How It All Started

An Airport Meeting

“Come on guys! We’re gonna miss our flight! Run!” Luhan hysterically yelled to his friends as he haphazardly sprinted towards the terminal.

Baekhyun, Tao, Kyungsoo, Minseok, and Yixing quickly ran to catch up—or rather attempted to catch up to Luhan, otherwise known as the “hyperactive ball of energy.”

A droning voice suddenly caught their attention, “Attention all passengers, this is the last call for Flight Number 236 from San Francisco to Seoul, Korea. Once again, this is the last call for Flight Number 236.”

“…What are we supposed to do now? We’re gonna miss our flight.” Baekhyun yelled, slapping Yixing on the shoulder.

“We can’t do anything but run,” Yixing yelled back.

“Stupid delayed flight. Why did the flight from New York to San Francisco have to be delayed for such a long time? I mean, seriously, two hours. TWO. WHOLE. HOURS. We only had a two and a half hour transition to begin with!” Tao rants. 

“Just keep running guys!” Yixing yelled in an exasperated voice.

All six of the guys dashed towards Gate Number 12A. As they sprinted, their carry-on bags banged into nearby passersby, earning them several annoyed glares which they promptly ignored. When they finally reached the gate, they found that no one was there save a few flight attendants.

They all slowed down before skidding to a stop.

“We missed the flight guys.”Kyungsoo droned, kicking the ground in annoyance. No one replied for a moment, all trying to process the information.

“What are we supposed to do now?” Tao started. 

“I don’t know. Let’s go ask the flight attendants.” Luhan replied tiredly.

He stepped forward only to be knocked down by a large body.

“Unff” Luhan managed to get out before falling to the ground.

“Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.” The other boy stuttered in Korean before leaning down to help Luhan up.

“It’s okay,” Luhan huffily replied after dusting himself off. “Why were you running so fast anyways?”

At this moment, the other boy looked at the person he knocked over, breath catching in his throat. The boy’s chocolate orbs stared back at him, filled with innocence and depth. It only took him those 3 seconds to fall in love.

(Cue the doves and singing angels.)

Sehun’s eyes widened in wonder, and his mouth unconsciously opened.

Baekhyun quietly chuckled; he could totally see this situation in a cheesy shoujo manga. Sehun’s eyes practically formed hearts, and the entire scene would have been sparkling. Baekhyun snickered as he relayed the scenario to Tao. They both promptly cracked up.

Meanwhile, Luhan didn’t notice anything and simply looked around. To his surprise, he found another large group of boys standing behind the guy who had unceremoniously knocked him down. They looked just as worn as his friends did and seemed to be in the process of panicking.

Sehun secretively and 'coolly' used this time to collect his thoughts.

“Sorry, I'm Sehun and we were trying to catch this flight, but it seems like we missed it.”Sehun apologized nervously.

“Oh, I’m Luhan. We missed our flight as well.” Luhan replied, gesturing at the group behind him. They waved at Sehun and his group of friends. “It seems as if we have the same problem.”

Sehun nodded, secretly thrilled. “Why’d you guys miss this flight? Our previous flight from Chicago was delayed.”

Luhan quickly smiled and replied. “Pretty much the same thing happened to us. Our flight from New York City was l-----"

“Are you guys going to do anything or just stand there and make small talk? Normally strangers don't run into each other and start introducing themselves. Come on Luhan, we have to go figure out what we’re going to do next. And you might want to introduce us too” Minseok yelled.

“Oh yeah, how could I forget? This is Baekhyun, Zi Tao, Kyungsoo, Minseok and Yixing! They’re my bros,” Luhan said.

Sehun looked at Luhan’s friends, noting each of their special characteristics. Tao was quite tall with fierce dark eyes and a mop of dark hair. However, as he smiled, his face transformed into something completely different, and dare he say—cute?

Baekhyun had angular puppy-dog eyes and ruffled brown hair while Kyungsoo had big eyes and a permanently surprised face.

Minseok had a fairly normal face that reminded Sehun of Sohee from the Wonder Girls. However, Minseok’s eyes sparkled with mischief, something that Sohee lacked.

Finally, Yixing seemed to be Chinese. He was fairly tall and had an angular face.

However, the one he was most interested in was Luhan. His light brown hair and button nose made him look stunningly similar to a little kid. Sehun fought his manga-induced urges to pinch Luhan's cheeks. Not only would that be invading Luhan's privacy, but it'd also result in him permanently being labeled a creeper. Not what Sehun wanted.

“Well, this is Kai, Chanyeol, Kris, Junmyeon, and Jongdae.” Sehun offered.

Luhan looked at Sehun’s friends. He smiled and nodded, matching names with faces.

Kai was tall, tan, and good looking. Luhan labeled him as "douche" or "cool-kid-that-doesn't-talk-to-anyone-because-he-thinks-he's-too-cool-to." 

Chanyeol on the other was scarily tall and scarily happy. He grinned often and twitched every minute or so.

Kris seemed serious and scary. His intimidating height and thick slanted eyebrows made him seem, well, mad to say the least. Luhan stuck an imaginary post-it note on him that read, "potential yakuza's son. Must remember to be nice to him in order to avoid unnecessary death." Kris judgmentally stared at Luhan as if he could tell what he was thinking. Luhan made a strangled animal noise before quickly shrinking back.

Junmyeon, on the other hand, looked quite nice and friendly. Luhan was relieved to finally find someone who seemed remotely normal.

Moving down the line, Jongdae had high cheekbones and a nice face. Luhan tagged him as another seemingly normal person.

Finally, Sehun had slightly droopy eyes and a narrow face, but something about him made him seem cute despite his features. Or maybe Luhan was just loopy after the day's events. He decided it was most likely the latter.

The two groups of boys nodded at each other and headed towards a group of flight attendants. They were immensely relieved to realize that one of them was Korean or looked somewhat like it. Sehun asked her, “Since we missed this flight, what should we do?”

The flight attendant’s face crinkled. “I’m sorry, I don’t speak Korean, but I speak Chinese.”

Luhan’s face brightened up. “I speak Chinese and Korean so I can translate for you.” Sehun looked at him in awe.

However, Minseok scoffed and muttered, “Show off.” Luhan made an unattractive face at him before turning around.

Meanwhile, after Luhan's statement, the flight attendant’s face brightened. She proceeded to tell them that there were no more available flights until tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. They all groaned, realizing they would have to wait for the entire day before they could go on the flight. 

Suddenly the flight attendant’s face dropped as she looked at the computer monitor. “I’m sorry, but we don’t have any empty hotel rooms except for a suite which can fit 12 people at once. Is that okay with you guys? Can you guys room together? It’s going to be pretty crowded.” The flight attendant asked.

Luhan translated this into Korean. His friends slowly nodded.

“I guess it would be okay…” Baekhyun trailed.

“Same here,” Junmyeon replied. Luhan and Sehun nodded too.

The twelve boys then proceeded towards their hotel after getting all the information. Little did they know that it would be the start of a long chain of events.


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Yomewo #1
Chapter 9: Please update!!!
Chapter 9: author-nim please update soon.. Fighting!!
exodeerlu #3
MaknaeJongie #4
Chapter 9: Omg you had me scared for a minute there lol I was wondering why everyone had such crappy luck and got beat up. At least it was only Jongin XD My poor bb tsk he's so careless. I hope they all get reunited soon though!
Thanks for updating~ ^^
Ahhhhhh the poll options omg how to pickkkk
But thanks for putting my option up on the poll!! Unfortunately ChanLu is so rare I don't think many people will vote for it :-/ I hope you can write it sometime in the future though :3
MaknaeJongie #5
Chapter 8: ChanLu fluff (Chanyeol thought EXO was a co-ed group when he first met Luhan.) ^^
Chapter 8: OWH MY HUNHAN!! FINALLY!!! they are always so sweet and fluffy~ they do not even need to try to be cute~ HAHAHA!! so cute here~
-intothenewworld- #8
Chapter 8: for linking you have two choices. you can use html in Source mode. you can google "html linking". however if you are in Rich Text mode, you have to use the link button. you highlight the text you want "Christina Perri... etc" then you press the button with the globe and chainlink on it in the editing bar. it should be next to the color text options. then you paste the link url where it says link url. i hope this helped :D
nksabrina2112 #9
anyway new reader here~
your fanfic is just toooooon cute you know!!! <3