
Stubborn Couples

The blonde ulzzang drew open the curtains of their room with a gigantic smile on his milky face. He mouthed a silent 'fighting' and fist pumped the air in happiness. The sunbeams shone through the window, illuminating the particles of dust floating about in the air. The morning was simply beautiful in the world of Kim Himchan.

"The sun is shining! The plants are green! And we are getting Dae-" a loud snore interrupted Himchan's lovely morning speech, and the blonde ulzzang turned to his roomate with a face of annoyance. He nudged the older blonde in the ribs with his foot, attempting to wake him up from his slumber. "Yongguk."

No response.


Another nudge.



"Jepp Blackman."

A snore.

"Yo fizzle in the drizzle. Bring down da hose y'all. Ya naw what I'm sayin'?"

Nose twitch.

Himchan muttered a string of curses at the lifeless figure in front of him, grabbed his pillow and began whacking Yongguk mercilessly.




"Himchan sto-"






"This hurts! And did you just call me a ?"

"It's supposed to hurt, you're getting your whooped by a pillow! And yes, yes I did. What're you gonna do 'bout it?"

"...Fine, dammit! I'm getting up! Jesus, man. So early in the morning and you're beating asses with pillows like some e!" Yongguk grumbled to himself as he rolled lazily off his messy bed and made his way to their shared bathroom. "It's 5 am and the first thing I hear and see is the annoying rabbit Kim Himchan."

"Well, excuse me for adding some damn enthusiasm into the morning!" Himchan scowled at him viciously, teeth bared and fists clenched. He couldn't believe how unenthusastic the elder was about today. Today was the official debut of BangHimUpLo's special operation, and here was Yongguk, draining the enthusiasm in the room just by existing (in the eyes of Himchan, of course).

"I never asked for it," Yongguk snapped back.

"Well, you damn right needed some!" Himchan countered, venom in his voice as he stormed out of their shared room. This was definitely not how he wanted the beginning of BangHimUpLo's special operation. No. Definitely not.

He continued storming into the kitchen, stopping only to see the rest of his kids sitting groggily in the dining area with a bowl of cereal or a slice of bread or both along with the last slice of strawberry cheesecake.

"Himchan-hyung? Did you and Yongguk-hyung fight?" Jongup asked quietly, eyes still puffy and face still swollen from just waking up. Himchan gave him a small nod before seating himself next to Youngjae, who's face was on the verge of falling into the bowl of cereal.

"Youngjae? Wa-"

"Piggy, wake the up already," before Himchan could stop him, Daehyun had delivered a well-aimed smack on the head to Youngjae, who's face collided with the ceral bowl. The milk dripped down his face and pieces of cereal stuck to his blonde locks. Infuriated and slightly shocked, Youngjae's ears and face turned a tomato red as he faced the man who ruined his morning.

"What the hell, dude?! Must you really be such an so early in the morning?! It's morning goddammit! Can we not taint the morning with your dumbery?!" Youngjae screamed back. He was absolutely fed up with Daehyun's stupid antics and wanted nothing more than to burn the elder alive on a stake while pelting him with dominos. Daehyun gave him a goofy grin before returning to his cheesecake. Youngjae's eyes went from Daehyun's grin to Daehyun's cheesecake, then back again.

Since Yoo Youngjae was Yoo Youngjae, he simply couldn't let the opportunity for revenge to pass. An evil smirk made its way to his face as he returned the favor.

In the same manner, Youngjae smashed Daehyun's head into the cereal bowl before running off to the bathroom with the last slice of cheesecake.

"Take that, !" he called out as he locked the bathroom door. Daehyun shot up from his seat and dashed to the bathroom down the hallway in a futile attempt to get his cheesecake back.

"Give back my cheesecake, fatty!"

And before Himchan could scold one of the two vocalists for swearing in front of the maknaes, Daehyun had already escaped and was now pounding his fist on the bathroom door.

"Good Lord, what is with all the fighting so early in the morning?" he muttered to himself, resting his head on the table. Zelo patted Himchan's back to comfort his now crestfallen hyung on his way to the kitchen sink.

"It's okay hyung, I'm sure the day will get better."

Himchan raised his head to meet Zelo's gaze, then prompted to stay on the kitchen table to wait for Yongguk.

"I sure hope so, Junhong."


After coaxing Youngjae out of the bathroom and holding back Daehyun from murdering the younger vocalist, B.A.P managed to make it to the airport.

They waited outside for a bit, receiving a self camera from the Ta-Dah! production staff to film themselves during their entire trip.

Somehow, they managed to get on the jet, greeting and apologizing to the captain. After another bout of disorientation, they got themselves seated, though one could tell that there was still some unresolved tension from this morning's issues. Absolute silence enveloped the entire jet, no one apart from the maknaes said a word to each other.

BangHim decided to give each other the cold shoulder while DaeJae decided to pretend the other didn't exist.

And so...After a long flight...They, with great difficult, arrived in Singapore without starting World War 3 3/4.


For a couple hours, they filmed with their self camera. And after a failed attempt at jumping Youngjae in the shower (courtesy of Daehyun), convincing their manager-hyung to move their schedules, dancing to chili crabs, revealing a Daehyun, and singing in bed, Daehyun and Youngjae were finally left alone and BangHimUpLo's ft. manager-hyung's special operation was now a 'GO'.

After Youngjae had turned off the camera, both vocalists made a move to sleep, but couldn't bring themselves to actually sleep yet. During this time, Jongup and Zelo snuck to their floor and locked their doors from the outside, leaving the two males inside to be with each other for the next three or four days.

It was 10:45pm and both Daehyun and Youngjae tossed and turned in their beds, trying to find a comfortable sleeping position.

"Stop moving, fatty."

"You stop moving, bastard."

"Bastard?" Daehyun stopped turning and instead settled to his side and burned holes through Youngjae's back. "Who was the one ate my cheesecake this morning?"

"Serves you right."

"What do you mean 'serves you right'?"

"You started it!" Youngjae whisper-yelled back to the elder blonde. Both were on their sides, staring intently at the other with the single lamp between them illuminating their faces.

"Well, maybe if you weren't on the verge of falling asl-"

"Bull. You would've done it either way!" the younger spat back. Daehyun opened his mouth to say something, only to close it once he deemed that there was no way he could argue with the younger. He was right after all.

"Well, yeah. The fact that you make your self such a damn easy target and that I hate your very being makes it so much fun," Daehyun replied, impervious to the death glare filled with enmity Youngjae directed at him from the other bed. Youngjae groaned inwardly and decided to get something to drink before he went to sleep, since being in a room with Daehyun was causing his temper to rise.

As Youngjae traveled to the kitchen to grab a glass, Daehyun's eyes were solely focused on the younger's waist and . The elder vocalist his lips subconciously as he watched Youngjae's hips sway slightly during his little kitchen trip. He could hear Youngjae rambling to himself about the lack of any drinks apart from the apple juice Jongup had accidentally packed in their suitcase when Himchan went to buy drinks

Daehyun's eyes followed the younger's every move. The way Youngjae bent forward to open up the mini fridge, causing his shirt to ride up and expose a bit of his back, the way his adam's apple bobbed up and down as he downed half the amber-colored drink, and the way he his lips over and over slowly drove Daehyun insane. Was the younger purposely trying to seduce him?

Youngjae bent over to put the drink back and was about to go back to bed when he froze in place, clutching the countertop as if his life depended on it. He shook his head frantically, before removing his hands from the countertop to hold his head instead.


"Was this such a good idea?" Yongguk voiced out as he watched Youngjae's movement from the monitors.

"Shh..It's the only way," Himchan whispered back, eyes glued to the screen along with the maknaes.

"Poor Youngjae-hyung."

"I'm a horrible leader for letting you do this to the apple juice..." Yongguk mumbled to himself.


The younger blonde stumbled forward before falling to the floor in a fit of giggles. Daehyun observed the scene in front of him. Cautiously, he got out of bed, clad only in boxers and went to the younger blonde's side. All of a sudden, Youngjae grabbed him and pinned him to the floor before sitting on his torso; hands laid flat on the elder's bare chest. Daehyun gaped at the younger, eyes filled with confusion as he tried to sort everything out in his brain.

"Daehyuniiiiiieeee~" Youngjae let out another fit of giggles and traced circles on Daehyun's chest. Daehyun shivered from the touch before eyeing the younger once again. "Dae~"

Then it hit him.

Daehyun moved his face closer to Youngjae's and took in a breath. He shook his head to himself and frowned. No doubt about it, he thought.

Youngjae was undeniably drunk.

Here is a quick update! I'm sorry if it's but I need to hurry up and sleep! Thank you all for subscribing and commenting! LET ME LUVS U ALL~ I'm so so so so so so sorry for the late update. You are free to shoot me, you have my permission. Please excuse the grammar/spelling and other stuff...I'm supposed to be asleep right now but I wanted to post this chapter so badly.

In short: Forgive me! *bows down and offers gummy bears*

Me Outtie~

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3/21: no updates today, guise..SORRY! Micro-analysis is due Monday and I still have to de--ify it. T.T I'll see you soon, hopefully?


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Chapter 12: Are you still writing anything at all? ❤
Chapter 1: Lol i love you, you know ;D
Chapter 2: Oh... OH ;) i shouldnt but im kinda loving this daehyun~
Chapter 12: how i wish you will updating this story again. i want more DaeJae! :(
I wish I could read more of this story ... T_T
please update soon! i really love this story.
Chapter 1: Please update soon!
NaDaeHyun #8
Chapter 12: Do you perhaps want to keep writing this?
I really like it :(

The angst is killing be though... Oh god but I still love it xD
