Chapter One

Because You're By My Side

Hello again! So this is it... Chapter One! Not much moments yet, but I hope I can post Chapter Two after this. ^^



“I swear to God, if you don’t come down in five minutes, we’re gonna leave.” Baekhyun knocked loudly at his brother’s door.

A voice came from downstairs. “Hyung!! Your phone’s been ringing for ages! Should I answer it?”

“That’s it!” Baekhyun shouted. “Don’t blame us if you’re late again.” He put an emphasis on the last word. “We’re leaving.”

Tao frowned as he listened to the sounds of his brother’s footsteps going downstairs. He scratched his head as he searched his phone on the bedside table, yawning loudly as he looked at the time. He sat in disbelief as he realized how late it is. He immediately got up to get dressed, thinking that he may still catch up to his brothers. As he was showering up in the bathroom he got a text from his Baekhyun-hyung telling him that they had already left. He cursed himself a few times as he thought of his misfortune. He just let out a sigh as he thought of a way to get in school in time.

Five minutes, that’s how much time he has before the school gates close. He realized that he’s still a few kilometers away. Deciding he does not have any more choice, he decided to run. He could almost see the school gate closing and he decided to pick up his pace. His legs started to hurt, but he could not risk getting an absent again after getting in trouble the previous day. He was just a few yards away when he suddenly bumped into the person in front of him. Apologizing hastily, he looked up at the gates, but they were already closed. He cannot believe it. Of all the days, that this would happen, it would be today. He sighed exasperatedly. That’s when he noticed a figure standing up, and walking past him. He was hit by the sudden realization that the person he bumped into was a student of his school also. Tao stood up and watched the boy ran not to the school gates, but to the fences. He decided to copy what the boy was doing.

Tao carefully observed the boy. He seems to be oblivious of the fact that someone’s copying what he’s doing. In fact, Tao is not even sure that the boy noticed him. As he watched the boy go down the fence, he saw the boy’s cell phone dropping from his pockets.  Tao was just about to point this out to him, but he was already running towards the school. Tao considered for a moment, then picking up the phone as he ran to the building as well. As he ran upstairs, he saw the boy. He was just about to catch up to him, when the boy stopped at his tracks. His eyes widened in disbelief, as he watched the boy opening the doors of his classroom. He suddenly slowed down his pace.

“Tao, Minseok.” The teacher called out. “I’m so glad that you could join us.”

The boy finally looked at Tao. His face is full of surprise. The teacher continued. “You might want to get in already. I don’t want to waste anymore time.”

The two boys went to find their respected seats. The whole class finally settled down, and the professor started discussing.

“As I was saying,” he said clearing his throat. “Cultural festival is coming up, and the student council wants to have two representatives from each class. So do we have any volunteers?”

The class was quiet. Nobody wants to volunteer, since it would just be a pain. Everyone was just quiet, until one of the girls piped in.

“I think Tao would be a good choice.”

Tao, who was not really listening, suddenly looked up when he heard his name. There was a murmur of agreement within the class. He cursed under his breath. He is getting annoyed, because he is always chosen with these kinds of things. He does not even know why. He does not work well with people. He looked around.

The teacher continued. “Since I’m not hearing any objections from Tao, I think he’s in. Who wants to be the other volunteer?”

This time several hands shot up. The professor knows too well why they wanted to do it now, that this was because they will be working with Tao. He felt sorry for the boy; because he knows that he does not want to do it. Suddenly, a hand rose up.

“Sir,” to the shock of everyone, Tao stood up. “I’ll only do it if I could choose my partner.”

Most of the girls looked up at him expectantly, hoping that Tao would choose them.

“Very well,” the professor concluded. “Who do you want to work with?”

And to everyone’s surprise, Tao pointed to the seat in the back corner of the room. “I wanted to work with that guy over there.”

Minseok who was reading a book, and was not listening either looked up to find that everyone’s eyes are looking at him. And to his surprise, the boy from earlier was pointing at him.

“I see that Minseok does not have any objections either.” The teacher said. “Okay, I guess that’s settled then. Oh, before I forget. Tao, Minseok, the meeting will be at 3pm at the Student Council room. Make sure that you’re there. I don’t want you to humiliate this class.”

With that the teacher started the class. But all the while, Minseok was just looking at Tao. The shock is still apparent on his face. Tao could see him from the corner of his eyes, and he just cannot help but to smile.



“Jongin-oppa, would you go out with me?”

This had been the first confession Jongin received today. He turned her down nicely. He is used to it right now. Every day, he receives about four to five confessions, but he is not interested. He slowly made his way back to the gym to get his things to go to class after the morning practice. He could already see his teammates sniggering as they watch him approached them.

“This early huh?” one of his teammates nudged him.

“Shut up!” Jongin answered with an annoyed tone.

“I don’t get it,” his other teammate teased. “You have all these girls *and boys* who are around you all the time, yet you turn them all down.”

Jongin just shrugged. “You know I could get anyone if I wanted too, I’m just not interested. That’s all.”

“Tsk,” another teammate joined in. “If only I had a face like you, I would go out with a different girl every week!!”

Their team captain said. “Unfortunately, you don’t.”

The whole team laughed. Jongin was laughing too. He enjoyed the silliness of his teammates. After taking a shower, he headed straight to his classroom. There were not that much people inside so when he sat down on his seat, he immediately fell asleep. He preferred sleeping in class because for some odd reason, his nightmares do not occur when he sleeps in school. He was enjoying a dreamless sleep, when he suddenly felt something poking his cheek.

“What the…!” He suddenly stood up in shock. He realized that all his classmates and his teacher were looking at him.

“Jongin!” his teacher shouted. “What did I tell you about sleeping in class?!”

Jongin sat back down. Some of his classmates were giggling. He glared at his seatmate: Kyungsoo, oh, how he annoys him. He had always hated the day the seating arrangements were made. Jongin was forced to sit beside him. It was hell. They had been classmates since junior high, but the two of them never really got along. They hang out with different kinds of crowds, and besides, Jongin thinks of Kyungsoo as a show-off. As to which, Kyungsoo does not seem to like him too. He seems to do anything just to get Jongin into trouble. They always kept a safe distance away from each other, but now, they do not have a choice, do they?

“What did you do that for?” Jongin hissed.

“Well, the teacher doesn’t like you falling asleep. So, I woke you up.” Kyungsoo answered brightly, making sure he imitated Jongin’s tone. “I didn’t want you to get in trouble.”

“Wow, I didn’t know you were THAT concerned to me!” Jongin whispered sarcastically. He shot Kyungsoo a look, and went back to look in front. He could see in his peripheral that Kyungsoo narrowing his eyes at him, and then focusing back to the teacher.

“I’m sorry class, where was I?” Their nearly balding teacher scratched his head. Jongin swears he could see some of his teacher’s fair fell off.

“Oh right,” he continued. “I’m going to return your mock exam results today, so pay attention to them! I know it’s not the actual examination, but it will help you evaluate which topic you should be focusing on.”

There was a collective groan from the rest of the class. The teacher went on. “Now, from the looks of it, some of you did a great job.” He then looked at Kyungsoo’s direction. Jongin saw that Kyungsoo suddenly straightened in his seat. “And some of you, who did not.” He glanced at Jongin’s direction. *poker face*

Soon, the teacher returned their results. Jongin was kind of expecting his results when he saw his.

“Jongin,” his teacher said as he handed him the paper. “I know you work hard for basketball, but it wouldn’t hurt to study from time to time. If this result continues, you might be kicked of the team. We can’t afford to lose our star player can we?”

When Jongin went back to his seat, he sighed. He immediately put his exam results in his bag. He cursed inside. He can’t be kicked off the team. He must find a way to solve this problem. He suddenly noticed Kyungsoo putting his exams on his bag as well. It was kind of a surprise. Usually, at this time, Kyungsoo would “secretly” look over his paper, while showing off his. He was a bit surprised, but did not comment on it.

During lunch time, when he entered the cafeteria, he saw his friends, and a bunch of people who was hoping to eat with him. He was not in the mood to be with anyone right now, so he decided to just return to the classroom. While he was going climbing up the stairs, he overheard two of his classmates talking. He stopped walking and hid to eavesdrop.

“Hey, did you see Kyungsoo’s paper?” one of the girls asked.

“No,” the other answered. “Why? But, I’m pretty sure his grades are high!”

“Oh, high does not even cut it!” the first one said.

“What do you mean?” the other one asked.

“Well, you know I helped Sensei with his things back to the faculty room just know?” the first one whispered. (Jongin had to strain his ears just to hear them talking) “I ‘accidentally’ saw the rankings of the students in the mock exam, and Kyungsoo was number one!”

“That was expected…” her friend said (Jongin hated it, but he agrees). “What’s the big deal?”

“No!” the other one protested. “Not just number one in our class! He’s number one nationwide! I think he got the perfect score!”

The second one gasped. “I know he’s smart, but I didn’t know he was that good! What is he doing here? He should be in a school of geniuses!”

“I know! But, you have to admit, I’m glad he’s here… I can’t concentrate on our lesson when I see him in our class. He’s sitting beside Jongin too!” The two friends giggled.

Jongin went back to the classroom. He never thought Kyungsoo was that smart as well. He seemed like a normal smart student and nothing special at all.

Maybe he could help me! Jongin thought. Wait, no! NEVER! How could he even think of that! He would never go that low, even if he was desperate! What the hell is wrong with you, Jongin?! You are a man with pride!

He was expecting that the classroom would be empty. But when he was about to turn touch the doorknob, the door suddenly opened. He came face to face with Kyungsoo. Jongin suddenly felt awkward, because Kyungsoo was staring at him.

“What?” Jongin asked defensively.

“What?” Kyungsoo asked at the same time.

“You go first.” Jongin said turning away.

“Well,” Kyungsoo said, still staring at him. “I was gonna take out the trash. You might want to stop blocking the door.”

“Oh.” Jongin said stepping aside while Kyungsoo went out.

Jongin went to sit on his chair. He looked at Kyungsoo’s table and saw his bento. He smiled when he saw that his food has so many cute designs.

“You want to share?” Kyungsoo suddenly said making Jongin jump from his seat for the second time today. Kyungsoo apologized.

“No, thank you.” Jongin replied. “I’m not hungry.” His stomach growled. How dare you betray me, my stomach?!

Kyungsoo chucked. “It’s okay. You can use my fork.” He gave Jongin his fork and offered his bento to him. “Come on! I’m actually letting you touch my food.”

Jongin stared at him, but he got a piece of octopus sausage anyway. “What’s wrong with you today? Are you sick?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Kyungsoo looked at him indignantly. He started eating too, using his spoon.

“You’re being weirdly kind to me right now.” Jongin answered getting a piece that looks like an owl, but Kyungsoo slapped his fork away, so he just went for the one that looks like a frog.

“Huh?” Kyungsoo was confused. “I’m always like this.” He ate the frog piece.

“Whatever.” Jongin said flatly. “Why are you eating here anyway? Why don’t you go to the cafeteria?”

“I don’t like eating there.” Kyungsoo replied bluntly. “I have my lunch, so I don’t have to buy anything there. Besides, I like some peace and quiet, unlike some people.” He added with a fake cough.

Jongin glared at him. “Okay, I take back what I said. You’re still not nice to me.”

Kyungsoo smiled at him. Jongin was taken aback. This was the first time he smiled at him. Come to think of it, this is the first time the two of them had a long conversation that does not include snarling and smug expressions. They continued to eat quietly. Kyungsoo was the first one to break the silence.

“I’m sorry about earlier.” He said avoiding an eye contact with Jongin.

“It’s okay,” Jongin sighed. “I’m used to being scolded anyway.”

Kyungsoo looked happy. He even gave the last piece of his food to Jongin. Jongin was tidying up his things when Jongin said something unexpected.

“Can you tutor me?” Even Jongin is shocked by his sudden outburst.

“Okay.” Kyungsoo answered simply. It surprised Jongin more that Kyungsoo answered immediately. He wanted to take it back, but his thing (formerly known as pride) would not let him.

“Are you sure?” Jongin assured.

“It’s about the mock exam isn’t it?” Kyungsoo asked. Jongin found it unbelievable how blunt this guy is. “You can’t be cut off from the team.”

Jongin merely nodded. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Kyungsoo smiled. “A little bit. So when are we gonna start?”

“I guess today after basketball practice?” Jongin answered. “We can just go to our house.”


“But can I make a condition?” Jongin asked awkwardly. “Can we keep it a secret?”

Kyungsoo snorted. “Sure. I did not want to be associated with you anyway.”

“Really” Jongin said with a skeptical tone. “I bet soon you’ll fall for my charms.”

 “Don’t worry,” Kyungsoo said. “I already did.”

“What?” Jongin’s eyes widened, and so was Kyungsoo’s.

“That,” Kyungsoo said sitting down. “That was a joke.” And he laughed awkwardly.

Jongin started to laugh too, “That was kind of funny. “

Before Kyungsoo could answer, their other classmates came in the classroom. He and Jongin went back to their own businesses. But Jongin was thinking about Kyungsoo. He was not bad at all. The conversation they had was weird, but he felt happy.

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo was biting his lip. Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed about tutoring. He thought. He could hear his heart beating really fast, and he knows why. But today was different. He looked at Jongin who was starting to fall asleep again, and he smiled. If he could only run around the school to shout to the world his feelings right now, but he knew that he should not expect anything. It’s okay this way, isn’t it? I’m happy just to stay by you side, Jongin.





“Where are we going today?” Yixing asked in a singsong while staring absentmindedly as they rode the car.

“We’re supposed to meet the president today remember? Then we’ll go to rehearsals” Baekhyun answered dialing his phone, and then proceeded to talk to someone to the person on the other line.

Yixing groaned quite loudly earning a glare from his manager. He liked the president, but he’s too uptight. He can’t even joke around him, and every time he and Baekhyun would meet him it was really awkward. He just wants to get that part over with. He knows that only Baekhyun was the only one who gets him.

“I’m hungry.” Yixing complained. “We haven’t eaten yet.” He started pinching Baekhyun’s cheeks repeatedly.

“Baekhyun-ah,” Yixing continued to whine. “Let’s eat first, Baekhyun-ah!”

Baekhyun glared at Yixing and mouthed, Can’t you see I’m talking to someone?! He apologized to the person he was talking to.

Yixing pouted. “Baekhyun-ah, let’s stop at a café somewhere, please?” He did his best to sound cute.

Baekhyun chuckled as he hung up the phone. He told the driver to stop by the café nearby.

“What am I going to do with you?” He said to Yixing. He was happy that Yixing was his usual cheerful self.

When the car stopped, Yixing immediately stepped out. Baekhyun told him to go inside first, because his phone rang again. When Yixing stepped inside the café, it caused quite a stir as the customers gaped at him. Some people asked for a photo or for an autograph. They took longer than usual, and when Yixing finally settled down, Baekhyun was inside also. A waiter approached them.

“Good morning, sir,” he said, while handing them the menu. “What would you like to order?”

“Hmm,” Yixing thought deeply as he examined the menu. “Since Baekhyun-ah will pay, I’ll have the King’s breakfast!”

“Yah, what gave you that idea!” Baekhyun protested. “I’ll have a coffee then.”

“Is that all?” the waiter asked politely.

“Yes.” Baekhyun handed the menu back.

Yixing did this as well, and he and the waiter looked at each other. Baekhyun noticed how Yixing’s smiled faltered and how he suddenly tensed up.

“Dude, what’s up?” Baekhyun asked. “Do you know him?”

Yixing seemed to snap back to his senses. “No.” he answered flatly.

The waiter left immediately. Baekhyun suddenly said with an amused tone. “He’s cute. He could be an idol too.”

“That’s not funny.” Yixing’s expression was serious. “We need to leave now.”

“What the hell?” Baekhyun complained. “We just placed our orders!”

“I don’t care. Let’s just go.” Yixing answered with finality. He stood up, but Baekhyun pushed him back down.

“Okay, you need to tell me what’s going on.” Baekhyun demanded.

“Nothing’s going on.” Yixing replied.

Baekhyun raised his eyebrows. “Really, because you don’t go from a whining little kid to a serious moody person ifnothing is going on.”

“I’m just tired.” Yixing said impassively.

“You’re acting weird.” Baekhyun said impatiently. “It’s the waiter, isn’t it? You know him.”

Yixing paused. “No, I don’t”

“Oh, come on.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “I have known you for years. Everything went well until he showed up.”

“I told you,” Yixing said angrily. “I don’t know him.”

“Fine,” Baekhyun decided to let the matter go. “I’m not gonna ask anymore. Just please, stop acting like this and let’s just eat our breakfast peacefully.”


A few minutes later, the waiter came back with their orders, but this time Yixing did not look at him. In fact he looked serious all the time they were eating. When they were done, he was the first one to get out. Baekhyun went to the counter to pay.

Before leaving, he Baekhyun passed the waiter again. He smiled at the waiter and he smiled back. Baekhyun was not sure if it was just his imagination, but the waiter’s eyes looked red and puffy. However, when he turned around for a second look, the waiter was gone. Baekhyun decided to go to the car, and they left immediately.

Back in the restaurant, Joonmyun watched as the car slowly drove away from the café. He immediately went inside the bathroom and proceeded to one of the cubicles. He leaned against the door and he slid to the ground. He buried his face on his knees as he finally gave in to his emotions. He silently cried as he played the scenario from earlier in his mind. He remembered the look that Yixing gave him when he realized that it was his childhood friend. He finally realized how Yixing hated him all this time and it hurts Joonmyun so much.





"You’re late.” A voice was heard from the inside the room. Baekhyun looked at Yixing warningly.

“I’m sorry President, there was so much traffic, and we can’t get out.”

Yixing mentioned his apologies as well. He was used to Baekhyun covering up for him, The President asked them all to sit down. There, they discussed about a lot of things, and the company’s plan for the Yixing’s comeback. After discussing the nationwide tour, the president told them that they could go. As they were leaving, the President called out to Baekhyun. He then told the Yixing to go to the studio ahead of him.

“Things looked well.” The President told him.

“Of course,” Baekhyun answered confidently. “I leaned from the best.”

“I hope nothing will go wrong.” He warned him.

 “When did I ever disappoint you?” Baekhyun asked defensively, but he knows that the President was just looking after them.

“I know you won’t. I’m just saying. By the way, you’re looking thin these days.”

Baekhyun looked at him surprisingly. “Honestly, I don’t know if that’s a compliment.”

“I told you lots of times before.” The President looked at him worriedly. “You need to get an assistant.”

“Tsk.” Baekhyun said. “I told you, I would get one, if I find the right person”

“You know there are tons of applicants for the job?”

“I know.” Baekhyun answered. “But both of us know they’re just there to get close to Yixing. I might end up doing the entire job in the end.”

“I’m just saying,” The President continued. “Besides, you’re taking care of your brothers at some point. It might take a lot from you.”

“I’m fine, okay?” Baekhyun answered exasperatedly. “I can manage myself and my personal life.”

“I don’t need my best person getting sick at one point.  I can’t afford that to happen” The president sighed.

They both smiled at this.

Then the President suddenly looked serious. “I know he’s back.”

Baekhyun looked serious too. He was shocked of this sudden change of subject. However, he knows this would come up sooner or later. It’s better to just get this over with.

Baekhyun heaved a long sigh. “Yes, I went to meet him yesterday.”

“How is he?” Kris asked rather hesitantly.

“He’s fine.” Baekhyun replied. “He looked skinny too, in my opinion.”

“Did he accept the offer?”

“He’s still not sure if he should accept it.”

“What do you think?” Kris eyebrows furrowed. “Will he?”

“You and I both know the answer.” Baekhyun answered. “You know him.”

Kris was silent for a second. “Alright, you can go.”

Baekhyun turned to leave, but before he closed the door of the office, he said: “You know he won’t accept it if you tell him not to. Just talk to him. Please.” Then he left.

Kris considered what Baekhyun said for a moment. He admired Baekhyun for still holding on to the hope that he gave up on years ago, yet sometimes, he thinks if he’s still hoping at some point as well.




Sehun kicked the tire of his car. He can’t believe his luck today. He was on his way to a meeting when his car broke down. He called everyone, but no one seems to be free at this time. He decided to call Baekhyun, his only chance.

“Hello? Sehun-ah?”

“Yo,” Sehun told him. “Are you free right now?

“Uhh... Not right now. I’m still here at the rehearsal.

“Oh, okay.” Sehun answered hopelessly.

“Why what’s wrong?”

“My car broke down.”

“That . Why don’t you call a company car?”

“Apparently no one’s around. I have a meeting in an hour. And I’m getting frustrated.”

“You could ride a taxi.”

“I know. But I don’t have any money with me right now.”

“You could stop over at the office, and I could just give you money to pay for the taxi later.”

“Okay. Thanks. I’ll see you later.”

Sehun hailed a taxi. He sighed tiredly as he went inside the cab. He was feeling stressed lately. He suddenly feels swamped by all the things he remembered that he needed to do later. He decided to put these things away from his mind in the meantime, and he rode the taxi in silence. When he was near the office, he called Baekhyun to meet him outside. When he arrived, he saw Baekhyun already outside waiting for him. He gave Sehun the money, and he paid the driver immediately. Sehun and Baekhyun went inside the building after that.

Baekhyun asked Sehun. “What happened to you?”

“My engine broke down.” Sehun answered his best friend. “I don’t even know why or how.”

“Why did you even buy that thing in the first place?” Baekhyun shook his head. “I know you like showing off, but that thing always breaks down.”

“Oh, shut up.” Sehun said. “I already called a mechanic to fix it.”

“Whatever you say…” Baekhyun said as Sehun pushed him. Baekhyun is used to his best friend. He knows that despite this, he means well. “How are you, anyway? You looked stressed. You even have dark circles under your eyes.”

“Speak for yourself.” Sehun retaliated. “You look like you could use some rest too.”

Baekhyun nodded. “Do I really look tired? Kris said that I might need an assistant.”

“Well, he’s right!” Sehun said. “How are things going? Must be hard to be the manager of one of the country’s biggest idol, huh?”

“It’s fine.” Baekhyun replied. “Yixing’s in the studio right now, rehearsing for the tour.”

“So the tour’s green lighted, huh?” Sehun asked.

“Yes, finally.” Baekhyun answered. “That reminds me, are you going to the album launch party later tonight?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Sehun smirked.

“Aish,” Baekhyun narrowed his eyes. “Don’t use my parties for your own personal gain.”

“Come on, Baekhyun.” Sehun smiled at his best friend. “Live a little won’t you?”

“You really need to get yourself in a decent relationship soon.” Baekhyun said as he rolled his eyes. “By the way, Jongdae-hyung’s back from the States.”

Sehun stopped at his tracks. “What?! When did he return?”

“Yesterday.” Baekhyun answered.

“You’re thinking of inviting him to the party, aren’t you?”

Baekhyun looked uncertain for a few seconds, but Sehun had already caught on. “You already invited him, didn’t you?”

Baekhyun nodded. “Yeah, well…” he let his thoughts trail on.

Sehun shrugged. “I wanted to see him as well, but do you think Kris-hyung’s gonna be okay with that?”

“I hope so.” Baekhyun answered. “Besides, Yixing is dying to meet his idol for a while now, so what can I do.”

“Oh, yeah!” Sehun chucked. “I forgot that Yixing is a Jongdae fanboy!”

“Let’s just see what would happen.” Baekhyun said. “Who are you meeting by the way?”

“Oh, you remember that airhead who always hits on you?”

“Ugh, don’t even remind me.”

“He wanted me to look at his screenplay. He wants me to direct the movie.”

“I’m sure, you’re gonna be awesome like always.” Baekhyun said proudly. “I just want you to be careful. You know he likes his boy toys.”

“That’s disgusting.”

Baekhyun laughed. “I’m just kidding. Well, I need to go back now. I guess I’ll just see you later at the party?”

“Okay. I’ll see you later.” Sehun said.




“Hyung, are you okay?” Kyungsoo was waving a hand in front of Minseok.

Minseok continued to stare of to space with his mouth hanging open. Kyungsoo, who was waving his hands for the past couple of minutes, finally got impatient and pinch his hyung’s cheeks.

“Ow!” Minseok puffed his cheeks. “What was that for?!”

“You seem to be distracted.” Kyungsoo explained. “You’ve been mixing an empty bowl for the past half hour.”

Minseok suddenly looked down at his supposed to be “batter” mix. He and Kyungsoo were there for club activities. They are members of the Home Economics club, and apparently Minseok is not at the top of his game today.

“Is something wrong?” Kyungsoo was concerned.

Minseok sighed and told Kyungsoo the incident that happened this morning in the classroom. When he was finished with the story, Kyungsoo suddenly burst out laughing.

“What?” Minseok said with an annoyed tone. “It’s not funny!!”

Kyungsoo was beyond himself. He was holding the table for support. Tears are already coming out from his eyes.

“Stop it!” Minseok pouted.

“Okay, okay!” Kyungsoo wiped the tears from his eyes, while he was gasping for breath. “It’s just that, it’s funny that you don’t know him that’s all.”

“Why?” Minseok asked. “Should I know him or something?”

“Well he’s like most famous guy in your year, how could anyone not know him? Kyungsoo replied.

“Really?” Minseok looked skeptical. “That guy is famous?”

“Yeah, but he looks scary sometimes.” Kyungsoo said. “I think that’s why people find him cool.”

“I don’t know.” Minseok said. “I don’t think it’s scary. His face looked like more he was bored or something.”

“Oh well.” Kyungsoo sighed. “But he does have some reputation though. He gets into fights most of the time.”

“He gets into fights?!” Minseok asked. His eyes were as round as they can be.

Kyungsoo stared at Minseok and shook his head. “Hyung, seriously you need to be more involved in our school more.”

“I am involved… Somehow.” Minseok answered defensively. “I’m… satisfied. How do you know so much about him, anyway?”

Kyungsoo suddenly looked tense. “Uh… Uh… He’s uh…” he stammered.

Minseok smiled teasingly and nudged the younger boy with his elbow. “Do you like him? I thought you liked that Jo—“

“I don’t like him!”  Kyungsoo hissed, but his face was a shade of deep red as he tried to cover Minseok’s mouth from laughing.

Minseok smiled knowingly. “So why did you suddenly stutter so much?”

Kyungsoo sighed dejectedly and whispered to Minseok silently so that the other club members won’t hear. “He’s Jongin’s older brother, okay?”

“Oh, so that’s why.” Minseok sniggered as Kyungsoo cleared his throat.

“So hyung,” Kyungsoo changed the subject. “He’s in your class. It’s almost mid-semester. You really didn’t notice him until today?”

Minseok shrugged as he was reminded of his problem again. “Well yeah.” He sighed deeply. “How did I get myself into this mess anyway?”

“Well good luck, hyung.” Kyungsoo patted his shoulders. “I’m sure it’ll work out somehow.”

Minseok put his hands on his face. “Why did he have to choose me?!” He whined loudly. He laid his head on the table as he softly pounded it with his fist.

“I just hope it won’t cause much trouble in my part time job.” Minseok continued.

“Still working, huh?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Yeah.” Minseok replied. “In fact, I have a sideline job for tonight.”

“That’s good.”Kyungsoo nodded his head approvingly. “But don’t tire yourself so much, hyung.”

“You know I won’t!” Minseok said. He seemed to be back to his usual cheerful self now.

“What time is it, anyway?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Why,” Minseok asked. “Do you have a date or something?” He started fumbling his pocket for his phone.

“Shut up!” Kyungsoo asked. “It’s just charity work.”

“Oh no…” Minseok tried to search desperately in his pocket. He was trying not to panic at first, but now he’s starting to. “Oh no… I think I lost my phone!”

“What?!” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened as he helped Minseok search his bag. “Are you sure you brought it this morning?”

“Yes!” Minseok answered. His tone was panicky. “I checked it when I was running to school… Oh no, I must have dropped it!”

“Looking for this?” a sudden strangely familiar voice rang in the entire room.

Minseok froze in his position when he heard the question. The room immediately went to a deadly silence for a second. But soon enough, everyone in the Home Economics club went into a state of panic and squeals as they saw the ever famous Tao standing in the doorway of the club room holding Minseok's phone. Everyone was in a daze as he slowly made his way into the crowd, and went straightly to Minseok and Kyungsoo’s table. When Tao finally stopped and glared at the two of them, Kyungsoo whispered a goodbye and apology to Minseok and pushed his hyung forward before fleeing the room.

“So…” Tao started with an eyebrow raised.

“So…?” Minseok tried to put an angry tone in his voice. “Give me back my phone!”

He tried to reach for the phone, but Tao raised his hands so high that Minseok does not have the slightest chance to reach it.

“No.” Tao answered firmly. “This will be your punishment.” Several girls screamed when they heard the word “punishment” from Tao.

Minseok rolled his eyes. “Are you out of your mind?”

Suddenly, Tao grabbed Minseok’s arm and pulled him outside. All the girls were eyeing Tao longingly, while they glared at Minseok. If they only knew what was going on in the smaller boy’s mind. He was in the edge of breaking down right now. He tried to release his arm from Tao’s grip, but it was too hard. In the end, he had no choice, but to give up. They walked and walked until Tao was sure that no fangirls and fanboys could see them. He finally let go of Minseok’s hand.

“What the hell?!” Minseok shouted. “Can you just give me my phone back?”

“I told you, no.” Tao said simply. “It’s your punishment.”

“And what is this talk about punishment?!” Minseok said angrily. “What did I ever do to you?!”

“Well, first of all,” Tao glared at him. “It’s four o’clock and you seem to have forgotten a certain meeting you needed to be attending an hour ago.”

Minseok looked confused. “What meeting? I don’t remem…” A sudden look of realization flooded on his face.

“Exactly.” Tao nodded slowly. “Now, you remember… How dare you forget?”

“Oh no!” Minseok said worriedly. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry. If you need to punch me to channel your anger, just go. But please, not the face. I have a job tonight! I’m sorry for that too!”

To Tao’s surprise, Minseok grabbed his hands, balled them to a fist and placed it in front of him. Minseok closed his eyes while waiting for Tao’s punch, but a few seconds passed, and Tao put his fist down. Slowly, Minseok opened his eyes.

“Why didn’t you punch me?” Minseok asked curiously.

“Why would I punch you?” Tao chuckled. “I already have your phone on hostage as a punishment.”

Minseok cannot believe how the surprise he’s feeling right now. “You’re crazy.”

Tao smiled. “Here,” He pushed a paper on Minseok’s face. “That’s what we talked about in the meeting today. There’ll be another one on Monday. So make sure you’ll be there with me, okay?” And he pinched Minseok’s nose, before walking away.

Minseok could only freeze on the spot at Tao’s figure as walked down the school’s hallways. Minseok decided to check on Tao’s notes on the meeting. He was surprised how detailed and easy to understand Tao’s notes are. It’s like he practically made it so Minseok would understand it completely. Minseok could only sigh to himself as he whispered:

“Seriously, why did you choose me, Tao?”




Jongdae dialed the phone for the… God knows how many times he pressed the redial button. He sat on the coffee shop as he impatiently tapped his feet. He tried to sip his coffee, but it didn’t calm him. Well, duh? He tried calling up again, but when he saw his friend walking towards him, he dropped the phone immediately.

“You’re late, Luhan!” Jongdae exclaimed.

“Jongdae,” Luhan said rolling his eyes as he sat down. “I was just ten minutes late, for god sakes! What are you getting all worked up for?!”

Jongdae stayed silent. He decided to gulp down all his coffee.

“Silent treatment, seriously,” Luhan asked. “After three years of not seeing each other, you’re not talking to me?”

“I forgot how much of a drama queen you are.” Jongdae chuckled.

“Well you better remember.” Luhan pouted. “You’ll be seeing this pretty face a lot from now on.”

Jongdae smiled. It had been awhile since he last talked to Luhan. He let his friend update him with stories from the last three years. It’s not as if he hadn’t heard most of them, but hearing Luhan’s news made him forget the queasiness he felt inside.

“You’re not even listening.” Luhan crossed his arms.

“I am.” Jongdae assured him.

“Yeah right,” Luhan said skeptically. “Could you please, just tell me what’s going on? It’s starting to annoy me.”

Jongdae hesitated. “I don’t know what to do.”

“About what?” Luhan asked, but then a sudden realization dawned upon his big, round eyes. “It’s Kris, isn’t it?”

Jongdae nodded. “Yes. I think I’ll run into him tonight.”

Luhan raised his eyebrows curiously. “What’s happening tonight?”

“There’s this party I have to go to.” Jongdae answered.

“What party? I haven’t heard anything about a party.” Luhan’s face was filled with excitement.

“Fine, I know you want to go.” Jongdae said and Luhan smiled. “But that’s not the problem now. It’s Baekhyun party, but I don’t know if I should go. I don’t think I’m ready to see him.”

“You have to go.” Luhan said. “I know you care about Baekhyun, and he’ll be happy if you’d go. Besides, when you asked me to keep tabs on that guy, I can see that he was doing fine. You’ve taught him well.”

Jongdae sighed. “It was mostly Kris who taught him after I left.”

“Ugh…” Luhan rolled his eyes. “Could you please just stop letting yourself down because of that Kris guy?”

“I can’t.” Jongdae sighed.

“I don’t know what to do with you.” Luhan said annoyed. “Just go to that party and stop all this drama!”

Jongdae chuckled. “I wonder if you really want me to go to that party or you just wanted to make me an excuse to go to that party.”

“Wow, words hurt you know.” Luhan acted like he was hurt. “Maybe you’re 50 percent right?”

“I knew it.” Jongdae said.

“So you’re still going, right?”  Luhan asked.

“Yes.” Jongdae answered flatly.

“Good.” Luhan nodded approvingly. “And if you ever ran into that Kris, you just go there and own it.”

Jongdae laughed. “Fine, fine. I know.”

“I can’t wait for tonight!” Luhan exclaimed.

“Yah, don’t get carried away!” Jongdae said.

Luhan’s smiled faltered for a moment, but he regained composure immediately. “You know I’ve been keeping my promise, right?”

“Yes.” Jongdae answered. “I never doubted ever. I just want you to be careful.”

Luhan smiled more sincerely now, when he realized his friend’s concern for him. “I am always careful.”

“I know.”

“Who knows?” Luhan sighed with his mouth twitching. “I might meet my prince tonight.”

Jongdae smiled. “Be careful what you wish for, Luhan.”




Joonmyun was getting ready to go home. He was just on his way to get his bicycle when he heard someone calling his name.

“Joonmyun-ah!” the voice called. “Joonmyun-ah!”

Joonmyun turned to the direction of the voice. “Park Chanyeol! How dare you skip work today! I had to cover for you!”

“Ah!” Chanyeol scratched his head. “I’m sorry, Joonmyun. But guess what? A friend hooked us up to a job tonight! The pay’s REALLY good too! So do you want to come?”

“I guess…” Joonmyun said while he drifted off.

“Yah, are you okay?” Chanyeol looked at Joonmyun’s face and for the first time, he noticed that his best friend’s eyes were red and puffy. “What happened to you?”

“Nothing.” Joonmyun avoided Chanyeol’s gaze.

“What nothing?” Chanyeol asked. “The only thing that makes you cry is a thunderstorm. It didn’t even rain today! Tell me what’s wrong.”

Joonmyun stayed silent for a while, and then he took a very deep breath finally showed his angelic smile again. “I’m fine now, okay? Come on; let’s go to that job you were talking about.”

“No.” Chanyeol stayed rooted at his place. “I won’t move here until you tell me what’s going on.”

“You’re acting like a child, Chanyeol.” Joonmyun said.

“So what?” Chanyeol scoffed.

“You’re seriously not gonna move there if I don’t say anything?” Joonmyun asked. He was clearly making fun of his best friend.

“Yes.” Chanyeol said firmly.

“I saw him earlier.” Joonmyun looked earlier.

“Who?” Chanyeol’s eyebrows furrowed. “Tell me!!”

“Yixing, I saw him earlier.” Joonmyun explained. “He ate in the café this morning.”

“What?!” Chanyeol jumped up and down. “Joonmyun-ah! I’m happy for you!! So what did you say to him?”

Joonmyun smiled bitterly. “Nothing. I didn’t say anything. He hated me right away when he saw each other.”

Joonmyun tried to hide it, but somehow, tears started to fall once again. Chanyeol heard his best friend’s sniff and he immediately put his arms on his shoulders to comfort him.

“Joonmyun-ah,” Chanyeol tried to sound happy. “Don’t cry okay? I’m sure he was just surprised. Cheer up! It’ll ruin your angelic face!!”

Joonmyun let out a sound between a cry and a chuckle. Even though he was still crying, he somehow felt better.

“I want to apologize to him, Chanyeol-ah.” Joonmyun said. “But I’m scared that I’ll never meet him again.”

Chanyeol shook his head. “You’ve got to believe a little, Joonmyun-ah. You’ll see him again. Trust me.”



Done with Chapter One! Off to the next one!

I know there's still zero Baekhyun/Chanyeol encounter, but I promise.... Chapter Two!! ^^

Thanks for reading! Jaa~

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I'm now getting out of hiatus. On the process of rewriting the Sulay mini chap. Hope I'll be able to post this soon tomorrow.


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Chapter 14: so....when will you update this beautiful story author-nim?
I've been waiting for your comeback
taratata #2
still waiting for the krischen i miss this story so much...
it's been a long time, but 'm still here waiting. But if you already give up on this story, please don't take this story down or do anything in a way that it's going to disappear one day.
Author-nim? It's been a year, are you still going to write this again?
I read this over and over again, only to stop at the last chapter but realizing it is still not done...
Chapter 14: lord, i just re-read this whole fic for the nth time and still... waiting... the.. struggle... lmao. i hope you are taking good of yourself and find inspiration! <3
Yuki0710 #7
Chapter 14: Oh god this is so interesting!!! >< i can't stop to read XD Please, update sooon!!! I can't wait thevconfrontation of KrisChen ♥♥
Chapter 13: YAY! Update! Update! And baekyeol's progressing!! Weeee~ And why do I love Victoria's appearance here?? Making the already complicate thing a little bit more complicated. :O And to Kai, really?? Only just now?? I thought he already has a thing for Kyungsoo in the past chapters... I guess that is just my own feels and me imagining things. :P And Taomin, still being the very sad couple in this chapter again, I wonder when will this end!!

And YES!!! EXO's coming back! Congrats to us!!!! ^^
mikazuki_angel #9
Chapter 13: Oh lawrd!! I can't even comprehend anymore. My OTP is forever going to stay broken for a long while...smh

The happier couples, congrats for HunHan. But I'm a little confused as to why Luhan did not want to stay with Sehun, more like live with him when they clearly love each other. Then for BaekYeol, I'm happy that they are getting close to each other. Oh man, if only Baekhyun didn't say that, they could have already shared an unexpectant kiss. ^^ they are seriously my fave in here! I hope Chanyeol all the best. I guess KaiSoo is a pretty happy couple. Jongin is finally feeling the emotions creep out of nowhere. I have been waiting for this. I hope they get to confessing real soon. ^^

Now the sad and effing complicated couples. Tao, for the love of god, just visit Minseokie please? Just say something nice to the little bun? Minseok is such a fighter himself too. Because even though he's suffering all by himself, he still manages to get himself to school, go to work, and do school activities like nothing is wrong. But everything is very wrong. I just hope Tao will solve whatever he's been trying to end. I need TaoMin to be happy.

Sulay, oh the Sulay... I am waiting for the next chapter now that you mentioned Sulay is going to be the mini arc. I just need Yixing to say what he feels about Joonmyeon and then hopefully, Joonmyeon does not back down and accept Yixing's feelings. PLEASE!! They love each other... TT^TT

MY POOR OTP!! KrisChen!! I have a feeling this pair is going to be inflicted with a 3rd party. Is Victoria going to say something about his illness? Does she know of Jongdae's illness? Well I hope so because it's about time Kris know about Jongdae's sickness. It's kind of unfair that Kris has to think Jongdae has bad intentions.

Since we're only halfway towards the end, I'm anticipating for happy endings. Seriously, I need to know that everyone is going to be happy. This drama is cutting open my heart. Alright! Waiting for the next chapter! ^^

Chapter 13: and
YAAAAAY~~~ finally you update ^^~
I really really wait and anticipate this story of you
and YOU"RE just awesome
in this chapter, you wrote this plot according to my favorite couple
/okay that's not important right now/
BUT HEY!!!~~~
I feel like gonna crying or biting or throwing or punching /my pillow/ because how pathetic KRISCHEN
and how STRESSFUL taomin
and how CUTE baekyeol

I love this chapter much much much <333
when you develop Krischen story I feel like ... /want to punch Kris face/ because how so clueless HE is
how stupid he was because he didnt know how bad suffering jongdae are
poor jongdae,
and about xiumin
HAAAA~ spare me please, I KNOW how xiumn feels, and when Tao knew that xiumin faint I am just want to crying over
huwaaaa~ please made taomin together ASAP!!!~~

and chanyeol-ah~ my friend, he still confuse with his feel because he just facing his biggest problem with hi family
i hope he choose the right one

love you all<333
and next, I hope you can UPDATE ASAP
sorry for my rude
i cant wait how krischen, taomin and baekyeol progress