Unexpected Happiness

An Airport Meeting

Songs listened to while writing:

Baby—EXO-M (the lyrics at the beginning)

Love and Girls—Girls Generation

Mood: Cheesy ;)

Note: Sentences in italics are thoughts

Every time I see heaven’s sweetness in your eyes

In my dreams I hold you, flying over the moonlight

Yes, you are my baby baby baby, baby baby baby

It can’t be stopped, I summoned courage to love

 I only want to watch you

Sehun sighed. He really needed to stop being a stupid love struck idiot and he really needed to stop watching all those dramas. He quickly shook his head to get rid of the song lyrics.

Stop being such a sappy idiot. Enjoy your time here. God knows how I deal with you on a normal basis. Sehun’s brain retorted.

See, this is what an excessive amount of dramas does to you. You start talking to yourself, you develop multiple personalities, and you give yourself prep talks. Note that these are not normal characteristics of an adolescent male. So if you are a teen male and find yourself experiencing these symptoms, please go get a check up with your psychiatrist or family doctor. Sehun’s brain lectured to an imaginary audience.

Sehun shook himself of these thoughts and glanced up to see Kyungsoo looking at him with worry written on his face.

“Sehun, are you okay? You seem to not be feeling well. We can stay at the hotel if you want. Really, I don’t mind. ”

“I’m fine. Sorry. If we walk for a bit, and eat some food, I’ll be fine!” Sehun said with an energetic smile.

If I’m not going to be with Luhan, I might as well enjoy my time with Kyungsoo. We could become friends!

Yeah, think optimistically! That’s the first step to curing mental illnesses!

Shut up brain.

“Let’s go Kyungsoo!” Sehun exclaimed happily as he attempted to shut up his own brain, tugging Kyungsoo along with him. Kyungsoo was surprised by this sudden change in personality, but grinned, comfortably settling into Sehun’s new behavior.

When they finally reached Fisherman’s Wharf or Pier 39, they looked about in happiness. Fisherman’s Wharf was a plaza of bustling activity, filled with a variety of tour guides and quaint restaurants. Street vendors shouted out various advertisements while tourists frantically hustled around the area. Little children cried while their frustrated parents anxiously chided them.

Various boats were docked along the pier, bobbing in the breeze. Several tour guides for Alcatraz, deep sea fishing, and whale watching advertised here, salespeople waving around flyers as excited tourists boarded the boats. Incoming and departing boats created a ruckus as they beeped and honked. The activities filled the entire atmosphere with barely suppressed excitement.

Sehun and Kyungsoo watched in awe as street side venders steamed and grilled freshly caught fish and crabs. Others sold clam chowder in a bread bowl, freshly fried seafood, calamari, and lobster. The enticing smells brought in many customers, giving the venders non-stop business.

The sea breeze brought in the salty smells of the ocean and spread the delicious aromas of freshly cooked San Francisco food. The two could literally feel their mouths watering as they looked and smelled the scrumptious food waiting to be devoured.

Reveling in the atmosphere, the pair ran around, twirling around and excitedly pointing out interesting dishes to each other. They ran to the railing, daring each other to stick their bodies over the railing more and more until Kyungsoo would’ve fallen into the ocean if it weren’t for Sehun’s quick reflexes. That would’ve been hard to explain to the others.

“Why are you all wet Kyungsoo?”

“Oh, I was just sticking myself over the railing and trying to fall into the freezing cold ocean, you know, because normal people do that all the time.”

“Yeah…Normal behavior…”

That would’ve actually been pretty funny. Sehun was starting to regret his choice of saving Kyungsoo. But it would’ve been plain mean to let him fall, especially since it was Sehun who suggested the game in the first place.

Anyhow, the game earned Sehun several slaps from Kyungsoo who was breathless with excitement with hair sticking up in all different directions from the ocean wind and mussed up by Sehun’s hand.

They cracked up together as Kyungsoo chased Sehun all over the pier, gaining a whole crowd of little children, thinking they were playing a game of tag. They ended up with a whole chain of volatile enthusiastic kids chasing Sehun all around the pier, earning several loud laughs and camera clicks.

Sehun and Kyungsoo jut continued to whoop as they slowed down their running in order to play with the kids. The gentle wind tousled their hair and reddened their cheeks, making the two seem just like little kids. It was simply perfect.

Eventually, they got tired and collapsed onto a bench, letting the little kids slowly return to their families.

“That was so fun. But I’m so out of shape. Tired.” Kyungsoo announced, flopping down on the seat. Sehun gently sat down next to him, laughing at Kyungsoo’s antics.

“Um—Excuse me.” A little boy started as he scuffed the ground with his shoe. He stared up at them with huge eyes before suddenly handing Kyungsoo a red balloon.

“You can have it! I can ask mommy for another one. It was really fun playing with you!” He said before smiling cherubically and waving bye. Kyungsoo smiled back, eyes crinkling in the corners.

“He was so CUTE!” Kyungsoo squealed, hitting Sehun on the shoulder. “Why can’t you be more like him?”  

Sehun made a face before pouting. “I am as cute as he is. See?” Sehun said before showing off his aegyo.

Kyungsoo made a pfftting sound before spitting out the water he was drinking, spraying it all over the floor.

“Oh my god, you are so precious.” Kyungsoo managed to splutter after his fit of laughter.

Sehun just pouted. “You’re laughing at me, aren’t you?”

Kyungsoo nodded. “Guilty as charged. Where’d you even learn that?”

Sehun shrugged. “Kai showed me. A lot of people think it’s cute, so I thought I’d try.”

Kyungsoo replied, “Never do anything he suggests again. Seriously, your life will be so much easier.”

Sehun stifled giggles before nodding. “Okay.”

“Come on, let’s go get some food. I’m starving after all that running.” Kyungsoo said while standing up. Sehun nodded and ran off towards the vendors, leaving Kyungsoo to chase after him again.

After Kyungsoo finally caught up to Sehun, the two settled on clam chowder in a bread bowl and fried calamari. The clam chowder was freshly made and steaming hot while the calamari was a perfect blend of crispy and chewy. The two shared the meal as they sat at a small table by the ocean.

“Ay mate, how ‘bout some fish and chips, eh?” Kyungsoo asked, breaking the silence.   

Sehun looked at him with a barely suppressed smile before bursting out laughing. “Never do that again Kyungsoo. You’re English accent is terrible! I could barely understand what you were saying. How about you just stick to normal English for now?”

Kyungsoo blushed before smiling back. “I just wanted to try it out on someone. Now you know something weird about me too.”

Sehun giggled and nodded before facing the deep blue ocean and sea breeze. “It’s nice isn’t it?”

“Yep. It’s like a perfect vacation that we never even planned on.”                               

“It’s funny how stuff works out, right? I never expected any of this.” Sehun replied.

I never expected to fall in love. I never expected to make so many new friends. It doesn’t matter that it hasn’t ended up the way I wanted it to, I’m just glad I got to go on this trip and meet all these new people.

Right when he was feeling poetic, his brain just had to annoyingly jut in again.

Hey Sehun, hey, hey, Sehun.


I think you’re actually being cool for once. That speech just made me want to cry happy tears. My little Sehun is growing up!

Gee thanks. That’s very nice brain. Your praise just brings joy to my heart.

Sehun, don’t give me any of your sass. Are you forgetting about my authority here? Don’t you dare act smart with me.

Oh really now? Wow brain, you’re so cool and smart. I just totally wish I could be like you.

So now we’re insulting each other? Just saying, but I am your brain, so you just called yourself dumb.

Who said anything about dumb? I just said you were smart.




That’s a really weak comeback.


Sehun sighed again. He really needed to get over the habit of talking to himself.  Before he noticed, they had walked away from the pier and towards an unknown area.

“Hey Sehun! Let’s ride the trolley. We can go visit the different places in San Francisco.” Kyungsoo suggested.

“Where is the closest trolley?”

 “Oh! The closest trolley is in Ghirardelli Square. Isn’t that where Kai and Luhan are?” Kyungsoo suggested, his eyes wide with possibility.

“Sure, let’s go. Maybe we could meet up with them.” Sehun replied, beginning to feel excited all over again.

“Okay, let’s go!” Kyungsoo exclaimed.


Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to uh.. Sesoo? Dohun? (lol, those sound so awkward.) Idk what to call the Sehun+Kyungsoo pairing.

Anyways, I would really appreciate it if you guys could take this poll. It’s very simple, and it would help a lot!


And what in the world am I doing, I’m supposed to be studying for exams. OTL

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Yomewo #1
Chapter 9: Please update!!!
Chapter 9: author-nim please update soon.. Fighting!!
exodeerlu #3
MaknaeJongie #4
Chapter 9: Omg you had me scared for a minute there lol I was wondering why everyone had such crappy luck and got beat up. At least it was only Jongin XD My poor bb tsk he's so careless. I hope they all get reunited soon though!
Thanks for updating~ ^^
Ahhhhhh the poll options omg how to pickkkk
But thanks for putting my option up on the poll!! Unfortunately ChanLu is so rare I don't think many people will vote for it :-/ I hope you can write it sometime in the future though :3
MaknaeJongie #5
Chapter 8: ChanLu fluff (Chanyeol thought EXO was a co-ed group when he first met Luhan.) ^^
Chapter 8: OWH MY HUNHAN!! FINALLY!!! they are always so sweet and fluffy~ they do not even need to try to be cute~ HAHAHA!! so cute here~
-intothenewworld- #8
Chapter 8: for linking you have two choices. you can use html in Source mode. you can google "html linking". however if you are in Rich Text mode, you have to use the link button. you highlight the text you want "Christina Perri... etc" then you press the button with the globe and chainlink on it in the editing bar. it should be next to the color text options. then you paste the link url where it says link url. i hope this helped :D
nksabrina2112 #9
anyway new reader here~
your fanfic is just toooooon cute you know!!! <3