stared at him. “You stayed.”

“O-of c-course.” Joonmyun continued stuttering. “I-I promised.”

“Did you sleep well?” Yixing asked.

“Yes.” Joonmyun lied.

The two of them stared embarrassedly at each other.

“I-I think I should go.” Joonmyun was flustered. “I’ll just leave this here.” He put the mug on top of the table.

Yixing was still not talking. He just followed Joonmyun’s every move with his eyes.

Joonmyun walked awkwardly to the exit, and Yixing followed him. But when he was about to turn the doorknob, he turned around and looked Yixing straight in the eye.

He took a long deep breath.

“I’m not gonna runaway anymore, Yixing-ah. I will become stronger like you. If you’re not waiting for me anymore, that’s okay. I will always be by your side no matter what happens. One day, I’ll be the one protecting you, Yixing-ah. I’ll never be afraid anymore.”

And he ran away, before Yixing could say anything.

Yixing-ah, you’re sad right?

I don’t know what’s wrong.

But I want to see your smile again.

It’s selfish right?

To see you smile at me.

I’ll make everything better.

I’ll make it sure.

I will do everything.




Would you look at that. It's long, isn't it?

And I know, a lot of things hanging in this chapter.

Just making things interesting.

Don't worry, I already have things planned in the future chapters.

EDIT: I forgot to put this here: Thank you guys for the comments! I really appreciate all of them. It inspires me to write more! ^^ 


As always, thanks for reading! :D

Jaa nee~

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I'm now getting out of hiatus. On the process of rewriting the Sulay mini chap. Hope I'll be able to post this soon tomorrow.


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Chapter 14: so....when will you update this beautiful story author-nim?
I've been waiting for your comeback
taratata #2
still waiting for the krischen i miss this story so much...
it's been a long time, but 'm still here waiting. But if you already give up on this story, please don't take this story down or do anything in a way that it's going to disappear one day.
Author-nim? It's been a year, are you still going to write this again?
I read this over and over again, only to stop at the last chapter but realizing it is still not done...
Chapter 14: lord, i just re-read this whole fic for the nth time and still... waiting... the.. struggle... lmao. i hope you are taking good of yourself and find inspiration! <3
Yuki0710 #7
Chapter 14: Oh god this is so interesting!!! >< i can't stop to read XD Please, update sooon!!! I can't wait thevconfrontation of KrisChen ♥♥
Chapter 13: YAY! Update! Update! And baekyeol's progressing!! Weeee~ And why do I love Victoria's appearance here?? Making the already complicate thing a little bit more complicated. :O And to Kai, really?? Only just now?? I thought he already has a thing for Kyungsoo in the past chapters... I guess that is just my own feels and me imagining things. :P And Taomin, still being the very sad couple in this chapter again, I wonder when will this end!!

And YES!!! EXO's coming back! Congrats to us!!!! ^^
mikazuki_angel #9
Chapter 13: Oh lawrd!! I can't even comprehend anymore. My OTP is forever going to stay broken for a long while...smh

The happier couples, congrats for HunHan. But I'm a little confused as to why Luhan did not want to stay with Sehun, more like live with him when they clearly love each other. Then for BaekYeol, I'm happy that they are getting close to each other. Oh man, if only Baekhyun didn't say that, they could have already shared an unexpectant kiss. ^^ they are seriously my fave in here! I hope Chanyeol all the best. I guess KaiSoo is a pretty happy couple. Jongin is finally feeling the emotions creep out of nowhere. I have been waiting for this. I hope they get to confessing real soon. ^^

Now the sad and effing complicated couples. Tao, for the love of god, just visit Minseokie please? Just say something nice to the little bun? Minseok is such a fighter himself too. Because even though he's suffering all by himself, he still manages to get himself to school, go to work, and do school activities like nothing is wrong. But everything is very wrong. I just hope Tao will solve whatever he's been trying to end. I need TaoMin to be happy.

Sulay, oh the Sulay... I am waiting for the next chapter now that you mentioned Sulay is going to be the mini arc. I just need Yixing to say what he feels about Joonmyeon and then hopefully, Joonmyeon does not back down and accept Yixing's feelings. PLEASE!! They love each other... TT^TT

MY POOR OTP!! KrisChen!! I have a feeling this pair is going to be inflicted with a 3rd party. Is Victoria going to say something about his illness? Does she know of Jongdae's illness? Well I hope so because it's about time Kris know about Jongdae's sickness. It's kind of unfair that Kris has to think Jongdae has bad intentions.

Since we're only halfway towards the end, I'm anticipating for happy endings. Seriously, I need to know that everyone is going to be happy. This drama is cutting open my heart. Alright! Waiting for the next chapter! ^^

Chapter 13: and
YAAAAAY~~~ finally you update ^^~
I really really wait and anticipate this story of you
and YOU"RE just awesome
in this chapter, you wrote this plot according to my favorite couple
/okay that's not important right now/
BUT HEY!!!~~~
I feel like gonna crying or biting or throwing or punching /my pillow/ because how pathetic KRISCHEN
and how STRESSFUL taomin
and how CUTE baekyeol

I love this chapter much much much <333
when you develop Krischen story I feel like ... /want to punch Kris face/ because how so clueless HE is
how stupid he was because he didnt know how bad suffering jongdae are
poor jongdae,
and about xiumin
HAAAA~ spare me please, I KNOW how xiumn feels, and when Tao knew that xiumin faint I am just want to crying over
huwaaaa~ please made taomin together ASAP!!!~~

and chanyeol-ah~ my friend, he still confuse with his feel because he just facing his biggest problem with hi family
i hope he choose the right one

love you all<333
and next, I hope you can UPDATE ASAP
sorry for my rude
i cant wait how krischen, taomin and baekyeol progress